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4, PAGES 649-668 AUGUST 2000

Low-temperature thermochronology of the northern Cordillera

Real, Ecuador: Tectonic insights from zircon and apatite
fission track analysis
RichardA. Spikings,Diane Seward,Wilfried Winkler, and Geoffrey M. Ruiz
GeologischesInstitut, Eidgen6ssischeTechnischeHochschule-Zentrum,Z0rich

Abstract. The post Early Cretaceoustectonic development Peltetec Event [Litherland et al., 1994]. Progressive
of the northern Andean segment (north of 5øS) is loosely cratonwardpropagation and building of the Cordillera Real
constrainedby a series of partially and fully reset K/Ar ages. since the Peltetec Event [e.g., Litherland and Aspden, 1992]
New apatite and zircon fission track data from three traverses have led to the current exposure of polydeformed, greenschist
acrossthe Cordillera Real of Ecuadorreveal distinct periods of facies and lower-grademetamorphic rocks [e.g., Davila and
acceleratedcrustal cooling during the Cenozoic. Fission track Egaez, 1990; Litherland et al., 1994] (Figure 1). The post-
agesrange from 65 to 14 Ma (zircon) and 44 to 8 Ma (apatite), Peltetec geological evolution of the Cordillera Real is only
with apatite mean track lengths ranging from 14.6 to 12.1 }am. loosely constrained by a series of partially and completely
These results record rapid cooling rates during - 43 - 30 Ma, reset K/Ar ages from metamorphic micas [Litherland et al.,
23 - 15 Ma, and 10 - 0 Ma occurring at temperaturesbelow - 1994].
275øC.The events reflect up to - 9 km of crustalexhumation Steinmann [1929] and numerous more recent studies (see
in various regions of the Cordillera in response to relative reference list in the work of Noblet et al., 1996) have
changes in the kinematics of the Farallon, Nazca, and South established a scheme of post Early Cretaceous tectonic
Americanplates.The exhumationhlstory of the Cordillera "phases"for the central Andes of Peru, Bolivia, and northern
Real was not continuous but rather evolved during separate Chile. This was achieved by constraining the timing and
phases. These phases persisted for- 10 Myr and are partly geographical extent of deformation using the regional extent
coincident with tectonic phasesof the central Andes, although of angular unconformities in sedimentary and volcanoclastic
extend for longer time periods, possibly as a result of sediments.Steinmannpostulatedthat the main phases(re/erred
isostatically driven crustal exhumation. Large spatial to as the Peruvian, Incaic, and Quechua phases) involved the
variations in the zircon and apatite fission track data within entire Peruvian Andean margin, or at least parts of it, at the
the Cordillera Real indicate that local fault-bounded massifs Cordillera scale [e.g., Mdgard, 1984; Sdbrier et al., 1988;
have experienced different thermal histories since -43 Ma. Sdbrier and Soler, 1991]. Previous fission track studies in the
Major variations are not restricted to the regional scale and central Andes appear to corroborate the tectonic phase
exist within individual terranes. Faulted slivers within terranes chronology [e.g., Benjamin et al., 1987; Laubacherand
demonstratehighly variable exhumation histories, suggesting Naeser, 1994]. However, the central Andes did not experience a
that deformation was not dominated by terrane-bounding history of Mesozoic and Cenozoic accretion of oceanic
faults. Additionally, N-S variations in exhumation depths terranes, and several workers [Noblet et al., 1996; Lavenu et
suggestthat - NE-SW trending faults have been active since - al., 1995] suggest that tectonism in the northern Andean
10- 9Ma. segmentwas more continuousthan and possibly diachronous
with the central Andean phases.
1. Introduction We present the first results of zircon and apatite fission
track analysis from three traverses across the northern
The Ecuadoriancontinentalmargin, situatedin the northern Cordillera Real (Figure 1). These data provide a quantitative
Andean sector (north of 5øS), has been active since the late
framework for the thermal and exhumation history of the
Middle Jurassic (- 160 Ma), initially within the Tethyan Cordillera Real during the Cenozoic. Such a framework
spreading system and afterward in the eastern Pacific
providesconstraintson the unroofinghistory of the Cordillera
subductionsystem [Pilger, 1983; Pardo-Casasand Molnar, and provides a means to test the applicability of the well-
1987; Gallagher, 1989; Jaillard et al., 1990, 1995]. The established central Andean tectonic phases to the northern
EcuadorianAndesrepresenta compositeorogenic belt, which segment,acrossthe Huancabamba
Deflection locatedat-• 5øS
assembledduring several Mesozoic-Cenozoic accretionary [Gansser, 1973]. Additionally, further insightsinto the timing
events.The polydeformedCordillera Real (Figure 1) forms the of fault activity at the intra-Cordillera scale are revealedwhich
easternmostmountain chain and originated during the Early providecluesto the mechanismof orogenic growth during the
Cretaceousaccretionof allochthonouster•anes[Feiningerand Cenozoic.
Bristow, 1980] at - 140- 120 Ma, otherwise referred to as the

2. Geological Framework

Copyright2000 by the AmericanGeophysical

Union. Early Cretaceousto Recent convergencebetween the Pacific
Paper number 2000TC900010. oceanic and South American continental plates has given rise
0278-7407/00/2000TC900010512.00 to a series of distinguishable tectono-stratigraphic regions


t•2ø 80ø 7•ø

_2 ø






ca. 200 km Cordillera Real (Ecuador)

t Quaternary volcanics Sub-Andean

and zone
EasternCordillera (Ecuador,Peru)•
sediments •/'/• Alao
.,..,...,...•Metamorphics ofCentral
'i'!• Tertiary
sediments Western Cordillera(Peru)
I I Løja
..,•-• Mesozoic
sediments Inter-Andean Valley (Ecuador, • Salado
•'-"-"-"1 underlain byChaucha Terrane)
and Cauca Valley (Colombia)
• ElOro
Belt • traverses
in present paper

Figure 1. Simplified
mapof Ecuador,
andZamora [1991], Toussaint andRestrepo [1994],Litherland
et al. [ 1993],and
ComisionCartaGeologica NacionalPeru[1964]).The tectono-stratigraphic terranes
of the Ecuadorian
Realareshown[afterLitherlandet al., 1994],aswellasthelocation
of the Sub-Andean Zone(SAZ)
andOriente region.
bathymetry highlights theposition of theCarnegie Ridgeandthelocation of
the Peru-Ecuador-Colombia
trenchis shown(depthcontours
in meters).Labelsa, b andc identifythe three
(a,JulioAndfade- LaBonita; b, Papallacta
- Baeza;andc:
Fault;CF,CosangaFault;IN, Ingapirca

