Ackermannpart 2

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Ackermann part 2
The anti-Ackermann argument and
an affordable super computer

© IPC Media

here is a school of thought that argues degrees away from straight-ahead.
that while production cars can benefit The upper-right section of Figure 4 gives a
from dynamic-toe-out during cornering more detailed view of the situation at the inner-
(positive-Ackermann), racecars will front-wheel. The axial-force (Fy) doesn't point
generally corner faster with some dynamic-toe- directly at the Instant Centre but, by the
in (negative or anti-Ackermann). This argument definition of its nine degree slip-angle, it points
is based on the observation that the greater the nine degrees behind this radial line. The slip-
load on a tyre, see Figure 1, then the greater the angle thus generates a ‘drag’ component of the
slip-angle that it must run at in order to develop axial-force that is rearwards to the direction of
its maximum cornering force. Since the outer- wheelprint travel. This ‘slip-angle-drag’ is an
wheel of a cornering car will carry a greater load undesirable force as it requires forward thrust,
than the inner-wheel, it follows that the outer- and thus engine power and fuel, to overcome it.
wheel must run at a greater slip-angle than the One of the main benefits of radial-ply tyres is
inner-wheel, if both are to develop their that they corner at lower slip-angles, and thus
maximum cornering forces. with less drag, than cross-ply tyres.
For example, consider Figure 4 – together If the car in Figure 4 had a steering linkage
with the cross-ply tyre curves at the right of that generated dynamic-toe-out, then the inner-
Figure 1 – and the ‘Rear-Slip = 10 deg’ curve of wheel steer-angle would be greater than 3.7
Figure 3. With 10 degrees of rear-slip and a
corner radius of about 30m the following is the

One of the main
KSA of Outer-Wheel = -5 degrees benefits of radial-ply
Toe-Out of Inner-Wheel = -0.3 degrees
KSA of Inner-Wheel = -5 + (-0.3) = -5.3 degrees tyres is that they corner
If the heavily loaded outer-wheel develops its
peak-axial-force at a slip-angle of 10 degrees,
and the more lightly loaded inner-wheel
at lower slip-angles

degrees, and the inner-wheel slip-angle would

develops its peak-axial-force at nine degrees be greater than nine degrees. The tyre would
then, for maximum cornering force; thus be running at a point past its peak-axial-
force. Its ‘centripetal’ component of force would
Outer-Wheel Steer-Angle = -5(KSA) + 10(slip-angle) be reduced and its drag component of force
= +5 degrees increased. The car's total cornering force would
Inner-Wheel Steer-Angle = -5.3(KSA) + 9(slip-angle) thus be reduced and it would require more
= +3.7 degrees as indicated to the engine power to maintain the same speed. This
left of Fig 4. is the essence of the anti-Ackermann argument.
There are, however, several details that
Put simply there should be about 1.3 degrees should be kept in mind when considering this
of actual dynamic-toe-in, or anti-Ackermann, anti-Ackermann argument. All of these are
when the front-wheels are steered about five detailed over the page. ➔

Figure 1: Tyre ‘Slip-Angles’

38 July 2001 Racecar Engineering © IPC MEDIA


Running adrift
In the second part of our
‘Understanding Ackermann’ series
we look at the ‘Anti-Ackermann’
argument and go back to the
drawing board to explain the theory

W o r d s and illustrations Erik Zapletal

Photos LAT

© IPC MEDIA Racecar Engineering July 2001 39


The finer points

of anti- Figure 2: Static Toe

Large slip-angles
The above philosophy was developed quite a few
years ago, when racecars had the high slip-angle
tyres used in the above example. The race-tracks
of that period also had fewer tight-radius
corners such as ‘chicanes’. Much of the racing
involved long straights followed by high-speed
large-radius ‘power-limited’ bends. In this

