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Lesson 02: Healthy Lifestyle and

Body Awareness
At the end of the session, the students shall be able to:

• Describe and explain the different factors that affects the healthy
lifestyle of an individual.
• Identify the different recommendations in keeping one’s body
• Show appreciation on the importance of healthy lifestyle for daily
• According to The Foundation for Peripheral
Neuropathy, Physical fitness is not the sole basis
of being healthy; being healthy means being
mentally and emotionally fit. Being healthy
should be part of your overall lifestyle.
• Health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not
merely the absence of disease or infirmity,” which implies that this concept goes
beyond the existence or lack of existence illnesses. (WHO, 1948)

• Lifestyle is a way of living of individuals, families (households), and societies,

which they manifest in coping with their physical, psychological, social, and
economic environments on a day-to-day basis. It also reflects people's self-
image or self-concept.
Five Recommended Components
for a Healthy Lifestyle
• Your cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, immune and other
body systems depend on a continual supply of nutrients to
feed cell growth and metabolism.
• According to the guidelines established by the U.S.
Department of Agriculture, your diet should contain mostly
whole grains, fruits, vegetables and fat-free or low-fat dairy
products. Consume lean meats such as chicken and turkey,
along with legumes, eggs and healthy nuts.
• Limit your portion sizes at meals to control your weight and
your risk for cardiovascular and other diseases through your
• Eating a balanced diet means choosing a wide variety of foods and drinks from all the food
groups. It also means eating certain things in small amounts, namely saturated fat,
cholesterol, simple sugar, salt and alcohol. The goal is to take in all of the nutrients you
need for health at the recommended levels and perhaps restrict those things that are not
good for the body.

• To know if the diet is balanced and to plan a balanced diet you have to think about two
things: the mixture of foods and the amount of food a person eats.
Food Pyramid

• It helps us identify the food groups people should

combine in order to make a balanced diet. The food
groups at the top of the pyramid should be eaten in
moderation (small amount) but food groups at the
bottom of the pyramid should be eaten in larger
• Nutrition is the study of foods and health. It is a science
that centers on foods, their nutrient and other chemical
constituents, and the effects of food constituents on body
processes and health.

Based on the amount of the nutrients that each person

needs to consume on a daily basis, these nutrients are
categorized into two groups. These are
macronutrients, which should be consumed in fairly
large amounts, and micronutrients, which are only
required in small amounts.
• ‘Macro’ means large; as their name suggests these are nutrients which people
need to eat regularly and in a fairly large amount. They include carbohydrates,
fats, proteins, fiber and water. These substances are needed for the supply of
energy and growth, for metabolism and other body functions.

• “Metabolism means the process involved in the generation of energy and all
the ‘building blocks’ required to maintain the body and its functions.”

• Macronutrients provide a lot of calories but the amount of calories provided

varies, depending on the food source. For example, each gram of carbohydrate
or protein provides four calories, while fat provides nine calories for each gram.

• As their name indicates (‘micro’ means

small) micronutrients are substances which people need
in their diet in only small amounts. These include minerals
and vitamins.
• Although most foods are mixtures of nutrients, many of
them contain a lot of one nutrient and a little of the other
nutrients. Foods are often grouped according to the
nutrient that they contain in abundance.

•Physical activity and exercise is a major contributor to a healthy lifestyle; people are
made to use their bodies, and disuse leads to unhealthy living. Unhealthy living may
manifest itself in obesity, weakness, lack of endurance, and overall poor health that may
foster disease development. Proper fitness strengthens muscles and improves blood flow.
Source: World Health Organization
5 Recommended Components
for a Healthy Lifestyle
• Daily metabolism perpetuates the decline and
rejuvenation of cellular tissue, and the body’s self-repair
takes place when you are asleep. Memory consolidation
and appetite regulation also occur during this time of
reduced physical activity.

• The National Sleep Foundation considers seven to nine

hours of sleep a nightly criterion for a healthy lifestyle.
So proper sleep helps your energy, weight maintenance
and your ability to think and concentrate.
Reducing Stress

• Your body responds to everyday stress with a release of hormones

that prepares you to react. If you don’t relieve this state through
relaxation, the effects build and can create muscular pain,
headaches, sleep disturbances and other symptoms.

• A lifestyle that includes regular stress management breaks this cycle

before it can progress to unhealthy levels. Relaxation like connecting
with friends and family to relieve mental pressures, and take time
out to read, pursue a hobby or experience another activity that
makes you feel good
Effective Stress Relievers and Coping Techniques

From minor challenges to major crises,

stress is part of life. And while you can't
always control your circumstances, you can
control how you respond to them.