(Figure 1). These are terranesof the CretaceousCordillera Real Litherland et al. [1994] attribute this to resetting causedby
[Litherland et al., 1994], Paleocene - Eocene lorearc (Pition shearing and heating during an early Tertiary metamorphic
Terrane), and a Paleocene - Eocene volcanic arc sequence event. However, more detailed work is requiredto elucidate the
(MacuchiTerrane)which comprisesthe present-dayCordillera details of the geological history during the Tertiary.
Occidental[Lebrat et al., 1985; Egaez et al., 1988; Daly, Cenozoic sedimentary rocks within the Cordillera Real are
1989]. The Macuchi Terrane is suturedagainst the Chaucha confined to restricted Mio-Pliocene nonmarine basins
Terrane [Egl;iezet al., 1988; Litherland et al., 1994], which i s [Baldock, 1982; Bristow and Parodiz, 1982]. Cenozoic
believedto form the basementto the Inter-Andeanregion, and volcanic rocks have been assigned to tour divisions, which
this in turn is suturedagainst the metamorphic terranesof the span the Paleocene-Quaternary period [Barberi et al., 1988;
Cordillera Real. Mio-Pliocene intermontane basins [e.g. Lavenu et al., 1992]. Undeformed and unmetamorphosed
Steinmann et al., 1999] are located within the Inter-Andean intrusive bodies have been recognized along the Cordillera
valley. Real which yield late Cretaceous(-80 Ma) to Quaternary K/Ar
The proximal Amazon Foreland Basin to the east of the ages (Figure 2) [Kennerly, 1980; Herbert and Pichler, 1983;
Cordillera Real is composedof steeply dipping thrust slices Litherland et al., 1994].
within a series of frontal foothill highs (Napo and Cutucu
antiforms), which are commonly referred to as the Sub-Andean
3. Thermochronology
Zone (Figure 1). Within the Sub-AndeanZone, conspicuous
tectonic uplift is evident, exposing Paleozoic to Tertiary A useful approach for documenting long-term exhumation
basement,cover, and foreland basin formations. A major fault of a region is to study its thermal history [e.g., Brown et al.,
separatesthe Sub-AndeanZone from flat-lying Late Cretaceous 1994; Spikings et al., 1997; Spikings, 1999]. Zircon and
-Recent sedimentary rocks of the foreland basin, otherwise apatite fission track analyses (ZFT and AFT, respectively) are
referred to as the "Oriente" region (Figure 1). two methods which have the advantage of providing
At least four metamorphic terranes, composedof Paleozoic quantitative information on the spatial variation of thermal
and Mesozoic sequencescompose the Cordillera Real (Figures histories both at an interterrane scale and at an intraterrane
1 and 2) [Litherland and Zamora, 1991; Litherland et al., scale. A combination of knowledge of the thermal history and
1994]. The Salado Terrane is the easternmost division of the the evolution of the geothermal gradient over the time period
Cordillera and is juxtaposed against the Sub-Andean Zone revealed by the data set permits estimates of the timing and
acrossthe Sub-AndeanFault (Figure 1). Metamorphosedmafic amount of crustal exhumation that has occurred over the same

volcanic rocks, metasedimentaryrocks, and carbonateunits of period. The use of the term "exhumation" here follows the
the Upano,Cerro Hermoso,and Cuyuja sequencescomprisethe definition of England and Molnar [1990] as being the vertical
terrane [Litherland et al., 1994] as well as metamorphosed motion of rocks with respect to the surface.
Upper Jurassic- Lower Cretaceousmetaplutonic rocks of the The temperaturesat which fossil fission tracks within the
N-S trending Azafran Batholith (Figure 2) [Litherland et al., apatite and zircon mineral groups partially anneal (i.e., partial
1994]. isotopic resetting) are not sharply defined but are progressive
Westward, the Salado Terrane is in tectonic contact, across [Green et al., 1986]. The temperaturerange where partial track
the Llanganates Fault, with Paleozoic -Triassic sequencesof annealing occurs is known to be a function of the phase
the Loja Terrane (Figure 1). The steeply dipping, composition [Green et al., 1986; Carlson and Donelick,
metamorphosed, Paleozoic sedimentary rocks and 1993], cooling rate, and possibly the symmetry group of the
amphibolites are the oldest exposed rocks in the Cordillera mineral [Kohn and Foster, 1996].
Real. These, combinedwith the gneissicTriassic Tres Lagunas Unannealed track lengths in apatite group mineral phases
Granite and Sabanilla Migmatite, comprise the Loja Terrane range between - 14.5 and 15.5 !amrelative to standard Durango
(Figure 2). apatite [Gleadow et al., 1986], and hence samples that have
The Loja Terrane is in tectonic contact with Jurassic mean track lengths in this range, combined with narrow track
metavolcanic and metasedimentaryrocks of the Alao Terrane length distributions, experienced rapid cooling from
across the Barios Fault, which is manifested in the field as a temperaturesof _>120ø- 100øCto temperaturesof •- < 60øC at
major shear zone - 2 km wide (Figure 1). The Alao Terrane is the time indicatedby the AFT age [Laslett et al., 1987]. Broad
composedof the Alao-Paute,E1 Pan, and Maguazo sequences, track length distributions with shorter mean lengths suggest
which are believedto representoceanicarc sequences(Figure that the sample has experienced a more complex thermal
2). No plutonic phase is associated with this division. The history, spending a significant amount of time, relative to
terrane is juxtaposed against Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous their AFF age within the partial annealing zone [Gleadow et
quartzites and slatesof the Guamote Terrane to the west via a -• al., 1986]. Similar principles apply to the interpretation of
2 km wide, vertical ophiolitic zone which defines the Peltetec ZFT data; however, the lack of a suitable description of the
Fault (Figure 2) [Aspden and Litherland, 1992]. In southern annealing kinetics of tracks within zircon inhibits the
Ecuadorthe Peltetec Fault juxtaposes Jurassicmetamorphic determination of a thermal history from the track length
basement with Upper Cenozoic volcanic and sedimentary distributions. Additionally, wide-ranging values for the
rocks [Winter et al., 1990; Litherland et al., 1994] and was temperaturebounds for the partial annealing zone have been
thus active in Cenozoic times. published. Yamadaet al. [1995] suggestedtemperaturelimits
Almostall K/Ar ages from the pre-Cretaceous metamorphic of- 390 ø - 170øC whereas Tagami and Dumitru [1996] and
rocks of the Tres LagunasGranite, Sabanilla Migmatite, and Tagami et al. [1998] suggestedtemperaturelimits of- 310øC -
Agoyanand UpanoUnits lie between90 and 50 Ma (Figure 3). 230øC. For the purposeof this study, the average value of

?'+•'+•'.j Late Cretaceousand

• Tertiary
GUAMOTE TERRANE Jurrasic - E. Cret.

•• Pun,n
(slates,quartzites) Julio

ALAO TERRANE Jurrasic - E. Cret.

i eltetec
tectonicmelange) 0 ø 30'
La Bonita
• Maguazo unit(metaturbidites,

• Alao-Paute
andesires, unit
SALADO TERRANE Jurrasic - E. Cret.

_•• Azafran unit(deformed


•• Cerro Hormoso
meta-sediments, unit(marbles

•• Cuyuja unit
graphitic (schists,
schists) gneiss, 0 ø 00'

I Upano unit(meta-andesites, /
-greywackes, schists)
LOJA TERRANE Paleozoic - Triassic

Tres Lagunas
(variably Granite

[... j schists,
Agoyan unit (graphitic

i: t black
Chiguina unt
phyllite) (qartzite,
0 ø 30'

Cenozoic thrust faults

Mesozoic thrust faults

transcurrent faults

- 20 km /
Quaternary /

77ø30 '


1 ø 30'
J ] Fms.
(not differentiated)
Arajuno/Curaray Fms.
Recent - Eocene
Chalcana Fm. (red beds,
fine sandstones)
Tiyuyacu Fm. (sandst.,
Hollin, Napo and Tena
Middle •
Cret. Fms.
2 ø 00' Jurassic pyroclastics,volcaniclastics)
78o30 ' 78o00 ' • Abitagua
L•'•.,"•.,' and
Florida Rosa
Figure2. Simplifiedgeological
mapof thenorthern
etal., 1993,1994;Rosero,
of thesampled
areshownin Figure5.

