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A. General information
1. Order os class activities:
1.1 Team presentation
1.2 Lecture
1.3 Q&A
1.4 Break time
1.5 Team activities to prepare next presentation
2. Prerequisite for the final exam/ assessment:
- Attend class regularly, at least 80% of the total hours of the subject.
- The class monitor will help the teacher with checking student attendance,
declare at the end of the course and report to the teacher.
3. Some rules:
- Latecomers are not allowed to enter the class. Early arrival of at least 5
minutes is strongly recommended.
- No foods or drinks are allowed in class, except pure drinking water.
- High concentration on class activities is required. No use of laptops or mobile
phones irrelevant to class activities in allowed.
4. Instruction on team presentation:
- All teams have to prepare the same topic for the coming day. One day before
the presentation date, the class monitor will inform the class of the chosen
teams to give presentation after random choice and make sure that all teams
will have opportunities to present.
- Before each team member presents, please tell his/her name so that the teacher
can note the evaluation.
- Presentation must be in ppt files with the minimum font size of 28. Names of
presenters are on top right of slides.
- There is one topic each morning/ afternoon. 2 teams will give
presentations of the same topic.
- Each team presentation will last for 25 minutes for maximum with the
involvement of all members in that team.
- There must be examples, illustrations, video clips… in group presentations to
make them more attractive and persuasive. Presentation with theoretical
answers alone will not be accepted.
B. Team/ Group presentation questions
1. Overview of operation management
Choose a company, briefly introduce its products/services and:
- Introduce its transformation process,
- Explain operation management activities in that companies,
- Introduce benefits of operation management to its stakeholders,
- Predict what may go wrong incase of bad operation management.
2. Operations plan
Your team is considering a start-up. Please introduce your operations plan with the
following main parts:
 Process Planning
 Operations Layout
 Manpower Planning
 Location Plan
3. Material management
Choose a company, briefly introduce its activities and introduce how it manages
materials effectively?
4. Operation improvement
Choose a company/store/shop/organization…., briefly introduce its operations and give
your suggestion on how to improve its operations so as to be strongly competitive and
fulfil its customers’ expectation.
5. Supply chain management
Choose a company, briefly introduce its operations and:
- introduce its supply chain members,
- describe activities conducted by those members,
- describe possible risks in this supply chain and how to reduce those.
6. E-commerce

Choose a company, briefly introduce its activities and introduce how it can utilize e-
commerce in order to increase its revenue, profits and customer awareness.
7. Data mining
Choose a company, briefly introduce its activities and introduce how it can utilize data
mining in order to increase its revenue, profits and customer loyalty.

C. Final assessment
Choose 2 out of the above 7 questions and give your opinions.
- 2,400 words excluding references
- Staple your answer in the form of a booklet: Paper cover (no plastic cover), Table of
contents, Questions and your answers, References.
- Times New Roman, font size: 12, line spacing: 1.5; left margin: 3cm, other margins:
- Teamworl is for discussion. The assessment will be individual.

1. Design of Goods and Services. The objective in this strategic decision area of operations
management is to match goods and services, organizational capacity and market demand
and preferences. PepsiCo’s operations management does so through market-based
research and development and product innovation. For example, PepsiCo conducts market
research about current trends, such as consumer lifestyles. The results of such research are
used to determine future directions of PepsiCo’s products, such as future variants of Pepsi.

2. Quality Management. This strategic decision area has the objective of optimizing quality
based on business and consumer expectations. PepsiCo’s operations management aims to
provide the highest quality products under the company’s “Human Sustainability” goals. For

example, new PepsiCo products are usually improved variants, such as low-calorie Pepsi
products and less-salt Frito-Lay products.

3. Process and Capacity Design. Capacity utilization and process efficiency are the
emphases in this strategic decision area of operations management. PepsiCo aims to
maximize its productivity-cost ratio in this area. For example, the company’s manufacturing
facilities are designed with high-output assembly lines. Also, many of PepsiCo’s production
processes are automated for optimal efficiency.

4. Location Strategy. PepsiCo has many company-owned facilities and partner-owned

facilities in strategic locations. The reason why this strategy is made is because pepsico want
to of maximize the reach to target markets. In PepsiCo’s case, such facilities are located in
key areas near most retailers. PepsiCo is especially interested in large retail outlets and food
service establishments with high sales volume.

5. Layout Design and Strategy. Efficient movement of people, materials and information is
the operations management concern in this strategic decision area. In PepsiCo’s case,
spaces are designed with efficiency and productivity in mind. For example, layout design in
PepsiCo production facilities is centered on the principles of assembly line production and
total quality management (TQM)

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