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John called his mother right away that he was going somewhere to a part of the abandoned school.

He told his mother to call him when it was time to go home, and she agreed. John gazed around the
abandoned school to see if anyone else was there. He didn't see anything, so he decided to go in
solely on what he saw. He was astonished and surprised by the magical portal he discovered. He
even rubbed his eyes with both hands to be sure what he was seeing was true. He still couldn’t
believe he’d discovered a magical portal.

He carefully inspected the magical portal and opened it out of curiosity. "Open Sesame!", he
shouted. It quickly opens onto the second tunnel that connects the two dimensions. When he
opened it, he walked right in without hesitation. He was astounded by what he saw—beautiful
trees, flowers, and even animals. He was immediately taken with the ambience and decided to take
a tour.

While wandering, he noticed a distant tree that caught his attention. It is the Hawthorn tree, a small
deciduous tree with thorny branches, dark green leaves, and clusters of small white fragrant
flowers. As he comes closer, he notices a wooden plaque beneath it. When he got close enough, he
read what was in it: "Your Wish is My Command." John has no idea if it will work, but he believes
that nothing will be lost if he tries.

John was pondering what he would like to wish for. He remembered that his cellphone was old and
broken. “How about if I request a new cellphone?”, that’s exactly what he was planning. He was
ecstatic at the prospect of finally receiving his new cellphone. John was seldom envious of his
friends’ cellphones, which were always new. But John no longer considers purchasing a new
cellphone. He realized what had changed and our current situation.

He remembers the things that changed. Before, people had the freedom to do whatever they
wanted. They have the freedom to go wherever they want, but they can’t do it any longer. The
situation is now perilous. Many people are terrified, worried, and depressed because they’ve lost
their jobs and are unable to feed their families. John remembers a lot of people who died from the
virus. The COVID-19 disease is now affecting many people. Moreover, the majority of individuals are
in pain and have lost all hope. It is also sadder to think that many people are homeless and just live
on the streets. They can do nothing but suffer because they have no money.

At this point of realizing, the statue behind of the tree has caught his attention. A wooden placard
next to it reads, "One wish, one exchange." He was shock and at the same time, afraid of what will
be the exchange. For the second time around, John thought carefully about what he was going to
ask for. He assessed which was more important: his cellphone or the well-being of everyone. He was
in the middle of a thought when the statue abruptly spoke. It asked John what he wanted to wish
for because the portal was closing in an hour.

His mother suddenly called and asked where he was, to which he replied that he had entered the
magical portal. He had already said his final words to his mother because he didn't know what was
going to happen to him next. Her mother simply sobbed at what she had heard. After stating all of
that, John hung up the phone. Her mother was impotent to deal with the situation and could only
cry. That was not something she expected to happen to her son.
John has made his decision. He chose to wish that the people's situation be resolved. To set people
free, to give them nothing to worry about, and most importantly, to eradicate the virus that
destroys people's lives. The statue told John that his life will be the exchange. He had no idea that
his life would be the exchange, but he accepted it wholeheartedly and without hesitation. He only
thinks about his family's life and it would be better for him to vanish than for all of his family
members to perish as a result of the virus.

John suddenly fell in his position after the statue fulfilled his wish. He was completely unconscious
and could no longer get out of the portal. People were taken aback by the rapid change in situation,
but it also brought them joy. On that day, no cases of covid-19 were reported, indicating that the
virus had vanished.

People were pleased with the situation, especially John, who sacrificed himself for loved ones and
people who were already struggling with the situation. However, John's mother notices that his son
has vanished. She couldn't help but cry because she remembered John had gone to the magical
portal. The portal was eventually closed, and in honor of John, a statue was erected in their place.

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