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Community Development Project

Social awareness on anti drug abuse

Submitted by: FAYIZ SUBAIR

Registration no:12104029

In partial fulfillment for the requirements of the award of the degree




Lovely Professional UniversityPhagwara, Punjab


As part of the project I found a relevant issue for social awareness class for
kudumbasree unit ward 8 under vazhakulam gram panchayat,ernakulkam,kerala
{683547} with the permission of kudumbasree secretary sheeja mp,president
thahira and local body members.

social awareness skills and societal awareness helps us to understand how one fits
into and contributes to the community and the world, as well as how we get what
we need from the world.In the long term, social awareness skills will help us
understand professionalism in the workplace, as well as making it easier to share
information, communicate, and collaborate with others. From a personal point of
view, social awareness is a fundamental part of creating friendships and
relationships - helping us to lead happy and fulfilled lives.

The broad aim of of this awareness class is to provide opportunity to apply

knowledge learned in the studies and to plan implement and evaluate these
experience while working with individual group and communities

Causes of drugs

The Pattern of drug abuse among youth depends on a number of factors ranging
from the environment to genetic vulnerability. Younger people especially
adolescents are vulnerable to peer presence. This is significant because during their
age they are undergoing a number of hormonal and developmental changes,
moreover, their personalities are changing. These changes can make them stressed
out and confused, often forcing them to resort to substance abuse. It is important
that they seek guidance and support during this time

Availability and easy access are one of the most important factors why young
people start using drugs. Now a day, schools have become hunting grounds for
drug vendors so as to catch the victims young. Due to pleasure seeking and
experimental techniques, young boys and girls try to experience these drugs. Some
do it just to prove to friends that they are brave enough to do it. Others find it
relaxing and feel they can forget the stress of academics or interpersonal uses and
start using them in a regular basis.

factors for drug abuse among youth:

 Developmental changes.
 Peer Pressure.
 Availability and access to drugs.
 Mass media representation of drug use as freedom.
 Genetic factors.
 Psychiatric problems like Anxiety disorders, Mood disorders, Personality
disorders etc.

Objective to be achieved

While most people think that addicts have a choice, in reality, an addict needs
professional help because it is a chronic disorder. Drug addiction not only affects
the substance abuser but also impacts families. They go through mental stress, face
social consequences, and are pushed into financial crisis. June 26 is observed as the
International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking to promote a society
free of drug abuse. Individuals, communities and various organization in the world
join hands to raise today I have decided to give awareness among
mothers in families by giving awareness about drug use among youth.

Improved methods of drug education can have a significant impact on individuals

and aid in the battle against substance addiction on a number of levels:
 It provides knowledge necessary to avoid risky situations and information to
make healthier personal choices.
 It aids in creating personal strategies for avoiding both negative peers and the
inherent social pressures associated with substance use in social scenarios.
 It addresses possible cultural issues associated with substance addiction.
 It provides an improved foundation of knowledge for younger individuals to
approach the topic of drug use within the community.

Various steps taken to achieve objective

Since I have voted for NGO for my community development project,I had to
choose what should I select in the topics given under NGO in which I have decided
to give social awareness. The past few years the world has witnessed,a major
proportion of people are addicted to drugs.usage of drugs has been increased
dramatically across the globe which affects a person physically and mentally.when
in case of india cannabis, heroin and opium are the most commonly used drugs but
there is an increasing prevalence of methamphetamine too. There are one million
heroin users registered in India according to a UN report, but unofficial estimates
suggest 5 million is a truer figure. According to the National Survey on Extent and
Pattern of Substance Use in India in 2019, about 2.1% of the country’s population
(2.26 crore individuals) uses opioids which include opium (or its variants like
poppy husk known as doda/phukki), heroin, and pharmaceutical
opioids.The national survey of 2019 also showed that about 2.8% of Indians aged
10-75 years (3.1 crore individuals) were using cannabis as bhang, ganja and
charas.To tackle this disaster I ve decided to do what I can from my side.i decided
to give an anti drug social awareness to the young children and their parents.

