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Software Requirements


St. Joseph the Worker Parish

Management Information
Version 1.0 approved

Prepared by:

Richard Jhon Patoc

Annie Calunangan
Rhea Pellejo
Rio Leongas

July 25, 2022

Software Requirements Specification for St. Joseph the Worker Parish Management Information System
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents ii
Revision History ii
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Purpose 1
1.2 Document Conventions 1
1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions 1
1.4 Product Scope 2
1.5 References 2
2. Overall Description 3
2.1 Product Perspective 3
2.2 Product Functions 3
2.3 User Classes and Characteristics 4
2.4 Operating Environment 4
2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints 4
2.6 User Documentation 4
2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies 5
3. External Interface Requirements 5
3.1 User Interfaces 5
3.2 Hardware Interfaces 6
3.3 Software Interfaces 6
3.4 Communications Interfaces 6
4. System Features 7
4.1 System Feature 1 7
4.2 System Feature 2 8
4.3 System Feature 3 9
4.4 System Feature 4 10
5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements 11
5.1 Performance Requirements 11
5.2 Safety Requirements 11
5.3 Security Requirements 12
5.4 Software Quality Attributes 12
5.5 Business Rules 13
6. Other Requirements 13
Appendix A: Glossary 13
Appendix B: Analysis Models 14
Appendix C: To Be Determined List 15

Revision History (IF ANY)

Name Date Reason For Changes Version

IT 219 – Software Engineering: Final Requirement

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of the St. Joseph the Worker Parish Management Information System aimed to
provide a platform where users can transact or process through online. In terms of baptism,
marriage and communion certification where as the clients get information and using this system
that makes filing and keeping data efficient would be a great tool and safeguard for the client’s
information, where all data are stored properly. Having an increasing number of clients and having
a large amount of information would not cause them to lose data, and would not make them feel
too hard, and can make a great impression to churches regarding their services. With this system,
clients will also feel satisfaction because it can process rapidly and also cannot make them wait too
long. It provides smooth transactions and paperless baptism for the convenience of the churches
and clients.

1.2 Document Conventions

This document follows MLA Format. Bold-faced text has been used to emphasize section and
subsection headings. Highlighting is to point out words in the glossary and italicized text is used to
label and recognize diagrams.

1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

This document is intended for the users, members of the church,clients, and other interested
people to transact or process through online.In terms of baptism, marriage and communion
certification where as the clients get information using this system. Read through the scope and
purpose of our project then go through the overall description of the required interfaces, system
features and other nonfunctional requirements.
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1.4 Product Scope

St. Joseph the Worker Parish Management Information System aims to get new personal
information of the members of the church to their communion, marriage, and baptismal information
and they can also get printed certification if they want. They can also get a reservation if they want
to need a sacrament from the church. This system can be accessed easily to find some information
because it is stored in a database. The system can be open source in order to manage and input
new data if ever there are new members of the church getting their sacrament. It can be user
friendly and can easily access and can also edit the person who is in charge of editing the system
information. Our team created some features for reservations so that they can easily schedule on
submitting all requirements through online and they can easily also get a certification if ever they
need a certificate in communion, marriage, and baptismal. It will be accessed through a web based

1.5 References

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2. Overall Description

2.1 Product Perspective

The main purpose of conducting a Management Information System will be to show how the
system will work such as providing certification to the users who are members in the church. Also
this system saves data about information to the member. It determines how the users will know
that they are already registered. Our role in this proposal is to create an interesting system to
smoother and be more efficient.

2.2 Product Functions

These are the major functions:

1. Can keep data records of the Baptismal, Communion, and Marriage records since the start of
the record of the church.
2. Can print certification of the marriage, communion, and baptismal if the member wants to have a
copy of those data recorded with QR code in the certification.
3. The system can have reservations for the members of the church who want to be baptized,
married, or any appointments of the church.
4. Can get announcements related to the ongoing event or information of the church.

2.3 User Classes and Characteristics

A church is looking for software, and decides a printed church directory is a minimum requirement.
This feature would save them money from using an outside church directory company. They could
place it on their website in a .pdf format or give each member their copy at Sunday service. The
steering committee would place these features in the “minimum” feature list. Conversely, one of the
committee members advocates for an online church directory as well. After much internal

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discussion, the ChMS steering committee decides the online directory is a “nice to have” option. It
isn’t included in the “minimum” requirement list, but added to the “nice to have” list.

