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aaa] (Bank Related imp ortant Questions Bangladesh Bank Established : December 16, 1971 Present Governor - Fz :le kabir (1 thy Bank was established by Bangladesh Bank order, 1972 First Governor- A.N.M Hamidullah Functions of Bangladesh Bank i. Formulation and implementation of monetary and credit policies. ii. Regulation and supervision of banks and non-bank financial institutions, promotion and development of domestic financial markets. iii. Management of the country’s international reserves. iv. Issuance of current notes v. Regulation and supervision of the payment system. vi. Acting as banker to the government. vii. Money laundering prevention. viii. Implementation of the Foreign exchange regulation Act. ix. Managing a Deposit insurance scheme. Terminologies about share market . What is stock Exchange? Ans. The place where selling and buying of shares of a company takes place is called stock exchange. (Pat Catt GI Rar BAU BS IHS AC |) 2. Who are brokers and mention their main function? Ans. The member of the stock exchange is called Brokers. The selling and buy- ing of the shares and the share holder of different listed companies in exchange for Commission is the main function of the Brokers. (Be GAOL THIMAE ZI VI a1 wifterpe fafsy corte cat renter afer xr firrera PaacH Cora GRI-AeaI aera FAT TT |) Ans. aaa] GUHA Ties GIB we What is stock broker? A person or an organization that buys and sells stocks and shares for other people. (Gr fe 4 afSSrM TW WIM GeTa GA BF aay CH TA- fara wa 1) What is circuit Breaker? The rate of functuation of the share price imposed by the SEC (Securities and Exchange commission) is called circuit Breaker, (SEC Stcatfre CTaT# TVA AP -gat Vacs KS aA TW 1) What is stock? The value of the shares in a company that have been sold is called stocks. (Gar carota Paes Ctata CRA TANF stocks ICA |) What is shares? Any of the units of equal value into which company is divided and sold to raise money. people who own shares receive the part of the companies profits, which is called dividend. (eR @rtitra HLT Roe aes -TLRA SES MHS Cra AR CHUASHICS TATA RNG BT Brat Vora GAT | A I CHtEICaA TIS Ola COMPA ACSA HOT ART HCA, ACH SHTML Al dividend 4 1) What is Blue chips? The high- valued shares whose value increase in time. (@ 74 ara crate Fase Braet ASTOR AUT, CSIC Blue-chip company) TW, VITA RACE Blue-chip 47 1) How will define Bonus share? Sometimes companies reserve the parts of dividend as capital for further use in business and then the directors distribute fully paid-up shares of equal value of dividend among the shareholders. This share is called Bonus share. (CPT OCT TAH FAreTA FR Get Wer acd Taels Fas BY PAA ATA HH aR MHARATS AADTATSNT QCOTH CNA TST OH acts Haars Wes Ae aces cara Vo Bea | A CHACH Bonus share 4 1) What is Right share? When a company proposes its current shareholders to buy shares before issuing shares for people then this kind of share is called Right share. (ree Gy By sas et Te a rn Cra SIAC CHA PAA AVIA HI GIA AF CAMA Right share 4A 1) wy aa GAA Mies SST 10. What is Dividend? Ans. Share of company’s profit distributed to owner is called Dividend. (CTHI4 RAHA IC THAGS HPA ASA TLCS HTC ACA!) 12. What is manipulation in the share market? Ans. To fluctuate the value of shares artificially is called manipulation. Brokers himself or with the help of others can do it. Itis illegal. (#4 atertea $fan ome am Bam Farce weer aT QE set A OTATA AUTH Bat FATS a1 Sat Bera fers 1) Concept on Banking 1. What do you mean by Bank? Ans. An organization that provides financial services, for example keeping of lending money is called Bank. (@ afeorr fafeqy sacta ous Cral ata WA, GIT BY HA AA A MA CVS, OK Get TWA |) 2. Under what rule the central Bank of our country has been formed? Ans. Bangladesh Bank was formed as per presidential order No-127 