The L21-Labeling Problem On Graphs

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The $L(2,1)$-Labeling Problem on Graphs

Article  in  SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics · May 1996

DOI: 10.1137/S0895480193245339 · Source: DBLP

377 335

2 authors:

Gerard Jennhwa Chang David Kuo

National Taiwan University National Dong Hwa University


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DIMACS Technical Report
March 1993

The L(2,1)-Labeling Problem on Graphs


1 ;2 1
Gerard J. Chang and David Kuo

Department of Applied Mathematics

National Chiao Tung University

Hsinchu 30050, Taiwan

Republic of China


1 Supported in part by the National Science Council of the Republic of China under grant NSC81-
2 Supported in part by DIMACS.

DIMACS is a cooperative project of Rutgers University, Princeton University, AT&T Bell

Laboratories and Bellcore.
DIMACS is an NSF Science and Technology Center, funded under contract STC{91{19999;
and also receives support from the New Jersey Commission on Science and Technology.

An L(2; 1)-labeling of a graph G is a function f from the vertex set V (G) to the set of
all nonnegative integers such that jf (x) 0 f (y)j  2 if d(x; y) = 1 and jf (x) 0 f (y)j  1 if
d(x; y ) = 2. The L(2; 1)-labeling number (G) of G is the smallest number k such that G
has a L(2; 1)-labeling with maxff (v) : v 2 V (G)g = k. In this paper, we give exact formulas
of (G [ H ) and (G + H ). We also prove that (G)  12 +1 for any graph G of maximum
degree 1. For OSF-chordal graphs, the upper bound can be reduced to (G)  21+ 1. For
SF-chordal graphs, the upper bound can be reduced to (G)  1 + 2(G) 0 2. Finally, we
present a polynomial time algorithm to determine (T ) for a tree T .

Keywords. L(2; 1)-labeling, T -coloring, union, join, chordal graph, perfect graph, tree,
bipartite matching, algorithm
1 Introduction
The channel assignment problem is to assign a channel (nonnegative integer) to each radio
transmitter so that interfering transmitters are assigned channels whose separation is not
in a set of disallowed separations. Hale [10] formulated this problem into the notion of the
T-coloring of a graph, and the T -coloring problem has been extensively studied over the past
decade (see [4, 5, 7, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18]).
Roberts [15] proposed a variation of the channel assignment problem in which \close"
transmitters must receive di erent channels and \very close" transmitters must receive chan-
nels that are at least two channels apart. To formulate the problem in graphs, the trans-
mitters are represented by the vertices of a graph; two vertices are \very close" if they are
adjacent in the graph and \close" if they are of distance two in the graph. More precisely,
an L(2; 1) of a graph G is a function f from the vertex set V (G) to the set of all

nonnegative integers such that jf (x) 0 f (y)j  2 if d(x; y) = 1 and jf (x) 0 f (y)j  1 if
d(x; y ) = 2. A k L(2; 1)
- is an L(2; 1)-labeling such that no label is greater than k.

The L(2; 1) of G, denoted by (G), is the smallest number k such that G

-labeling number

has a k-L(2; 1)-labeling.

Griggs and Yeh [9] determined the exact values of (P ), (C ), and (W ), where P is
n n n n

a path of n vertices, C is a of n vertices, and W is an n

n cycle n obtained from C by
-wheel n

adding a new vertex adjacent to all vertices in C . For the n-cube Q , Jonas [11] showed
n n

that n + 3  (Q ). Griggs and Yeh [9] showed that (Q )  2n + 1 for n  5. They also
n n

determined (Q ) for n  5 and conjectured that the lower bound n + 3 is the actual value

of (Q ) for n  3. Using a coding theory method, Whittlesey et al. [19] proved that

(Q n )  2 + 2 0 +1 0 2; where n  2 0 q and 1  q  k + 1:

k k q k

In particular, (Q2 0 01 )  2 0 1. As a consequence, (Q )  2n for n  3.

