Electrical Important Topics

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What first aid will you render, fo a person suf'f=ering from an
i. Piit off the po-w€r.
2. Isolate casualty from any iive circuit.
3 If this is impossible puil or push the victim away rrorn the source of electricitv
taking care not to make electric contact wrth victirn or electric
4. Raise alarm.
5. All tight clothing, tie should be loosened to promote resprratlon.
6. Bring the casuaity into fresh air.
7. Check the respiration, pulse.
8' If required give him cardiac massage and mouth to mouth respiration without any
9 Take the heip of an expert.

Fo* many emergency batteries maintained af the correct charge level?

B-v con tinuous charirin g.
l. Post eherging 2. Trie kle eharging.
T...,'* -ryp= *fbatte;es are theie:--
i Leaci acici baiiery 2. Aikaiine barierv
Eraergency battery is provided to give supply in emergency:__
For radio equipment
2. Fire fighting alarm system
Intemai & Extemal communication.
4. Emergencylighting or Navigational light.
Emergency generator. ---
If rnain generator thiis" wrthin 45 seconds the emergency generator should
come on load.
24 volt Dc total supply voltage by buffenng. They are rechargeable
so they are
secondary cell
Lead acici battery --Each cell has 2 volts. so it has rz no. of celr.
Aikaline battery - Each cell has r.2 volts and has 20 no. of celr.
Capacity of battery -350 Ampere hour.


1 Baltel/ is stored !n lvc!! ventilated battery roo!!1.
2. The r+c.l sh+'.:ld !-eep cle*: e-d dry.
3. i{u sinokiirg boarri io be ciispiayeci. For study material and latest questions
4. No naked light is allowed. Join us on Telegram @mmdmeoclass4
5. Both batteries emit/ generate ..H', (Hydrogen).
'5. Parnt work ln roorn shoulci be acid and aikaiine resistance.
7. Acid ceils should not be placed near alkaline cell.

8. Hycircmeier anei piprng gear tbr lead acici shoulcj not be useci fiii aikaiine battery
arrc ra'ire :,resh
9. Tightness oflterinit:al nuts and applylng petrolerimlelly on connection to prevent
10 Ceii top shoLrld be clean ar:d ciry.
11. {lale must be taken whrie using hydrometer.
iS Use protective gla.ss, eye goggles, insulated spailner to prevent accidental shorl
circuit as it rna3,' ca.use ireav.v spark. lt may damage the ceii serioLrsly and may
:ause erplosron
i3. First aid equiprnent should keep in battery fooln.
14. Vent hoies of the cap shouid clear.
i5. Teraperature of eleeiroi_vte should not be more than 45'C.
iG. Specific gravity of tiriiy charge battery--) 1.285
Specific gravity of F,rlly discharge battery* 1 .1
i 7. Electrolyte ior iead acid battery Contain - Suiphun'c acid
Electrclr,te for Alkairne battery Contain :) Potassiuil Hydroxide
i8 Alkairne battery rvhen new,the specific gravitl, of eiectroiyte is f .i9 and slowly
about 5io i0 years after will drop down to 1.tr45, then the battery is to be
repiaced. Also if the voitage of cell drops to 1.1 replace the battery.

i Cell tops be kept clean anil clry in order to reduee tire r-isl< of eorc'sion ard
otranr-rinal loolr.-o
Z. Tct'iiiiiiai siiaril.llic iigirt,clcuu, lree uf any cieposits, aiid dr-y. Tiie uriuie-t-rs caii
be coated wrth petroleumleliy {not greasei.
3. The cables rn ctrose proximitv to the cells are requireii to be examined fi'om time
to iinre for signs of corrosicn.
4. Electrolyte levels shoulci be checkeci ancl topped up w-ith distiiied water to cover
the electrodes.
5. The gas vents in the cells shouid be kept free iiom biockage by dirt or rn case
alkai ine b atteri es liom crystail ized electro ly te.
b. Pure distilieci water oniy shouici used fbr topping up cells.
i. Suitable FFE should be used while rvorking with battenes.
B. First -aid treatnlent shoulci be urderstood and be available at all tiines.
9. Specific gra'".ity should be measured and temperature correction should be
10. A weelcly iog of critical parameters to be maintained.
I l. Voltage reading of each ceil should be taken while the current is actually fton'ing.
The voltage of a bafteq; on an open circuit is how ever rather rnisleading.

FULL CFIAR(IE -- 128{l at 15o C.

HALF CI{AGRE .--1'26rt
F'ULL DISCHAR,Gtr .---------.. 12OO
DEAD BATTER1/--------------- I 1 80.
F'hat are the saf'eties provide4 on a switchboarti? What are
prefe:"elrfi*! trip anei e **.,j**.* psEFJer::e!a;,?
Switch boai"d -- Ii consis',s oi Ceireiator conirol" generatoi-
saieties, sei:!-ice pa,rel, aii,J
group of starter. This all will fbrm switch board,
bu, bar, crrcult breaker.
I Har:dle ftr opening the dc'or: on the srvlteh t+ard to have
inte:-loe ked *co tlrat unle_"s
fiic circi;if brcakci' is s-,vitchcd cff thc dc*r i,i.ili iict cpcii.
2 -- Gn opening ihe iuse switchb,oani gets isoiated ;urii san be repiaceci
3 TWO CONTACTS: -- l. pnmary 2. Secondary.
While closing the circuit breaker the primary eontact close first
and the marn
r.Gntact closes aflerwards.
4. Generator w-hich is not running cannot be connecting to
bus bar
5 contacts are silver coated ancl provicled wrth eac crurg
to qulnce the arc anci
to cool the switch board.
6' Breaking speed of contact: Fast breaking speed at contact, in
order to 1lrevenr
7. Ebonite Hancile is provr<ieei at the &ont of the swrtchboard.
B. On top of w'ooden platform, one r-uhber sheet is provided.
t. Emergency manual trio of circuit breaker.
I0. Farth fault monitnr and alann.
I I Shrp shore interjock.
12'Dead front type circuit breaker so line parts of circuit
breaker have not exposed
i -:,. Should be properlv ventilatecl.
14. Sea water and oil prpes are not passed over swrtch

B-evelSe p+v;el lip.
a Ur:.i*^r'.,'cl:tge ii*:e Cei+5- 3.5 s=,:.
iidi*se! d-ven.
_.!, over curient(i25%of fuii ioaci surreni witjr aiirne, cieiay oi20 sec) i0-i3o?,0,
+. Preferential tnp {110 Yo of full loacl curent).
Manuai tnpprng device.
A Arc chute {arc catcher inside circuit breaker).
some times over voltage trip to protect the precise electronic device.
Minirnum 3 mrn thick nrbber mat 0.6m space behrnd the panel board.
Ventrlation end.
10 Dead front anti insu-lated haadle.
ri Fuses.
I.) Eafih fault indicator.
i5 -breaker
!J If is in on position then top cover cannot be removeci.

What are Eectillers, antl what is their function?

Rectifier is used to convert AC voltage to DC voltage, normally used in battery

lxjhat t_vpe of electrical starter *re used on baard antl whv?

IXREC:!'O\lllNE ST4FTEB -- {ised for sniall nroto!'s where s.tarting cuffent is low
STAF- BEI-TA- STAR|ER: -- It *4!i reCr-rce the star-ting curelt X:y l,/-t rd .*o red,-rce
E-!- -.-:.- -^
u-ssyilrE,5 ^f __^1!^._^
ul \uiidSC
F"tiTO"TRANSFORN{ER. --- Used for large n-rotors where speed can be controlled.

What is an A.C.E. ancE what are the safeties providetl on the A.C.B.
.{lLelEtIlIag8Ell.5ER. -- When the current is made broken there is no other mednim
:xcent air i-" nre"ent rs called air clrcr_rit brezk_er.
I r{{I\: Cr-l\\
l. l\!,1ii\ ^ . ,)rL (i.\i},{f\ 1'^n\-T^-Tt
L \lt\ t ,-lL t J-
Seconciaiv conta.ct ls ca-iied arcing ccntacts. This is provicieci to prevent the dalnaee to tire
nain cc;:tact.
I. Srlver tungsten plated b'coz it has propeqy of low contact resistance.
2. Contacts are siiver coated as silver fias got very high conductrvitl,.
-1. ARC CH{'ITE: -- So quencir ihe arc and cool tire contact.

Iiow lvill ysu e$nvert a 44(}tr'AC supply to a 24 vcit ilC sutrplv?

440AC + 2.2{} AC Bv transtbrmer.
220AC + I 1O Af' B:' Transfb,rn:er
! In /\ Ji -, i, A /'1 8., 'l'-^,.^+'^*^--,
i iv ,-1!-. -a uJ ri{liiSiuiiiitr-
24 AC + 2+ *C Ev R.ceirfici.

lVhat is the clifference trefw'ee* Afl & S{l currenf?

4e :) :'r,,here direction and arnplitude is continuouslv chanqeci is called AC current. a:rri
the ,.olrage ciia.qram is sine \va\ e.
8e.-}. In DC curent, the drrectron and amplitude is not changecl and r,.oltage iine is
straight-line a:rd no change in voltage and current.

trVhat action will you take, if an elecfrical rnotor hot oo, during yout'
r, /^\L^^l- +1.
LlisLA [rrs^ 4rlrPgr E;_

:. Wiii check the fan cooiing.