So it's important to have a variety of stress

relief tools at your disposal. Then, you'll be
able to pick a strategy that works best for
your current circumstances
Try Guided Imagery
• Guided imagery is like taking a short vacation in your
mind.1 It can involve imagining yourself being in your "happy
place"—maybe picturing yourself sitting on a beach, listening
to the waves, smelling the ocean, and feeling the warm sand
underneath you.

Guided imagery can be done with a recording where you

listen to someone walk you through a peaceful scene

Simply close your eyes for a minute and walk

yourself through a peaceful scene. Think about all
the sensory experiences you'd engage in and allow
yourself to feel as though you're really there.
• Meditation brings short-term stress relief as well as
lasting stress management benefits. There are
many different forms of meditation to try–each one
is unique and brings its own appeal.

You might develop a mantra that you repeat in your mind

as you take slow deep breaths. Or, you might take a few
minutes to practice mindfulness, which involves being in
the moment. Simply pay attention to what you see, hear,
taste, touch, and smell.
Focus on Breathing
• Just focusing on your breath or changing the way
you breathe can make a big difference to your
overall stress level. Breathing techniques can calm
your body and your brain in just a few minutes.

1. Breathe in through your nose and watch your belly fill with
air. Count slowly to three as you inhale. Hold for one second
and then slowly breathe out through your nose as you count
to three again.

1. Breathe in through your nose and imagine that you're

inhaling peaceful, calm air. Imagine that air spreading
• Breathe in through your nose and watch your belly fill with air.
throughout your body. As you exhale, imagine that you're Count slowly to three as you inhale. Hold for one second and
then slowly breathe out through your nose as you count to three
breathing out stress and tension again.
Take a Walk

• Exercise is a fantastic stress reliever that can

work in minutes. Taking a walk allows you to
enjoy a change of scenery, which can get
you into a different frame of mind and brings
the benefits of exercise as well.
• So, whether you just need to take a stroll around
the office to get a break from a frustrating task or
you decide to go for a long walk in the park after
work, walking is a simple but effective way to
rejuvenate your mind and body.
Get a Hug From a Loved One
• Physical touch can do a lot to relieve your stress. Hugging a
loved one can be especially beneficial.

• When you hug someone, oxytocin (also known as the "cuddle

hormone") is released. Oxytocin is associated with higher levels
of happiness and lower levels of stress.

Oxytocin also causes a reduction in blood pressure. It

reduces the stress hormone norepinephrine and can
produce a sense of relaxation.

So don't be afraid to ask a loved one for a hug if you need it.
It's good for both of you and it can be one of the simplest
forms of stress relief available.
Enjoy Aromatherapy

• Aromatherapy has real benefits for stress relief—it

can help you to feel energized, more relaxed, or
more present in the moment.
• Emerging research suggests certain scents can
alter brain wave activity and decrease stress
hormones in the body.
• So whether you enjoy candles, diffusers, or body
products, consider incorporating some
aromatherapy into your day
Develop a Positive Self-Talk Habit

• The way you talk to yourself matters. Harsh self-

criticism, self-doubt, and catastrophic predictions aren't
helpful. If you're constantly thinking things like, "I don't
have time for this," and "I can't stand this," you'll stress
yourself out .
• It's important to learn to talk to yourself in a more
realistic, compassionate manner. When you call
yourself names or doubt your ability to succeed, reply
with a kinder inner dialogue.
• Positive self-talk can help you develop a healthier
outlook. And an optimistic and compassionate
conversation can help you manage your emotions and
take positive action
No one can enjoy a healthy lifestyle without a serious

dose of fun. Recreational activities, social encounters and personal

connections are critical to overall wellbeing. They found that those

who had a meaningful amount of humor in their lives showed a

lower risk of death from infection or heart disease. Why? Perhaps

because humor can reduce stress-related hormones that suppress

the immune system.

Body Awareness

•Awareness of one’s body helps to understand its parts and identify

possible movements for each segment. It recognizes the way the

body or its parts can be controlled, moved and balanced.

Posture and Body Mechanics

•Correct Posture - is the proper alignment of body segments in relation to

different body positions.

•Body Mechanics – it is a body exercises or movements that are intended

to improve one's posture, stamina and poise.

Different Body Types

Endomorph – characterized by having round and


curvaceous body, high body fat. People with this

body type find it hard to lose weight.
Different Body Types

Mesomorph – characterized by having large

bones. The built is usually thick around the middle
Different Body Types

Ectomorph – characterized by having a lean and

slender body. Looks thin and have a low body
fat level.
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