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Directions:please select the pair of words or phrases that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed by the capitalized



Criterion: Judgment ans (1) Standard: selection bottom (3) Song: voice (2) Depth: (4) edge: sharpness

2. Abbreviation : word (1) Plot: fiction report (3) Page: paper ans (2) abstract:


3. Avaricious: Greed ans (1)choleric:anger (3)artistic:work 4. Antimosity:Hatred (1)carnal:active (3)pacify:peace 5. Mason:Stone (1)teacher:chalk (3)soilder:gun (2)insomnia:sleepy ans (4)genial:amiable (2)proud:winner (4)ironic:wrath

ans (2)carpenter: wood (4)photograph:camera

DIRECTIONS: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word. 1. Crestfallen by her poor performance in SAT, Susan began to question her abilities. Her self-confidence was. (1)appeased ans (2)destroyed (3)placated (4)sustained 2.Although the warring parties had settled a number of disputes, past experience made them . To express optimism that the talks would be a success. (1)rash (2)ambivalent (3)scornful ans (4)reticent 3.Davis is an opprobrious and . Spreaker,equally caustic toward friend or foe-a true curmudgeon. (1)object ans (2)vituperative (3)unstinting (4)compromise 4.Because the House has the votes to override a presidential veto, the President has no choise but to . . (1)object (2)abdicate (3)capitulate ans (4) compromise 5.his novels are . ; he uses a long circumlocution when a direct coupling of a simple subject and verb would be best. ans (1)prolix (2)pedestrian (3)succinct (4)risqu 6.the river was .. and changed its course after every down pour . ans (1)capricious (2)antediluvian (3)stagnant (4)impecunious

7. this movie is so that any one can predict the end. ans (1)trite (2)morbid (3)erudite (4) prudent

8.the sportscasters his glorious victory at the international games and he was overjoyed with the.he received. ans (1)acclaimedaccolades (2)announced.accessories (3)applaudedartifacts (4)denounced.awards 9.the ministers believed the flattery of the ..who made up his entourage. ans (1)sycophants (2)dilettantes (3)amateurs (4)zealots 10.she was a ..and did not take her painting classes seriously. ans (1)dilettante (2)virtuoso (3)fanatic (4)partisan

1.Mozarts partiality for chocolate from Salzburg resulted in todays famous Mozart Kugeln. (1) dislike ans(2)preference (3)aversion (4)abhorrence (2) The lions ferociousbehaviour was attributed to its lack of edible flesh. (1)tame (2) relaxed ans(3) savage (4) congenial

(3) Be careful not to rush your studies, even when in hurry. (1) improve ans(2) hurry (3) deepen (4) dwindle (4) Dormitory get-togethers are encouraged on a monthly basis. (1) study periods ans(2) informal meetings (3) cleaning sessions (4) eating joints (5) The artists profile can be found carved into the cave walls. (1) vignette ans (2) outline (3) description (4) dcor (6) Horses are often put out to pasture during the early morning hours. (1) cleaned ans (2) field (3) arena (4) coliseum (7) Janets profuse use of the adjectives like bothered the professor. (1) incorrect (2) delayed ans (3) plentiful (4) subserved (8) The crooked use of gambling schemes is often found while surfing the internet. (1) enjoyable (2) difficult ans (3) dishonest (4) rarefied

(9) Teenage lethargy is often due to lack of proper nutrients.

(1) enthusiasm (3) boredom

ans (2) sluggishness (4) malaise

(10) Unfortunately, information concerning the latest crisis in the state government is arriving piecemeal. (1) incorrectly (2) delayed ans (3) bit by bit (4) over the top

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