-{ A.n-u* abnonlai rroise
4 Bearing b1, securin-q
5. improper ventilaiicn.
State the different tvpe of mofor availa-ble on ships.
l. INDUCTION MSTSR. -- Due to the electromagnetic induction the voitage is
AC ','ciie"ge is appiieil tc
tl':e staiter. This '-.";ll pi+diice a iciating
magneiic fieici in ihe sianer. This rotaiing fieici r.r'iii cui by roior anci hence wiii inriucei
prroduce the enif / voltage ie rotor.'lhis two voitage are siarter voitage anci rotor roiiage
will react each other to prociuce a tcrrqile rvhich n'ill rotate the motor is callecl induction

state the safeties provitied on an electricai motor circuit.

' Over load nroteclion
2. Single pheing pr+tectien tr!p.
3. Shcrt cl;cul; proteciiot *'ip.
4' Thermister to tnp due to high temperature and windines.
5 No/low voltage trip.
Sol*s regulation for tratterv:--
1. IB hours full mnning continuouslv for carqo vessel_
?. 35 h+urs ------- pur-r*rrg*. rressel.
3 ' voitage shoiild not drop more than ],29L -with,ir, ihat peno,c.

1. Sholld stzttato" C.
2. T';"c starting ;.edtun -lr:st be gveilable.
3 Each i:iediuiri shoui,j be capable io give dirce siaits coirsecutiveiy iii 30 liiirutes
wrthout charged.
4 Should corne on load wifhin 45 seconds.
js Fuel flash point should not be less than 43" C.
6. Tank capacity should be for l B hours.

Ifthe running rnotor stop surldenly what can be the possible faults and
h+w y++ vi!! reeti$?
i. itipui si;pply.
2. Overload Trip.
3. Winding bumt.
4. Biow control fuse.
5. Short circuit in transformer.
1 Cr-rryert - DC-200g-10A
2. R.csista:icc :z+A'*-- 2000K'g)
3. Vui'iage AiV--750
4. Diode
5. HFE
AC curent can not be measure with multimeter.
A.C. can be measured by Tong tester.
Megger is used to test insulation of electric motor and gear. Its minimum value should be
I M'Q.


Initia! prcparation :--
1. Switch off breaker in the starter panel.
2- Remove the fise for the control circuit as precautionary measure.
3. Check aiid le-check NO VOLTAGE in rhe ou@ut terminal of the contactors.

4. lt is aiso gocd pracitce to check the insuiation resistance at terminajs beicrre

"Do i.ior SrART-MEN AT wollK'hotice to be postecl ar the main panel, local
panel and at the site of r.,ork.
n All proper personal protectrve equrpments like insulating glo..zes etc. to be pur ro
proiter ilse.
7 Make sure the measttring instruments are in proper order and in the proper moCe
trefore using them.
E. Actian to be taken in case oi emergency to be disc.ussed and rmderstood bv all
memhers of ti're ',vor!: fea_rn
9. It rs good practtce to ::ei-er the rnsulatron manual a day betbre the wor:k ancl also
check the availability of rhe spares.

lV .--
i Keei al! t+rls spa:-es, art'l ir:stnrtnen!s ei stard h1,i:r1i-:'e sta:-rilq rhe..^.'c,rk-..
?. ei;.€** ihc li;:c is .i.caii bcf;rc rc:xci-i;:g ihc c+n;:ccti+:;.
3. fi.eii;or.e iir+ terminai covei ai ihe nrci'or anci rnark the cabies for ideniificar-iorr as
a precaution ary measure.
4. Reinove the connections a;rd promptl,v rnsulate thcse.
5. FJote the caripling clearances before removin-q.
6. Open the coupirng and inspect for abnormality.
7. Loosen aii the founriation bolts, renrove the locating pin and rernove tire bclts.
8. Remcrre the motor fi'orn its place and transfer it to convenient place for overhaui
as safe as possiirle.

I Mark ftg positjon and reruove the en<J c$\jers carefir1l'1 Ccve s are ca,sting and arr:
ve{; *agile, d+*': hsmmer di;'ectl;"-:;lth hafirner, :.jse','"++d cr sc*er Tef'!c* rcd

2. F.emove ihe cooirng ian aitacheei to iile shaft, if possibie.

3. IJrarv out the rotor carefuilv n'ithout maliing contact rvith the stator and secure it
4. Inspect the rotor fbr any damage. Keys and key slots are to be given rnore
5. Cleaning can be done r,r-rth DREW ELECTRIC which does not affect the
insulation. The cleaning liquid sh*uld be safely handled. Refer MSDS sheets for
henciiing saf'ety.
6 Lrspeci tile stator for any danrage Quality of irrsulating varrrish to be grveri
7. If vamish is fbund deteriorated, clean the legion rvith a dry cloth. Blorv some arr
mildiy to remcve the dust parficles accurnulated. Make sure the air is dry. Spray
s*:ne quiek drying vamish and place a warming lanrp r.rear it and iet it dry for
B. Check fcr: the in:proved insulation again.
L Clean the casins and the fan ancl drv ther:n efrectiveiv.
i0. Remove the wom oui bearing on both sides of the rotor iuth abearing puiier as
1 i. Assemble the new bearings without damaging them.
12. Box up the motor and check ibr insulation again befbre coupling with dnven
:3. Place the firing shims and the foundation bolts
i4. Re-fit the locating dowels and the foundation bolts.
15. Fair the coupling and tighten the foundation bolts.
16. Test for rotor freeness by rotating it with hand- one full rotation.
i". Alignment to be checked and set correctly.
i8. Re-connect the connectors as they were before.
19. Re-check the insulation.
20. Keep a record of spare used and the date of overhaul.


l. Conrest the i-rse {c'r the eontral eirsuit

1. Q,,.i+^L
g -t l ivii ^- +L,'
vii liiv
u v4t1wi
- .

3. Siari lire motoi'fioiri ihe iosai staiei, obscrve ilie stariiirg currsrli aird tire ruirlirlg
Ioad current.
+. Cireck for any abnormal vibrations, overhauling etc.

rvVhaf is the purpose of Under voltage trip?

Al under voltage trip is fitted to all generator breakers. Its main function to trip the
breaker r.a7!1g11 ggr.'3re '.'+ltage Dip {ar*,":nd 5094) cccurs. The under .".oltsge tnp on a
.'1'^^-^+^r ^l-^.'i+ L-^.1'^* ^l^^ ,--^''nr+r ir L^i-- ^l^^-J,,,L^'^
tssiilia:ui LriLurl ul{,dnli cif,u lJrv\'urr.- ir U-iiig ti-:juu Vtii.tii +L^ ^^6^,^+^r,,^l+^^^
iii$ BUiiijiAiiii ;-.,^,,,
'v'Uiiagc i;j'v'iJiJ
iow or absent.

What is the functian *f fuse?

The function of a fuse is to gire
l. Short circuit protection.
2. Overload protectron.
l. To isolate circuits when maintenancel repair must be carried out.
Describe the necessary action to be taken when re-commissioning a
sir+$if thst h*s fused.
li ar, uiuw> at^_
ruJc !_!_=_.^ f^11^-_,i-^,^^^t- L^
trr(' auiiuwliig iin€(I] ru L^ t^--^ t__;--- .._- ^^_---^-:_^:^_:--*
u{r uuitc uuttrig i€-urj,rrtiiiiiJruliitig ^frr.^
ui. -t--__)t
aii€ tllturt.
l. The cause of failure must be iocated before a fi;se is replaced.
2. Any replacement has to be identical to the original fitted in terms of current
rating, grade and type.
3. all fuses in the sirpply must be replaced even if only one has blown because the
other(s) wrll be seriously weakened by the fail causing the failure.

How-will vou reverse the direction of motor?

Bv swaoping any two supply line connections over-

lVhere an she shilr elnergencv Gen*r-ater loeated?

f ire emergencv senerator is lncated renroteiv from t.he encine roonr usuallv orr fiie
:cccg:rncdatr+n cleck ,:r at -".,4lether deck le--'el +r sbc.,'e.

$/hat rl'ould vou consider s minimum {nsuiafion reading resistance?

insulation resistance must be kent ahove a'r least lfu{W the higher t}re lnsr;lation
resistauce the better. C*mp:::ies hs.:e the!r c'"r,n regulaticns, but ncst conpanies url;'
^:t ^--- ( n,{.
rllr\J !v -^^-l:"^^^ ^L^-.,-
t gd,LlIrS) Jlul-r v c -, tvtle-

What is load sharing?

Load shanng is the equal baiance of loads betrveen generators irresnectire oi ioad

Give t'easons rvhv protecfion equipment is essentiat in an electricai

Elisfributi$* sj's tern?
li-^^--^^^+ l^^l^r^ t^--l*- CLlLrrprrrif,ltr
--^--i--^^-r :-^ ^-)^- +^
1L '-!--- ^.--] rSUr4tc
I U LIllulJrItrELL allLl -t4.Ura_Y .tlr LrlLri,r lrtd.lrrtd,r-tl rL^
rrj ^-^l-+^)- rrrt, .^^--.^- ^-.*--1-- r^
puwcr 5UliFrr] t{-t

:he remaining healthy circuit in ihe systern.

2. To prevent dainage to equipi'nent fr*ui tlie tliermal and magnetic forces that occur
dunng shart circuit and overload fauits.
3. To prctect personnel from electric shock.

What are the advantage and disadvantages of alkaiine batteries?

