Lutung Kasarung Fixed 2

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Lutung Kasarung

Narrator: "Once upon a time, there was a kingdom on the island of Java. The kingdom was led by a king
named Prabu Tapa Agung who was accompanied by a beautiful queen named Dwi Ayu. They had two
daughters named Purbararang and Purbasari who were equally beautiful from their mother. One day, to
unwind, Prabu Tapa Agung took a walk with his beloved wife.

Prabu Tapa Agung: "It's very calm here."

Ratu Dwi Ayu: "That's right, it's quieter here than in the kingdom."

Narrator: "The two of them were walking in the forest near the work, without being escorted by the
royal guards. On the way, it turned out that something bad happened to Prabu Tapa Agung."

Prabu Tapa Agung: "(jatuh, memegangi kakinya) Ahh..."

Ratu Dwi Ayu: "My goodness, King... (terduduk, memegangi kaki Prabu Tapa Agung). Please... help..."

Narrator: "Thank God someone heard. An old lady who was looking for firewood came. She offered to
treat Prabu Tapa Agung at her house."

Witch: "(Sambil menempelkan daun pada luka Raja) you are hit by a bush thorn. If your Majesty always
puts this leaf on his wound, I'm sure it will heal quickly."

Ratu Dwi Ayu: "Thank you Grandma, I don't know what our fate would be if Grandma wasn't around."

Witch : "It's okay. Here, come on down! (Menyerahkan kantong kecil). Stick it every day."

Prabu Tapa Agung: "Thank you very much Grandma."

Narrator: "Days passed. Since the incident where the King fell in the forest, his health began to decline.
He often coughed and had no appetite. His old age also made his condition worse.

Prabu Tapa Agung: "(Berbicara sambil memegangi dada) I'm old-uhuk!(batuk) Maybe it's time for me
to go-uhuk!(batuk)

Ratu Dwi Ayu: (Nada Khawatir) "Don't say that, My husband."

Prabu Tapa Agung: "No, my wife. Now it's time for me to abdicate. I- (cough) -will appoint... Purbasari
as my successor."

Purbararang: "(Marah) What?!?!?!. Father you should have chosen me as your successor."

Indrajaya: "Yes, father. Purbararang should be your successor!"

Prabu Tapa Agung: "No, my decision is made."

Purbararang: "But Father-"

Ratu Dwi Ayu: "Stop it! Can't you see your father is dying?! Leave this room now!"

Narrator: "Purbararang and his fiancé-Indrajaya were upset because Prabu Tapa Agung's decision was
unfair. This sparked anger between the two. After much thought, Purbararang came up with a plan."

Purbararang: "My father handed the throne to my stupid little sister! What does she even know about
the kingdom?! you have to do something about Purbasari!"

Witch: "It's a small matter, you know there's nothing I can't do. But... you. You also know I have a price,
don't you?"

Purbararang: "Tch (Melempar sekatung koin emas. Koinnya keluar) I think this is enough to curse

Witch: "Okay, just wait."

Purbararang: "(Tertawa)."
Narrator: "After a few days, the witch tried to sneak into Purbasari's room. When he succeeded, he
immediately launched a plan to harm Purbasari, namely by spilling poison powder on Purbasari's bed.
The next day, the kingdom was shocked by Princess Purbasari who was no longer was beautiful, her
hands, feet and even her face were full of black spots.

Prabu Tapa Agung: (Datang bersama Ratu dan Purbararang dengan tergopoh-gopoh) What happened?!

Maid: "I don't know Your Majesty ... Suddenly the princess's skin became like this."

All :"(Terkejut)"

Purbararang: "Gosh! It stinks! (Mengipas-ngipas sekitar hidungnya). “father, are you sure you want to
dethrone someone who is cursed like that?"

Purbasari: "Father, I also don't know anything. Mother... what has happened to myself? (Sedih)"

Indrajaya: "(Datang dengan tergesa) your majesty, the people complain about your decision to choose
Purbasari as your heir to the throne."

Ratu Dwi Ayu: "your majesty... How is this? (Menatap Purbasari) What happened to you My child?

Purbararang: "Father, Purbasari does not deserve to be a queen! Do you want to disappoint the

Prabu Tapa Agung: "Hmm (Wajah kecewa) You are right my daughter, maid.. please bring Purbasari...
into exile."

Purbasari: "What?! Father, don't throw me out. I also don't know what happened to me. I beg you,
Mother... help me (Menangis)."

Prabu Tapa Agung: "Stop crying my daughter, come back when you are healed. Maid quickly you
deliver Purbasari!"

Maid: "Y- Yes Your Majesty."

Purbararang and Indrajaya: "(Diam-diam tertawa senang)."

Narrator: "Purbasari and her ladies-in-waiting went from the palace to the forest where they were
exiled. It was very difficult for the Lady to let Purbasari go, but the king's order required her to take
Purbasari to that place."

Maid: "I'm sorry, Princess."

Purbasari: "It's okay lady, Father has ordered it (Sedih)."