as” Bangladesh Bank order-1972. (@4fSa 329 AR BAC AAT Ties BS-Sd92 SOP TA ASI les ASST Fat BA 1) 3. Tell me the names of laws relating to Banking? a. Bangladesh Bank order-1972. b. The Bank company Act-1972. c. The contract Act-1872 d. Foreign Exchange control Regulation-Act-1872 e. Import & Export Act-1950 4. What is cheque? Ans. The written orders to bank by depositor. (Met @ Gaal BIAAwaTAa fas ‘Protea 1) 5. What do you understand by traveler’s cheque? Ams: A cheque for a fined amount of money, sold by a bank that can be exchanged for cash in foreign countries. (UI FOF ore AE fend eda coe a Ay Seda BT PACA OPA A 6. Which Bank issues the travellers cheque? Ans. Commercial Bank (@fere aes) 7. Who issues third part of a cheque? Ans. payee (aI) ea. SFA MS SBS — wa Ans. 12. Ans. 13. 14. Ans. What is written across the corner of a check to be cleared through only a bank account? Account payee. What is the main function of commercial bank? Receiving deposits (OTTAS 41) What are the two main functions of commercial bank? Receiving deposits and lending money (STIS Bt 6 SHI) What do you mean by current account, Fixed account and savings account? Current account: The account in which money can be deposited and drawn out at more times of daily bank hours is called current account. (@ Rica Cafe ee DATs ATs AA Br SAT CART @ Srey Fal AA OF pats fire ace 1) Fixed account: The account which can be run on the basis of agreement for a certain period of time usually for three to eight months is called fixed account. (pia fSfacw Fike craic Gay abated for ccs BIE ATA CAA BT ca Para OY Fal BA Is crATA PATA ATA 1) Saving account : The account which can be started with a small amount of money to motivate the people in saving is called saving account. (arcs Reta Bye Sats Ga APTA ast ret fea cl fs cate ATT Ics AVN His act 1) What do you mean by over draft? When the bank allows its faithful current account owner to draw more amount of money than that of the individual deposits then it is called over draft. (237 We forg pare fercaa airacs Ura SATS Bras BfShre Brat CIS Fad TS CHT AT GICs Safire Gray AW |) What is crossed cheque? When two parallel lines are drawn across the top left comer of a cheque and the words “A/C payee” are written between the lines then it is called crossed cheque. A cheque is crossed for more security. (@ cotva Gata aa aca carcera face arornfere yb Hawa creat Brat Aes ae ATTA WUT “AIC payee” GIA ACF GICF crossed cheque VW | GAs Farell SAT OCH MIT BT RT AA A CHS HAPS Ales ATH Brat WT ew Al Aes 1) What is Bank Draft? A written order to a bank by any bank to pay money to someone is called Bank Draft (M2 afar OL eS OT GM Ts SYS GAY HT TCT Baa afte arerts Bank Draft WH |) ob a.FT CAF Te Bt — 15. Ans. 16. Ans. 17. Ans. 18. Ans. 19. Ans. 20. Ans, 21. Ans, 22. Ans. 23. What is the difference between cheque and money? Cheque is not the Legal Tender It is not obligatory to all receive it; It is handed over only once. But money is the Legal Tender. It is legally oblig- atory to all to receive it. Money is handed over many times. (6 fafae yar FE ADT ART FACS CHS AG AT | AT GoaIay Rates Fal BT | fy a Ao FAT | ACT AR FATS AHA MANS A WSS | TF TRAT VSI Fal TH!) What is Bank Rate? The attributed interest rate by the central Bank on the amount of money borrowed by commercial bank from central bank is called bank rate? (Ga Tee a¥s AfeTs Teas VI CHA Brat Boa alge ys Vacs Des AG ATT |) What is clearing House? The inter-bank central office for exchanging cheques and bills is called clearing house. (@ ¢ fa ra ora Ads Oras Rela afoSATH frart a I 1) What do you mean by E-banking? E-banking means that kind of banking in which the ba 2s electronic of satellite based computerized devices for ensuring promptness and accu- racy in banking transactions. OSI @ Figawr Frome wy alse ACRE CHCA UA CA HH ROTRGATH At ATCO PSs SMS sty BVaald Wes SAA