K/Ar ages Formati0,n Ages
h: hornblende
m: muscovite
1 b: biotite

w: whole rock

c- 1

Alao Upano
Unit Unit

Azafran Granite

20 30
40 50 60 7O
' 0'0'
90 1
Cretaceous ' iI
110 1 0 130 1 0 150 160 170
180 190 200 210
220 230

Time ( M a)

Figure 3. A comparisonof K/Ar ages [Kennerly, 1980; Herbert and Pichler, 1983; Lavenu et al., 1992;
Litherland et al., 1994] and formation ages [Litherland et al., 1994] from Jurassic to Early Cretaceous
metamorphicrocks and undeformedTertiary plutons of the Cordillera Real. A majority of K/Ar ages are less
than 100 Myr old suggestingthat they have been reset to varying degrees.

275øCwill be plotted againstthe ZFT age in orderto producea 3.2. Analytical Methods
single temperature (T) -time (t) point on a thermal history
path. Whole rock samples were crushed and apatite and zircon
grains were recovered by conventional heavy liquid and
3.1. Previous Fission Track Thermochronology magnetic methods. Samples from the northernmost traverse
(Figures 1 and 3 and Table 1) were recovered using the
Previous fission track (FT) investigations within Ecuador floatation techniquedescribedby Hejl and Ney [1994]. Both
have been restricted to the central and southern Inter-Andean apatite and zircon were irradiated at the High Flux Australian
region(Figure 1). ZFT and AFT agesfrom stratifiedtuffs within Reactor (HIFAR), and neutron fluxes were monitored with the
middle-late Miocene basins [Hungerb•ihler, 1997; Steinmann, CN5 (apatite) and CN1 (zircon) standardglasses.
1997; Steinmann et al., 1999] tightly define the Fossil tracks were revealed in apatites by etching in 5N
chronostratigraphy of the sedimentaryseries and provide a HNO3•aq
) at 20øCfor 21 seconds
andin zirconby etchingin the
framework for the younger evolution of the Cordillera eutecticmixtureof NaOH/KOH at 210øC for periodsbetween 5
Occidentaland the Inter-Andean valley region since-- 15 M a. and 30 hours. Induced tracks were revealed in muscovite

Steinmann et al. [1999] record a period of marine externaldetectors

by etchingin 40% HF•aq)
at 20øCfor 45 min.
sedimentationduring-- 15 - 9 Ma (Coastal Pacific Stage) Fission tracks were counted at a magnification of x1250
which terminatedbecauseof exhumation starting at -- 9 M a. (apatite) and x1600 (zircon, dry objective) using computer-
Terrigenoussedimentationwas then restrictedto local regions, controlled Zeiss microscopes and the Kinetec stage. Only
which were partly sourcedfrom the rising Cordillera Occidental those grains mounted in the plane of the c-axis for both
to the west for the first time (Intermontane Stage). These mineral types were counted. Lengths of horizontal confined
studies concluded that the central and southern Inter-Andean tracks were measuredin apatite grains lying in the plane of the
region was exhumedat rates of-- 0.4 km/Myr during -- 9 - 0 crystallographic c axis using a drawing tube and digitizing
Ma. tablet. It was not possible to measuremany lengths. Because
Other fission track studies in the Eastern Cordillera of Peru of generally low uraniumconcentrations, and consequentlyin
[Laubacher and Naeser, 1994], Bolivia [Crough, 1983; most cases less than 40 measurements were made (Table 1).
Benjamin et al., 1987], and Argentina [Coughlin et al., 1998] Maximum fissiontrack etch pit diametersorientedwithin 5ø of
in the central Andean segment and Colombia [Andriessen, the c axis were measured(magnification x2000) in order to
1996] and Venezuela [Shagam et al., 1984] in the northern estimate the compositional influence • on fission track
Andean segment highlight specific periods of post early annealing [Carlson et al., 1999]. Analytical proceduresfor
Cretaceouscooling in those regions (Figure 4). These are ZFF and AFF analysis followed the external detector method
referred to in section 5. describedby Gleadow [1981]. Ages were calculatedusing the

zeta calibration method [Hutford and Green, 1983], and errors traverse, between the towns of Barios and Puyo, crossed the
were calculated according to conventional methods [Green, Alao, Loja, and Salado Terranes, as well as the Sub-Andean
1981]. All samples were counted by R. Spikings with zeta Zone, including the Abitagua granite.
values of 387+_17 (apatite, CN5 glass) and 130+_3.1 (zircon,
4.1. Julio Andrade-La Bonita Traverse
CN 1 glass).
The Julio Andrade- La Bonita section yielded the youngest
4. Results: Fission Track Data fission track ages (Figure 4). Three samplesfrom the Azafran
Granite of the Salado terrane, located in the immediate footwall
In this section we present FF data from three traverses, two of the Llanganates Fault, yielded apatite ages of 15+_11 Ma
of which lie approximately perpendicularto the Andean trend (98RS46), 8+_2Ma (98RS48), and 12+_7Ma (98RS49; Figure
and structural strike of the region (Figures 1 and 2). The 5a). The large errors are attributed to very low uranium
northernmost traverse between the towns of Julio Andrade and concentrationswithin the apatite grains (< 6.6 ppm; Table 1).
La Bonita crossed the Salado Terrane and an along-strike The agescan not be resolvedwithin 1(• error, and the data from
section of deformed Misahualli Unit volcanic rocks within the sample 98RS48 is taken to be representativeof this location
Sub-AndeanZone. Southward,the traversebetweenPapallacta becauseof its smaller analytical error. A long mean track
and Baeza crosses the Loja and Salado Terranes and length of 14.6+_0.2 rim was obtained from sample 98RS48.
sedimentaryrocks of the Sub-Andean Zone. The southernmost Further eastward, a sample of diorite from a fault-bounded

Cordillera Real and the western SAZ' Ecuador Northern/Central


J. Andrade-La
BonitaPapallacta-Baeza Barios- Puyo Previous Work
Ap Zr Ap Zr Ap Zr N of 5øS S of 5øS

80 --




40 .. •1• ••"

.. i..
- .. l•I•I

[] .-"
1 3

0 10 2o 3o 4o

nI Apat
Figure 4. The absolute spread in apatite and zircon fission track ages (+_l{Jerror) from the Quito- Baeza,
Barios - Puyo and Julio Andrade- La Bonita traverses across the northern Cordillera Real, Ecuador, and the
westernSub-AndeanZone (SAZ). Ap, apatite;Zr, zircon. Previouswork is from basement rocks in (1) Eastern
Cordillera of Colombia [Andriessen, 1996], (2) Venezuelan Andes [Shagam et al., 1984], (3) Eastern
Cordilleraof Peru [Laubacherand Naeser, 1994], (4) EasternCordillera of Bolivia [Crough, 1983], (5) Eastern
Cordilleraand Aliiplano of Peru [Benjamin et al., 1987], and (6) SierrasPampeanas,Argentina [Coughlin et
al., 1998].

ß .

