Coculture Paper

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Coculture Paper

Objective: To explore, identify and apply how cocultures impact communication

General Instructions- Students will develop and write a formal, academic paper that discusses the
role of specific cocultures


This paper should be/have:

- Double spaced (NO large spaces in between paragraphs- double space the entire document
including works cited)

- 1-inch margins on all sides, Size 12 font- Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial

- Have your last name and page number in the top right corner

- Proofread (especially look for capitalization, punctuation, and paragraph division. Indent the
first line of each new paragraph!)

- Completed in MLA style (which is typical of college-level papers)

- At least 4 different, credible sources (preferably more) should be used to complete this formal
paper. They should be cited in the paper itself (in text citations) and in the works cited page.

- Written by YOU. Plagiarized material will result in a zero on this assignment.

- Based on the number of paragraphs below, the paper should be about 6-8 double-spaced pages
(estimation here).

Note: This is a formal paper, not a casual essay. You are expected to use formal language (no
text talk) and spend a significant amount of time exercising research skills, synthesizing the
collected information and communicating the information in the format specified in a clear and
cohesive manner. One paragraph=5-8 complete sentences.


The organization of the paper should be as follows (using these bold headings and numbering in
this exact order):

I. Introduction

II. Cocultures (Identify 3 different ones)

III. Intergroup Impact

IV. Mass Communication Impact

V. Conclusion

VI. Works Cited

Here are the details/prompts that should be covered at a minimum in this paper as they
coordinate with each number above:

I. Introduction

o The introduction should be one paragraph. It should give an overview of the paper and include
a traditional thesis statement.

II. Cocultures

o Identify coculture #1 and using at least one credible source describe how the subculture was
developed/background information. (This should be 2 paragraphs for each coculture).

o Identify and explain what traditions, customs, routines, norms and rituals are associated with
each coculture. This should be 2 paragraphs for each coculture)

o Describe key terms/languages/slang associated with the coculture. (This should be 1-2
paragraphs for each coculture)

Follow the same format/info above for co-cultures #2 and #3

III. Intergroup Impact

o Define what intergroup communication means from page 79 of your text. Be certain to cite
your text as a source here. (2 sentence response)

o Explain how one of the cocultures you chose adds to diversity, but can also create tension and
conflict with other groups (For example, if you choose vegetarians as a group, how might their
beliefs impact people who are diehard carnivores). This involves critical thinking, so don’t say
that the coculture creates no tension/conflict with other groups (2 paragraphs). Cite any sources
that you use to come to the conclusions you share in this section. You may use personal
examples in this area of the paper. However anecdotes should only supplement what you find in
your research (you can use first person to document personal experiences).

IV. Mass Communication Impact

o Explain negative and positive impact, images and stereotypes associated with one co-culture
(different than the one you used in part III). Provide in-text citations as appropriate. (2
o Identify and summarize how one example from current events/media (mass communication)
shows the tension/conflict between one of the co-cultures (it can be the same or different as the
one you use for the bullet point above) and the dominant culture in America (2 paragraphs). The
explanation of the connection should be longer than the summary of the event. Make sure you
provide an in-text citation for the example. AllSides may be a good source to use to find this
example. Plain link URL:

V. Conclusion

o Wrap it up! Review your thesis statement and summarize your paper. (3-5 sentences is

VI. Works Cited

o The Works Cited page should be on a separate page

o It should be called Works Cited (not Reference, not Bibliography, etc.)

o It should be centered in the middle of the top line

o Sources should be alphabetized by author’s last name

o It should list ONLY the sources that are cited in the actual paper itself (the in-text citations)

o Credible sources should be utilized for this paper. Do not use Wikipedia, Quora/Reddit type
sources or family members/friends. Personal experience is only acceptable where noted above,
but should be supplemental and not used as a primary source for this paper from which to draw
generalized conclusions.

o You should use multiple and various resources for this paper and cite them in the paper itself
(in text citations) and the works cited page. By doing so, you will be exercising critical thinking
skills and also information synthesis skills by showing that you draw conclusions while
incorporating a range of credible resources, rather than relying on just a couple of random web
sites that appear in a simple Google search.