HZ alelse CH E-banking TW |) What is credit card? A small plastic card that one can use to buy goods and services and pay for them later. (4 Gq aBs we a fer ty Ge OM GT oa ET maTeOS AY Fal A) What is the function of clearing House? To perform the inter-bank exchange. (HISsqee CTACHA APY Fat 1) How do the commercial banks solve the liquidity problem? By-re-discounting the first class bills. (@0" Gifts fernR zsaTtiert al) How many types of credit instrument are there? Two types: Negotiable and non-negotiable credit instruments. (72 9414 VII AT 6 F-RwSITIG ta) Give some examples of negotiable and non-negotiable credit instru- ment? Negotiable instruments aT alan anes wiser = we Ans. 26. Ans. 27. Ans. 29. Ans, cheque () Bill of exchange (fatwa fae) Promissory Note (Sf#ra 9) Demand Draft (Ira STs) Bank Note (et Tle) Treasury Note (Getta ft) Government Note (if Gib) ee Non-negotiable instruments * — Postal order (CAPE Sta) * — Money order (a1f% ota) pay order (c4-31t#) * — Share certificate (TTA 7%) What is the main source of the bank capital? The capital of the depositors. (AAS Walcra TA), What is meant by Automated Teller machine? A machine that serves as a computer terminal and allows a customer to access account balance and information on a bank is known as automated Teller machine (ATM). (@ GPa aPbbta brah Pera sre Fea aa airetaa PA balance 4 ACPI 6 TEA SY GPA FLAY CAN SIC ATM WA 1) What is meant by maturity? The date at which the principal of a note, draft or bond becomes due and payable.(Q Cifaet Gate GIS, |IFS at aowa FAA ANAT WT 1) What is meant Electronic Banking? Electronic banking systems are electronic systems that transfer money and record data relating to these transfers. (Q@iNS Unies MahS za SBS refs al US BAA TA ae A BISA HSS data AY AA 1) What is debit card? A plastic card that when used immediately reduces the balance in a cus- tomers transactions deposit is called Debit card. (@ ates FS Gaara Fat RIG ATA CACHAPS WAPI balance AMA Fa IF (CULT SIS . BARR GRE o aE a 2. fafSy 4acas smart FIT aag wo, fear sat 32. | What do you mean by smart card? Ans. It is the advanced paid debit card by which the cash money is transferred from the clients account electronically. For example phone card is a smart card used in Bangladesh. («fo afd afta afaenfae cofat ay a aa Tare ford care ana Bret Sais ore Breas wa) Buea Tar- ANAC ARS phone card 4#i6 smart card). 33. What is money laundering? Ans. Money laundering is the process of concealing the source of money obtained by illcit means. (aif aTeifae Bm Say Be ceca ales art CoA sata aad aifeeat 1) 34. What is Green Banking? Ans. Green Banking is like a normal bank which considers all the social and ecological factors with an aim to protect the environment and conserve natural resources. It is also called as an ethical bank or a sustainable bank. They are controlled by the same authorities but with an additional agenda toward taking care of the earth’s environment. (Green Banking *I4tt CSA TS ALG Hepat TABS rae sifsicacata Boras Oc TAH ae ATH spares facapat ea | afBrs IHG CafSs rae GAS rele TA 1 OTA ada ace waa afohe accel Rica ae seers SEs Fats a 1) 35, Ans. 37. Ans. 38. Ans. 39. Ans. 41. Ans. Peet CNOA BiH GT Boigh a What is Bankrupt? A debtor who has no ability to paying back the debt is called bankrupt. (@ Ae ARISTA VI HRCA GTA FAST AR, WICH CABAERM AAT 1) What is floating exchange rate? When the exchange rate of a currency is determined by the demand and supply of that currency then it is called floating exchange rate. (U1 att War fatwa aa 2 agra vier @ cae wat Pathe =a way az ATT ATS Floating exchange rate 4 !) What is Mortgage? A contract where by a borrower provides a lender with a lien on real prop- erly as security against a loan. (aot OM age spafea Sora VTS teers Pateret RACs lien TI afters emicrs EFS 1) What is lien? Legal right granted by the court to attach property, untill a legal claim is paid. (fea siftre tet siffests aT Fat nfs peas omeaacaa wea ates UMTS FSF & For 1) What is Default risk or credit risk? Failure to meet the terms of a credit or loan contract is called Default risk.