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Population geography

 the world population is increasing

 population density
o is the number of people for a given area
o calculation: population / area
o most densely populated areas in the world
 east coast of the USA
 Europe Blue Banana
 Asian double population cone: India, China
o most populated areas in general
 near coasts
 along rivers / near fresh water
 flat terrain
 temperate climates
 fertile soils (eg.: vulcanic)
o physical factors
 relict (shape and height of land, best: low land)
 resources (mines produce jobs, provide raw material for industries)
 climate (best: moderate climate)
o human factors
 political (eg.: stable government)
 social (eg.: people live close to each other or isolation)
 economic (eg.: job opportunities, wealthier areas)
 Demographic Transition Model

1. Birth rate and death rate are high

2. Birth rate is high, death rate is
3. Falling birth rate, low death rate
4. Birth rate and death rate is low

 natural growth calculation

o number of deaths –
number of births = x
o x / population * 100= natural growth
 are a place where people live
 types
o permanent (eg.: New York)
o temporary (eg.: refugee camp)

 types
o dispersed o nucleated
o linear o grid planned

 settlement site: the piece of land upon which a settlement is built

 settlement situation: its position in relation to the surrounding human and physical features,
many of which will have an impact on the settlement's type, size and function
 common site factors
o wet point sites – good water supply
o dry point sites – no risk of flooding, on a mound
o defensive sites – ruins, higher ground
o aspect – sunny side of a deep valley, eg.: Alps
 resources
o most important: fuel, building materials, food
o settlements grew where: wood – plentiful, stone – easily accessible, good soil
o since then many different resources have become the focal points for the growth of
urban areas
 mining (eg.: South Wales)
 food (eg.: farming area of East Anglia)
 oil (eg.: Alaska)
 precious metals (eg.: South Africa)
 settlement types
o off-shore island sites (eg.: Zanzibar)
o route centres / nodal points (eg.: York)
o river island site
 bridging points (eg.: Margaret
 confluence of 2-3 rivers (eg.: Margaret Island)
o land penninsula site (eg.: Gibraltar)
o sheltered harbour site (eg.: Rio de Janeiro)
o acropolis site (eg.: Athens)

 hierarchy of urban
o Capital (Budapest)
o Regional centre (Győr)
o County seats (Salgótarján)
o County seats with limited functions (Zalaegerszeg)
o Medium towns (Sopron)
o Small towns (Sárvár)
o Small towns with limited functions (Körmend)
o Towns with partial urban functions (Sümeg)
o Towns with certain urbain function (Hévíz)
o Towns without urban functions (Jánossomorja)

 settlement functions
o mining town
o route centre
o tourist resort
o manufacturing
o residential
o port
o administration
o cultural / religious
o commercial
o market town

 urbanisation = is the increase in the proportion of people living in towns and cities

o causes
 Industrial revolution
 Industralization following industrial revolution
 Emerge of large manufacturing centres
 Job opportunities
 Availability of easy transportation
 Migration
o urban processes
 suburbanisation – population shift from central urban areas into suburbs
 counterurbanisation - an increase in the number of people leaving cities
 re-urbanisation – increase in the number of people living in central areas
o Less Economically Developed Countries
 houses are made from scrap materials (eg.: metal sheeting)
 no services (eg.: sanitation, water, electricity)
 overcrowded
 eg.: Lagos, Nigeria
o More Economically Developed Countries
 traffic
 decline in industry
 unemployment in inner city areas
 shopping changes  city centre locations are no longer favoured
 migration = the movement from one location to another
o types
 international (between countries)
 temporary (for a limited period)
 permanent (intention of staying forever)
 forced (danger)
 voluntary (for better weather / university)
 economic (for better salary)
 seasonal (for ski season)
 commuting (home to workplace daily)
o types
 emigrant (leaves the old country)
 immigrant (arrives to thee new country)


 Quota: The limit imposed on the import of a certain product.

 Duty: The tax levied on imports.
 Share: It provides property rights beside financial assets (claims).
 Debt: The consequence of taking a loan.
 Interest: The price of a loan.
 Bond: Its owner is entitled to have financial claims on the issuing organisation.
 Foreign exchange: Means of payment in international accounting/clearing.
 Foreign currency: The legal means of payment of a country in the circulation of money.
 Inflation: The decrease of the purchasing power of money.



History of the Universe
 the „Big Bang”  brings existence
o 15 billion years ago
o only hydrogen and helium existed
 gravity forms stars (and galaxies of stars)
o star: massive ball of hydrogen and helium drawn into dense configuration by gravity
o stars are hot at the centre
o most popular types of galaxies
 spiral
 elliptical
 irregular
 the Sun and Solar System K
o 4.5 billion years ago it was formed U
Sun Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune B

 life developed half billion years ago

The Sun
 the only star in our solar system
 its energy comes from nuclear reaction
 stucture
o Corona: outermost layer, only visible during a solar eclipse, hotter than the
visible surface
o Core: hottest part of the solar system, Sun's energy is produced here by fusion,
moves outwards, nuclear reaction in 15 million°C
o Chromosphere: reddish colour, not visible to eyes
o Photosphere: visible layer of the Sun, cooler than the outer two layers
o Sunspots: areas on the Sun's surface, darker, lower temperature
o Radiation zone: the next layer out from the core, diffuses outwards, 1-15
million°C, light comes from here
o Convection zone: diffuses outwards, 6000 – 1 million°C, energy comes through by

Parts of the Solar System

 Inner or terraneous planets
o small, rocky
o high density
o Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
 Asteroid belt
o between Mars and Jupiter
o Asteroid: a relatively small, inactive, rocky body orbiting the Sun
 Giant or gasous planets
o big, made of gases (H, He)
o low density
o Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
 Pluto
o classified as a „dwarf planet”
 Kuiper belt
o contains hundreds of thousands of icy bodies that range in size from small chunks of
ice to worldlets larger than 100 kilometres across

 Comet:  A relatively small, at times active, object whose ices can vaporize in sunlight forming
an atmosphere (coma) of dust and gas and, sometimes, a tail of dust and/or gas.
 Meteoroid: A small particle from a comet or asteroid orbiting the Sun.
 Meteor: The light phenomena which results when a meteoroid enters the Earth's
atmosphere and vaporizes; a shooting star.
 Meteorite: A meteoroid that survives its passage through the Earth's atmosphere and lands
upon the Earth's surface.
Solar Eclipse
 when the moon passes directly between the Sun and Earth

Umbra: the area in which the shadow

Moon Umbra of an object is total, and the area in
Sun which a total solar eclipse is
Penumbra Penumbra: the area in which the
shadow of an object is partial, and the
area in which a partial solar eclipse is

Lunar Eclipse
 when the Moon passes through the Earth’s shadow, the Earth is blocking the Sun’s light from
reaching the Moon

Umbra: the area in which the shadow of an

Moon Penumbra object is total. When the entire moon is in
Sun the Earth's umbra, we experience a total
lunar eclipse. When part of the moon is in
Penumbra the Earth's umbra, we experience a partial
lunar eclipse.

Penumbra: the area in which the

shadow of an object is partial.

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