-f hgrr rolein .hqr,to ni..rri+ or-.1 o-ror. if rlic.h orrtor-l rt .o. hr. lp* fn"
^n ^nan v) r ! vssr

I^-^.- '^ ^.-j ^ -J^,-..r1- ^.-+ ^l- -^--^ j:jl^

rulrS vYruruLla dLtvgrbE e^ riFLL-^+
Tirey requile a greater number of celis to produce a particular voltage.
They are more expensive than ]ead acid l-ratteries.

{xplain Regnlaticn regarding power supplies f,or steering gears.

Fhe electrical pov;er supliiy must Lre f'rorn two widely separate sr4rplies i e
1 . Llne from the rnain s..^i-itch!:card and the +ther &+n: the emergenc;' bozrd
tg4lt3 ^*S
aru --.^-
ru)tr; ^-^ +^
d,r€, ^ll^---
t\J 4rruw
1n/-!O./ ^-"-*1.-^-l
lv\r,/o uvplluo\l)
E,lvurS ^. 1-. .-L^*
urrrj/ Jrlt-lrl ^.'.^'-'r

3 The steering motor will have sequential starting

Describe how synchrcnizing lamps are used to parallel a generator.

This is ncmrallv userl a,s a hack un ar alternative wav to the svnchroscone, the lamns is
connecteci betrnreer the incc*rlng generatsr and the bls bars. The sequence nethod is the
pitrIglieLi ^^ l+
^--^ a)
li^--1^--- {1
ii UiJijr.ty:, ^ -^+^+i^- ^f 1^^.'^
iLrrrtaluir {Jr r.urlp L-i-1-q--- \ r'rttLl1 i..Ji^-r--
utrgrrLrr('bb) ,.-Li-L lrlLlll,(rL('b, .-:\.-'].--
wlrGll!sl +L-
incomirig machine is running fast (Clockwise) or slorv (anticlockwise). As r,vith th*
syncirrcscope, the tramp sequence n"lust appear to rotate siorvl-y clockwise. Comect
svnchronization occurs when the top or key lamp is dark and the trvo bottonr latnps are
equally brigtit.
Vi ha€ is fhe noi:mai reading +;i ai:d ;nsilEatio* testmeter?
iniiniry is a normai readino, but rearling sirouiri he kepi a.irove 5 mega-ahms
II.rL^a :^ ^ ^^-- ^-a:^I ^a^--*:*^q!
vY Eratf rS sEqutrrlr4] f,lal r.ilg;
It is the automatic stariing of essential equipment rvhen power is returned after a total
power failure, i"e. equipment such as steering gear
Name the trips found on a g€nerator circuit breaker.
i over current
2. Under voitage
3. Reverse pc.J/€r.
flolr'would you go about finding an €arth fault in the system?
Finding an earth fault woulcl be lry the nrocess of elimination i"e. circuit breakers would
h.+ nnonod qnrl clncer{ rrn?il eqrfL fq,rlt ;:lilar,r:ear+''i +ol-in * r)T+ rt.hich hreoLorc .*rpre hein+
upgrrgu -*A lrvlFtl
^*-^-^l aurllt ^l---) ^- +L^-- *^,. L^ ---*.-1-. ----*+l-l 1-*.tr- 4tt
{t5 urgy r1r4} {J\t SupPrj/ tr)}grrtl(u 1\J4lu} urp +l*-^
-+.-L* urtrg. al va"\Jtllll L^
l+ ,-.^,.!l ^^^J
t-rg iiu\JLl
practice to start wrth places such as the galley and laundry.arhere faults are common.
lYhat loads are considered Non-essential?
Loads considered as non-essential are: -- Air conditionins and ventilation. laundrv"
galley, refrigeration and deck equipment.
Draw and explain how earth larnps works.
A direct earth on pole will short circuit its lamp. causing the other two to shine brightly.
^:- wriilt, Y?ltturl L^--^*
--,L,.*,-,^,-1,.1 rr JlJU w€rE 4^
ilaiPltErr :g-,^-- 1t, l^^^ ^ *ataaa+^a
trrDE it g€fitr-tattr.
First the standby generator set r.vould start up and automatically put itself on the board. If
this did not happen, the ship would "BLACK OUT" and after a time delay, usually 30
seconds, the emergency Generator would start up and supply the emergency switchboard,
which supplies essential equipment.
What is single phasing of a motor?
It is where one of the 3 phases supplying the motor becomes disconnected. The motor
rill coqtinrie t+ run if this irappens *d z resuit in mttor burncut. The effect ef singie
^L^^i-^i^ +^
i5 :*^-.-^-^ +l^^
au iiiuicaJc i- +L^
^,.*^-+ iir
iiii; tiiiiciia .ii- +.--+ -a:eoiri-ry
avv\J iliii4rrtriig !i--'.
itricr *-l
aiu !4uJs
^.-..^ dis +^+^-
+1-a rtlvrur +^
become very noisSr ciue io uneven torque prociuceci.
What are the causes of single phasing?
It happens when one of the three back up fuses blows or if one of the contactcr contacts is
ir nnpn rtrcrti+

What is reverse power protectian ior?

Generator intended to operate in parallei must have a reverse power protection trip. A
reverse po\^,'er reiay monitors the direction of power flowing between the generator and
the switchboard.
If a prime mover failure occurred the generator would act as a motor. The Reverse Power
Relay detects this fault and acts to trip the generator circuit breaker.

What is the function of the AVR?

It is toregulate the exciter field current automatically, comparing the generator terminal
r.oltage with the standard set voltage and thus maintaining the generator terminal voltage
to a constant value, regardless ofload changes.

fi*scs"lhe ho',t' nE:! A{l rir*trlr w,rirks_

i'"'{+si r! C ruoi'Jrs ou ships are oithe induetion or seqneritiai or squirei cage
motor types,
ihe ;rriricipie of ,rperation for ur,hreh is as fiiii*rn's Th* starier is made;s n-,acte up of three
s-=tarateiy pha-secl r.r'itrdi::gs, io rviiich a 3-pirase suppiy is connected. The rotsr has a
sei'ies ':f cotrrpei' conductcrs al*ng its axis, r.vhich are j+ined by nng at the ends to iou:r a
i.rge. 1'{7hetr the mclor is staried, the rotating nragnetrc field induces an EMF in the cage
anc! thtts 3 curr€rrt fl*rr,. The cilrrent cariving conductor in a magnetic fieid prociuces the
i=otor ef'feci. -iviricir iunrs the roior. The ixotor speeii builcls Lrl--' rc) avair-ieSust iess tiran the
speed of roiaiici^i of the niagneiic fieiel. The ffiiiLirspeeci dei:encis ilpon the EMF inciuced
:r: the roicr and tiris ciepends ui-ro1r the difference in speed betu,een the concluctor a-nc1 ilie
i:-agneiic iielcl.
A number ot' ciifTeient fixed speeds aie pcssrble hy cha.nging ihe number ol poles
(cor iciu c rtr rs )

Sescrilre li*w a self *xcifed AC Genera*sr would work.

Tl^re self ercited A C generator basicallv consists of a s",,nchronizes qeneratoi-. lo,here tj:e -]
i-:irase supply is gerieraied. an A C erciter anc{ a rotary rectifier and a static excitati*ri
de i'ice.
'iiie roia.ting diode chan-g1e A C into D C for the i) C excitation cllil.ent, r.i,hich is supplied
ti:ror.lgir brusiies The exciter in conl'r-iilction witir the A V R is rised t* m*nitcr thr-: correct
',r+ltage unciei lcad changes.
trYh*t is a circuit ltreaker'j
The c.ir-cuit breaker is al isolating snitcl-i ihat also acts as a fuse. It has two designeii
raiitt-q r:i-le of normai safu v;crkin.q ci;nent- anC the cther againsi overload, rvhicir rnav
ai:a i:ave a tinre delav
lYhat eon*litions are nec€ssary ta paraliet two generators?
Tire sneed of hotl^r nlaci:ines nrust be the same l.e the frecluencv ancl rhe valtaEes must ire
anc! in phase.
1.r-^ S?1-i19
Wirat *re tire irvr; rnain typres of irzriierrr, ctlrlmuniy r-nsed E-ra "nuanti ships?
i-ead 'rcid arrd Alkrrline
le.Jh}'d* you neq".nire *arth lamps cn 22$v distritrufion board lyhen vru
!:*":s f!:e*r +:: the ::r:tir? s"::itcirtJ+*rd?
You ie.i'Lilre ea;-,ii ian'ps crr il-rt; 220v disti'ib',,itiol boar,j as -rvell as the ;i:arin bcai-cl, diie ia
tire alr gap iir step dc'wn tiai-rsfonirei'i.e.'i40v eanir lanrps can't detect eafih cn 220v
s-ystem ciue to tlie gap.
1?hat s*rt Gf starting current dc vou get lr'ith a tlirect on*line starter?
{r-8 tinres fLlli load cuffi*i-rf
llrhat is the Furpcse of the over ctirrent ;irotection rrip?
The nllryose of the over cLri'renr nroteciron is to trip the gerrerator i;r overload situatrr-'rns
Ti:: ti:p is L:su:liv set at !509/+ s::*rating c*paciry and iras a time ce!a;'cf Lsua!l;,?r,i
si:.*.onds Tl-,is allo-ws fo;'shoit i;eiiocls ci'ovci'ioaci ciirrciii. It aiso itiotecis a:cakisi a shc:t
crrcuit iir ihe gel:arator.
H,iiren w-crking on batteries. r,vhat precautions shsukl be t:rhen?
lltrsure the snace is n'eli ventilated don'f snrnke.!r ilse nakeil lieht and alsn r,vear
n:'::tPCr;\ o,'lnrl.ina rt11"i-, oinr':.
1r ?11!'n!i ;iu- i !;. .,,.i fa.-- ciriald

lFrir'iat is me*nt iiy* lii=efei.entiai ir-inpingt

Pr=ferentiai trinping is the trinping of non-essentiai loads when an overioaci condition
nnnl!rC nt1 q ftanprqfnr