Resources: - The ILC can help with formatting and MLA style questions including in-text
citations and the Works Cited page. They can also assist with general writing and review for
clarity. Plain link URL:
center - The SPEAK Center can review for communication content. Please be certain to bring
this assignment sheet with you, so they can see the assignment requirements. Plain link URL:
departments/communication-and-theatre/speak-center - The Purdue Owl is an online site that has
everything you would ever need or want to know about MLA style. Plain link URL:
mla_general_format.html - The Wake Tech librarians live to help you research information for
these types of projects. Ask a Librarian (chat) on their web site is very convenient. Plain link


This is a rigorous assignment and will be assessed in the same manner.

Earn up to 80 points-Responses are thorough, detailed, accurate, thoughtful and demonstrate

critical thinking as applicable

Earn up to 20 points-Responses show the synthesis and support of multiple sources (4+).


Up to 30-point deduction for not following instructions for formatting (headings, margins, font,
mla style, numbering/bolding as requested, double spacing, etc.)

Up to 20-point deduction for failure to use multiple sources or if sources are cited only in paper
and not works cited page and vice versa.

*Plagiarism or failure to cite information/ideas that are not the student’s own will result in a zero
on the assignment and referral to the appropriate campus office.

Possible cocultures. I would suggest that you look through what the assignment is asking you to
do before choosing cocultures. Some cocultures don’t lend themselves as well to the prompts in
this assignment as others (making it more challenging for you than it should be).

Religious groups (Amish, Mormon, Judaism, etc.) Any race/ethnicity (Native American, Pacific
Islander, etc.) Life stage group (teenagers, senior citizens, parent, etc.) Music related (Hip-hop,
K-Pop, Metalheads, etc.) Politics (conservatives, liberals, etc.) Occupational (military, teacher,
welding, cosmetology, etc.) Gender related or LGBTQI+ Food interest (vegans, pescatarians,
carnivores, etc.) Leisure (gamers, cosplayers, etc.) Athletics (bodybuilding, certain sport team
fans, etc.) High school stereotypes (jocks, geeks, nerds, preppy, etc.)

Have an idea outside of these? Just run it by me in an email! I’m open to new ideas!



Why do grammar/spelling/typos/formatting “count” in a communication class? Written

communication is important. When written communication has multiple errors, it makes it much
more difficult to interpret or decode a message. Errors are noise. If you recall from Chapter 1, we
try to minimize all the noise we can in our communication interactions!
Why MLA style? This is a typical formal academic paper format for college-level classes. It is
taught at the high school level, remedial classes at Wake Tech and is reinforced by most
humanities/social science courses. We use this system to achieve consistency with how
information is reported and accounted for in academic papers.

Why do I have to cite sources? Any information/ideas that you use that is not your own should
be cited. This is a rule that is enforced by the student conduct code of most higher education
institutions (including this one!). When you take information that is not yours and pass it off as
your own it shows a lack of effort and care for those who initially created that information.
Copying and pasting from the internet is also a form of plagiarism. Consequences of plagiarism
vary, depending on the context (school, work, etc) I suggest not finding out the hard way what
those consequences might be (failing grade, expulsion from school, fired from job, overall loss
of trust and credibility).

Why do I have to use so many sources? When you are constructing an argument or marshalling a
point, it is best to draw on the input of multiple, credible sources rather than just one. It shows
that you have conducted an appropriate amount of research rather than just using the first source
that comes up in a simple google search. It builds your credibility as a communicator. Think
about google reviews. Would you be more likely to use a service with one good review or one
with 500 good reviews? What skills, besides written communication, am I using in the major
content sections of this paper?

· Cocultures- Identifying, examining, researching

· Intergroup Impact- Defining, applying, critical thinking

· Mass Communication Impact- Identifying, applying, comparing/contrasting, critical thinking

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