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Optical Technology in Current Measurement Seminar Report


In recent years, electric utilities have been evaluating optical sensors to

measure current and voltage. These devises are proving their value, especially in

applications where accurate measurement over wider dynamic range, ability to retrofit,

and improved safety are the main concern. Optically powered current transformers are

used to measure currents and transmit the data from high voltage system to ground

potential using state of the art laser technology. The fundamentals of this technology

include the idea of using fiber optic cables to isolate the current transformers from ground


This document describes and specifies optically powered current transformer

(OPCT) technology used in high voltage applications to measure currents for protection

or metering purposes. They are well suited for advanced functionality of leading –edge

protective relays and meters and for compatibility with digital communications in modern

substations. 1
Optical Technology in Current Measurement Seminar Report





2.1 Overview 3

2.2 Description 5

2.3 Current Transformer 8

2.4 Signal Column 8

2.5 Fiber Optic Cable 9


3.1 Basic Configuration 10

3.2 New Configuration 11

3.3 Polarizer Response And Operating Points. 12





Optical Technology in Current Measurement Seminar Report

1. Introduction

Over the past 15 years, optical current sensors have received significant

attention by a number or search groups around the world as next generation high

voltage measurement devises, with a view to replacing iron-core current transformers in

the electric power industry. Optical current sensors bring the significant advantages that

they are non-conductive and lightweight, which can allow for much simpler insulation

and mounting the designs. In addition, optical sensors do not exhibit hysteresis and

provide a much larger dynamic range and frequency response than iron-core CT’s. A

common theme of many of the optical current sensors is that they work on the principle

of the Faraday effect. Current measurement plays an important role in protection and

control of electric power systems. With the development of the conventional CT, the

accuracy of the CT is up to 0.2% in the steady state power system. However many

disadvantages of the conventional CT appear with the short circuit capacities of electric

power systems getting larger and the voltage levels going higher for example,

saturation under fault current conditions, ferroresonance effects, potential for

catastrophic failure etc. Today there is number of interest in using optical current

transformer (OCT) to measure the electric current by means of Faraday effect. The

benefits of an OCT are the inverse of the conventional CT’s problems. That is, no

saturation under fault current conditions, with out iron core and there fore no

ferroresonance effects, with out oil and there fore cannot explode, light weight, small

size, etc.

A common theme of many of the optical current sensors is that they work on the

principle of the Faraday effect. Current flowing in a conductor induces a magnetic field, 3
Optical Technology in Current Measurement Seminar Report

which, through the Faraday effect, rotates the plane of polarization of the light traveling

in a sensing path encircling the conductor. Ampere’s law guarantees that if the light is

uniformly sensitive to magnetic field all along the sensing path, and the sensing path

defines a closed loop, then the accumulated rotation of the plane of polarization of the

light is directly proportional to the current flowing in the enclosed wire. The sensor is

insensitive to all externally generated magnetic fields such as those created by currents

flowing in near by wires. A measurement of the polarization state rotation thus yields a

measurement of the desired current. The technology originated 8 years ago to measure

currents in Series Capacitor installations. Since then, it has been introduced not only to

Series Capacitor and Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor installations (FACTS), but

also into High Voltage Direct Current Systems (HVDC). These FACTS & HVDC

systems gain their very high availability and reliability using the optically powered CT

technology. Further integration of the optically powered technology has led to an

economical and solid metering and protection current transformer without any of the

known environmental problems associated with the oil or SF6-gas filled technology. 4
Optical Technology in Current Measurement Seminar Report



Researchers have perfected the OPCT to measure currents and transmit

the data from high voltage system to ground potential using state of the art Laser

technology. The fundamental of this technology includes the idea of using fiber optic

cables to isolate the current transformers from ground potentials. The advantages of the

optically powered scheme compared to the conventional, high voltage, free standing

magnetic CT include an environmentally friendly, light weight, non seismic critical

composite signal column together with proven, conventional, low voltage rated ‘dry type’

CT technology.

The overall OPCT functional blocks are demonstrated in figure. 2. The

sensor itself is a low voltage rated CT together with burden resister. Both are certified for

the desired protection and metering application. The voltage output of this sensor head is

fed in to the Optically Powered Data Link (OPDL), which is the core of this technology.