k k

For a tree T with maximum degree 1  1, Griggs and Yeh [9] showed that (T ) is either
1 + 1 or 1 + 2. They proved that the L(2; 1)-labeling problem is NP-complete for general
graphs and conjectured that the problem is also NP-complete for trees.
For a general graph G of maximum degree 1, Griggs and Yeh [9] proved that (G) 
12 +21. The upper bound was improved to be (G)  12 +21 0 3 when G is 3-connected
and (G)  12 when G is of diameter two. Griggs and Yeh conjectured that (G)  12
in general. To study this conjecture, Sakai [17] considered the class of chordal graphs. He
showed that (G)  (1+3)2=4 for any chordal graph G. For a unit interval graph G, which
is a very special chordal graph, he also proved that 2(G) 0 2  (G)  2(G).
The purpose of this paper is to study Griggs and Yeh's conjectures. We also study L(2; 1)-
labeling numbers of the union and the join of two graphs to generalize results on the n-wheel
that is the join of C and K1. For this purpose and a further reason that will become clear in

Section 3, we introduce a related problem, which we call the L0(2; 1)-labeling problem. The
de nitions of an L0(2; 1)-labeling f , a k L0 (2; 1)
- f , and the L0 (2; 1)
-labeling -labeling number

0 (G) are the same as those of an L(2; 1)-labeling f , a k -L(2; 1)-labeling f , and the L(2; 1)-
labeling number (G), respectively, except that the function f is required to be one-to-one.
There is a natural connection between 0(G) and the path partition number p (G ) of the v

complement G of G. For any graph G, the

p (G) is the minimum
path partition number v

number k such that V (G) can be partitioned into k paths.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives general properties of (G)
and 0(G). Section 3 studies (G [ H ), (G + H ), 0(G [ H ), and 0(G + H ). Section 4 proves
that (G)  12 + 1 for a general graph G of maximum degree 1. This result improves on
Griggs and Yeh's result (G)  12 + 21. However, there is still a gap in the conjecture
(G)  12 . Section 5 studies the upper bounds for subclasses of chordal graphs. Section 6
presents a polynomial time algorithm to determine (T ) of a tree T .

2 Basic Properties of  and 0

Lemma 2.1 (G)  (H ) and 0 (G)  0 (H ) for any subgraph G of a graph H.

Lemma 2.2 (G)  0 (G) for any graph G. (G) = 0 (G) if G is of diameter at most two.

Lemma 2.3 p (G) = 0 (G

) 0 jV (G)j + 2 for any graph G.
Proof. Suppose f is a 0(G )-L0(2; 1)-labeling of G . Note that for any two vertices x and
c c

y in V (G), if f (x) = f (y ) + 1, then (x; y ) 62 E (G ) and so (x; y ) 2 E (G). Consequently,


a subset of vertices whose labels form a consecutive segment of integers form a path in G.
However, there are at most 0(G ) 0 jV (G)j + 2 such consecutive segments of integers. Thus

p (G)  0 (G ) 0 jV (G)j + 2.

On the other hand, suppose V (G) can be partitioned into k  p (G) paths in G, say, (v 1, v i

v 2, 1 1 1, v ) for 1  i  k . Consider a dummy path (v01) and de ne f by

i ini

< 02;
> if i = 0 and j = 1;
f (v ) = > f (v 01 ) +
: f (v 01 )0+ 1;
2; if 1  i  k and j = 1;
if 1  i  k and 2  j  n .
ij i ;ni 1
i;j i

It is straightforward to check that f is a (k + jV (G)j 0 2)-L0(2; 1)-labeling of G . Hence c

0 (G )  k + jV (G)j 0 2, i.e., p (G)  0 (G ) 0 jV (G)j + 2.

Note that an L(2; 1)-labeling is precisely a proper vertex coloring with some extra condi-
tions on all vertex pairs of distance at most two. So, (G) has a natural relation with the
chromatic number (G).
For any xed positive integer k, the k of a graph G is the graph G whose vertex
-th power

set V (G ) = V (G) and edge set E (G ) = f(x; y) : 1  d (x; y)  kg.

k k

Lemma 2.4 (G) 0 1  (G)  2(G2 ) 0 2 for any graph G.

Proof. (G) 0 1  (G)

follows from de nitions. (G)  2(G2) 0 2 follows from the fact
that for any proper vertex coloring f of G2, 2f 0 2 is an L(2; 1)-labeling of G. Q.E.D.
The neighborhood N (x) of a vertex x is the set of all vertices y adjacent to x. The closed

neighborhood N [x] of x is fxg [ N (x).