• o o c5 o c5 +1 o c5 c5
+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 c• +1 +1 . •

• o ß •oo . • 'o
....o o oo
...... • • o • o•
• • •

+1 +l +1

+1 +1 +1

+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
+1+1 +1+1+1+1+1+1•:• +1+1 +1

0 0 0 ß --
• ddd•• •

--, • --, 0•1 --, ,,-- -- -'- 0•1 0•1

o o c:• o o o o o o o o o

c.-3 c.-3 o







ff• ff• o o o o
0d .v- o

block of the Upano Unit within the SaladoTerrane (98RS62) 1.22 and 1.67 gm, reflecting narrow length distributions
yielded an AFT age of 15.6_+1.9 Ma and a mean length of (Table 1). No geographictrends can be identified within the
13.6_+0.2gm (Figure 5a and Table 1). data.The youngestAFT ages,of- 11 - 9 Ma, occuradjacentto
Three samplesof rhyolite from a faulted sliver (boundedby the BariosFault (98RS23 and 98RS24; Table 1), within schists
the La Sofia and Cosanga Faults) of the Misahualli Unit yield of the AgoyanUnit, and from faultedblocksin westernregions
AFT ages(Figure5a and Table 1) of 12_+4Ma (98RS59), 15_+1 of the Azafran Granite, respectively (Figure 3c). The oldest
Ma (98RS55), and 10_+3 Ma (98RS56). AFT lengths from AFT agesare foundin faultedblocks juxtaposedagainst these
sample98RS55 yield a mean value of 12.4+0.3 gm, which is "young"regionsand are recordedin the Tres LagunasGranite
significantly shorter than other samples from this traverse and also the western Azafran Granite. Apatite grains from
(typically 13.5-14.5 gm; Table 1). Sample 98RS55 also Mesozoic sedimentaryrocks incorporatedinto the Cordillera
yielded a ZFT age of 14_+2Ma, which is statistically equivalent Real (Napo Formation; Table 1) have very low uranium
to the AFT age, althoughit is significantlyyoungerthan other concentrations and numerous lattice detects, leading to AFT
ZFT agesfrom the CordilleraReal (Table 1). ageswith largeanalyticalerrors.Consequently,AFT agesfrom
this region can not be distinguishedfrom other parts of the
4.2. Papallacta-Baeza Traverse Cordillera.A singlesamplefrom the AbitaguaGranite, within
the Sub-AndeanZone (Figure5c), recordedan AFT age of 24_+5
Zircon and apatite FT ages from the Papallacta - Baeza Ma (98RS41).
traverse range between -65 and-39 Ma and-41 and-12 Ma
respectively (Figure 4). ZFT ages of 65_+4 Ma (98RS18) and
39_+3 Ma (98RS19) were obtained from different fault-bounded
5. Interpretation and Discussion
units of diorite and granite of the Loja Terrane (Figure 5b and
Table 1). With the exception of sample 98RS18, AFT ages 5.1. Periods of Cooling: Apatite Fission Track
from various units of the Loja Terrane are concordant within Analysis
their 1 intervals about a mean value of -30 Ma and are
AFT agesin this studyrange between44 and 8 Ma (Table 1
distinguishably younger than ZFT ages from the same
and Figure 4), suggestingthat the present land surfacewas
samples. An AFT age of 12_+1Ma (98RS18) is recordedin a
variably cooling through the-110øC isotherm during and
fault-bounded block of Agoyan diorite (Table 1)which is
prior to this time period. Many samples have exceptionally
distinctly younger than other regions of the Loja Terrane in
low apatiteuraniumconcentrations(typically < 5 ppm; Table
this traverse (Figure 5b). Samples 98RS18 and 98RS19 from
1), and hence few or no track lengths were measured per
the Loja Terrane yielded intermediate AFT mean lengths and
sample.However,severalsamples,with AVF agesof- 10, -
broad length distributions (Table 1). These length
distributions are broader than those obtained from the same
20, and- 40 Ma, have long mean track lengths (relative to
standardapatite samples, e.g., Durango apatite) and narrow
tectonostratigraphicunits in the Barios - Puyo traverse to the
length distributions(e.g., 98RS14 and 98RS48; Table I and
Figure 6). This implies that the Cordillera Real was cooling
AFT ages from gneisses,granites, and schists of the Salado
rapidly at thesetimes [e.g., Gleadow et al., 1986].
Terrane range between - 41 and 27 Ma (Figure 5b). The
However, a majority of samples have mean track lengths
apatites have low uranium concentrations (e.g., < 2.5 ppm,
that are < 14.5 gm and have standarddeviations of > 1.4 pm
Table 1), which lead to large analytical errors and a reduction
(Table 1 andFigure6)and hence have been partially annealed.
in the resolution of the data set. Apatite from the graphitic
In order to producethese partially annealedtrack lengths, the
schist 98RS14 has the highest uranium concentration (13
samplesmusthaveresidedfor long periodsof time within the
ppm) within the Salado Terrane samples and yields a mean
apatite partial annealing zone (APAZ), i.e., at temperatures
fission track length of 14.2_+0.2 gm with a standarddeviation
between- 110ø and 60øC. Therefore the AFT ages in the
of 1.11 gm.
correspondingsamplesdo not record specific cooling events.
4.3. Bafios-Puyo Traverse The wide spreadin AFT ages (Table 1 and Figure 4) within
and between traversesmay be a consequenceof variations in
Apparent ZFT ages from within the Cordillera Real along apatite composition as well as differing Cenozoic T-t paths.
the Barios- Puyotraverseshow significantvariation (Figure 4 In order to estimate the influence of compositional variation,
and Table 1). A singleZFT age of 36_+5Ma was obtained from fission track etch pit diameters have been measuredand
schists of the Alao Terrane, west of the Barios Fault (sample comparedto the corresponding AFT ages(Table 1). The lack of
98RS22; Figure 5c). East of the BariosFault, ZFT agesincrease any particulartrendover the bulk of the data set suggeststhat
from 28 Ma adjacentto the LlanganatesFault to 58 Ma within compositional influence, which may amplify or reducethe
deformed Cretaceous sedimentary rocks adjacent to the spatial variation of AFT ages, is minor [Carlson et al., 1999]
Cosanga Fault. East of the Cosanga Fault, ZF:F ages from and has hence been ignored in this study.
sedimentary rocks within the Sub-Andean Zone (Tena The AFF data set was modelled [e.g., Foster and Gleadow,
Formation) and the Abitagua Granite are discordantwith each 1996; Spikings et al., 1997] to quantify the timing and
otherand rangebetween33 Ma adjacentto the CosangaFault amount of cooling at specific sample locations. Modeling
and 67 Ma within the batholith (Figure 5c). followed the approach of Gallagher [1995], using the
ApparentAFT agesfrom the CordilleraReal rangefrom - 44 quantitativedescription of AFI' annealing kinetics described
to- 9 Ma, mean fission track lengths range between 13.7 and by Laslett et al. [1987]. The modeling procedurefollows a
14.1 gm, and track length standarddeviations range between controlled random search algorithm that identifies those

ß Julio Andrade - La Bonita traverse
n Papallacta - Baeza traverse
#48 ß Barios- Puyo traverse





::::::::::::::::::::::: ..........................................


