SDG Prasun Anuj Taib 20220721

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SDG Goal No 3: Health and Well Being

Group Members: Tarun, Prasun, Shrey, Taib, Anuj

1. What is the SDG that you would like to work on? Why?

Ans: SDG 3 helps to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at ages. As we know Poor health
constitutes suffering and deprivation, The health and well-being of people at all ages therefore lies at
the heart of sustainable development. Protection from a disease is not only fundamental to survival, but
it enables opportunity for everyone and strengthens economic growth and prosperity. It also aims to
achieve universal health coverage and provide access to safe and effective medicines and vaccines for
all. Whatever may be the situation we must take care of our health and think of a good health and well-
being to live peacefully. So that we must have proper environment and good atmosphere.

2. a. Would you like to work on something related to your current workplace or is this an idea related
to some other organization that you are associated with?

Ans: We would like to spread awareness about health and well-being in our society. We can create
some tools to make consumers aware about the emerging health challenges. We can start this activity at
our organizational level and with their feedbacks we can further improve. We can make health and well-
being as one of the KPI of our organization.

b. Provide details

Ans: As we know that health has become a concept in today’s world which is leading popularity among
all age groups. Keeping in mind the same we can create digital channels to spread awareness about
health and well-being.

3.a. What is the problem?

Ans: People have less time to their health and well-being and information is scattered due to which they
are not able to invest some time on their overall health and well-being. People are confused as to opt
for yoga or else join gym.

b. What is the consumer behavior angle to this problem?

Ans: We can create a toolkit which contain information about healthy food and body exercises. We can
also make them aware to keep the surroundings clean to live a healthy life. As in IT field , employee
suffer from distress and gets various health issues due to long work hours, so we can help employees in
monitoring their health. The constant feedbacks from them will help us improving the toolkit further.
We can work with different clients associated with HCL so as to accommodate the health and well-being
factor a part of employee’s life.

4.a. Are there any specific aspects that you need to understand more in order to address the problem
in question?

Ans: Parameters to understand baseline in mental health and well-being. As IT industry is getting bigger
and more people are choosing their careers in IT so it directly impacts a large section of our population.
We can design our toolkit in such a way so as to accommodate the people working in IT industry.
Though, there is already system in place which helps in providing heath checkups to employs but often
employees don’t give time to these heath checkups and don’t voluntarily register.

b. What do you propose to do to understand these aspects?

Ans: We can conduct offline surveys by reaching out to employee and have the data related to specific
health concerns. The issue especially related to fatigue can be understood in a better way.

We can cover employees working in different shift in our datasets so as to understand the issues faced
by employees in different situations.

c. Give an approximate time-plan and plan of action

Ans: We can start with the dataset creation. The dataset will contain employees that can help us in
getting the information of people working in IT industry and how we can improve the health and well-
being of them so as to have a work life balance. After that we can come up with our toolkit that will be
in sync with the client so that change can be made at the organizational level. Projects requirement can
be decided in sync with Organization employee health and well-being policies so as to give much time to
employees to focus on their heath as well. Within 2 months of time frame, we can come up with a
proposed solution.

5.Once you gain the appropriate understanding of the problem, what would you do to get your
action-plan implemented by your current workplace or other organization, as the case may be?

Ans: We can work with management to have Employee heath and well being policies in place and that
will be a part of the contracts signed with different projects. By this the work hours of the employee can
be decided and it will help the customer as well in planning their project requirement as well.

So here we are targeting the issue at the root level. After that we will have systems in place to monitor
employee’s health on regular basis.

After getting positive response and observing changes in their healthy life we can promote this to larger
extent. The results of this study and possible remedy/solution we can apply in other similar IT
organization in future as well.

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