Lemma 2.5 [9] (G)  1+1 for any graph G of maximum degree 1+1 . If (G) = 1+1,
f (v ) = 0 1+1
then (G) L(2; 1)
or for any - -labeling f and any vertex v of maximum degree

1 N [x]
. In this case, contains at most two vertices of degree 1 for any x 2 V (G).

Lemma 2.6 0 (C3 ) = 0 (C4 ) = 4 and 0 (C

n )=n01 for n  5.
Proof. The cases of C3 and C4 are easy to verify. For n  5, 0(G)  n 0 1 by de nition.
Let v0, v1, 1 1 1, v 01 be vertices of C such that v is adjacent to v +1 for 0  i  n 0 1, where
n n i i

v  v0 . Consider the following labeling:


 i=2; if 0  i  n 0 1 and i is even;

f (v ) =
dn=2e + di=2e 0 1; if 0  i  n 0 1 and i is odd.
It is straightforward to check that f is an (n 0 1)-L0 (2; 1)-labeling of C . So 0(C )  n 0 1.
n n

Lemma 2.7 0 (P1 ) = 0, 0 (P2 ) = 2, 0 (P3 ) = 3, and 0 (P
n )=n01 for n  4.

Proof. The cases of P1, P2, P3, and P4 are easy to verify. For n  5, 0(P )  n 0 1 by n

de nition. Last, 0(P )  0(C ) = n 0 1 by Lemmas 2.1 and 2.6.

n n Q.E.D.

3 Union and Join of Graphs

Suppose G and H are two graphs with disjoint vertex sets. The of G and H , denoted

by G [ H , is the graph whose vertex set is V (G) [ V (H ) and edge set is E (G) [ E (H ). The
joinof G and H , denoted by G + H , is the graph obtained >from G [ H by adding all edges
between vertices in V (G) and vertices in V (H ).
Lemma 3.1 (G [ H ) = maxf(G); (H )g for any two graphs G and H.

Proof. (G [ H )  maxf(G); (H )gfollows from Lemma 2.1 and the fact that G and H
are subgraphs of G [ H . On the other hand, an L(2; 1)-labeling of G together with an L(2; 1)-
labeling of H makes an L(2; 1)-labeling of G [ H . Hence (G [ H )  maxf(G); (H )g.
Lemma 3.2 0 (G [ H ) = maxf0(G) 0(H ) jV (G)j + jV (H )j 0 1g
, , for any two graphs G
and H.

Proof. 0 (G [ H )  maxf0 (G); 0 (H )g follows from Lemma 2.1 and the fact that G and H
are subgraphs of G [ H . 0(G [ H )  jV (G)j + jV (H )j 0 1 follows from the de nition of 0.
Assume f is a 0(G)-L0 (2; 1)-labeling of G. There are no two consecutive integers x < y
in [0; 0(G)] that are not labels of vertices of G, otherwise we can \compact" the function f
to get a (0(G) 0 1)-L0(2; 1)-labeling f 0 of G de ned by
 f (v ); if f (v) < x;
f (v ) =
f (v ) 0 1; if f (v ) > x.
For the case where 0(G)  jV (G)j + jV (H )j 0 1, there are at least jV (H )j pairwise non-
consecutive integers in [0; 0(G)] that are not labels of vertices of G. We can use them to
label the vertices of H . This yields a 0(G)-L0 (2; 1)-labeling of G [ H . For the case where
0 (H )  jV (G)j + jV (H )j 0 1, similarly, there exists a 0 (H )-L0 (2; 1)-labeling of G [ H .
For the case where maxf0(G); 0(H )g  jV (G)j + jV (H )j 0 1, without loss of generality,
we may assume that jV (G)j  jV (H )j. Let f be a k-L0(2; 1)-labeling of G such that k 
jV (G)j + jV (H )j 0 1 and there are no two consecutive integers in [0; k] that are not labels of
vertices of G. Such an f exists for k = 0(G). If k  jV (G)j+jV (H )j03, then k  2jV (G)j03
and so there exist two consecutive labels x < y. In this case, we can \separate" f to get a
(k + 1)-L0 (2; 1)-labeling f 0 de ned by
 f (v ); if f (v)  x;
f (v ) =
f (v ) + 1; if f (v )  y .
Continuing this process, we obtain a k-L0(2; 1)-labeling such that jV (G)j + jV (H )j0 2  k 
jV (G)j + jV (H )j 0 1 and there are no two consecutive integers in [0; k] that are not labels of
vertices of G. Using jV (H )j non-labels in [0; jV (G)j + jV (H )j 0 1] to label the vertices in H ,
we get a (jV (H )j + jV (H )j 0 1)-L0(2; 1)-labeling of G [ H . By the conclusions of the above
three cases, 0(G [ H )  maxf0(G); 0(H ); jV (G)j + jV (H )j 0 1g. Q.E.D.
Lemma 3.3 p (G [ H ) = p (G) + p (H )
v v v for any two graphs G and H.

