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Lecture # 1

August 26, 2022

Respiratory system

Supplies the body with oxygen and removes carbon dioxide from of the body

Inhale and exhale

Organs of the respiratory system

1. Nose
2. Nasal cavity
3. Pharynx or throat
4. Larynx or voice box
5. Trachea or windpipe
6. Bronchus
7. Bronchiole
8. Alveolus

1. Nose/nostril- Entry point
2. Nasal cavity – Hair/cilia – Filters, warm, moisten air.
3. Pharynx/throat – connects nasal cavity and mouth to larynx.
4. Larynx/voice box– airways – vocal cord
5. Trachea or windpipe- Main airways that connect larynx and lungs.
6. Bronchi/bronchus – two branching tubes that connect the trachea to the
7. Bronchioles – hairlike tubes that connect the alveoli
8. Alveolus or alveoli or air sacs – where gas exchange happen.

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