12 ß

0 10 20 30 5O

Apatite fission track age (Ma)

3.0 '





0.0 , i ß i , i , i ,
0 10 20 30 40 50
^patite fission track age (Ma)

Figure 6. Relationshipbetweenthe apatite fission track (AFD age, (a) meantrack length and (b) standard
distribution. Relationshipis shownfor all sampleswhich yielded adequatelength data (all errors are l cD.
Shadingshowsthe generaltrendof the data.Longtracklengths(>14 pm) and small standarddeviations(<1.5
pm) define distinctivecoolingepisodesat -- 10, 20, and 40 Ma duringwhich time the CordilleraReal cooled
rapidly through-- 110ø -60øC. Sample numbersare shownfor the 98RSxx series.

thermal historiesthat most closely reproducethe fission track matched. It is more valid to consider an envelope of thermal
age and length data. The results of thermal modeling of nine history solutions that fit the observedAFT parameterswithin
samplesare presentedin Figures7a - 7c, along with graphical the limits of statistical acceptancerather than a single best
representationsof the observed AFT data that was being solution.

5.1.1. Julio Andrade-La Bonita traverse. ZFq' 5.1.3. Bafios-Puyo traverse. The modeledthermal
ages, combined with modeled thermal histories from the Julio history envelopesfrom the Barios- Puyo traversereveal three
Andrade-La Bonitatraverserevealthreedistinctperiodsof distinct periodsof cooling sincethe early Eocenethat are more
cooling sincethe early Miocene: tightly defined than those of the other two traverses:
1. Samples
98RS55and98RS62,locatedon oppositesides 1. Combining the ZIZT age with the modeledT-t path of
of the La SofiaFault(Figure5a), experienceda similar thermal sample98RS28 from the SaladoTerrane(Figure 7c) reveals a
historyduringthe early- middleMiocenewhenthey cooled distinctperiodof coolingof up to ---240øC during---40- 32 Ma,
200ø - 35øCduring--->19- 15 Ma at coolingratesof up to which occurredat ratesof--- 30øC/Myr.
by thermalstabilityduring15 2. Samples 98RS26A and 98RS35 (Figure 7c), situated
within the Loja and SaladoTerranes(Figure 3c), yield similar
2. The long meantracklength of sample98RS48, located AFT data(Table 1), andtheirT-t envelopesreveal cooling of
in the immediatefootwallof theLlanganates
Fault(Table 1 and 35ø - 40øCduring-20 - 17 and-23 - 17 Ma, respectively,
Figure5a)impliesthat the samplecooledrapidlythrough> correspondingto cooling ratesof---6 ø - 13øC/Myr. However,
110ø- ---60øCat---8 Ma (asindicatedby its AFFage).Thisis this early- middle Miocene cooling period is not clearly
supportedby themodeled T-t envelopefor this sample(Figure revealed in the T-t envelope of sample 98RS28, which
7a), whichsuggests thatup to 50øCof coolingoccurred during experiencedmost cooling to temperatureslower than 60T;
---8.5 - 7.5 Ma at rates< 50øC/Myr. during the Eocene(Figure 7c).
3. T-t envelopes for all threemodeled samples(Figure7a) 3. Similar to the Papallacta- Baezatraverse,cooling of
follow a generallyisothermal positionduring---7.5 - ---5 Ma,
--50ø- 60øCduring---10- 0 Ma at a rateof ---6øC/Myrcanbe
andthisis followedby renewedcoolingduring-5 - 0 Ma of identifiedfrom the modeledT-t envelopesof all three samples
40ø- 60øC,corresponding to coolingratesof < 12øC/Myr. (98RS26a, 28, and 35; Figure 7c). However, the relatively
This period of cooling is not recognizedin the other two young Ab-T ages (e.g., 9- 11 Ma) of unmodelledsamples
traversesto the south(Figure 1). (Table 1) located in the footwall of the Barios Fault (Table 1
No cleargeographictrendsin coolingratesexist alongthe and Figure 5c), suggestthat they probably cooled at rates
JulioAndrade-La Bonitatraverse. However,the youngerAFT greaterthan 6øC/Myr since ---10Ma.
ages,whichrelateto greateramountsof coolingduringthe late
Miocene- Pliocene,are locatedcloserto major fault zones 5.2. Periods of Cooling: Zircon Fission Track
(e.g., LlanganatesFault and Cosanga Fault) than those Analysis
sampleswith olderAFT ages(Figure5a). ZFT agesfrom all threetraversesrangebetween---67 and 14
5.1.2. Papallacta-Baeza traverse. Two distinct Ma (Table 1). Rough estimates of thermal histories can be
periodsof acceleratedcooling can be identifiedfrom modeled madeby comparingZFT andAFT agesfrom the samesample.
T-t envelopesfrom the Papallacta- Baezatraverse: Samples98RS18, 37, 38, and 44, from the Papallacta-
1. T-t envelopes fromsamples 98RS14and98RS19(Figure BaezaandBarios- Puyo traversesyield ZF-Fageswhich range
7b) reveala periodof coolingof up to 60øCduring ---43 - 30 between---67 and53 Ma andare olderthan the AFF agesfrom
Ma and37 - 32 Ma, respectively. Thesecorrespond to cooling all other sampledregions (Table 1). The ages lie within the
ratesof--- 5ø - 10øC/Myr. Cooling duringthis periodis not range of partially reset K/Ar ages from the Cordillera Real
preservedwithin the youngestsample (98RS18) becauseit (Figure 3) and may recordan early Paleocene,greenschist
residedat temperatures >110øCafter30 Ma (Figure7b). grade, metamorphic event. The form of the Late Cretaceous-
2. A common featureobserved
in themodeled T-t envelopes Palaeocene T-t pathcannot be derivedfor any of the analyzed
for samples98RS14 and98RS19 (Figure7b) is the onsetof samplesfrom the currentdata set. However,the preservationof
increasedcoolingratesat ---10 Ma, resultingin the coolingof these older ZF-Fages may suggestthat they residedwithin
---40ø- 70øCduring--- 10- 0 Ma, corresponding to average fault-boundedblocks that experiencedthe least amount of
coolingratesof 7ø-4øC/Myr.Thegreatest
coolingduringthis exhumation since the Late Cretaceous and have resided at
period was experiencedby the youngestsample(98RS18; temperaturesless than - 200øC since that time.
Table 1). Sample98RS18yieldsa complexT-t envelope, Other samples (98RS28 and 34, Salado Terrane; 98RS55,
thatcoolingduring---10- 0 Ma wasnot linear SAZ) yield concordantZF-Fand Ab-Tages within a lo error
andthat mostof the cooling duringthis periodmay have interval(Table 1 andFigure4). Proposed
T-t paths for someof
occurredsince---7 Ma at ratesup to 14øC/Myr. these samples are presentedin Figure 7. The concordancein

Figure7. Envelopes of modeled thermalhistories

forvarioussamplesof theCordillera
modelingof theapatite
(a)JulioAndrade-La Bonita,
(b) Papallacta
- Baeza,
- Puyo.Eachenvelope highlightstheareadefinedby 25 thermalhistorypathswhoseAFF
mostcloselymatchtheobserveddata.Periodsof distinctincreases
in coolingratearehighlighted
in thetext.Theapatite
zoneis withinthetemperaturelimitsassigned
to the
etal. [1987].Square
- time(T-t)space
forthemodeled paths.Corresponding
L, meantracklength(_+lc•);
of thetracklength;
N, number
of tracklengthsmeasured. Thethermalhistoryenvelopes for samples
zone[Yamadaet al., 1995;TagamiandDumitru,1996].