“ With low slip-angle,

evenly loaded wheels,
the need for dynamic- It follows that it is desirable to fit a car with oversteering yaw moment on the car, which is
toe-in is considerably tyres that develop their peak-force at small slip- destabilizing. Conversely, if the inner-wheel of

situation, and for dirt-track cars with very high
angles – for example, low-profile radial-ply
tyres – and to minimise the load variations of
the wheels. With low slip-angle, evenly loaded
wheels, the need for dynamic-toe-in is
the car reaches peak-force first, due to
insufficient toe-in, then any increase in slip-
angles will result in a stabilizing understeer yaw
moment acting on the car.
rear-slip-angles, some anti-Ackermann, or considerably reduced. These effects may be small but they would
dynamic-toe-in from the steering may be suggest that a racecar with some ‘peak-force-
helpful. The maximum amount of dynamic-toe-in Which tyre should peak first? toe-out’ (in the sense that the inner-wheel
needed is about three degrees for dirt racers A racecar might not have the ideal steering reaches peak-force first) would be more stable
and less than two degrees for road racers. geometry that allows its front-wheels to reach ‘at the limit’, than a car with ‘peak-force-toe-in’.
As explained previously, large slip-angles are peak-axial-force simultaneously. If the outer-
not desirable because they generate drag and wheel reaches peak-axial-force before the inner- Transient manoeuvres
while sideways might look fast, it is not wheel, due to excessive toe-in, then any During a fast lane-change, as may be necessary
necessarily the quickest way through a corner. increase in slip-angles will decrease the outer-
Likewise, it is not desirable to have widely wheel's axial-force and increase the inner-

different loads on the wheels, as this reduces wheel's axial-force. A consideration of the car-
the maximum available horizontal wheel forces longitudinal components of these forces would A racecar that must
via the tyre-load-sensitivity effect. suggest that such a change will exert an turn sharp corners may
need well over
10 degrees of dynamic-
Figure 3: Kinematic Steer-Angles toe-out
during overtaking or accident avoidance, a

driver will typically turn the steering wheel
through a large angle of perhaps half-lock or
more. The purpose of the large steering
movement is to make the front-wheels yaw the
front of the car to one side as quickly as
possible. It is only when the car has a yaw angle
to its direction of travel that its rear-wheels can
develop a lateral force, and thus it will then
push the rear of the car sideways.
A steering geometry that generates large
dynamic-toe-out angles will cause the inner-
wheel of the car to develop a larger steer-angle,
and slip-angle, than the outer-wheel,
whenever a large steering movement is ➔

Racecar Engineering July 2001 41


Figure 4: The ‘Anti-Ackermann’ Argument

made, and the car is still travelling straight- the discrepancy between the KSAs and the changing the direction of the car.
ahead (see the ‘Static-Toe’ section and Figure 2). actual steer-angles. Effective-toe-angles, if This is an inexpensive version of the tyre-
This large rearwards movement of the inner- measured at each wheel, are equal to the tyre's testing machines that produce the curves of
wheel's axial-force vector will drag that side of slip-angles. Since we often don't know the Figure 1. It gives a slow-motion view of the tyres
the car backwards, exerting a large yaw moment individual front-wheel slip-angles we can refer operating close to their slip-angle peaks.
on the car, thus improving transient response to the ‘effective-total-toe-in’ between the two The experiment also shows what parallel-
times. front-wheels as being equal to the KSA Toe-Out steer, or anti-Ackermann, does to the front-
(for the car's specific instantaneous motion), wheels of a car whenever it turns a sharp
Sharp corners minus the total-toe-out of the front-wheels (the corner. The wheels are forced to run at a large
Many racing textbooks advocate steering included angle between the two front-wheels). effective-total-toe-in. At least one wheel (which
geometries that are anti-Ackermann or, for the It might be useful for the reader to conduct a is typically the outer-wheel) will be close to, or
fence-sitters, parallel-steer. They do so largely small experiment to clarify the above situation.
because these geometries can be useful on high- Adjust the static-toe of your car to its maximum

speed large-radius (small steer-angle) corners. safe extent (leave enough thread in the
There are many categories of racecars that adjustments to hold the track-rods together). The inner-wheel may,
are required to turn sharp corners – trials, Regardless of whether it is toe-in or toe-out, try in fact, be trying to push
autocross/autotest, rallycross, hillclimb, Formula to get at least five degrees per wheel – that is,
the nose of the car out

