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1. Discuss the grounds for rejection of a stool sample.

 Proper stool collection is necessary since it can alter the accuracy of the
results, which is why we have procedures in place. If the procedure was
not followed correctly, the stool sample might be rejected. A stool sample
can be rejected for the following reasons: It might be rejected if the
specimen container is incorrect. There is a proper container for feces
collection since putting it everywhere may contaminate the stool and
alter the results. Second, the specimen must be free of water and urine.
You should not take feces from the bowl since the water from it might
contaminate the sample. Before it falls, you should collect it with the
specimen container. Make cautious not to overfill the container. Only a
pinch size of stool is recommended. The most crucial element, of course,
is to label it. Include the patient's name, identification number,
physician's name, and the date and time the specimen was collected. Do
not include the period it was moved to the laboratory. Put the time it was
collected to ensure the accuracy of the outcome. If the stool specimen is
watery, it must be read within 30 minutes of passing because if the
sample is not read within 30 minutes, the stool may not be motile or the
trophozoite form may not be visible.
2. Give an example of patient preparation.
 Usually, the laboratory will offer a specimen container, so the patient
only needs to collect a stool in the proper manner. A patient must use a
wide-mouth stool container to collect the feces and ensure that it does
not fall into water. Make certain that the sample does not include any
urine. Only a pinch-size stool sample is recommended. To minimize
complications while collecting the sample, do not overfill the container.
After collecting, close the cap carefully and take it to your physician.
3. Discuss the effect if the following contamination of the stool specimen
following analysis:
 Urine – Urine contamination of feces should be avoided since it can
kill/destroy motile organisms.
 Soil - The most important risk factor for various human parasitic
illnesses is soil contamination with parasite eggs, infective larvae, cysts,
and oocysts. If your stool sample is contaminated with soil, it may result
in germs or parasites.
 Toilet water – just like urine, if it is contaminated with toilet water,
the motile organisms will be destroy.
4. Give 3 chemical preservatives utilized preservation of stool specimen and give
their specific uses.
 Formalin, Schaudinn's Fluid, and PVA / polyvinyl-alcohol are three
preservatives that can be used to preserve stool specimens. Formalin is a
general-purpose fixative that may be used on helminth eggs and larvae
as well as protozoan cysts, oocysts, and spores. Schaudinn's Fluid is
utilized with fresh stool specimens or mucosal surface samples from the
intestine. It preserves protozoan trophozoites and cysts extremely well.
PVA / polyvinyl-alcohol, on the other hand, acts as an adhesive for the
stool substance.

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