(At4a Risa 1 Jaret BASF Default Risk WH 1) What is trust and trustee? A property interest held by one party for the benefit of an other is called trust. Individual or firm charged with managing trust assets is called trustee. (4 Ai F¥S Oy aida Sead wel Wier Feat ea aCe Trust 4411 Trust Ps worms wigan BS a ase Trustee ACAI) What is letter of credit? It is an important document for international trade. A promissory letter issued by a bank mentioning the statement that the due money for the dis/patched goods will be paid from the importers at the right time is called letter of credit. (@IBSifSs alates ab aad erQad afr cafrs Ties Gy UEMisaced Fas ecw atoy Bes aeTTTCA ONY Fat AeA, AS Tol aes BPs are ofSepfSoas AoA AH |) What is SWIFT? It is the abbreviation of the society for worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication. The members of this society can exchange the a aa CUFT WE SR 42, Ans, 4, Ans. Ans. Ans. international financial news easily, quickly, and accurately by this net- work. (af an frrmt ase oits Gira affs: ak afooIed APIA Ttesifes wis Hea HAE, HS vay Yee TAT HTT PACS ANCA 1) What is CSR? Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is defined as the voluntary activi- ties undertaken by a company to operate in an economic, social and envi- ronmentally sustainable manner. (CSR TUS FR GA art as WES, TIE sae GaAs aerate BAMA GAY CHATS TT AIR 1) BUSINESS TERMINOLOGIES What is Invoice? The list of selling price with the description of products is called invoice. (aera fraat acre era ena wires BAA TI DA IH 1) What is Black Money? Money earned by illegal way is called Black money. (St@4 Baca aes adce aT DIF AT 1) What is Tariff? Protection measures Undertaken by Government to protect the indigenous industry against outside trade competition is called tariff. (wa afecnhra ace omit Face art cy Area BES ae Paral PTS SANS Tariff Tt |) What do you mean by monopoly? The complete control of business in particular goods or the supply of a particular service is called monopoly. (GE 5 St Grat aarti He fAxatc® Monopoly a aecofoat alex at 1) What do you mean by security? Anything pledged to cover a loan and interest as per condition for the stip- ulated period of time is called security, (@4 44a 4a 3H *faerneaa afearfs wa FAME ATCA GT A AT BA, SLE security WI i) What do you mean by Excise duty? The duty imposed on the commodities manufactured within the country is called Excise duty. (Oa Wg Veg Gaya Sra Hasta eSe oTCATAS PAF BAA CF WA 1) Ana: 10. Ans. 11. Ans. 12, Ans. 13. Ans. 14, Ans. a GNF MF SSI 9 What is bill of exchange? Bill of exchange is on order issued by seller to buyer who is bound to pay the price of products to the carrier mentioned on the bill in a certain peri- od. (“era tarot Or crore far Siahte aREce MMB ICA Tes ACTA 3D tone sata atorics fatary rat AT |) How will you define open market? A situation in which companies can trade without restrictions and prices depend on the amount of goods and the number of people buying them. (GAR ANAT FAY RAST VAT HPP HAN VCS Aca AR ACTA ATR, ATA ART @ GRO AeA Bra PSA Fea OIA AE VAACH YS TEA Wi!) What is G.N.P? The total value of the products and services produced in a certain period of time usually in a year is called GNP.