SAE/Student and so on. If such a racecar has a at least 10 degrees of toe difference between
steering geometry that gives parallel-steer then the two. Now drive slowly along a private road. of the corner
it will have a dynamic-toe curve that is a Several things should become apparent.
horizontal line in Figure 3 (zero toe-change). An Firstly, the tyres won't like it, and they will
anti-Ackermann steering geometry will produce protest loudly. Both tyres will initially be beyond its slip-angle peak, and as a result it will
an initially horizontal dynamic-toe curve that operating close to their slip-angle-peaks where therefore be reluctant to respond to any
then drops below the horizontal axis of Figure 3. there is a lot of real ‘slip’. Secondly, the steering steering inputs from the driver. The inner-wheel
A racecar that must turn sharp corners may will be ‘light’. Most of each tyreprint will be may, as a matter of fact, be trying to push the
need well over 10 degrees of dynamic-toe-out to sliding so there will be little self-aligning torque nose of the car out of the corner.
enable its front-wheels to operate at similar slip- or steering feel. Thirdly, despite the driver's If the car has stiff front springs, and if it can
angles. If this racecar has parallel-steer then its steering efforts, the nose of the car will behave corner fast enough, then it may be able to lift
wheels will be ‘effectively’ toed-in at over five like an overeager puppy trying to sniff every the inner-front-wheel off the ground, and stop it
degrees per wheel when turning a sharp corner. tree either side of the road. One tyre will from fighting the outer-wheel. Speed and noise
If this racecar has anti-Ackermann steering then occasionally get a better grip (due to a change in will make this fight less obvious but while both
its wheels will be ‘effectively’ toed-in even more. road surface or wheel loading) and it will push front-wheels are on the ground the anti-
We will use the term ‘effective-toe’ to refer to the other tyre over its slip-angle peak, thus Ackermann car won't like sharp corners. ● RE

42 July 2001 Racecar Engineering


W o r d s and illustrations Erik Zapletal

Photos Tony Petch

Do it yourself
If the reader prefers to use one of the more
expensive boxes of electronic mischief as their
coprocessor, then the method of solution would
be much the same as outlined here. For
example, a computer aided drafting program can
be used in a similar manner to that below.
Ackermann need not require hugely If, however, many different steering
geometries are to be investigated then a
expensive computers, here’s how to dedicated computer program executing this
do it using the barest of essentials same method, might be appropriate. The maths
are straightforward. For the generalised 3-D case
the program must find the correct intersection

point of the circular arc traced out by the steer-
here is a children's song called ‘The Since we all come thus equipped, the only arm-end-joint, and the surface of the sphere
Super Computer’ by Don Spencer, the additional ‘coprocessors’ needed to produce the traced out by the track-rod-end-joint – there
lyrics of which are as follows: curves shown in this article are A4 paper (5mm can be zero, one or two intersection points.
graph, if available), a fine-point biro, The first curves to be produced are the
There's a super computer that can do anything. straightedge (ruler), compass and a protractor. If Kinematic Steer-Angle curves, as shown in
It can count, it can smile, it can talk, it can sing. the reader doesn't have any of these, then they Figure 3, for the specific wheelbase and track
It can run, it can jump, it can laugh, it can cry, should be available at the local newsagent for dimensions, and various rear-slip-angles. The
With its own compact and portable power supply. less than US$2 total (the author was able to buy method is as follows:
It doesn't use buttons, has nerves instead. a nice protractor, and an adequate compass, for STEP 1 Draw a rectangle proportional to the car's
There's a super computer inside your head. a measly 50 cents each). wheelbase and track in the lower left corner ➔

Racecar Engineering July 2001 45


of the page. The example in Figure 3 was drawn

at a scale of 1:50, that is 52mm x 32mm. The top-
left-corner of this rectangle therefore
Figure 10: Worked Example
corresponds to the front-left-wheel.

STEP 2 Use the protractor to mark out a line from

the centre of the rear-axle, towards the right
and up, at the required rear-slip-angle – a
horizontal line for zero degrees rear-slip.