Maid: "Okay, but as my apologies, let me find you a place to stay."

Narrator: after their walk, they finally found a hut in the middle of the forest. After that, the lady-in-
waiting released Purbasari. The lady's departure indicated that Purbasari had to live alone in exile. One
day, when Purbasari was sitting in front of her hut, she saw a langur emerge from the bushes."

Purbasari: "(Ketakutan) Who are you?"

Lutung Kasarung: "(Muncul dari semak-semak. Melambai-lambaikan tangan. Mengulurkan tangan

untuk bersalaman)"

Purbasari: "W-What do you want?!"

Lutung Kasarung: "(Menuliskan sesuatu di kertas bertuliskan ‘Lutung Kasarung’)

Purbasari: "Lutung... Kasarung?"

Lutung Kasarung: "(Mengangguk, mendekati Purbasari, mengulurkan tangan untuk bersalaman)"

Narrator: "Since then, Purbasari and Lutung Kasarung are friends. Lutung Kasarung now knows why a
royal princess is in the middle of the forest alone. Lutung is concerned about Purbasari's condition. He
is very attentive to Purbasari. He brings Purbasari food, water and occasionally brings flowers. -
beautiful flowers. On a full moon night, Lutung Kasarung went to a quiet place and meditated. In the
morning, Purbasari found him."

Purbasari: "Lutung... What are you doing?"

Lutung Kasarung: "Princess, take a bath in this lake."

Purbasari: "(Terkejut) Y-You? N-No way!!! Why are you talking? Then-why did you told me to take a
bath here???"

Lutung Kasarung: "(Menarik tangan Purbasari). If you want to go back to the palace, this is the only
way. Quick, throw yourself in!"

Narrator: "Despite doubts, Purbasari finally plunged herself into the lake. Then something miracle
happened to Purbasari's skin. Her skin became clean and beautiful again."

Purbasari: "No way! My skin... my skin is back to normal. Lutung, thank you very much! (Senang)"

Lutung Kasarung: "You're welcome. Now, you can return to the palace and join your family."

Narrator: The next day Purbasari and Lutung Kasarung returned to the palace. Everyone was shocked,
some were happily surprised, and some were shocked annoyed."

Maid: "(Mencuci baju sambil menyanyi, kemudian terkejut). P- Princess Purbasari has returned! King!!!

Purbararang: "(Kaget). Oh my! (Memelankan suara) How did this happen???"

Maid: "Princess, are you okay? Are you injured? Thank goodness you're returned quickly. I thought I
would never see the Princess again."

Purbasari: "Yes lady, I'm fine. All... thanks to Lutung Kasarung. (Menoleh lutung)"

Prabu Tapa Agung:”Purbasari-uhukk (Terjatuh)

Ratu Dwi Ayu: "(Terkejut) Your Majesty!"

Purbararang: "Impossible! This can't be happening! Your father must hand over the throne to me.
Alright, let's compete!"

Narrator: "Purbasari accepts the challenge from her sister- Purbararang. Various competitions live it.
They're a draw. The final competition has arrived, namely the competition about whose fiancé is the
most handsome amongst the two of them."

Indrajaya: "(Angkuh). I am Purbararang's fiancé. I am the most handsome man in the kingdom."

Purbasari: "(Gelisah, berucap dengan nada pelan) What should i do?"

Lutung Kasarung: "I'm her fiancé!"

Purbararang: "What? Lutung? (Tertawa) No way! But okay, if that's the case it's obvious who is the

Lutung Kasarung: "Wait a minute."

Narrator : "Lutung Kasarung suddenly meditated. He prayed that he could be Indrajaya's match. And
unexpectedly, Lutung Kasarung turned into a handsome man. Even more handsome than Indrajaya.

Narrator: "Lutung Kasarung jumped up and down as if to calm Purbasari."

All: "(Terkejut)"

Purbasari: (Kaget). "Lutung.. you.."

Lutung Kasarung: "I am a prince from a neighboring kingdom. But I was punished for my arrogance.
Now I have learned not to repeat my mistakes."

Indrajaya: "N-no way!"

Purbararang: "No way! I've poisoned my father and poisoned the girl! How can it be like this?!."

Ratu Dwi Ayu: "W-What? You poisoned your own father and sister?"


Purbararang: "How?! How?!"

Indrajaya: "Just poison the King!"

Purbararang: "No-"

Indrajaya: "Besides, the King is old, he is no longer able to lead this country. Let me take his place. You
agree, don't you?"

Purbararang: "But-"

Indrajaya: "I called someone (Penyihir Datang). He's a witch. He can definitely do something to the king
without anyone knowing. So, what's your plan?"

Witch: "Easy. The thorns of the bush and wild leaves are poisonous. It will degrade his health slowly."


Narrator: "Even though Purbararang is the daughter of the King and Queen, she and Indrajaya receive
punishment for what they have done. Purbasari eventually becomes a queen accompanied by someone
she never expected, who is always there for her even in trouble and he is.. Lutung Kasarung."

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