The fibers, which connect the ground and the HV remote OPDL units together, can be

separated in to two links. The first is the composite insulator with the incorporated fiber,

which is connected at the high voltage side to the remote unit of the OPDL. The second

link comprises the ground side of the signal column, which is connected to the fiber cable

wired to the control. The receiving unit in the existing control enclosure provides the

signal output for either the protection relays or/and the metering and monitoring

equipment. Figure. 2 show a picture of the complete OPCT system. 5
Optical Technology in Current Measurement Seminar Report

This system consists of four basic elements as shown in Figt.1. 6
Optical Technology in Current Measurement Seminar Report

2.2 Description of the Optically Powered Data Link (OPDL)

The OPDL system can be divided in to a remote unit at high voltage

potential and a local unit, which is based in the sub station control room or an existing

control enclosure. This unit houses the laser with its associated laser driver and the data

recovery circuitry. The laser system used for this application can couple a maximum

optical power of 1.5 Watt in to the power link fiber. These lasers are not to be very

reliable with a long life time (MTBF: >100,000 h). A self-check Function supervises all

vital functions of the OPCT. An alarm will be initiated long before the laser reaches the

end of its life time indicating necessary maintenance. A trip signal will be set if the

system has identified a misoperation. 7
Optical Technology in Current Measurement Seminar Report

Depending on the metering or relay scheme, this unit can provide a digital

serial output, +/- 10Volts (full scale) or a current loop of 1 amp (nominal) @ maximum

20 or 40 VA. The power to operate this unit can conveniently be supplied by any station

power supply. The OPDL local ground unit is connected by two optical fibers, a power

fiber and a data link, to the remote electronic board at the high voltage system. The

remote unit is shielded against any EMI or RFI noise and converts the voltage drop

across the CT burden resistor in to digital signals. The electrical power to operate this

unit provided by the photovoltaic power converter that is connected to the laser over one

of the fiber optical links with a conversion efficiency of up to 40 %. The remote system

provides two A/D channels with a sampling rate of 40 kHz each corresponding to a

bandwidth of 15kHz (250 Harmonics@60Hz system!). The performance of this board is

below 1% error for protection purposes at nominal value and a range of 30p u and

exceeds Class 0.2 for metering accuracy. The output of the A/D converter together with

some data control and supervisory signals make up a serial data stream, which is

converted in to light pulses and coupled in to the data fiber. In addition to the data stream,

the voltage of the remote board is monitored for safety reasons and for control of the laser


To ensure the capability for a remote calibration of the electronic circuitry, a very

precise voltage source is incorporated into the design, which can be connected in to the

data path from the local unit while being in a calibration in a test mode.

The schematic of the OPDL system are shown in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4. 8
Optical Technology in Current Measurement Seminar Report 9
Optical Technology in Current Measurement Seminar Report


The current transformer used for the OPCT can either be a CT designed for

metering or protection class accuracy or a resistive shunt. These transformers are dry

type, out door rated systems. Since a signal column provides the high voltage isolation,

these CT s can be of a low voltage 600V(720V Europe) type.

A high precision, low drift burden resistor together with the CT provides the

voltage input for the OPDL system. The burden resistor and an input protection filter are

housed together with the remote circuitry in a shielded enclosure to provide immunity

against EMI and RFI disturbance. This combined unit is lightweight (about 15 pounds),

which allows easy installation hence limiting the system outage time to a minimum. The

unit is mechanically protected fiber link connects the unit to the signal column.

The CT and burden resistors are available in all common current ratings.

The output voltage of the burden resistor is adjusted to the full range of interest (i.e. 30 p.

u. for protection).


The signal column, well known in series capacitor application is used to

guide the optical fiber from high voltage potential down to ground potential. It is a

lightweight structure similar to suspension insulators made of composite, silicone

material. The fibers at both ends are connectorized to enable fast and flexible

installations. The voltage levels determine length and shape of the signal columns, which

will be adapted to the actual requirements. Also depending on the actual application,

many different mechanical adaptors are available to mount the signal column to the bus 10
Optical Technology in Current Measurement Seminar Report

bar or the power poll as well as the mounting connection at ground potential. A connector

box is supplied at the bottom of the signal column to connect the fiber cable. The signal

column houses two, 200/230 um multimode HCS fibers with FC connectors at both ends

for each pair of CT s plus one spare fiber.


A fiber optical cable is used to connect the local unit with the signal

column. This cable can be pulled through existing cable trenches or directly buried. The

end is connected to the signal column using either connectors or splicing technology. All

cables are approved to meet the necessary standards and are Kevlar free. The fiber optic

cable houses either three (one spare) 200/230 um HCS fibers for a single installation or

nine (three spare) fibers of the same kind, for use in a 3 phase installation.