2.4 Operating Environment

Operating Environment The server-side components of the software system must operate within a
Windows operating system environment. The client-side components of the software system must
operate within common web- browser like Chrome, Internet Explorer and Firefox.

2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints

This are some of significant constraints on our web based implemented:

1. Only the admin can access the admin interface and server to access the personal
information of the members.
2. The user can request only what services they want and they need to wait for the
approval of the admin.
3. It accesses all devices that have a stable internet connection to access the web based.
4. It needs to communicate with the admin to cater their services offered.

2.6 User Documentation

Our website is user friendly. It is simple and introduces new functionality that users need to learn.
We will provide a step by step process in order to understand the website functionalities.
Online Help
•Step by step guides for using the website
•FAQs and Answer
• contact information of the developer

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2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies

● It can lessen your workload and make running your church easier.
● By being made for churches, it offers exactly what you need.
● You can easily manage and analyze important data using its storage features.
● Using statistics provided by the software, you can measure your growth and impact as a
● Easy attendance and check-in features facilitate better security practices for your staff and
● Contribution management can help you move your contributions online for more convenience.

3. External Interface Requirements

3.1 User Interfaces

3.1 User Interfaces

The Saint Joseph the Worker Parish Web based Information System user interface has been
specifically designed with their user in mind, giving them convenience while they process their
papers online like baptismal, marriage and communion certificate. The Saint Joseph the Worker
Parish Web based Information System makes sure at every point that the user spends most of the
time exploring the website rather than figuring out how to use it.

The user needs to create an account first before they can access the website. If they already have
an account they can directly log in. The homepage offers a menu with a list of functions that the
website performs. The user can select one of the options on the menu. They need to wait until the
admin approves their request.

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3.2 Hardware Interfaces

a.) Server Side The web application will be hosted on a web server which is listening on the web
standard port, port 80.

b) Client side Monitor screen – the software shall display information to the user via the monitor

Mouse – the software shall interact with the movement of the mouse and the mouse buttons. The
mouse shall activate areas for data input, command buttons and select options from menus.

Keyboard – the software shall interact with the keystrokes of the keyboard. The keyboard will
input data into the active area of the database.

3.3 Software Interfaces

a) Server side An Apache web server will accept all requests from the client and forward it
accordingly. A database will be hosted centrally using MySQL.

b) Client side An OS which is capable of running a modern web browser which supports
JavaScript and HTML5.

3.4 Communications Interfaces

Resources used include:

Software tools Hardware tools

1 Software tools Programming tools: Vscode

2. Programming language: HTML, JavaScript,Css,Php
3. Database tools: XAMPP
4. Operating system: windows 10

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Hardware tools:

We used PC(LAPTOP) with the following specification

1. 1.60GHz Processor
2. 500gb Hardware
3. 4gb Ram

4. System Features

4.1 User can login and registered

4.1.1 Description and Priority

Members of the church can log in and register so that their names will be
stored in the database and they have reference for their future request in the church
because they are registered. It is High priority because it is the starting way to
interact with the website in creating an account.

4.1.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

1.The user will access the website and the system will provide an option for
login or create new account button.

2. If the user already has an account they can click the login option and the
system will display the username and password interface so that the user can login.

3. When the user has no account the user can click the create new account
option and the system interface will display the data form needed to be filled up by
the user.

4. If the user is done in login or registered they can automatically access the
homepage of the website.

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4.1.3 Functional Requirements

1. The user that registered should be a member of the St. Joseph the Worker
Parish Chapel.
2. The user needs to fill up the form with correct personal information.
3. If the user has valid inputs or missed inputs the system will notify the user.
4. Need a stable network connection.

4.2 Request a certification with QR code (Baptismal, Marriage, and


4.2.1 Description and Priority

The user can request through online if they need some certifications and the
admin can approve the request. It is high priority because it is the main focus in the

4.2.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

1.The user clicks the request button and selects what certification they want.

2. After the selection of certification, the user input some important

information to validate by the admin.

3. The admin will receive the certification request and validate if the person
is registered in their database.

4. The admin will approve the certification and give to the user with the QR
code in the certification.

4.2.3 Functional Requirements

1. The certification will be given if the requester has been baptized if baptismal
certificate will be requested. Have been married if a marriage certificate is
requested. Have been communion if a communion certificate will be

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2. The admin will inform the user if they approved the certification and if there is
a problem regarding the request.