If a generaiJr o-oerloa,i der'elops ihe prefbrential trip relay operates an alarm and acis to
inp selecied non-essentiai loads. These loaris may irip at set intervals depencling cn how
essential the loads is i.e. first trip-Sseconds. Second trip-i0 secon,js.
\4:'hat is the normal reading on and insulation Test meter?
Infinirv- is a normal reading, but reading should be kept above 5 mega-ohms.
Fescribe how a self excited A C generator would work.

r.heie $3 -3-ph:se sr:pp!;'is generated, an 3^ C e::citer snd a rctan/ rectifier and a

siaiic c;rciiation,ic'" icc.
rs supplied through brushes. The exciter in conjunction with the A V R is used to monitor
the correct r,'oltage under load changes.
ilhat is the purpose of sheath on a cable?
The sheath of a cable protects the insutraticn from damage and injury * it is not ciassed as
iasulant. Sheath naterials are reqo,rired to be heat, cil and chernical resist:nt an,.l flame
i'ciai-clant (HOFR). Thc sheath musr also bc touel: and flcxiblc.

/ rulvst ru uc urr, ualjaclwi fu u€ OisciraigeLi.

"i Switch off the supply, remove a fuse link, convert probe in series with the load
and tum on the power.

. a. vtippvu dvuriq J vvit weola i iVailiiii6 ZUiv.

r iisuaus€ ti tnoutiut's iirc rrragrctrs iiux arouiti iire cabie, iire rrei iiux ecr'u {br 3
core cahie

-) The *stru*:ent ddves a s*1a11 D.C. curent {mA) thrcush the CioCe rt neasure the
. l' - - |
vurragc uruij iluruss rr.
Tum off the supply, discharge all capacitors connect the
probe across diode read fom'ard voltage drop 500-900 mV for a silicon diode.
-'r Reverse the probe ) indicated "over range".
If over range in both direction ) open circuit fault
-, If less than I V in both direction ) Short circuit fault.
Connoctiern hox ) Srrilable teminais ) ear-Jring ferminals E cireutt breaker ane! fi-rses
!4 ,t' !4.t tho cohlc lirlriqtty
.v lrivlvlr rnrn+alror kav
vv/i fn o""i+rh L^o.rl
rv o-riivii uv-iu, Aota alolo
*6i[ ^1"ooo sa^rran^a
ViGiJ, ijii;;t;J{U-iii,;
.--Jl--+^'-- :--J: l-^-""J ),^t---1
riiuiiralutJ, tiiuruiiaui \raltlpl utt itriiiil 5wrrulr
uualu ltrl€tluur.s.
---:L^1- ^^1-^

Ca:'1e r:ser: fbr 440 V is designed a,s 600/lo00 V
n nn 4,,
+ 600 to eart-h or 1000 V betr.veen
^+" -^

Cuncirrciurs * Cupper.
lnsuiation * tsutyi mbber" ethylene propylene rLrbber (EpR)
Cross linked poil-ethylene (VLPE), pVC + shore.
Sheath t Neoprene.
Easket r,r/oven * ra.ire braid.
, utiItV!tr!\/rru!r\,.vrJ, ^^-,-,1,,^r^..

For study material and latest questions

F Contrnurfl,testing.
Join us on Telegram @mmdmeoclass4
t Three sets cf coils SAHEEM KHAN

AZBZ C3 *--*Strip

The purp+se of ilsulati*n i-q to keep eleet,rr': e.une4l ur the eonrJuetors zuiel to
preveni contact v;.{th live -..,*res. The slectric registance cf i:rsulaticn lnugt be very higl:
(iviG) iLl pteveri cuiterli ieakirrg away iic,irr conduciors. iiisuiaiion resisiaiice is treasuierj
+ Ccnductors and earth.
':. Conciuctcrs.
Snrface deposits can reduce the insulaiiori resistar-lce,
insulatiori is aclversely effected by many factom such as hurnidity, temperature, electric
;:-nd meciranical strsss, vibration, chemicals, oil dir-t and of course old age.
EA egQ,B E I F ECTIN GlNSlrL,A E [QI{ &-E $I SEA N C E - - .

1. Du-ct, mrlist!(e- grea-se, c'il and ,saline deprrsrr on th.e winciing

2. I{,.lmidif **d c+llditicns that legd t+ c+lldensaticn.
a T-. -,--,--L ,--:,-- _l_-,------
-]. r s.rilpgr arurc lrl{.rea^5s5, i€sis[iilrue
-:--_,--- ueurcilsEs.
+. Intermrttently run off n:otor.
5 F{ouz recently the m{:}ior *'as vamisl:ed.
1. lnibru duty engiae'er t,efbre stopping lraehite.
2. Sr.,tich cff snC l*ck all the suppircs.
a f\t--... 1, ,-,:,,1--e-., -,,.,-- :,-- 11 - -^
-r. rr-iSplAy wailrlItB
-.-,.-:..-_ IrUtr{-rc UtrlOlg i€IIrUViilg lltc UUVEi.,-
4. Confirm the cirsuits are dead before touchrng conductor and terminais by using a
,,oltage iestef

5' Test should be canied ouf after the machine is still hot
after running on load.
5. Insulatian resista:rce shauld be at least 1 M,e.
7 ' For generafor diseonneet all AVR equ-ipment instrument
eonneetron and heater
B' The resistance should be measured between insulated conductor and earth and
bet.+yeen twc conductors.
9 ' Beftre testing the short the probe together the pointer should indicate
10. After disconnecting motor termrnals marks shoulcl be grven.


l. ? geaeratois rr'tnilg loss c,f exeita,tian in &e.
2' T"..c ge*ele:crs sie run::i*g icad is shifteC io e.nctl:sr +ne
buf breaker ri,ss a^r n,r+
rY"€ iiv. l'u'
J. Breaker of idie generator is put on aciverseiy.
4. Prime nover failure.

1 Over trip ) siver lcad nieehanieall:,

Fuses ) for hlg:: :hon c:rcuil.
j. Uir..ie,' uliage proiyc iiorr.
+, Righ wnding temperature protection.


L One or nrore &ises na;v are start.
2. \,'cltagc n:ai'bc :oo lo';.
3. Siariitrg ioad irray i:e ioo irigit.
4' Wom out bearing due to w*rich the armature may be touching field lamrnation
thus introdr_rcing extra friction.


\Yhe'! ship-" ge:'asraltr is srrbjeetec!1.o crver load eitler supperlrng generat{ir

ntust be
paraiieled ci non-essential load drcpped. if over icad is allc'..".ed
t* -,"p u generalcr circurt
i:reaker ait eveii grcater over loa,j wjii be fiilown it oii i.r ar,r, paraiieicd
inaeliines cascade
tnpping wrll occur resulting in a complete loss of supply.
a) Preferentral rripping
b) Under voltage protection.
c) Reverse power protection
d) Over current relay protection.

i, F'uses.
2. Sver cutrgni ;eia5,'.
3. Therrilisier avsr ireaiirrg r.eiay.
4. Heafing element w:hile idling
5. Cooling.
6 l_lnder voltage profeclion.


I removecl or circuit trreakers opened ,o *nr*n* fliat
}}t:-*ot all related circuits
I lfpossible sr.vitehes or circuit
breakers to be reckeeJ. iriotiee to be
Wherc fu-ses are removeei it shoulel- be attached.
retained try the rnan rvcrrking on
equipment urtii the job is finished. the
+ Lnsuiated glo','es to be uiom rvhere practrcable.
Contaet with deek shouid tre a_voieied pa_rtleularly
if it is wet.
Ijsing voltage tester ean eontain vcltage.

i. F--'<eitatiol &iltire
: Under excilel:cn.
.i uvrr r:,.,uii.aiiurr.
4' improper cocilng ima.v be cilrry fiiteri for
rvarer cocileci ma,v be clue to heat
5 For brush excitatron may tre bnrshes wour
out reducing the spring aetion cause
Rocker l-rrush spring tension redueed eausing
Wom out earbon pa.dieles fb-lling on the rotor/statcr
insrl:1ian wineling ear_rsins low
s i{eating element which is used to prevent the inoisture from getting
the r'vrnding causing ror.r, insulaJion resistanee collecteci on
fail ure.
9 Pedestal bearing high teinperature poor iubrication.
l0' Too mueh elearanee betr'v'een the pedestal bearing
and the shaft r.r,hieh reduce,q the
alr gap at the bottom betrveen a:mature and


Er:sLire the brd5,. co'riri. cf the n'otor haq
ect becime li.re in contact '*di a li..,i:
cable by- usilg a leste;-.
L Circck icrrrperaiure by iirc i;airr ri rlruir-rr ur-rdy
ir be {bii wiiir if rr-r icrrrper.aiure
indieating system.
-r. Check bearing temperature ancl Iubrication.
+. Check the eooiing fa;r.
Ensi:re that *o water ol-oil should come in c'nfar:t
wrih rnotor. It is alsei dust fiee
6 Egthins r..virc is properly eonnected-
ro the grorr:rd_.
1 Check the load
on the rrioior.
R |i.a vrbr ation.
.t. No buming srnell.
Itl No a-bnorniai sour:ei frorn the bearinu.

tlrgst $eqrreneg: -- B.o phase sequ.ence it is rnea-nt the orcr_er rn wirich ihe 3 phases
atta-rn their m*ximrim and rninrmum va.lues.