Proof. Obvious. Q.E.D.

Lemma 3.4 (G + H ) = 0 (G + H ) = 0 (G) + 0 (H ) + 2 for any two graphs G and H.

Proof. (G + H ) = 0(G + H ) follows from Lemma 2.2 and the fact that G + H is of
diameter at most two. Also,
0 (G + H )
= p ((G + H ) ) + jV (G + H )j 0 2 (by Lemma 2.3)

= p (G [ H ) + jV (G)j + jV (H )j 0 2
c c

= p (G ) + p (H ) + jV (G)j + jV (H )j 0 2 (by Lemma 3.3)


= 0(G) + 0(H ) + 2 (by Lemma 2.3) Q.E.D.

Lemma 3.5 p (G + H )
v = maxfp (G) 0 jV (H )j; p (H ) 0 jV (G)j; 1g
v v for any two graphs G
and H.


p (G + H )

= 0((G + H )) 0 jV (G + H )j + 2 (by Lemma 2.3)


= 0(G [ H ) 0 jV (G)j 0 jV (H )j + 2
c c

= maxf0(G ); 0(H ); jV (G)j + jV (H )j 0 1g 0 jV (G)j 0 jV (H )j + 2 (by Lemma 3.2)

c c

= maxf0(G ) 0 jV (G)j + 2 0 jV (H )j; 0(H ) 0 jV (H )j + 2 0 jV (G)j; 1g

c c

= maxfp (G) 0 jV (H )j; p (H ) 0 jV (G)j; 1g (by Lemma 2.3).

v v Q.E.D.
Cographs are de ned recursively by the following rules:
(1) A vertex is a cograph.
(2) If G is a cograph, then so is its complement G . c

(3) If G and H are cographs, then so is their union G [ H .

Note that the above de nition is the same as one with (2) replaced by
(4) If G and H are cographs, then so is their join G + H .
There is a linear time algorithm to identify whether a graph is a cograph (see [3]). In the
case of a positive answer, the algorithm also gives a . Therefore, we have the
parsing tree

following consequences.
Theorem 3.1 There is a linear time algorithm to compute (G), 0 (G), and p (G)
v for a

cograph G.
4 Upper Bound of  in Terms of Maximum Degree
For any xed positive integer k, a k of a graph G is a subset S of V (G) such that
-stable set

every two distinct vertices in S are of distance greater than k. Note that 1-stability is the
usual stability.
Theorem 4.1 (G)  12 + 1 for any graph G 1
with maximum degree .

Proof. Consider the following labeling scheme on V (G). Initially, all vertices are unlabeled.
Let S01 = ;. When S 01 is determined and not all vertices in G are labeled, let

F = fx 2 V (G) : x is unlabeled and d(x; y )  2 for all y 2 S 01 g:

i i

Choose a maximal 2-stable subset S of F , i.e., S is a 2-stable subset of F but S is not

i i i i i

a proper subset of any 2-stable subset of F . In the case where F = ;, S = ;. Label all
i i i

vertices in S by i, and continue this process until all vertices are labeled. Assume k is the

maximum label used, and choose a vertex x whose label is k. Let

I1 = fi : 0  i  k 0 1 and d(x; y ) = 1 for some y 2 S g, i

I2 = fi : 0  i  k 0 1 and d(x; y )  2 for some y 2 S g, i

I3 = fi : 0  i  k 0 1 and d(x; y )  3 for all y 2 S g. i

It is clear that jI2j + jI3j = k. Since the total number of vertices y with 1  d(x; y)  2 is
at most deg(x) + Pfdeg(y) 0 1 : (y; x) 2 E (G)g  1 + 1(1 0 1) = 12, we have jI2j  12.
Also, there exist only deg(x)  1 vertices adjacent to x, so jI1j  1. For any i 2 I3, x 62 F , i

otherwise S [ fxg is a 2-stable subset of F , which contradicts the choice of S . That is,
i i i

d(x; y ) = 1 for some vertex y in S 01 , i.e., i 0 1 2 I1. So, jI3j  jI1j. Then,

(G)  k = jI2j + jI3j  jI2j + jI1j  12 + 1:

5 Subclasses of Chordal Graphs
A graph is (or
chordal ) if every cycle of length greater than three has a
triangulated , chord

which is an edge joining two non-consecutive vertices of the cycle. Chordal graphs have
been extensively studied as a subclass of perfect graphs (see [8]). For any graph G, (G)
denotes the chromatic number of G and !(G) the maximum size of a clique in G. It is easy
to see that !(G)  (G) for any graph G. A graph G is perfect if !(H ) = (H ) for any
vertex induced subgraph H of G. In conjunction with the domination theory in graphs,
the following subclasses of chordal graphs have been studied (see [1, 2, 6]). An n is a -sun

chordal graph with a Hamiltonian cycle (x1, y1, x2, y2, 1 1 1, x , y , x1) in which each x is
n n i

of degree exactly two. A SF-chordal (resp. OSF-chordal, 3SF-chordal) graph is a chordal

which contains no n-sun with n  3 (resp. odd n  3, n = 3) as an induced subgraph, where
SF (resp. OSF, 3SF) stands for sun-free (resp. odd-sun-free, 3-sun-free). SF-chordal graphs
are also calledstrongly chordal graphs by Farber (see [6]). Strongly chordal graphs include
directed path graphs, interval graphs, unit interval graphs, block graphs, and trees. A vertex
x is simple if N [y]  N [z] or N [z]  N [y] for any two vertices y; z 2 N [x]. Consequently,
for any simple vertex x, N [x] is a clique and x has a maximum neighbor m 2 N [x], i.e.,
N [y ]  N [m] for any y 2 N [x]. Farber [6] proved that G is a strongly chordal graph if and
only if every vertex induced subgraph of G has a simple vertex.
Theorem 5.1 (G)  21 for any OSF-chordal graph G with maximum degree 1 .

Proof. First, (G)  2(G2) 0 2 by Lemma 2.4. By Corollary 3.11 of [2], G2 is perfect
and so (G2) = !(G2). Since G is OSF-chordal, it is 3SF-chordal. By Theorem 3.8 of [1],
! (G2 ) = 1 + 1. The above inequality and equalities imply that (G)  21. Q.E.D.
Theorem 5.2 (G)  1+2(G) 0 2 for any strongly chordal graph G with maximum degree
1 .

Proof. We shall prove the theorem by induction on jV (G)j. The theorem is obvious when
jV (G)j = 1. Suppose jV (G)j > 1. Choose a simple vertex v of G. Since G 0 v is also strongly
chordal, by the induction hypothesis,
(G 0 v )  1(G 0 v ) + 2(G 0 v ) 0 2  1 + 2(G) 0 2:
Let f be a (G 0 v)-L(2; 1)-labeling of G 0 v. Note that v is adjacent to deg(v) vertices,
which form a clique in G. Let m be the maximum neighbor of v. Since every vertex of
distance two from v is adjacent to m, there are deg(m) 0 deg(v) vertices that are of distance
two from v. Therefore, there are at most 3 deg(v) + deg(m) 0 deg(v)  1 + 2!(G) 0 2 =
1+2(G) 0 2 numbers used by f to be avoided by v. Hence there is still at least one number
in [0; 1 + 2(G) 0 2] that can be assigned to v in order to extend f into a (1 + 2(G) 0 2)-
L(2; 1)-labeling. Q.E.D.
Although a strongly chordal graph is OSF-chordal, the upper bounds in Theorems 5.1
and 5.2 are incomparable. Theorem 5.2 is a generalization of the result that (T )  1 + 2
for any nontrivial tree of maximum degree 1. We conjecture that (G)  1+ (G) for any
strongly chordal graph G with maximum degree 1.