98RS48 Salado Terrane
age: 8+_2 Ma 45

ß 4o_ ;•:.,.:•.'•..'?'
•..•..•,.• [:
(•: 14.6
1.11 pmP(X•):
96% 3o •
•'-- 60 - .................. ,-• •
• .•."
•; -__
_ ....
....... 40 . • ß
$ - 0
• 80 .'- -•-
Time(Ma) 10
0 TrackLength(pm)
0 10 20
(• •
98 RS55 SAZ
Precision (1/(•)

pm 15+_
1Ma •40 30

1.83 +2 50%ß 25
f ..%.1rß

. 10
0 10 20 0 15 30





260 Partial
! --
280 Annealing


i i i i ! i i

20 15 10 5 0

98RS62 Salado Terrane

20 •:.•.-•.....•.....•,
•: 13.6 pm 1 6+_2Ma

..... •-rI ,.---; --r....... ••••...... ' 40
(•: 1.64
. +2 85%
ß •ee•ee

f "
8o-I •
0 •%'.. ß

,::_•"•'".v:... . .
20 10
I ''.'. .....
20 15 10 • 0 10 20 0 10 20

98RS14 Salado Terrane
20- L: 14.2 pm 41+_3 Ma •145
(•: 1.11
40 ' "'•":" ':• '•' 9%


60 - +2 z•5

80- -2
0f -•' ;. 20

':_- •i• ....... , 0 10 20 2b
40 3• 20

Figure 7.

agesimpliesrapid coolingratesat a time correspondingto the [Hungerbiihler,1997] suggestthat this region may also have
age.Linear interpolation of the thermal history path between been uplifting during this time interval (Figure 8). Further
the modeledapatite T-t path and the ZFT age (positioned at evidence for exhumation in the Cordillera Real is documented

275øC;Figure7) revealsa periodof significantcooling of > by fluvial sedimentary series in the Quingeo Basin (-42 - 33
200øCduring- 40- 30 Ma (Figure7). This corresponds to Ma) of southern Ecuador, which was sourced from the
averagecoolingratesof- 50ø - 33øC/Myr. Cordillera Real to the east [Steinmann, 1997].
Finally, samples 98RS22 (Alao Terrane) and 98RS26a, 36 Within the Amazon Foreland Basin the time period between
(SaladoTerrane;Table 1) yield ZF]' agesof- 40 Ma (Table 1 -43 and 30 Ma correlates with late stages of deposition of
and Figure 5b). These samples did not yield AFT data and coarse alluvial/fluvial clastics of the Tiyuyaku Formation and
thereforeit is difficult to assessthe significance of the ZFI'
the brackish to shallow marine facies of the Orteguaza
ages.However,the modeledT-t pathsof other samplessuggest Formation (Figure 2) [Tschopp, 1953; Canfield et al., 1982].
that they probably relate to a period of rapid cooling These facies imply that the loreland accommodationvolume
commencing at - 43 Ma. was rising, which was probably driven by an increase in the
orogenic load of the Cordillera Real on the South American
5.3. Crustal Exhumation continental plate.
Tectonic activity during- 43 - 30 Ma is documented
In orderto quantifyexhumationin termsof spaceandtime, throughoutthe northern Andean chain and corresponds,within
knowledge of the variation in heat flow and thermal Ecuador, with the oblique accretion of the oceanic Pition
conductivityof the crust is required.However, no heat flow Terrane onto the Ecuadorian margin [Feininger and Bristow,
measurements have been made within the Cordillera Real 1980; Daly, 1989; Jaillard et al., 1995]. The collision event
although Henry [1981] recorded present-day geothermal correspondsto a change in the rate of convergenceof the
gradients between- 20 ø and 40øC/km within the Eastern SouthAmericanand oceanicFarallonplatesduring42 - 37 Ma
Cordillera of Bolivia. In this study, exhumation rates have [Pilger, 1983; Pardo-Casas
andMolnar, 1987]. Additionally,
been calculatedassuminga constant average geothermal rapid spreadingrates in the equatorial Atlantic Oceanbetween
gradient of 30øC/km. However, these rates are maximum values - 43 and 39 Ma are also coincident with this time period
as the cooling may be a consequence of thermal relaxation [Brozena , 1986; Sdbrier and Soler, 1991].
following igneous events, as well as crustal exhumation. Exhumation of the Cordillera Real during 43 - 30 Ma
Distinct periods of increased rates of exhumation can be correlateswith the "Incaic 2" tectonic phase in the Peruvian
recognized from the entire data set. However, not all of the Andes[e.g.,Mggard, 1984; Noble et al., 1990]. Additionally,
sampledfault blocks were exhumedduringevery period, and ZFF ages of- 40 Ma from the Eastern Cordillera of Peru and
the amountof cooling that occurredalong individualtraverses Bolivia [Benjamin et al., 1987; Laubacherand Naeser, 1994]
andbetweentraverses differs at any particulartime. Periodsof maybe a resultof increasedexhumationratesduring- 43 and
relativelyhigh exhumationratescan be placedinto three broad 30 Ma.
groups which are discussed in sections 5.3.1 - 5.3.3. 5.3.2. 23-15 Ma. The secondperiodspans- 23 - 15
5.3.1. 43-30 Ma. The oldestAFT ages(> 30 Ma) from Ma duringwhich time exhumationrates, recordedby the AFT
the Papallacta- Baeza and Barios - Puyo traversesrecord data, may have been as high as -0.4 km/Myr within the Tres
increased exhumationratesduring- 43 - 30 Ma which range LagunasGranitealong the Barios- Puyo traverse(Figure 8).
between- 0.2 km/Myr (e.g., 98RS14; Figure 7b) and 1.0 However, ZFF ages from the Barios -Puyo traverse are
km/Myr fromfaultedblocksof the AzafranandTres Lagunas generallyolderthan25 Ma (Table 1), suggestingthat samples
granites (Figure 8). Greater depths of exhumation in the were at temperaturesless than - 200øC prior to the onsett of
northernmost traverse since - 15 Ma have removed the late rapid cooling during 23 - 15 Ma.
Eocene- OligoceneFT record.Those regions which still Combiningboth ZFT and AFT data from the Julio Andrade-
preserve the older ages experienced the least amount of La Bonita traverse suggests that a fault-boundedsliver of
since-• 30 Ma (Figure7). deformedrocksof the MisahualliUnit may have been exhumed
A middleEocene- late Oligocenesedimentaryhiatus and at ratesof- 1.7 km/Myr. Early - middle Miocene exhumation
contemporary volcanic pyroclastic deposits in the Inter- is not identifiedin the T-t modelsfrom the Saladoand Loja
Andeanvalley [Nobletet al., 1988; EgiiezandNoblet, 1988] Terranesof thePapallacta- Baezatraverse.However,AFT ages
of southern Ecuador (e.g., Loma Blanca Formation) of the unmodelledsamples98RS13 and 98RS16 (Table 1) from

Figure 7. (continued)Envelopesof modeledthermalhistoriesfor varioussamplesof the CordilleraReal

estimatedby forwardmodelingof the apatite fission track parameters:(a) Julio Andrade- La Bonita, (b)
Papallacta-Baeza,and (c) Barios- Puyo. Eachenvelopehighlightsthe areadefinedby 25 thermalhistory
pathswhoseAFT parameters mostcloselymatchthe observeddata.Periodsof distinctincreasesin cooling
ratearehighlightedandarediscussed in thetext. The apatitepartial annealingzoneis within the temperature
limits assigned
to the standard
apatite"by Laslettet al. [1987]. Square
temperature - time (T-t) spacepermittedfor the modeledpaths. Correspondingapatite fission track length
histogramsandsingleapatitegrainageradialplotsare alsopresented. L, meantrack length (+1(5);(5, standard
deviationof the tracklength;N, numberof tracklengthsmeasured. The thermalhistoryenvelopesfor samples
98RS28and98RS55havebeenextended intothe zirconpartialannealingzone[Yamadaet al., 1995; Tagami
and Dumitru, 1996].
98RS18 Loja Terrane