I The svnchrontltrs motor runs constant averase at a speed whatever the load wiiile

the spesd cf a in4ucticn mct+r fr}ls scme*4rgt..'.'rth increase in load.

L. '!-!.-.,,-^L---^,.- +^+^a ^^- L^ ^.^^-^a^J
rtr{t syrrlrrrlrrtuu> rll\Jlur ud,rr u(' up{rr4ttrLr \J\'\rl d. --il^ Iaiigit u,i
wiLr- -^-^^ uuui 1^-^:-^
^fL^+L iaggirig <iiiu
leading but induction motor is always seen with a lagging power factor.
3. Synchronous motor is rrot self starhng.
4, The change in applied voltage does not effect synchronous motor torque as much
asthey effect induction motor.
5. A d.c. excitation is needed fbr synchronous but not for induction motor.
6. There is no slip with induction motor as wrth synchronous motor.
7. Synchronous motors are normally costly and complicated.
8. Synchronous motors particularly for low speed belon' 300 rpm but induction
motor excellent for above 600 mm.


I R-ated i-r1l load eurre!1t {amp)
t TD *,.ok-r {inAino+^ +ho }.^+ro^ vr'
nf nrnfanfinn\
r n .r_ f -.- - _ _1 /,,- /__,:,_\
J " r\ilrgu spcc(r u€v/rnrrlJ
4. Rated frequency (Iiz).
5. Rated voltage. (V).
5. Fower rating {Kw)
7. Type.
B. i- Phase Induction moior.
9. Connection {Delta).
1i. Serial no.
12. Bearing (drive end/ non drive end).

Heater are fitted lqge :--

| . When altemators are shut off and runnins no heat will be senerated inside
L. -^^^ +-*-
-^i-.- r\rurrr
LrrStrrtr rll('Y L^
tgrrrp -^-. ^l^---
ug 9rrd.rl}.Q ^+*^^-L^-i^
dD pgr <llrrrlrsprrgrrL ^^^Al+l^- <urll
!\Jlr\lrlr\Jrr ^-I r^*-
3. Engine room temperature has high humidity.
4. Hence w{"len alternator is not runnrng.
Just stopped after long running, the moisture gets condense over the windings.
5. This moisture will damage the winding insulation.
6. Insuia,tion resistance IR wril reduce.
7. This will lead to short circuit.
B 'Windings may bum.
9. Also oil vapor wiil condenser and along with cause formation of thick sludge
10. This will cause windins to overheat.
I l. May bum.

with referenee to the insulation testiiig of marine electr"icar prant.-

State the reason reason for insrilation testing.
1. To find oui the condition of insuiation of rnachinery.
2. To avoid short circuitirrg in between machinedes.
3. Tr; preverrt damage of equipmer-ri as a rcwlt of short cir-,cuit.
ri. Tc avaid ciiir€fit iPo'"r,er) ioss in tiie s,y-stem.
5. Tc avoiti a possi-bie ilre i='azaiti as a resuii cf biimiiig of ccmooi-,enis wiricir
ma-v occiir ciue io insciation faiiure.
6. .fo iind oiii an-v possibie ear*ji ibuit in ihe sysiem.
7. Tc avoid frtai shoeks to pe$onnei onboar'i as a result of insuiation ftilure.
E. As a iiari oi-, roiitine maintenance it helF in predicting the trend in
insuiation cirap of machinery there b;1,' preveiiiing a future tbiiure of the
machine and saving overali cosi in repairwork invoived.
State the pr-ecautions ic be cbserved ivrlen testing intrinsicaiiy safe equipment iype
i - The bc'dy materiai of instrument and toois required for maintenarce purposes
shoui<i be ciesigned so that they will not make a hot spark when iiroppe<i. ia) Lo.w
po-wei= insirumeniaiion. ib) Aianns and conimunicaiion c ircu its.
Z. an eiectric saibqv barrier are i'itted to the circuit. The purpose of such barrier is to
lirnit the voiiage and current in hazardous area wlren a fbult sucit as shorts circuit
occurs in the circuit. These safet-v barriers consist of a shunt zener <iiode.
Wirile iesting Exi Ectuipnient:-
1. The equionlent to be tested is isoiated electricaliy.
2. to avoid riamages to zener diodes they should be isolated from the circuit as they
cannot withstanti zuch high voitage deveioped by "Megger".
3. Testine shouiei be cione preferabiy in non-hazarcious zones as rhere is a possibiiit_v-
of sparkwhich mav cause expiosion.
Tirese are circuit in which neither spark nor any thermai eiTect prociuce under prescri"ue
test conciition is capabie of causin=o ignition of a given expiosive atrnosphere. Generaiiy.
ihis means limiting the circuit eonciition to iess iiran 30v and 50 mA.
Descri'be the overhaul of D.C. motorwhich has been subiecteri to excessivefu tiamp
contiition or flooding with sea water.
1. D-e . motor have w-inding in botir stator and rotor.
2. Take out all connection for iire siaror anci rotor connection.
3. Check the stator anci rotor winding for IR.
4. If IR is low, then disma.ntle the motor.
5. Wash with distilled water. the winding of stator and rotor to remove <iust, salt
deposits etc.
6- By means of lamps. heat up the stator and rotor winding.
7 . Check the IR {Only w.r.t. earth).
8. Check iR (between slip ring and shaft).
9. Repeat the procedure of heating several tirnes (2-3) io gei a minimum value of
10. Apply quick drying spray vamish to the winding after obtaining the desired vaiue
of IR.
i 1. Box up the motor and fit in respective place.

1. What is KVA?
Kilo volt-ampere (kVA) is the unit used for the apparent power in an AC electrical circuit. It
is the product of root-mean-square (RMS) voltage and RMS current.
It is given by S = P + jQ
Where S is the apparent power in kVA
P is the real power in kW and Q is the reactive power in kVAr

2. What is special about Steering gear Overload safety?

Short Circuit protection and were appropriate-single phase protection is fitted. In addition
instead of over current protection an Overload alarm is fitted set to operate at not less than
twice normal running current.

3. Explain the condition for Paralleling of Alternators?

The following conditions must be fulfilled for proper synchronizing of alternators.
The terminal voltage of the incoming machine must be approximately equal to bus-bar
The frequency of the incoming machine must be equal to that of the bus-bar.
In the case of 3-phase alternators an additional requirement is that phase sequence of the
incoming machine voltages must be the same as that of the bus-bars.

4. What does different position of the synchroscope needle mean; what is the difference
between 6 o clock and 12 clock?
6 o’clock means that out of synchronisation. We cannot parallel the incoming generator. 12
o’clock means the perfect synchronised condition (voltage, frequency and phase sequence

5. Why do we close the switch at 11 o'clock and not at 12 o' clock?

When the synchroscope is approaching 12 o'clock the "slip" (differential) between the sine
waves is approaching minimum (slip is zero when the synch'scope is at 12 o'clock) and the
voltage differential between the phases is minimal (its zero when the synch'scope is at 12
o'clock). Due to time taken to close the synchronoscope switch, it is generally done at 11
o’clock. Due to the small delay to close, by doing at 11 o’clock, we are achieving closing
close to 12 o’clock.

6. Why is a Megger used for insulation test and not a multi meter?
With a megger,a voltage of not less than 500 volts DC is used for testing the insulation
resistance of windings. With a multi-meter, the voltage used is not more than 3-volts DC.
Megger uses high impedance testing and is therefore more accurate than a multi-meter

7. What are the safeties on MSB?

Circuit breakers, fuses and over current relays are used. The panels are dead front panel, that
is, we cannot open the panel for maintenance until we switch off the power to the panel by
circuit breaker.

8. When does Reverse power flow?

Situation of a generator is feeding a system through switchgear having several generators
connected in parallel with this generator. The flow of current, when the system is running
normally, is from the generators to the switchgear. If one generator experiences problems and
its terminal voltage fall below the system voltage, the generator will act as a motor, just as a
motor can act as a generator, and current will flow from the switchgear to the generator. This
is reverse power. The effects can range from minor to extreme in the event of a complete
mechanical failure of the generator which fails.

9. What is the harm if reverse power flows?

Assume that the generator normally produces an amount of power equal to P, and that when
operating as a motor, it will absorb a similar amount, P. Therefore, the net effect on the grid
will be the same as if it experienced a step increase in load equal to 2P. Depending on the size
of the grid and the strength of the remaining generation, a step increase of 2P could result in a
significant frequency change on the grid.
There could be prime mover damage in some instances (especially steam turbines).

10. How is the protection against reverse power given?

Reverse power protection is used for anti-motoring. This function is used for protection of
prime mover not generator. It can cut-off the fuel supply and stop the prime mover.

11. How do you test reverse power trip?

When two generators are running in parallel and one generator can carry the load, reverse
power trip can be tested by load shifting using governor control. When the load has shifted
sufficiently and the off loaded generator is carrying a small percentage of load, its breaker
trips and fuel supply to its prime mover cuts off. This means reverse power relay has
operated. The relay can be tested by simulation (using the test push button on the relay) to see
if it initiates a trip signal.

12. What is the full form of ACB?

Air circuit breaker. It is normally used at 400V and higher current applications (generator

13. If you press the ACB Close button on an idle generator what will happen?
Ask E/O. Normally, the breaker won’t close until you synchronise, so even if you press the
breaker close, it will not close. The breaker has under-voltage protection which will not let
you close it.