6 A Polynomial Algorithm for  on Trees

For a tree T with maximum degree 1, Griggs and Yeh [9] proved that (T ) = 1 + 1 or
1 + 2. They also conjectured that it is NP-complete to determine if (G) = 1. On the
contrary, this section gives a polynomial time algorithm to determine if (T ) = 1. Although
not necessary, the following two preprocessing steps reduce the size of a tree before we apply
the algorithm.
First, check if there is a vertex x whose closed neighborhood N [x] contains three or more
vertices of degree 1. If the answer is positive, then (T ) = 1 + 2 by Lemma 2.5.
Next, check if there is a leaf x whose unique neighbor y has degree less than 1. If there is,
then T 0 x also has maximum degree 1. By Lemma 2.1 and precisely the same arguments as
in the proof of Theorem 4.1 of [9], (T 0 x)  (T )  maxf(T 0 x), deg(x)+2g  (T 0 x)
and so (T ) = (T 0 x). Determining (T ) is then the same as determining (T 0 x).
Continue this process until any leaf of the tree is adjacent to a vertex of degree 1.
Regardless of whether we apply the above two steps to reduce the tree size or not, from
now on we assume that T 0 is a tree of at least two vertices and maximum degree 1. For any
{ 10 {
xed positive integer k, the following algorithm determines if T 0 has a k-L(2; 1)-labeling or
not. We in fact only need to apply the algorithm for k = 1 + 1.
For technical reasons, we may assume that T 0 is rooted at a leaf r0, which is adjacent to
r. Let T = T 0 0 r0 be rooted at r. We can consider T 0 as the tree resulting from T by adding
a new vertex r0 that is adjacent to r only. Let
S (T; r) = f(a; b) : there is a k0L(2; 1)0labeling on T 0 with f (r0) = a and f (r) = bg:
Note that (T )  k if and only if S (T; r) 6= ;. Now suppose T 0 r contains s trees T1, T2,
1 1 1, T rooted at r1, r2, 1 1 1, r , respectively, where each r is adjacent to r in T . Note that T
s s i

can be considered as identifying r10 , r20 , 1 1 1, r0 to a vertex r on the disjoint union of T10, T20,

1 1 1, T 0.

For a system of sets (A ) =1  (A1, A2, 1 1 1, A ), an SDR is an s-tuple (a ) =1  (a1, a2,

i s i

1 1 1, a ) of s distinct elements such that a 2 A for 1  i  s.

s i i

Theorem 6.1 S (T; r)= f(a; b) : 0  a  k 0  b  k ja 0 bj  2

, , , and (A ) =1 s
i i has an

SDR, where A
i = fc : c 6= a (b; c) 2 S (T ; r )gg
and i i .

Proof. Denote by S the set on the right-hand side of the equality in the theorem.
Suppose (a; b) 2 S (T; r). There is a k-L(2; 1)-labeling f of T 0 such that f (r0 ) = a and
f (r) = b. Of course, 0  a  k , 0  b  k , and ja 0 bj  2. Let f be the function f restricted i

on T 0 by viewing r0 the same as r. Then f is a k-L(2; 1)-labeling of T 0 with f (r0 ) = f (r) = b

i i i i i i

and f (r ) = f (r ) 6= f (r0) = a, i.e., (b; f (r )) 2 S (T ; r ) and f (r ) 2 A . Thus (f (r )) =1 is

i i i i i i i i i

an SDR of (A ) =1 . This proves S (T; r)  S .

i i

On the other hand, suppose (a; b) 2 S . Then 0  a  k, 0  b  k, ja 0 bj  2,

and (A ) =1 has an SDR (c ) =1. Let f be a k-L(2; 1)-labeling of T 0 such that f (r0 ) = b
i i
i i i i i

and f (r ) = c . Consider the labeling f of T 0 de ned by f (x) = f (x) for x 2 V (T ) and

i i i i

f (r0 ) = a. It is straightforward to con rm that f is a k -L(2; 1)-labeling of T 0 with f (r0 ) = a

and f (r) = b, i.e., (a; b) 2 S (T; r). Q.E.D.
{ 11 {
Our algorithm recursively applies the above theorem with the initial condition that for
any trivial tree frg of exactly one vertex r,
S (frg; r) = f(a; b) : 0  a  k; 0  b  k; ja 0 bj  2g:

The complexity of the above algorithm is O(jV (T )jg(2k)k2), where g(n) is the complexity of
solving the bipartite matching problem of n vertices. The well-known ow algorithm gives
g (n) = O(n2 5 ).

We can expect to nd a simpler algorithm if S (T; r) appears to be \regular." In that

case, there may be an easier way to construct S (T; r) from S (T ; r )'s than using the SDR
i i


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