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Curriculum evaluation

3 types of curriculum
1. Intended
2. Implemented
3. Achieved

-It refers to a set of objectives set at the beginning of any curricular plan
- it establishes the goal, specific purposes and the immediate objectives to be accomplished.
- it answers what curriculum makers wants to do.


In making a lesson plan there is the objective that need to attain at the end of the lesson that is usually
composed of cognitive, affective and psychomotor.

There are some questions or indicators that we can use to measure the intended curriculum
1. Developmental level should consider if they can attain it or not.
2. Time is very important in intended curriculum it is like making a research that time is very significant or we
should be mindful of the time.
3. What are the different resources, is it available?
4. Objectives should be specific and clear.


Lots of activities are done but these do not accomplish the stated relevant objectives.


1. Activities should be aligned with the objectives like in doing a research the SOP /Statement of the Problem
is aligned in the objectives.
3. Skills/strategies of the teachers in implementing activities should also be consider.
4. We need to understand that the students are not the same in terms of understanding. So you need to
identify the learning styles of the student that is applicable and align to the objective before you give
The example of learning styles are the
R-eading and writing
5. There must be alternative activities with the same objective.
6. Activities should be flexible because learners doesn’t the same.
8. Activities should be motivating and enhance the potential of the student
9. Multiple sensory abilities –activities that combines listening, speaking, reading and kinesthetic.
10. Multiple intelligence
Achieved Curriculum
It is considered as the product.
Achieved curriculum must fit with the objectives and activities that were conducted.
It can be the learning outcomes, it is the material, product itself, example book, module or the
instructional material.

How are we going to measure achieved curriculum?

It is usually described by test scores or other performances indicators measured by evaluation tool.

This are the following questions that should be addressed in achieved curriculum

Each type of curriculum should be linked to one another. Meaning they are connected with each other. If ever that
there are gap in the curriculum it will make the connection weak and will lead to obstacle or problem in the
accomplishment of the overall purpose of the curriculum.

Intended Curriculum

In basic education curriculum , the curriculum objectives are expressed in terms of competencies.
It involves knowledge, skills, values and attitude the content which focuses on learning how to learn.

1. The first three subject will develop internationalism (English, Math and Science) while the two subject will
develop Filipinism (Filipino and Makabayan).
2. Teachers of different discipline plan teach together in team in all subject areas as possible.
3. There is open communication between teacher and learner wherein the learner act as active partner
rather than passive receiver of knowledge. Also the instructional materials like multimedia are fully
utilized so that the learning must be more interesting.

Achieved curriculum

We have the school based-monitoring wherein it is a continuous monitoring done by the principal,
supervisor in district and division level.
Monitoring was done to allow curriculum managers to make adjustment and provide feedback to the
national offices.

Based on the evaluation from the BEC the intended, implemented, and the achieved curriculum is aligned
with each other.
In conclusion if we are going to apply it in lesson plan the
Intended –objectives
Achieved- test result based on the lesson evaluation


A set standards to be followed in assessment.
It will determine the different levels of competencies or proficiency of task performance.
In the curriculum the criteria are set of standards in which the different elements of the curriculum is
being tested.


Goals a long term purpose which a person strive to achieve (broad)

Objectives achievement which can be attained only if the attempts are made in a particular direction.

It tell us what students will learn after instruction has taken place.

1. Content- what content should students learn?

2. Behavior- what will students do to apply what they have learned?
3. Criterion- in relation to behavior –what level of performance should the students have?
4. Condition- under what circumstances should the students work to master the behavior.

Writing effective goals and objectives should also use the following general criteria.

1. Syntactic correctness

One of the first ways people think of to tell if an object is good is to look at it to see if it has all
parts. Just like instructional objectives teachers need to include logically the elements: content,
behavior, criteria and conditions.

2. Compliance with legal requirements

There should be a direct relationship between the annual goals
And the students present level of educational performance.

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