14. What is Under-voltage protection?

It prevents closure of the breaker by mistake, or the generator that is coming on load during
parallel operation. It also provides protection against loss of voltage while machinery is
connected to the switchboard.

15. What is the meaning of preferential trip? Why is it provided?

Preferential trip is a kind of electrical arrangement on ship which is designed to disconnect
the non-essential circuit i.e. non-essential load from the main bus bar in case of partial failure
or overload of the main supply. It lets the critical loads run (like steering gear) and trips the
non essential loads (like AC and galley) and is a safety feature.

16. What is the purpose of the earth fault indication on the switch board?
It detects and indicates phase to earth fault on a circuit.

17. If you get an earth fault alarm what will you do?
The fault can be investigated by first identifying areas of ship that have a high chance of earth
fault (example deck lighting or pantry equipment) and then switching off their supplies one at
a time to see if the alarm is gone. When a particular load clears the alarm, we know that that
circuit is having earth fault and we can go and repair it.

18. What is Direct Current?

Uni-directional flow of current.

19. What is alternating current?

Bi-directional flow of current in a sinusoidal form with a positive and negative peak.

20. What is meant by phase in AC?

Two or more AC voltages or currents that are out of step with each other. Their peaks and
zero points do not match up at the same points in time. This is meant by phase.

21. Is there phase in DC?


22. Why is DC not much in use now?

AC generators are a better technology and voltage transformation (by transformers) is easy is
possible in AC and not DC.

23. Where are you likely to see it used?

Battery powered DC is generally used in navigation, control and safety systems mainly in
navigation, radar, safety systems, antenna and communication systems and emergency

24. What does three-phase current mean?

Three current sinusoidal waveforms equal in magnitude but with a phase shift of 120 degrees.
25. What is rms value?
Root mean square value is the peak value divided by square root of 2.

26. What is the meaning of power factor?

Power factor is the cosine of the angle between voltage and current waveform.

27. What is the usual value you see onboard?

Ask E/O, usually 0.8.

28. What is the best value possible?

1 is the best value possible. That is possible with a purely resistive load.

29. What is the benefit of improving power factor?

Power factor close to 1 means for the same real power in kW, the load current is less and
hence the I2R losses are less. The system efficiency is higher as the losses are lower.
Improved voltage regulation is achieved.

30. How can it be improved?
Power factor improvement capacitor banks are used if the loads are mainly resistive.

31. What is the meaning of saying I and V are in phase?

The angle between the I and V waveforms is zero which means the load is purely resistive.

32. Why are motor ratings given in KW and that of alternator and transformer given in
kW is the output mechanical power of a motor and is expressed in kW.
kVA is the net (apparent) power input to the transformer. This input power is the output +
kW = kVA x system power factor

33. Where does reactive power go?

Reactive power is not 'lost'. It is delivered to the motor where it sustains the electric field that
enables the motor to convert the real power (electrical) into mechanical torque.

34. What is a semi conductor?

Substance as germanium or silicon whose electrical conductivity is intermediate between that
of a metal and an insulator; its conductivity increases with temperature and in the presence of

35. What is doping?

Doping intentionally introduces impurities into an extremely pure (also referred to as
intrinsic) semiconductor for the purpose of modulating its electrical properties. The
impurities are dependent upon the type of semiconductor. Lightly and moderately doped
semiconductors are referred to as extrinsic. A semiconductor doped to such high levels that it
acts more like a conductor than a semiconductor is referred to as degenerate.

36. What happens to insulation when temperature rises?

For insulators, an increase in temperature will cause their resistance to decrease -which is
why excessive temperature is often the main reason why insulation fails

37. What happens to resistance of conductors when temperature rises?

For conductors an increase in temperature will cause their resistance to increase.

38. What is an induction motor?

An induction motor is an alternating current motor in which the primary winding on one
member (usually the stator) is connected to the power source and a secondary winding or a
squirrel-cage secondary winding on the other member (usually the rotor) carries the induced

39. What is "slip"?

An AC (Amplitude Current) induction motor consists of two assemblies - a stator and a rotor.
The interaction of currents flowing in the rotor bars and the stators' rotating magnetic field
generate a torque. In an actual operation, the rotor speed always lags the magnetic field's
speed, allowing the rotor bars to cut magnetic lines of force and produce useful torque. This
speed difference is called the slip.

40. What is a synchronous motor?
A constant-speed motor, the speed being dependent on the frequency of the ac supply and the
number of poles for which it is designed.

41. Where is it used?

Synchronous motors find applications in all industrial applications where constant speed is
necessary. Improving the power factor as Synchronous condensers. Electrical power plants
almost always use synchronous generators because it is important to keep the frequency
constant at which the generator is connected. Low power applications include positioning
machines, where high precision is required, and robot actuators.

42. How do you use a multimeter?

Ask E/O as you will have to see how to use it on ship.

43. What is an AVO meter?

The Avometer was a British brand of multimeter, latterly owned by Megger. It is often called
simply an AVO and derives its name from the first letter of the words amperes, volts, ohms

44. How do you check continuity?

Set the multimeter in resistance mode and then check with probes the resistance between the
points or circuit under check. If the resistance is low or zero, it means continuity. If it is high
or infinite, it means open circuit.

45. What limits the electrical load?

The available power is fixed and the voltage is fixed, so the setting of the breaker or fuse is
the normal current of the load. If the load exceeds the rated current, then the breaker or fuse
will operate and limit the load.

46. What is the voltage used in a meggar?

500V DC.

47. How does current flow during welding?

The current flows through the electrode and to the clamp. That's how it flows in MIG, stick,
flux cored. On Tig, the electricity flows through the electrode also except that now that's the
only function of it, the rod is held in your hand and electrode in the other.

48. What do we use for welding on ships? AC or DC?

Ask E/O on your ship.

49. What is the voltage?

Ask E/O on your ship.

50. What is the voltage used for ignition in boilers/incinerators etc.?

Normally 10,000V (10kV). But ask E/O to confirm.

51. Why is it different from that for welding?

It is higher as the ignition requires break down of air gap for park to occur. The air breaks
down at this high voltage of 10kV. Therefore, it is higher than normal welding voltage.

52. Does current flow through hull during welding?
Ask E/O. Yes I think.

53. If so why don't you get a shock?

Ask E/O. Because the whole hull is at the same potential, so there is no potential difference to
get a shock.

54. What is safe voltage to prevent shock?

Normally 50V. It depends on the body resistance and how conducting the path is (example
use of insulating boots or mat may allow slightly higher voltage to be safe)

55. What is the meaning of earthing in a ship?

Ask E/O

56. What is the meaning of Star winding/ Delta winding?

Refer Dennis T Hall

57. Is the ship's alternator Star wound or Delta wound?

Refer Dennis T Hall

58. What is the meaning of ACB, MCCB, NFB?

Air circuit breaker for 400V higher current ratings.
Moulded case circuit breaker for 400V medium current ratings.
No Fuse Breaker – 75 A capacity

59. What is a magnetic contactor? Where is it used?

A contactor is an electrically controlled switch used for switching a power circuit, similar to a
relay except with higher current ratings.
Contactors are used to control electric motors, lighting, heating, capacitor banks, and other
electrical loads.

60. What is a relay? How is it different from a magnetic contactor?

Contactor is a heavy duty switch whereas the relay is light duty switch. Relays can be as
simple as 12 V DC solenoids with 12 V, 0.5 A rated contacts. They are used to detect faults
on the power system and signal a local or remote switching device (breaker) to trip the

61. Can you draw a DOL starter circuit?

Refer to DOL diagram in Dennis T Hall

62. What is the meaning of overload?

An overload is a current over and above the normal load current (over the load).
In other words greater than the original design current. This can be a momentary overload
such as the starting current for a motor which is usually ignored or it can be a sustained
overload such as plugging in too many appliances at once or a motor that has faulty bearings
or gets jammed

63. What is meaning of short circuit?

A short circuit occurs when conductors are connected (shorted) together by a fault. This is
normally phase to phase fault due to failure of insulation by something cutting the wires,
fires, etc.

64. How is protection provided for OL and SC?

Damage from short circuits and overloads can be reduced or prevented by employing fuses,
circuit breakers, or other overload protection, which disconnect the power in reaction to
excessive current. The tripping time is much less (in milli seconds) for short circuit due to
very high currents but can higher (a few seconds) due to currents say 1.1 to 1.5 times the
normal current.

65. What is the function of a fuse?

Fuse places a limit on the amount of current that can be drawn by an electric circuit by
opening (blowing or melting) when the current exceeds a preset limit. This protects the
circuit and the surroundings from fire or damage in the case of an overload or short circuit.

66. What is the normal setting of overload relays?

Ask E/O. Normally 90-100% of rated normal current. Sometimes can be set to 105% of rated

67. How does a thermal overload relay work?

The bi-metallic strip in the relay heats up by the over load current and the movement in the
bi-metallic strip causes the breaker to trip. The breaker has to be reset (turn off) before
turning on again. Sometimes it takes a time delay for the bi-metallic strip to cool down after
which the breaker can be reset and switched on.

68. What is single phasing?

Single phasing is a condition in three phase motors and transformers wherein the supply to
one of the phases is cut off.

69. How can it happen?

Single phasing is caused by the use of single-phase protection devices such as fuses. Three
phase loads should be protected by devices which cause the interruption of power to all three
phases simultaneously when a fault occurs. Defective contacts or loose connections in three
phase breakers can also cause single phasing.