The amount of fibers depends on the actual cores installed at high

potential. One OPDL unit with two fiber connections (one for power, one for data) can

transmit signals out of two cores to the ground level. If more cores are needed, the

amount of fibers has tom be increased accordingly. 11
Optical Technology in Current Measurement Seminar Report


Fiber optics current sensor offer some advantages compared to the classical

current transformer. The intrinsic insulation of the optical fiber is a key feature for high

voltage installations. It is possible to use it without any risk of discharge with the ground.

In addition they offer a total immunity to stray magnetic fields and show a wide

bandwidth making the observations of harmonics and transients possible. Finally, optical

fiber is very small, so the design of light and compact sensors is easy and performances

are comparable with those of the traditional sensors, themselves heavy and bulky. Its

installation is moreover quick, simple and can be done without interrupting the electric

circuit to measure.

Producing commercial optical current sensors is still challenging and

prototypes are being developed mainly in two different flavors: bulk, and fiber

polarimetric sensors. Bulk current sensors are realized using high Verdet constant

crystals, resulting in an excellent sensitivity. Optical fibers show a lower Verdet constant,

but winding many turns of the fiber around the conductor results in an improved

sensitivity. The polarimetric method measures the rotation of a linear polarization while

the interferometric configuration using a Sagnac interferometer measures the non-

reciprocal phase shift. 12
Optical Technology in Current Measurement Seminar Report


A basic polarimetric current sensor is shown below

The measurement is based on the Faraday Effect. In presence of a magnetic

field, a linearly polarized light experiences a non-reciprocal rotation of an angle

proportional to the magnetic field. Considering a closed loop of fiber, according to the

Gauss theorem, this angle is simply proportional to the electrical current flowing through

the sensing coil times the number of turn of fiber wound around the conductor. Fiber

optic current sensors measure the exact integral of the magnetic field along the closed

loop created by the fiber. As a comparison, bulk sensors and traditional sensors only

measure this integral imperfectly thus current measurement use a fiber optic sensor does

not depend anymore on the position of the conductor inside the optical fiber loop .Hence,

the to tray magnetic fields , coming for example from conducts out of the fiber coil, is

perfect. 13
Optical Technology in Current Measurement Seminar Report


New polarimetric configuration is also developed in the Metrology

Laboratory of EPFL . The advantages of this simple and many sensors effective

configuration is to require no adjustment at all of the optical element and its accuracy is

very tolerant on their actual vale .These features may be decisive to obtain robust sensor.

This was possible through the insertion of a in-line 22.5 Y degree Faraday rotator (or

22.5+n…45Ydegreerotator) as shown in below 14
Optical Technology in Current Measurement Seminar Report

The optical configuration is simple and based on the back-and-forth propagation

through all successive optical elements, the position of reciprocal and non

reciprocal elements being crucial. Let first assume no electrical current in the

conductor. The polarizer and experiences 22.5Y degree rotation through the

Faraday rotator linearly polarize the light. The sensing fiber is mechanically twisted

and is thus predominantly circularly birefringent, so that the light polarization

remains linear while propagating through the sensing fiber, though experiencing a

reciprocal rotation. The light is reflected back by the mirror and, at the Faraday

rotator input on the way back, the polarization has the same orientation as in the

forward propagation (configuration A). After the additional 22.5Y degree rotation,

the polarization is oriented at 45Y degree with respect to the polarizer axis.

The linear polarization is therefore just set at the half transmitting point of the

polarizer according to the well-known squared cosine low. When the electrical current is

applied, it produces a magnetic field that rotates the linear polarization by an angle

proportional to the integral to the magnetic field along the fiber. So that any small

rotation of the polarization results in a linear variation of the transmitted intensity. 15
Optical Technology in Current Measurement Seminar Report


It is possible to substitute the standard mirror by a Faraday Rotation Mirror

(FRM) to make the system much more immune to a possible residual birefringence, at the

expense of a less cost-effective setup (configuration B). The sensing fiber is never strictly

free of birefringence, so that the use of a FRM cancels the effect of this birefringence and

its variations. In absence of electrical current the polarization of the backward

propagating light is, at any point, orthogonal to the polarization of the light traveling in

the forward direction. For instance if a light wave travels along the fast axis of a

birefringent fiber in the forward direction, it travels along the slow axis in the backward

direction, making the effect of any birefringence canceled. This particular case can be

generalized to any state of polarization by the usual expansion on the eigenaxes of the

fiber birefringence. 16
Optical Technology in Current Measurement Seminar Report

An immediate effect of the FRM is to shift the operating point from 45

degree to 135 degree. Actually this only changes the sign of the scaling factor.

