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“Some sort of periodical is an essential life-line in a village such as ours”

Welcome to West Farleigh’s own





Distributed freely in September 2022 Edition 547
Editors: Stephen Norman, Helen Swan, Sue Birchall, Katie O’Connor
Website: Email:

Deadline for the next issue is 20th September 2022


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Pastoral letter by Lorna Faulkner

Ah, September. The month that ushers in the shifting of the seasons…the
month I think I might just love the most.
The orchards are being picked and packed. The blackberries are warm
and sweet, nourished by the summer sun. I may need a cardigan in the
morning but its barefoot paddling weather again by the afternoon.
And yet, on the furthest periphery of my emotional vision, barely within
my grasp, is the oncoming hint of something else… Even as we soak in
the warm glow of the afternoon sunshine, we feel the gentle chill now in
the morning air, whispering to us of season’s end… The gardens are just
tipping over from the peak of summer glory, still beautiful but more rugged now. My heart feels what
my eyes can’t yet see…
We know that in September, we will wander through the warm winds of summer’s wreckage.
We will welcome summer’s ghost (Henry Rollins)
‘Not so fast!’ is the cry of my heart ‘I’m not ready yet!’

And yet, September still comes, lightly tapping on my shoulder, reminding me that things end - and
things begin - whether I’m ready for them or not.

The writer of the book of Ecclesiastes wrestles with the human state – our limitations, our finiteness -
and, in it, are some very well-known words of wisdom (often attributed to The Byrds!)
To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven:
a time to be born and a time to die. a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to break down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones together,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
a time to search and a time to count as lost, a time to keep and a time to discard,
a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.
There is a time for everything. There is a time for summer. And a time for September.
And so, as we embark on this new month and wander into this new season together, may we carry
the warmth of summer with us and may we embrace the new adventure and joy of the season to

Church services Sunday 11th September 9.30 Holy Communion

Sunday 25th September 9.30 Harvest Festival
Midweek Services – Coxheath, every Thursday 10am, BCP Holy Communion and Linton, 31ST
August, 12pm, Holy Communion followed by soup.

Little Angels Toddlers & young children, mums, dads and grandparents all welcome to Little
Angels Fridays 1pm – 2.30pm at All Saints.

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“The Bishop of Tonbridge is pleased to announce that the Revd Lorna Clair Faulkner is to be
appointed the next Rector of the benefice of Coxheath, East Farleigh, Hunton, Linton and West

Of course, Lorna is very well known to the church family and wider community, having recently
completed her curacy in the Benefice and where she has been covering the interregnum. She is
looking forward to building on the opportunities she has had already to engage with parish councils,
schools, groups and organisations across the five parishes, as well as developing deeper relationships
with the church members in this new substantive post.

Lorna trained at St Augustine's, and before ordination was a teacher. Strengthening our links within
the local community, including the schools, is important to her, so that all can be encouraged to
experience a personal and deepening relationship with God.

Away from her priestly ministry Lorna enjoys reading, spending time with friends, and is hoping to
get better at gardening.

Lorna is married to Rich, who is a teacher, and they have 3 older children – 2 adults and a teenager –
all living at home still. They hope to move to the Rectory in September following Lorna’s final Sunday
on 18th September. Lorna will be taking a break before her Licencing on Monday 17th October 2022.

Please hold Lorna and the family in your prayers as they prepare to move and Lorna begins her new
ministry in this place."


The Society is delighted to “get back to normal” and have a full programme of talks planned for
22/23. The first two talks are:-
Wednesday 21st September Barbara Stevens will give a talk “My year as a journalist”
Wednesday 19th October Geoff Collins topic is “Women in the Air”
The society meets in Wateringbury Village Hall and talks start at 8pm. Annual membership £15 for
eight talks. Visitors very welcome at £5 an evening.
More details from Chairman David Barrow on 01622 814631


Plans are being made. If anyone has a business or charity and would like a stall, email Tony at or Jason at

There’s nothing like a challenge to bring people together and none more so than the development of
the new Permissive Path between Charlton and Kettle Lanes. All the village Woodlanders have
generously given up their Sunday morning and bear the scars from this extremely demanding task of
cutting the way through thickets of brambles, buckthorn and hawthorn. We are now approaching
the completion as evidenced by the gap appearing at the bottom of the Dandelion Time field and we
will have the new Permissive Path open in advance of the October deadline. A massive, heartfelt
thank you to all the Woodlanders for their support and who have given so generously of their time
and created a wonderful sense of camaraderie.

Look at the Farleighs Facebook page for photos.

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Sports Club Report
Cricket: Tough times for our 1st XI last month, losing three of their four games. Our
defeats came against Withyham, Kemsing and Horsmonden. Surprisingly, our one
victory came against leaders Shoreham. Meanwhile our 2nd XI, although losing to
Kilndown, we defeated Horsmonden to continue our outside chance of promotion this

Netball: Our girls have a break, now, until we start the winter season, which begins in

Football: After playing some friendlies our 1st XI kick off in Division 1 of the Kent
League, with a difficult home fixture versus newly relegated ‘k’ Sports from the
Premier division. After a very tight first half we found ourselves 3-2. The second half,
we dominated but could not finish as many chances eventually losing 4-2. Our 2nd XI
have yet to start.