2.25 . 12_+1
!•m 7%
ø ß ß

80 ...... ,.:?;
" ß 20
0 ß
ß ß

100 •:., ..z.... 5

• I 0 10 20 0 40 80
20 10 0
98RS19 Loja Terrane

40 I

8O :;'!i;::
•..... -• -... r3o
'4 "': ' - ßß ß 25

120 '" i 0 10 20 ' 2'5 5'0•20

4O 3O 2O 10 0
98RS2 8 Salado t errane

'•: 13.8pm 36_+4

Ma .-120
(•:1.31 11% •.17050
-2f ß ' '"


ß +2*** •150
10 20
o **.1,'•%.** ß 30

• 1'0 2'0




200 •:••.


260 Zircon
Part ial
28O -.-.
300 -
i i i i i i i i

40 30 20 10 0
98RS35 Salado Terrane

•: 13.7 pm 20+.•.Ma

6O ......................

31% 70 45



! !
ß20 0 15 30

30 20 10 0
98RS26a Loja Terrane 18+_1 Ma 70

20 •: 14.1
!•m + 6% ß ß

40 40
1.22 • ßßß
'*%" -'

80 20 _


, o lO 20 8 16
30 20 lO o

Figure 7. (continued)

• + g enLIoono I.enLtoono g o!eOUl





......................................... •



the Salado Terrane may relate to increased exhumation rates consistentwith relatively slow or no crustalexhumationin the
during- 23- 15 Ma. Cordillera Real during - 16 - 10 Ma. Structural and
Within the Inter-Andean region of southern Ecuador this sedimentologicalevidencein the EcuadorianAndessuggests
period (23 - 15 Ma)is characterizedby intensive volcanic that distinct periodsof tectonic compressionhave occurred.
activity (Saraguroand Santa Isabel Formations) and erosion Hungerbiihleret al. [1995], Hungerbt;ihler[1997], Steinmann
giving rise to significant hiati (Figure 8) [Hungerbiihler, [ 1997], and Steinmann et al. [ 1999] recognized
1997; Steinmann et al., 1999]. Cooling of the present-day synsedimentary compressive deformation within the
surfacemay be partly a result of thermal relaxation, following IntermontaneStage fluvial and alluvial sedimentsduring- 10
a period of elevatedgeothermal gradients. However, AFT data - 8 Ma in the southern Ecuadorian Andes (labeled 2 in Figure
from the Quingeo Basin series, located in central Ecuador, 8). This event also correlateswith the onset of coarsealluvial
reveal a pronouncedcooling event at--18 Ma, which was fan/fan delta sedimentation in the Amazon Foreland Basin
probably driven by crustal exhumation during compressive (ChambiraFormation;Figures 2 and 8), which in turn suggests
deformation [Steinmann, 1997; Steinmann et al., 1999]. uplift of the CordilleraReal to the west[Tschopp,1954].
Noblet et al. [1996] summarize a large quantity of data relating Pasquar•et al. [1990]documenta phaseof foreland-directed
to early- middle Miocene instability within the northern and pure thrusting within the Cordillera Real during the late
central Andes. However, it is relevant to note that their Miocene, which providesfurther corroborative evidence for
chronostratigraphiccorrelations are not fully compatible with increasedexhumation rates since - 10 Ma. Pilger [1984] and
more recentlyacquiredZFT data [e.g., Steinmannet al., 1999]. Daly [1989] speculatedthat the subductionof the Carnegie
Within the Amazon Foreland Basin the early - middle aseismic ridge at -- 8 Ma may have driven compression in
Miocene period is recordedby fine-grained red beds of the Ecuadorsincethat time. However, compressional eventsat - 9
ChalcanaFormation, which progradestoward the east over the Ma have also been identified within Venezuela, Colombia,
brackish/continental Orteguaza Formation (Figure 2) [e.g., Peru, Bolivia, and northern Argentina (see Figure 2 for
Tschopp, 1953; Balkwill et al., 1995]. This facies is not references),which suggeststhat larger-scaleprocessesmay be
indicative of an uplifting sourceregion and does not provide responsible. Brozena [1986] reports a short period of
independent evidence for elevated exhumation rates in the increasedhalf spreadingratesin the equatorialAtlantic at - 8
northern Cordillera Real. Ma. The subsequent increasein westwardvelocity of the South
The onset of increased exhumation rates in the Cordillera American plate may have resulted in increased rates of
Real correlateswith the break up of the Farallon plate into the convergenceof the Ecuadorianmarginwith the subductingslab
Nazca and Cocos plates and a change of the subducting plate and hencea compressionalregime within the continent.
vector at the Ecuador trench from ESE to east at -- 25 Ma
[Pilger, 1984;Pardo-Casasand Molnar, 1987]. Compressional 5.4. Fault Displacement
events have been dated between 25 and 15 Ma in the Peruvian
and Bolivian Andes [Sgbrier et al., 1988; Sempgrdet al., 1990; Distinct variations in the AFT ages of juxtaposing faulted
Laubacher and Naeser, 1994] and the Sierras Pampeanas of units at the intraterraneand interterrane scale (Figure 5) imply
Argentina [Coughlin et al., 1998] (Figure 4), indicating that a lateral variation in exhumation history, which in turn
major plate rearrangements at - 25 Ma affectedboth the central suggestsa degreeof vertical fault displacement[Foster and
and northern Andean segments. Gleadow, 1996; Spikings et al., 1997]. The major Jurassic-
5.3.3. 10-0 Ma. All three traverses experienced Early Cretaceousterrane-boundingfaults of Litherland et al.
significantly increasedexhumation rates during-- 10- 0 Ma. [1994] did not solely accommodatethe strain associatedwith
Maximum exhumationratesof up to 1.7 km/Myr were achieved the changingstressfield. Rather, increasedstresseswithin the
at-- 8.5 Ma and up to -- 0.7 km/Myr at - 5 Ma in the Cordillera were accommodatedby the reactivation of smaller
northernmost traverse (Julio Andrade- La Bonita). This is scale local faults, which bound individual massifs. Therefore
consistent with deeperand steeperlandscapeincision in this the terranes of Litherland et al. [1994] did not exist as rigid
region, comparedto more southern regions. Additionally, entities during the post-Paleocene.
thermal relaxation following the deposition of volcanic units Thermal modelsof samplesanalyzedin this study(Figures
suchas those depositedduring the "Pisayambo" event (Figure 7a - 7c) suggestthe youngestsampleswere at temperatures of --
8) suggeststhat the exhumation rate may be an exaggerated 100øCat-- 9 Ma (e.g., 98RS48; Figure 7a) whereasthe oldest
value. However, the stratigraphic position of the Pisayambo samples were at temperaturesof -- 50øC at - 9 Ma (e.g.
volcanicsis only loosely defined, and it is tentatively placed #98RS14; Figure 7b). Assuming a geothermal gradient of
within the broadtime periodof- 16- 5 Ma by Litherland et al. 30øC/km, this implies that a differenceof -- 1.7 km of crustal
[1993]. exhumationhasoccurredbetweenthese samples since -- 9 Ma.
Accordingto Noblet et al. [1996], there has been a large Therefore, within the Loja terrane (Barios - Puyo traverse) the
spatial and temporal dispersionof tectonic events within the 30 Ma age difference between juxtaposed faulted units
central and northern Andean chain since - 22 Ma. Crustal (98RS24, 32; Figure 5b and Table 1), combined with an
extensionprevailed in southernEcuadorduring - 16 - 10 Ma, elevationdifferenceof--300 m, suggeststhat-- 1.0- 1.5 km
which resulted in the deposition of marine Pacific Coastal of vertical reversefault displacementhas occurredwithin this
Stagedeposits(labeled 1 in Figure 8) [Steinmannet al., 1999]. terrane since - 9 Ma. Similar differences in age and
The same period is characterizedby the sedimentation of the exhumation depths (since - 9 Ma) are seen across the
Arajuno Formationin a low-energy,meanderingfluvial system LlanganatesFault in the western Salado terrane in both the
in the Amazon Foreland Basin. These observations are Barios- Puyo and Papallacta- Baeza traverses(Figure 7). No