The figure below represents a measurement showing the unprocessed optical-electrical

transfer function. 17
Optical Technology in Current Measurement Seminar Report

Calibration measurement

This sensor offers some important improvements: first it is a self-stable configuration and

no optical adjustment is required, resulting in accuracy immune to manufacturing issues.

Then, the use of a non-ideal Faraday rotator and mirror does not significantly reduce the

accuracy. Finally, this configuration compensates the possible residual linear

birefringence in the sensing fiber, the temperature variation of the fiber circular

birefringence and is greatly immune to vibrations. 18
Optical Technology in Current Measurement Seminar Report


Primary advantages of this optical technology over conventional inductive and

capacitive measurement transformers include:- high performance for metering (better

than Class 0.2) and protection (<1% error;20 – 30 p.u. range)

. Digital Technology

. High accuracy (exceeds IEC Class 0.2 and IEEE Class 0.3accuracy


. Wide Dynamic Range

. High bandwidth

. Reduced size and weight

. Safe and environment friendly (avoids oil or SF6)

. Low maintenance

. Modular design

. Fast installation

. Low power consumption

. Easy to relocate 19
Optical Technology in Current Measurement Seminar Report




Catastrophic failures of power transformers can occur without warning resulting

in serious oil spills, fires, and extensive damage to adjacent equipment, and major

disruption of service. Very often, partial discharges (PDs) are involved in those dielectric

breakdowns by degrading the insulation property of transformer oil. It is important to

study and monitor the partial discharge activity to detect incipient insulation problems, to

prevent catastrophic failures, and prevent extensive costs.



Researchers have performed pioneering research on the development of

various types of sapphire fiber sensors and related technologies. The developed sapphire

fiber-based sensors can be used for measuring temperature, strain, and pressure in high

temperature (>1500 degrees C) environments, particularly to meet the power industry’s

needs for monitoring and control of high temperature industrial processes.


Optical Technology in Current Measurement Seminar Report

Researchers are developing reliable, cost-effective optical fiber sensors for

monitoring of pressure, temperature, oil flow, and acoustic waves in down hole oil wells.

Such information is crucial to oil companies, which use the data to regulate oil recovery

to make recovery as efficient as possible. The complete extraction of oil reserves in

existing reservoirs has been hampered by the limited capabilities of sensors to withstand

the harsh conditions of the down hole environment, the sensors’ limited life spans, and

their expense. 21
Optical Technology in Current Measurement Seminar Report


Faraday discovered that the orientation of linearly polarized light was

rotated under the influence of a magnetic field when the light propagated in Faraday

sensors, and the amount of the rotation observed for any given substance is found by

experiment to be proportional to the field strength B and to the distance the light travels

through medium [1]. The relation can express this rotation as follows:

r=dl B V e (1)

Where B is the magnetic induction in teals, l is the length of the light path in

meters, e is the angle of the rotation in minutes of arc, and V is a constant, called the

Verdet constant, and defined as the rotation per unit path per unit field strength. Figure. 1

shows the concept of the Faraday effect.

Concept of the Faraday effect

According to Ampere’s law, when the linearly polarized light encircles a current l

carrying conductor, equation(1) can be rewritten as follows:

IV n r = u e(2)

where u is the permeability of the material, and n is the turns of the optical path.

Recently, the OCT s almost is based on the equation (2), because the rotation angle e is

directly related to the enclosed current. 22
Optical Technology in Current Measurement Seminar Report


Our industry is changing and innovation from a range of fields will

influence its future. We will benefit from technical advances in fiber optics, electronic

design, power engineering and software design. Optical sensor technology could truly

revolutionize the transmission and distribution industry. With an inherently digital signal,

optical sensors can be utilized in ways that are not possible with conventional analog

signals. Imagine an all encompassing digital substation with digital communication

between voltage and current sensors, relays, meters, controls, SCADA functions, breakers

and switches. Design, maintenance, testing and commissioning within a substation could

be streamlined considerably. 23
Optical Technology in Current Measurement Seminar Report


[1]’’Optic fiber sensor Technology’’. K.T Grattan, IEEE Industrial application, 2000.

[2] Optoelectronics and fiber optics communication by C.K Sarkar and D.C Sarkar.

[3] Sites accessed

[4]” Optical interconnects in systems” .Levi. A. F. J.


www. 24

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