Club news : Our lucky ton-up winners were :

155 Tony Walsh £30
67 Trevor Fermor £20
132 Brian Tillot £10

Our long awaited trip to Germany took place at the end of July, after missing two years, due to Covid.
As always we were well looked after, which included a street party, BBQs and even a Gymkhana!
Needless to say, all helped with the odd glass of German beer, which may be the reason we lost our
football match 5-1. However, we had a great evening, when our girls beat Germany in the Euro finals.
Thanks to all those who organised the weekend and we look forward to hosting our friends from
Ringstedt, when they visit next year.

Yours in sport – Tel

PS. The apples on the trees around the football hut will ripen in September.
If villagers want to pick some for themselves, they are most welcome to do so.

On a very warm afternoon, Peter Meddeman came and talked about his hobby
of metal detecting. His knowledge of history brought life and interest to the
artefacts that he had found and brought along for us to see. From Roman lead
shot, fired using a sling, to a beautiful articulate gold fish and many coins from
Roman to Edwardian time. All the things he brought along had been found in
West Farleigh. He has offered to come again and we are all looking forward to
his next visit.
Our September 13th meeting will be a talk about hop growing in the Farleigh area. September 27th a
trip on the Kentish Lady with Fish and chips, that’s if there is enough water in the Medway!
We are open for new members. Are you retired? Would you like to meet new people? Come and
enjoy interesting talks, outings, amazing afternoon teas and lunches. We can arrange transport to the
WI Hall Forge Lane East Farleigh, if you are unable to come under your own steam!
Ring Helen 01622 814445 for more info

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The Farleighs W.I.
At our August meeting, we had Sue Spiers give a recital of Pam Ayers
Poetry, which was enjoyed by all.
For our September meeting Melody Dunn will be demonstrating gentle
exercises- please remember to wear flat shoes.
Forthcoming events :- 29th August - Family Fun afternoon at the Tickled Trout, West Farleigh where
we will have a cake stall. 31st August 7pm Gin Tasting at the W.I Hall - £6 entry to include
refreshments. -Thursday 29th September – Macmillan Coffee Morning starts 12’oclock. Please come
along and support our fundraising efforts.
If you are interested in meeting others, like craft or art, darts , walking or just talking- come and join
us for a free taster session – you have nothing to lose and who knows you may find you would like to
join the other 200,000 women who are the W.I If would like more information on the W.I or any of
our events please e-mail

Diane Scott- President.

The Farleighs W.I Hall – Forge Lane East Farleigh


Business Service Website Contact Phone email

Firefly Payroll www.fireflypay 01622
Services Payroll Jason Hart 934110 m
No Muck'in cleaning 07885 ut@outlook.c
About services Sarah Dunn 634559 om
Heathside www.heathside 07976 trical@gmail.
Electrical Electrical Sam Sephton 895001 com
Plumbing &
Heating 07973 darren@dwa
D. Ward services Darren Ward 314266
www.pestpurg 07758 richard@pest
Pest Purge Pest Control Richard Lee 615101
Fencing and 07709 enance@iclo
Top Dog fencing Gates Sam Morton 530166
Castle Portable stleportableloo 07990 castleplh@g
Loo Hire Ltd Events Steve Millsom 606067
Hairdressing @hairtraditional. 01622
Hair Traditional & beauty maidstone 817800

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Upcoming Events

Mon 29th August Village Garden Party in the garden of the Tickled Trout. Games, Nature
Trail, BBQ, WI Cakes Stall, Live music and more……….Come and join us.
12 til late

Wed 31st August WI Open Evening. Gin tasting, with refreshments. Everyone is welcome.
WI Hall Forge Lane East Farleigh.

Sat 10th Sept Film Night in the Church. Fields and their Secrets V for Vengeance Philip
Day is bringing along films of Operation Overlord. Donation Bar.
Mon 19th Sept 7.30 PARISH COUNCIL MEETING in Bramley Barn Dandelion Time

Sun 25th Sept HARVEST FESTIVAL All Saints Church. Come and join us and sing the
9 .30 am a traditional Hymns. Non-perishable gifts, please, for MADM
12 onwards CAR TREASURE HUNT 4 to a car £20. Register with on 07429491022

Harvest Festival Gifts will be given to M.A.D.M. The following is a list of items
that are particularly needed at the moment:

• Tin openers, cheese graters, saucepans, wooden spoons etc.

• Cleaning products i.e. bleach, anti bac, cream cleanser, washing up liquid.
• Single duvet covers (mainly for men)
• Crunchy peanut butter, tinned meat, 100g jars of coffee, sugar, chicken in white sauce,
biscuits (long shelf life dates please).

