GE 105 Activity by Susarno

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GE 105 – Purposive Communication


Answer the following on your own comprehension: (40 points)

1. What is communication and its importance?

Communication is the act of conveying information or ideas through some medium, such as
words, sounds, signs, or signals. It is thought to be one of the most important foundations for
success in society and problem-solving. There are many different types of communication which
you can use to convey different messages – like spoken words (oral) or body language
Communication helps us interact with others, share ideas for solving problems, and
creatively come up with solutions to problems. The more comfortable you are with your
communication skills, the easier it will be to succeed in life!

2. Give (1) example(s) of each Type of Communication according To Context?

 Intrapersonal Communication
Ex: Self-talk (internal Dialogue)
 Interpersonal Communication
Ex: Giving a presentation at work
 Extended Communication
Ex: using phone conferencing; Video-conferencing; Skype calls; • Other
 Organization Communication
Ex: Team meetings
 Intercultural Communication
Ex: communication of culture to culture
3. Give (1) example(s) of situation for each Communication Models.
 Intrapersonal Communication
Example: Thinking about how to respond to argument – “Hmm…How should I respond
to this?”
 Interpersonal Communication
Example: Talking to a friend
Tim: Can I copy yours?
Tom: Oh! Yes, sure.
 Extended Communication
Example: A teacher is using Google Meet to teach.
 Organization Communication
Example: Members are giving feedbacks in the meeting.
 Intercultural Communication
Example: An American and Asian share their views.

Answer the following on your own comprehension:

1. Among the communication modes what is the most effective, and why?

Verbal communication is one of the most effective ways to convey information because
it can be learned quickly (verbal cues) and used to communicate complex thoughts.
Different languages require different skills, but it's possible for someone to learn
another language with time and effort.

2. Why do you think that Filipino’s use or spend much time on internet/using different
social media app?

Here in Philippines, there are a lot of people who spend a large amount of time online.
Many people from this country use different social media apps such as Instagram,
Twitter, Facebook or Snapchat. The reason may be because it is easy to get in touch with
friends and family members. It's also convenient for foreign companies to do business in
Philippines since they can easily find Filipino professionals who work online and staff
their offices.

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