STEP 3 Mark out lines from the front-left-wheel at

angles of 10, 20, 30, and 40 degrees, towards the
right and down, until these lines intersect the
rear-slip line. These intersections are the
Instant Centres (ICs) of the turn. These lines
correspond to changes of angle of the front-
left-wheel's axle, and also to this wheel's steer-
angle from straight-ahead. If there is a lot of
rear-slip then lines at -10 degrees, and so on,
will be required. If a bigger sheet of paper is
available, then some lines at plus or minus five
degrees can be added, although at these angles end-joint at 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% full-lock, to table while his children are doing their
the wheels are almost parallel. the left and right of the already drawn ‘centred’ homework. For a quick feeling of the shape of
position. Alternatively mark positions at the dynamic-toe curve, only the half and full-
STEP 4 Use the straightedge to draw lines from regular, say 20mm, positions to the left and the lock angles have to be plotted. If these look
the front-right-wheel to the ICs. Use the right of the rack-end-joint. If the steering is via good then more points can be plotted for a
protractor to measure the angles of these lines. a rotating idler instead of a rack, then mark off more accurate curve.
symmetric positions to the left and the right of If an ‘A0’ size drawing board with built-in
STEP 5 Draw up a table of corresponding front- the centred idler position. protractor is available, very quick and accurate
left and front-right-wheel angles, and also the curves can be expected. In this case, if full-scale
difference of the angles – that is, right (inner- STEP 3 Use the compass to measure the track-rod or larger drawings are used, then the accuracy
wheel) angle minus left (outer-wheel) angle. length. With the compass point on each of the will probably exceed that on the real car, given
abovemarked rack positions, draw an arc that the manufacturing tolerances and compliance of
STEP 6 Transfer the above values to a graph, with intersects the steer-arm arc. Draw lines from
the outer-wheel angles along the horizontal each of these intersections to the kingpin. Align

axis, and ‘Kinematic Toe-Out’ values (inner the ‘zero’ of the protractor to the original steer-
minus outer-wheel angles) along the vertical arm centreline, then measure the angles to each It should be possible
axis. Join the points with straight lines, or with of the newly drawn steer-arm-angle lines. to draw the dynamic-toe
a ‘French-curve’ or a ‘spline’ if available.
STEP 4 Draw up a table of corresponding steer-
curve in about 15
Dynamic Steps
Figure 10 shows how to produce the Dynamic-
arm-angles to the left, and to the right, of the
original steer-arm line. If drawn as in Figure 10,
the leftward angles represent the inner-wheel
steer-angles, and the rightward angles

the linkage and suspension under load.

Toe curves for a specific R&P steering geometry. represent the outer-wheel steer-angles. If a finished curve has a ‘kink’ in it, then it is
The method is as follows: Provided that the ‘rack marks’ are symmetric probable that a mistake was made. This could
about the rack ‘centremark’, then each inner- be due to wrong compass point positioning, flex
STEP 1 As with Figure 10, draw the basic steering wheel steer-angle will have a corresponding of a cheap compass, poorly drawn steer-arm-
geometry across the bottom of the page. Only outer-wheel steer-angle, for that particular angle lines, or misreading of the protractor. If
draw one half of the steering system. Use a displacement of the rack. It is also worth the arc of the track-rod is almost parallel with
scale that is as large as possible – 30% to 50% for noting, on the table, the differences of inner the arc of the steer-arm, making the
A4 paper. Position the kingpin first. Draw an arc minus outer-wheel steer-angle. intersection point difficult to determine, then
of radius equal to the steer-arm length. Draw in you will find that the real linkage will also be
the centreline of the steer-arm. Draw the rack STEP 5 On a similar graph to the KSA, draw a ‘compliant’ at this point in its travel.
centreline and the rack end-joint (with the rack curve of outer-wheel steer-angles versus The caveats at the beginning of the main
‘centred’) in the correct position relative to the dynamic-toe change of the inner-wheel. article, regarding the simplified 2-D analysis,
kingpin. Draw the track-rod from the rack-end- should be kept in mind when interpreting the
joint to the steer-arm-end-joint. Using the above method it should be possible to curves produced by this method. However,
draw the dynamic-toe curve for a specific you’ll find that a 90% accurate answer today,
STEP 2 Mark off positions along the rack steering layout in about 15 minutes – less, if the may well be better than a 99.9999% accurate
centreline corresponding to the position of the reader is not drawing his curves at the kitchen answer ‘sometime tomorrow’. ● RE

46 July 2001 Racecar Engineering © IPC MEDIA

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