age differencesare observedacrossthe SaladoFault (Figure phases in the central Andes suggeststhat the periods of
7c), implying that the Abitagua Granite and the SaladoTerrane orogenic growth in the northern and central segments were
experienced similar post-Eoceneexhumation histories. synchronous.
The group of distinctly younger AFF ages from the
Cordillera Real in northernmost Ecuador (Julio Andrade- La
Bonita traverse; Figure 4) suggests that the present land 6. Conclusions
surfaceof this region was at greater temperatures(> 110øC),
and possiblycrustaldepths,than more southernregions at - 9
1. Exhumation of the Cordillera Real of northern Ecuador
Ma. This is consistentwith the interpretation of AFF ages
from the EasternCordillera of Colombia [Andriessen, 1996], occurredat acceleratedrates of- 1.8 -0.2 km/Myr during 43 -
whereAFF agesare typically < 10 Ma (Figure4). The highly 30,23 - 15 and 10 - 0 Ma with significant pulsesat - 9 and -
rejuvenatedlandscapein far northern Ecuadoralso implies 5 Ma. However, not all of the analyzed regions were exhumed
increased amounts of crustal exhumation in that region, at the same time, and considerable spatial variation in
relative to more southern regions, during its more recent exhumation rates exists at an intraterranelevel. The periods of
history.NE-SW trendingfaultstruncateTertiary plutons in the exhumation closely correspond with sedimentary
northernSAZ andCordilleraReal (e.g., La Sofia Fault; Figures unconformities [e.g., Steinmann et al., 1999] and facies
1 and 2) and displace the upper Oligocene - lower Miocene variations within the Inter-Andean and foreland basins. High
ChalcanaFormationLate Miocene activity of parts of these exhumationratesduring 43 - 30 Ma and 23 - 15 Ma may have
faults may be responsiblefor increaseduplift and erosion rates been causedby the collision of allochthonousoceanic terranes
in the northern Cordillera. during the Eocene and changing subducting plate vectors
during the early Miocene. Additionally, high exhumation rates
at -- 9 - 7.5 Ma may be a consequence of increasedcompressive
5.5. Tectonic Phases or Tectonic Continuum stressesgeneratedby the subductionof the Carnegie Ridge, as
well as increased spreading rates in the southern Atlantic
Steinmann [1929] proposedthe theory that the Peruvian Ocean.
Andesdevelopedvia tectonicphaseswhich occurredduring 2. Each period of increasedexhumationrates persistedfor -
tightly definedtime intervals (Figure 8), the Tertiary phases 10- 8 Myr, was partially synchronous with the tectonic
being referredto as the Incaic and Quechuanphases. The phases postulated by Steinmann [1929] for the Peruvian
recognition of local and angular unconformities in various
Andes, and outlasted them by --- 5 - 8 Myr. The extended
regions of the central Andes led several workers to confirm the
periods may be partly a result of isostatic rebound following
occurrenceof these phases [e.g., Mdgard, 1984; Sdbrier and unroofing of the Cordillera Real. Additionally, they may also
Soler, 1991]. However, a synthesis of the timing of be indicative of longer periods of tectonism in the northern
development of kilometer-scale synsedimentary folded Andean segment,as compared to the Central Andean segment.
structuresin the central and northern Andean segments led However, the clusteringof elevatedexhumationrates with time
Noblet et al. [1996] to suggest that the Andean chain suggeststhat tectonismwas not as continual as that suggested
developedduring prolonged periods (Figure 8) of tectonic by Noblet et al. [1996].
instabilityand shortperiodsof relative quiescence. 3. Brittle deformation was not restricted to the faulted
Periods of elevated exhumation rates presentedhere are terrane boundaries but was also prevalent at the intraterrane
similar to the tectonic phasesof Steinmann [1929] and other
scale. Significant vertical reactivation of faults with
workers(seeNoblet et al. [1996] for review), although they displacementsup to -• 1.5 km has occurredsince -• 9 Ma within
extend for longer periods by - 5 - 8 Mayr (Figure 8). the Loja Terrane. The Llanganates Fault may have been
Exhumation can be driven by processesother than tectonic
reactivatedwithin a compressiveregime, resulting in a vertical
force, e.g. crustal thickening via magmatic underplating. displacement of _< 1 km during the same time interval.
Additionally,the time requiredfor the crustto achieveisostatic Concordant ZFI' and AFF ages across the Cosanga Fault
equilibriumwill prolongelevatedexhumationratesfollowing suggestthat this fault has not been reactivated with a vertical
a period of compressionaltectonics [e.g., Keller and Pinter, component since at least the middle Eocene. Late Miocene
1996]. It is difficult to determine the component of displacementof-• NE-SW orientedfaults in northernregions of
exhumationcausedby any individual mechanism,although the Cordillera Real may be responsible for greater depths of
isostatic rebound must be partly responsible for increased exhumation in the north since -• 10 Ma, similar to those
exhumation rates continuing beyond the duration of the identified in central Colombia. These observations suggest
elevated, tectonically driven, regional stress field. Therefore that the post middle Eocene structural development of the
we are unable to accuratelyconstrain the periods of tectonic Cordillera Real was not dominatedby displacementalong the
phases. However,it is difficult to reconcilethe clusteringof terraneboundariesof Litherland et al. [1994] but rather by the
increasedexhumation rates during the Miocene - Pliocene orientation of smaller-scale faulted massifs within the
period with a period of continuous tectonism since - 25 Ma evolving stress field.
(Figure 8) [Noblet et al., 1996). Rather, distinct fluctuations in
exhumationratessuggestthat the CordilleraReal wasuplifted
and erodedduring particular time periods that correspondto Acknowledgments. Field sampling benefited from the assistance
and supportof Alfredo Buitron, Cristian Vallejo, and Arturo Egtiez. The
known changesin plate kinematicsand sedimentarypatterns manuscriptwas improvedby the thoroughreviews of JamieToro and an
within the surroundingsedimentarybasins. Additionally, the anonymousreviewer. Funding for the projectwas provided by the Swiss
partial coincidence of elevated exhumation rates with tectonic National ScienceFoundation,project21-050844.97.


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