70. What is the harm caused by this?

Single phasing causes higher than rated currents in the healthy phases of loads such as
motors causing over heating of the motor and consequently motor failure.
Single phasing can sometimes cause excessive noise and vibration in motors.
71. What protection is provided against this?
Single phasing can be identified by special protective relays which can identify and isolate
the connected loads. Smaller motors rely on overcurrent and negative phase sequence relays.
Motor protection relays for larger motors come readily fitted with protection against single

72. Why is it necessary that incoming alternator frequency is more than bus bar?
Prior to paralleling alternators together, the frequency of the incoming alternator is made
slightly higher. This is to ensure that the incoming generator will take some of the bus load. If
the incoming generator is slow it will become motorized and will add load onto the bus. If
this happens it is possible to cause other generators to trip off line.

73. What is dark lamp and bright lamp method for synchronizing? How is the connection
Formerly, three light bulbs were connected between the generator terminals and the system
terminals. As the generator speed changes, the lights will rise and fall in intensity at a rate
proportional to the difference between generator frequency and system frequency. When the
voltage at the generator is opposite to the system voltage (either ahead or behind in phase),
the lamps will be bright. When the voltage at the generator matches the system voltage, the
lights will be dark. At that instant, the circuit breaker connecting the generator to the system
may be closed and the generator will then stay in synchronism with the system.

74. Apart from renewing bearings is there any reason for opening up motors for
Ask E/O. Insulation checks and renewal (example using insulation spray on stator winding

75. Why is this reverse power used instead of reverse current in alternators?
t is extremely difficult to detect reverse current with an alternating current system, reverse
power can be detected and protection can be provided by reverse power relay.

76. What is the meaning of excitation in an alternator?

An electric generator or electric motor consists of a rotor spinning in a magnetic field. The
magnetic field may be produced by permanent magnets or by field coils. In the case of a
machine with field coils, a current must flow in the coils to generate the field, otherwise no
power is transferred to or from the rotor. The process of generating a magnetic field by means
of an electric current is called excitation.
77. Is the field current in an alternator AC or DC ?
DC. To confirm check Dennis T Hall.

78. Is the field rotating or stationary?

Rotating. To confirm check Dennis T Hall.

79. How is it supplied?

The rotor's magnetic field is supplied by a rotor winding energized with direct current
through slip rings and brushes.

80. What is a brush less alternator?

A brushless alternator is composed of two sections: main alternator and the smaller exciter.
The exciter has stationary field coils and a rotating armature (power coils). The main
alternator uses the opposite configuration with a rotating field and stationary armature. A
bridge rectifier, called the rotating rectifier assembly, is mounted on a plate attached to the
rotor. Neither brushes nor slip rings are used, which reduces the number of wearing parts.
The main alternator has a rotating field as described above and a stationary armature (power
generation windings).

81. How is the excitation achieved in this?

Varying the amount of current through the stationary exciter field coils varies the 3-phase
output from the exciter. This output is rectified by a rotating rectifier assembly, mounted on
the rotor, and the resultant DC supplies the rotating field of the main alternator and hence
alternator output. The result of all this is that a small DC exciter current indirectly controls
the output of the main alternator.

82. What is the meaning of residual magnetism?

Residual magnetism is a property in which certain amount of excitation remains back in the
conductor even after the removal of the magnets.

83. Why is an air compressor started unloaded?

The air pressure inside the compressor cylinder offers resistance to the movement of the
piston. Hence started unloaded. Ask 4/E or 2/E in ship.

84. How is the speed of a 3-phase induction motor varied?

The speed of a normal 3-phase induction motor is a function of the frequency of the supply
voltage. Changing the speed of such a motor hence requires building a 3-phase power
frequency convertor. This can be realised by using power MOSFETs (or IGBTs) capable of
handling high voltages and fast switching speeds.

85. How is the direction of rotation varied?

By changing the phase sequence (from say R-Y-B to R-B-Y)

86. How does this cause a rotation to change?

Due to the change in phase sequence, the rotating magnetic field changes direction and the
rotor rotates in the opposite direction.

87. How is the speed of a DC motor varied?

To vary the speed of a DC motor we need a constant voltage power supply with a series POT
resistor of higher watt rating. A Pulse Width Modulator (PWM) can be used.

88. How is the direction varied?

A general purpose DC motor can be reversed by changing the polarity of either the armature
or the field but not both.

89. What is a diode?

In electronics, a diode is a two-terminal electronic component with asymmetric transfer
characteristic, with low (ideally zero) resistance to current flow in one direction, and high
(ideally infinite) resistance in the other. A semiconductor diode, the most common type
today, is a crystalline piece of semiconductor material with a p-n junction connected to two
electrical terminals

90. What is a zener diode?

A zener diode is a special kind of diode which allows current to flow in the forward direction
in the same manner as an ideal diode, but will also permit it to flow in the reverse direction
when the voltage is above a certain value known as the breakdown voltage, "zener knee
voltage" or "zener voltage."

91. What is a thyristor? What is an SCR?
A thyristor is a solid-state semiconductor device with four layers of alternating N and P-type
material. They act as bi stable switches, conducting when their gate receives a current trigger,
and continue to conduct while they are forward biased (that is, while the voltage across the
device is not reversed).
A silicon-controlled rectifier (or semiconductor-controlled rectifier) is a four-layer solid state
device that controls current. It is a type of thyristor.

92. How does an inverter work?

An inverter converts DC supply into AC by use of electronic devices such as diodes and

93. How does a tube light work?

It is well explained in Dennis T Hall
When voltage is applied to the fluorescent lamp, here's what happens:
 The starter (which is simply a timed switch) allows current to flow through the
filaments at the ends of the tube.
 The current causes the starter's contacts to heat up and open, thus interrupting the flow
of current. The tube lights.
 Since the lighted fluorescent tube has a low resistance, the ballast now serves as a
current limiter.
When you turn on a fluorescent tube, the starter is a closed switch. The filaments at the ends
of the tube are heated by electricity, and they create a cloud of electrons inside the tube. The
fluorescent starter is a time-delay switch that opens after a second or two. When it opens, the
voltage across the tube allows a stream of electrons to flow across the tube and ionize the
mercury vapor.

Without the starter, a steady stream of electrons is never created between the two filaments,
and the lamp flickers. Without the ballast, the arc is a short circuit between the filaments, and
this short circuit contains a lot of current. The current either vaporizes the filaments or causes
the bulb to explode.

94. What is the function of the choke?

The choke has two main functions. In conjunction with the starter it causes the tube to ignite
by using the back emf to create a plasma in the tube and it controls the current through the
tube when it is ignited.

95. Where is a slip ring used and where is a commutator used?

Slip rings are commonly found in slip ring motors, electrical generators for alternating
current systems and alternators. They can be used on any rotating object to transfer power.
A commutator is a common feature of direct current rotating machines. By reversing the
current direction in the moving coil of a motor's armature, a steady rotating force (torque) is

96. What is capacitance?

Capacitance is the ability of a body to store an electrical charge. Any body or structure that is
capable of being charged, either with static electricity or by an electric current exhibits
capacitance. C = Q/V where Q is the charge and V is the voltage

97. Does current flow though a capacitor?
No. Current (or more specifically, charge) flows into one plate, and an opposing current
(charge) flows out of the other plate, but the current (except for leakage current) does not
flow across the dielectric. The result is that there is a charge differential between the plates.

98. What is the unit for capacitance ?


99. What is a neutral?

In multiphase circuits, the conductor used to carry unbalanced current. In single-phase
systems, the conductor used for a return current path.

100. What is the difference between neutral and earth?

The ground or "earth" wire is a circuit's safety protective wire that normally carries no

101. What is a synchronous condenser?

A synchronous condenser is a device identical to a synchronous motor, whose shaft is not
connected to anything but spins freely. Its purpose is not to convert electric power to
mechanical power or vice versa, but to adjust conditions on the electric power transmission
grid. Its field is controlled by a voltage regulator to either generate or absorb reactive power
as needed to adjust the grid's voltage, or to improve power factor.

102. Where and why is it used?

Used for power factor correction as a synchronous capacitor.
103. If a motor is wound star and you want to change to delta what should you do?
Open the terminal connection box. Remove the shorting link connecting the common
connection (star) point of A2, B2 and C2. With the 3 phase windings marked A1A2, B1B2,
C1C2, connect A2 to B1, B2 to C1 and C2 to A1.

104. If the AVR, is defective, when additional loads come on will the generator be
able to take it?
No. Ask E/O and refer to Dennis T Hall.

105. How do you test reverse power trip, high current trip, preferential trip?
Reverse power trip – refer answer for question 11. Also ask E/O.
High current (over load trip) – Set your overload relay high current trip setting to say 75% of
the rated current. Run the motor. The relay will trip the breaker. Another way of testing it is
pushing the trip button on the relay which trips the breaker.
Preferential trip – With one generator running, try to switch on additional loads to overload
the generator. Preferential trip will trip all the non-critical loads. Also ask E/O.

106. What is residual magnetism? Where is it important?

Residual magnetism is a property in which certain amount of excitation remains back in the
conductor even after the removal of the magnets.
It is required as we need some magnetism to start off the generation before the field winding
has power to produce the full field.

107. Sometimes, when you change the running direction of a E/R blower (from
supply to exhaust) it trips. Why?
If the flaps of the blower are not set or opened properly or the filters are clogged, the air
supply is affected and the blower may be overloaded causing it to trip. Ask E/O for more

108. What is the function of the friction clutch mechanism used in purifiers?
Ask 4/E or 2/E. It is a mechanical question.