If you are unable to attend the service but would still like to give a gift there will be a collection box
in the porch at "Campana," Charlton Lane, West Farleigh, home of Sue and Den O'Donnell (5th
house up from the bottom of the lane). The charity also has a need for more Christian volunteer
workers so if you can spare a morning/day M.A.D.M. would love to hear from you. Please tel. 01622
687414. Thank you.

Yesterday I delivered your grocery gifts to M.A.D.M and was shown around their Outreach centre in
Church Street. The scale of what they do is amazing. Imagine what it must be like to find yourself in
desperate need having perhaps lost your job, your home and your family. It can happen to anyone -
suddenly the cosy lifestyle you were accustomed is ripped away due to ill health, redundancy,
marriage breakdown etc. The list is endless. M.A.D.M. support local people by providing not just
food but often help in finding a safe place to sleep, providing the basics for setting up a new home as
well as spiritual and emotional support.

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The Harvest Supper is back again this year on
Saturday 29 October at the church, 7 for 7.30 pm.
We are looking for "artists" for our entertainment programme - several
acts have already been booked but we would love to hear from anyone in
the village who could sing or maybe a group of you who could do a funny
sketch ... we want to showcase local talent !!!
There will be supper and wine, beer and soft drinks available for

Tickets are £20 and available from (mob 07970 741454) numbers are limited to 50
so don’t delay!!


The car rally is not a race! The slower you drive the more chance you have of spotting the answers. It
is intended to be a fun day for all the occupants of the car. You will need to be vigilant and alert in
order to pick up the answers to clues along the route.
The proceeds will be in aid of All Saints Church, West Farleigh.
Sunday 25th September 2022 Times: 12pm to 5pm
Starting & Finishing Point: All Saints Church, West Farleigh Price: £20/Car (Maximum 4 people)

Tickets must be purchased in advance. We have to restrict the number of cars to 30, so you are
advised to book early to avoid disappointment. Sue O’Donnell on 07429491022 to book your place.

There will be places to stop during the rally for refreshments or you can bring a packed lunch with
you. At the end of the rally, free refreshments will be made available at All Saints Church. There will
be a raffle taking place at the end of the rally.

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Congratulations to Sue Walsh, who’s sunflower grew to the

grand height of 10 feet 5 inches

A huge well done to all those who participated in this year's

event and to everyone who has grown sunflowers around
the village. We look forward to continuing the competition
next year and hope that we can encourage even more

Ride and Stride - Saturday 10th September, 10.00am until 6.00pm

If you would like to take part in this event to raise money for the Friends Of Kent
Churches and the church or chapel of your choice please contact Sue O'Donnell
for details and a sponsorship form on 01622 727852 or 07429
491022. Volunteers are also needed to sign in visiting cyclists and offer them
refreshments at the church so if you can spare an hour of your time on the day
please let Sue know. Thank you.

It is with sadness, we have to tell everyone that Terry Ayears died on Saturday 20th August. Terry
was a well known village character who was well loved. Our thoughts and prayers are with Ann
and the rest of the family. An obituary will follow in a later edition.

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With one of the driest Augusts ever on record, and a hosepipe ban in
place, it could be easy to lose heart with what you’ve all tried to achieve in
your gardens this year. I know I’ve lost plants, the 6’ wall of Sweet Peas I
was planning was one of the saddest end results I’ve ever produced, in
spite of watering and feeding! My shallots were more shall-nots and my
tomatoes were cooked before they even left the greenhouse! I’ve had to
adjust my way of thinking as to how to get the best displays out of the garden with harsh conditions
as a potential normal. With this in mind, as well as the things to do in September, I’ve put together a
list of my favourite drought-tolerant plants for the garden which will be available on the website
version of this article . It’s always worth looking into different varieties, because there is quite a
stunning range of colours available these days!

In the Garden
Apart from the continuation of deadheading to get the last out of flowering displays this year, and
the clearing of dead leaves from perennials, this month is for bulb planting! I love the start of bulb
planting season, and this month is for the spring flowers, the daffodils, crocus and hyacinth. As with
all planting, I always check for new varieties of bulbs online for showy displays, but for a generic mix I
find supermarkets can be a good go-to!

Herbaceous perennials can be lifted and divided and cuttings taken of fuschia, lavender and
pelargonium, all of which should be kept frost-free over winter. Seeds such as poppies, cornflower ,
love-in-a-mist, marigolds and antirrhinum can be sown back into the borders for an early start next
year. Climbing roses should be pruned to shape.

In the Veg Patch

Still harvesting potatoes, beans and carrots! Any finished bean and pea plants are best cut down at
ground level because the roots decompose over winter and put essential nitrogen back into the soil
for next years sowings, and pumpkin and squash should be raised to prevent rot. Apples and pears
are ready to go, though sadly we haven’t had the rain to swell the fruit this year!

And at the tail end of this harvest, I’m already planning next year. Broad beans can be sown for an
early crop and onion sets and garlic cloves should be in by the end of the month. I’m definitely
looking into drought-tolerant varieties for the Veg patch later this year as well.

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