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The Basic Skill in Leading is Leading Yourself

Leadership is a process of social influence, which is a life that influences the lives of
other people, subordinates, or followers to lead towards the achievement of certain goals. In
Indonesia, it is known for leadership with Pancasila’s spirit, which has the authority and power to
bring and lead the community in its environment.

Pancasila leadership has a consistent and consistent attitude in living and practicing
Pancasila. Like Ki Hajar Dewantara's leadership style, which is known as the Pancasila
leadership principle, namely:

 Ing ngarso sung tulodho means: a leader must be able to through their attitudes and
actions that make themself a role model for the people they lead.
 Ing madyo mangun karso means: a leader must be able to arouse enthusiasm in the
people they lead.
 Tut wuri handayani means: a leader must be behind his subordinates to encourage the
people they lead to be creative, able to take the initiative and have the desire to
participate even though they do not depend on the leader.

As we know, everyone can lead, but not everyone has the talent to lead. Becoming a
leader requires special talents and has a lot of knowledge. But before leading others have we
managed to lead ourselves? Do you know what self-leadership is? How to make it happen?

Every human being has a goal that must be achieved in their life. To achieve this goal,
humans are required to follow their minds and consciences. There is a term "Ibdak bi nafsik"
(Start with yourself). Self-leadership is the ability to influence oneself to achieve certain goals
and reach the maximum potential that exists within oneself.

Therefore, what steps must be taken to realize leadership in yourself?

1. Get rid of weaknesses

2. Focus on strengths

3. Build a habit

The diligent person leads themself, they don't do things by force, but because they know
they lead themself, the diligent person will be the leader

Are you a leader over yourself?

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