109. What is the regular maintenance done on batteries?

Every week the cell voltage is checked. The specific gravity is monitored using the battery
hydrometer. The terminals are lubricated to prevent corrosion. Sometimes load tests are done
on the batteries. Ask E/O also for more information.

110. What safety precautions need to be taken during maintenance on batteries?

The room needs to be ventilated to prevent explosions due to gases generate by the battery.
Protective clothing, gloves and eye protection should be used to prevent acid splash over. No
flames or ignition sources should be brought near batteries. Never short both positive and
negative terminals as this will cause short circuit and high energy flashover. When
disconnecting batteries, always disconnect negative terminals first and vice versa when

111. Why is special lighting used in battery rooms?

Spark proof lighting is used as explosive gases may be generated during battery charging and
so there should be no sparks in the room. Ask E/O for more details.

112. What is the voltage available from each cell in a lead acid battery?
2 V DC.

113. What is the full battery voltage ?

24 V DC.

114. How is this voltage achieved?

By connecting 12 cells in series. 12 x 2 V = 24 V is total battery bank voltage.

115. What is the meaning of a normally open contact?

The contact is open in the normal (de-energised condition).

116. How does a Salinometer function?

It detects the salinity in parts per million (ppm) and provides a alarm signal and also initiates
a command to the bypass valve of a fresh water generator. Ask E/O and look in your ship
Fresh water generator manual for more details.

117. How does the air compressor start and stop automatically?
The air reservoir has pressure switch which is set for cut-off and cut-in depending on the
pressure desired. When the pressure drops below the cut-in setting, the switch energises the
contactor coil and the compressor starts. When the pressure reaches the cut-off setting, the
switch opens its closed contact in series with the power circuit to contactor and cuts supply to
the contactor.

118. How is the cold room temperature maintained?

The cold room has temperature switch (thermostat) which has a cut-in and cut-off
temperature setting. Depending on the setting, the compressor cuts when the temperature
rises and cuts-off when the temperature cools down to the set value.

119. What is a self-monitoring alarm circuit?

It self monitors the health of the alarm circuit. That is, it senses whether the power supply to
the alarm circuit is healthy and all the relays and contacts are functioning normally. Check
with E/O for more details.

120. Out at sea, if there is a black out during your watch, what action will you take?
Ask your C/E, 2/E or 4/E as they will give you the best answer based on Univan company
121. After a black out the emergency generator comes on; On restoring the main
supply we are closing the circuit breaker of the main generator without bothering
about synchronizing. How is this possible?
There is a power link connection breaker between the main generator and the emergency
generator. During black out, this breaker trips. The emergency generator starts and its
breaker closes and feeds only the emergency loads. During restoration, the main generator is
started again and its breaker is closed. As the link breaker is still open, there is no paralleling
between main and emergency generator. Ask E/O for more details.

122. How does the emergency generator start automatically?

It is activated by a under voltage relay. When there is blackout, the under voltage relay senses
loss of voltage and starts up the emergency generator. Similarly when the power is restored,
the relay stops the emergency generator. Ask E/) for more details.

123. If all your air bottles are at low pressure and there is a blackout how do you
start the generators?
If main air bottles are empty, the emergency air bottle can be used to start the main generator.
If even the emergency air bottle is empty, then it can be filled by running emergency air
compressor (powered by emergency generator). Once the emergency air bottle is filled, this
air can be used to start the main generator.

124. What is a shaft generator?

A shaft generator is coupled to the main engine. It uses the main engine as its prime mover
and has a frequency converter (thyristor controlled) that converts the variable engine speed to
near constant speed and produces electrical power. It can only be employed at sea speed (full
speed) and not at manoeuvring speed. Ask E/O and 2/E for more details.

125. Even though the main engine runs at varying speeds, how does the alternator
maintain constant frequency?
By use of thyristor controlled frequency (rpm) converters.

126. Is the alternator connected star or delta

Look up in Dennis T Hall. Also in your ship ask E/O. Normally star.
127. Why is 440 V used for motors and 110/220 V used for lighting?
Motor load currents are large. Motors are 3-phase loads. A higher 440V voltage means lesser
current for the same power and hence losses and size of cable wires is lower. Lighting is
single phase loads and its load currents are small, hence lower voltage means less insulation
in the cable wires. Ask E/O for more information

128. For a given line voltage, four heating coils will produce maximum heat when
connected in-
129. The unit of absolute permittivity of a medium is-
Farad/ metre

130. The unit of electric intensity is-

Volt/ metre

131. In practice , earth is chosen as a place of zero electric potential because it-

Has almost constant potential

132. Current carried by each of the two long parallel conductors is doubled. If their
separation is also doubled , force between them is

Increase two fold

133. The direction of induced EMF can be found with the help of -
Lenz’s Law

134. Permanent magnets are generally made of-

Alnico alloys

135. The rate of rise of current through an inductive coil is maximum-

At the start of the current flow

136. What is power factor? What are the ways to improve it?*
Ration of true power and apparent power. Using capacitors and synchronous motors.

137. What is star / delta ?*

In star VL = 3 V

In delta VL = V

138. Why is a capacitor used in single phase motors, fluorescent tube lights and
electronic circuits.*
To provide a 900 phase shift to the incoming supply necessary for starting the motor.

To provide boost voltage for starting, power factor correction and to minimize
radio interference.For stabilizing voltage, filtration and coupling.
139. What is a solenoid?*
Single layered coil.

140. What is a photo cell?*

A cell whose resistance varies with intensity of light.

141. What is a magnetic pick-up?*

An electromagnet used as a speed or position sensor.

142. What is an electric tachometer?*

A generator producing voltage proportional to speed.

143. What is an overload relay?*

A safety trip for an electrical equipment which carries over-rated current.

144. What is colour code of resistors , Please explain ?

Colours to denote value. In four band colour coding, the first band indicates the first digit,
the second band : the second digit and the third band : the number of zeroes.

The values are as given below:

Black : 0, Brown : 1, Red : 2, Orange : 3, Yellow : 4, Blue : 5, Green : 6, Violet : 7, Grey
: 8, White : 9.

145. What is residual magnetism?*

Magnetism remaining in a Ferro magnetic material after the removal of magnetizing force.
146. Explain what happens if a DC motor is fed with AC supply?
Motor will run at low speed, sparking at brushes, heat due to eddy current will finally burn
the motor.

147. What are the basic parts of a DC motor?*

Rotor and stator, field poles, commutator, brushes, fan impeller, bearing & housing, end
covers and name plate.

148. What are the excitation methods used in an alternator?*

Rotary : Using rotating diode rectifiers, primary exciter and main exciter.

Static : Excitation given by brushes and slip rings.

149. What are the parts of a brushless AC generator?

Yoke, armature, stator, rotor, primary exciter, main exciter, rotary diode rectifier assembly,
impeller, bearing & housing, end cover, terminal block, AVR.

150. How can the direction of rotation of an AC motor be reversed?*

By interchanging any two supply lines.

151. What can be possible reasons for a motor failing to start?

No power , Fuse blown , Overload trip, contactor coil burnt , Contactors contacts bad, control
circuit relay faulty, stop switch open circuit and start switch does not operate, hold on
contact does not make and motor burnt.

152. What is meant by ‘Single Phasing’?*
When one supply is open circuit in a three phase motor.

153. Where is a rotor wound AC motor used?

For starting heavy torques, mostly used on portable machines and small winches.

154. What are the differences between synchronous and induction motor?*
Synchronous motor : Constant speed on all loads, can be operated on a wide range of power
factors, not self starting, requires dc excitation.

Induction Motor : Speed varies with load, operates on lagging power factor, self starting, no
dc excitation required.

155. What is the specific gravity of electrolyte used in lead acid battery?
1280 at full charge and 1180 at discharge.

156. Compare between lead acid and nickel-cadmium batteries?

Lead acid : Dilute H2SO4, spongy and PbSO2, low efficiency, 2 volt per cell, less strong,
requires more maintenance, less efficient wrt temperature, discharges fast, low cost, problem
of sulfation.

NiCd : KOH, Ni & Cd, high efficiency, 1.2V per cell, robust, less maintenance, more
efficient wrt temp difference, retains charge for longer periods, expensive, no sulfation.

157. What is a current transformer and voltage transformer?*

In electrical engineering, a current transformer (CT) is used for measurement of electric
currents. Current transformers, together with voltage transformers (VT) (potential
transformers (PT)), are known as instrument transformers. When current in a circuit is too
high to directly apply to measuring instruments, a current transformer produces a reduced
current accurately proportional to the current in the circuit, which can be conveniently
connected to measuring and recording instruments. A current transformer also isolates the
measuring instruments from what may be very high voltage in the monitored circuit. Current
transformers are commonly used in metering and protective relays in the electrical power
Current transformers used for sensing load currents and as inputs to indicating instruments.

Voltage transformers used for step-up / step-down voltages.

158. What are the safety precautions when working on electrical equipments?
Switch off power, wear proper protective clothing, safety shoes, Notice board : Do not switch
on – Men at work, stand on rubber mat, remove metal rings, watch bracelets, use proper
insulated tools, check power supply with voltmeter and double check the voltmeter with
known power supply, keep one person stand-by with proper safety gears, inform authority
and get proper work permit. In case of electrical shock, give proper first aid, check heart beat
and pulse.


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