3. The admin will prepare the certification and attach the QR code to send to
the user.

4. The users receive the certification by going to church but they inform them
online of the schedule of distribution.

4.3 Reservation of Marriage and Baptism

4.3.1 Description and Priority

The user can make an online reservation for their marriage or baptism. It is
Medium priority because it can make a less cost in planning for reservation because
they do not need to go to the chapel instead they can connect online.

4.3.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

1.The user clicks the request button and selects the reservation.

2. After the selection of reservation, the user input the date they want to

3. The admin will receive the reservation request and validate if the
scheduled date will be accepted.

4. The admin will approve the reservation and contact the person for
additional information for the reservation.

4.3.3 Functional Requirements

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1. The user can choose the date they want but the admin will validate if the
schedule will be accepted.

2. There is a month(s) for preparation for the complying of the requirements and
the user should be advanced in scheduling their reservation.

3. The admin will contact the user for some requirements needed to comply.

4. The admin will approve or disapprove the request date.

4.4 Announcement

4.3.1 Description and Priority

The user can see the monthly announcement of the church and the admin
can set monthly announcements. It is a medium priority also because it is a way to
know members who are far away from the chapel on what information they need to
know and the schedule of the monthly mass.

4.3.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

1.The user can see the announcement in the homepage of the website..

2. The admin can only post an announcement and display it in the


3. If the user has queries in the announcement posted they can message
the admin.

4. The admin will be notified if there is an inquiry about the announcement

posted and the admin can respond.

4.3.3 Functional Requirements

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1. The user will see the further activities and events of the church.

2. The admin will only be posted and it has a basis on what the activities are

3. The announcement will be monthly activities for the past month that will be
automatically deleted..

5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements

5.1 Performance Requirements

The system shall accommodate a high number of users without any fault. This statement provides
a general sense of reliability when the system is under load. It is important that a substantial
number of users be able to access the system at the same time. The system must be interactive
and the delays involved must be less. So in every action-response of the system, there are no
immediate delays.

5.2 Safety Requirements

To protect sensitive data, you may consider developing nonfunctional security features. For
example, professionals at healthcare facilities use secure databases to store patients' medical
records. The security on their databases may include firewalls to prevent unauthorized access.

Password generation: An application may not grant access until the user creates a strong
password. For example, a strong password might contain a certain number of characters and a
capital letter.

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Security question answering: A security system for a product may ask questions that only the user
knows the answer to. This can help verify a user's identity when they log into an account.
Examples of security question topics include the color of your first car or your mother's maiden

Account locking: After a certain number of login attempts, a security system may lock an account
to protect a user's information from potential hackers. To unlock their account, a user can typically
call the company to verify their identity and set a new password.

5.3 Security Requirements


● Protect sensitive information that is accessible from a device

● Do not store highly sensitive Church information on your device.
● Use location services, if available, to locate where you registered


● Audit the church access control system.

● By using the web- based church management information system, security staff can
manage all access control aspects from one location.

5.4 Software Quality Attributes

● Since the web-based church management information system will work such as providing
certification to the users it needs more information to gather data to input

5.5 Business Rules

In this system the admin is the only one who can validate or to accept the request and the
reservation of the client. Therefore, the user will login and get a request response by the admin to
provide a certification.

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6. Other Requirements

Appendix A: Glossary

Acronyms Meaning

SRS System Requirements Specifications

DLSJBC De La Salle John Bosco College

XAMPP Is an abbreviation for cross-platform, Apache,

MySQL, PHP and Perl,

VS Code Visual Studio Code is a source-code editor made

by Microsoft for Windows, Linux and macOS.
Features include support for debugging, syntax
highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets,
code refactoring, and embedded Git.

PHP Hypertext Processor a general-purpose scripting

language geared toward web development.

PC Personal Computer

GB Gigabyte

RAM Random Access Memory

IT Information Technology

REQ Requirement

HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol

HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure

REST Representational State Transfer

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Appendix B: Analysis Models

Register and
User Login

See the
Request a announce
Request a
reservation ment

Web-based Management
Information System

Appendix C: To Be
Register new Create a Set and accept
d and monthly the reservation
information in
give the announcement
the database

Determined List

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IT 219 – Software Engineering: Final Requirement

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