Day1, 2 and 3

I asked my parents,friends and relatives about suggestions and I did my on

research in internet in which I have found out many information related to the topic
and got knowledge and idea about about how it should be implemented.


Day 4

I decided to meet few smokers that I know and asked them how they started this
habit and most of them replied that they started from their very young age for fun
with friends and .Teenagers mostly get addicted to smoking as fun and they think
this is what make them a man or they take it as a huge complement in life.


I decided to conduct this awareness with the cooperation of an

NGO(kudumbasree)where my mother is a member in it.I held talks with the
president and secretary of the committee ,asked their opinions and decided to
conduct this awareness on 26th june anti drug day and told each members to come
along with their family.


On this day we conducted the awareness where most of the members came along
with their family where I had to arrange and coordinate chairs and table which I
done within the help of children.The president and secretary delivered a wonderful
speech and gave a warm welcome to me as well.when I got my turn I started by
remembering everyone with the speciallity of that day and gave awareness about
how their children can get spoiIed by using drugs,how to stay away from it,as
parents what they can do,things like that and introduced them common drugs used
by teen and adults nowadays with pictures and we discussed many things about it. i
concluded my awareness by giving respect to the ones who all helped me and
thanking to the people who all gathered there and I believe I gave a wonderful and
meaningful between we had a break where I had sponsored tea and
snacks for the participants,after that we continued it.Also, for my support I brought
my cousin who have participated in many programs and campaigns and have been
actively participating in many social activities and he also gave a speech which
was beautiful and amazing.After hearing that it encouraged me to do better than
this time and involve in such social activities.In the end we treated everyone with
sweets and the children sang songs etc and we concluded the program at late

We decided to go to few houses of the members of the kudumbasree whose

husbands been addicted to cigarettes and to motivate them and their young children
to stay away from it. We

gave them a good casual talk and taught them the effects and defects of using it
.we also entered in our local shops and adviced them that its illegal to give
cigarettes or any other tobacco substance to children under 18 and its punishable
under juvenile justice act.
Day 8

My work lasted for 7 days,then I wanted to record it in word that what all things
that I did and how it helped me,what are the benefits through this project.I did it
very slowly so it took me few hours from 7 days to write my experience and
benefits of this project

Effectiveness of this project

*Through this project it helped to create a general awareness among families that
gathered in kudumbasree about the drug use and its defects among their children or
husbandsSubstance abuse education is important for children, teenagers and adults
alike; providing effective knowledge before an addiction is allowed to fully grip an
individual may help to address this growing issue

*It helped me to apply skills like multitasking,active listening and also taught me

*By giving it what I felt myself proud and I was able to meet,interact,observe various
people among society.

*I was also able to develop my communication skills and got knowledge and experience
about how an awareness should be given and how to find various information related to a

*During this process I conducted a survey in which I gathered many information related
and non related to topic in which I believe would be not only useful now but also in

*It helped me to improve my confidentiality,controlled emotional involvement,non

judjemental and time management.

*Most important thing is that I realized from my research and experience is that
every human being got a responsibility to our society because its not someones
family that is suffered but the whole society is.Afterall what we say with unity is
that all Indians are brothers and its the responsibility of each and
everyone to guide,help and protect each other.

Drug abuse has an effect on all aspects of life; overall health and wellness‚ family
life‚ and the community. With there being so many different kinds of drugs the
effects are endless. The effect of drug abuse does not discriminate or focus on any
one person. Drug abuse can be found in any area of the world and the overall
effects can be devastating to anyone involved. It can be challenging to give up the
addiction; however, this is not impossible to do.

"Prevention is better than cure" is what made me to give awareness. This awareness
educates them on the dangers of substance use, even isolated incidents,It
equips them with effective refusal skills to implement when confronted with
negative peer pressures associated with illicit drug use,It addresses possible
cultural issues associated with substance addiction,It provides an improved
foundation of knowledge for younger individuals to approach the topic of drug
use within the community

Governments and countries throughout history are trying to erase many mistakes of the
past by raising and encouraging a generation, which will have the most propitious
characteristics.Along with that ,us each and everyone should believe that its our
responsibility to guide the young generation. These characteristics will allow them to
keep the nation strong.

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