(@R Get GotB FCA eats as waa @ oftent Gard Cenfis, era aie years GNP a Id ash Benya 1) What is Economic growth? The growth of the Gross National product of a country in a certain period of time is called Economic growth. (af fm? a vais cits GIt GR Berna Fats Economic Growth I |) What is Free Trade? A system of international trade in which there are no restrictions or taxes on imports and exports. (MISSHws Tits aA sei Seat caaca ary 8 ASA CREA CHM FHT Te FAY SM area AR 1) What is Foreign Remittance? A sum of money that is sent to Foreign country or the act of sending money to foreign country in order to pay the price of goods. (@ *ifatit ‘rer FCAT COAT FAT RA A CHT FoRS Fe TCC wry FACT DTT eT eferat 1) What is Balance Sheet? A written statement showing the amouni of money and listing what has been received and paid out. (IGT NS At cara Cora Bet @ HHH sifsanet ae crt aieata Faas fasact 1) What is Treasury Bill? It is government promissory letter. The government receives short-term loan through it. The written document by which the government is pledged to pay the due loan back with interest after three months is called 8 a FI SAKA TE GET 15. Ans. 16. Ans. 17. Ans. 18. 19. Ans. 20. Ans. 21. Ans. Treasury Bill. (2 7A afro) Sala WI AAA FA CRT AAT SI | ATH GI Ae WTA ATTA © APT As AB Ae aeons wa afeeris om ors Gara fart aa 1) What is Debenture? Written statement or bond from the government or any company for pay- ing back the capita! with interest at a certain rate after a certain period is called Debenture. (oIcat fifa? Fara oica FARE AEH Sica AR PTA CaaS cara fats fraat at pecs fecaacta ace 1) What is Annual General Meeting (AGM)? The meeting which is arranged once in a year with the share-holders for discussing the overall situation of the company is called AGM. The facil- ities for the shareholders are declared in the AGM. (@PAAa CHARIS cra Firca Fie PSS STATA GAT Jaca eas & fifbe Urs BT UF AGM Ta | 42 FS CH AITO SS BCA Baa carat Fat BA 1) What is Trade Mark? Special symbolic sign of a business person or that of products of any com- pany. (GR erat a cys fiers pele HS 1) What is Bond? A written agreement between two persons or between a person and gov- ernment to pay interest on the money one have lent. (2 DfFa 3g BAT OE 6 FABIA MT MAPS Dror Boia ye ifeny Sara eho FPS PhS 1) What are Bull and Bull market? A person who buys shares of a company hoping to sell them soon after- wards at a higher price is called bull. @@4 A TS sais cormaia cats Wa wea Tics DUT TCH af Tare OTH aes AA CH BASH Bull Gi 1) Bull market is A situation in which share prices are rising (474 OG TA VAT CHITA MIA AGTH ACF 1) VIF Bull market WA | What is Bill of credit? A letter authorizing the amount of money to a specified person, implying thereby the obligation on the part of the writer to repay that amount of money. What is Annuity? A fixed amount of money paid to somebody each year or at interval of a stip- ulated period for the rest of their life. (GIICT BAPVet TIAA GAT MAS fofecs at aed Brahe ANE a a BIBcs ee GAD FRE art oe |) aaa] SAHA TSF CITI ae Ans. 23. Ans. 24, Ans. 25. Ans. 26. Ans. 27. Ans. 28. Ans. 29. Ans. What is Barter? To trade by exchanging one commodity for another. (418 *cena Farr wy aes a wa-faera at 1) What is Development Budget? The Budget in which the expected income and expected expenditure are presented for the development work of government is called Development Budget. (Aaa BAIATAS FE GA HHT GA @ Teas faaat @ aH Acs SICK BAA ACAT I 1) What is National debt? The amount of money borrowed at different times by the government for the expenditure which cannot be met from the budgetary revenues. This money can be used for productive purposes or unproductive purposes such as war. (UG aay ae fafeyq rca afar os ata sca TRI ANCEoA Fee AS CAH Yat FA A A KB eaGS aL Sema aes at BAIN MWS AAT JR VAT GAT GIST WS ANA!) What is Mutual fund? Accompany that offers a service to people by investing their money in var- ious different businesses. (fo ren Mt Gatctt bret fafSy aara TT fatemt Fata Crat Spay CA 1) What is Mixed economy? An economic system in a country in which some companies are owned by the state and some are private that means both public and private sectors have an important role to play in nation-building, (4816 Greta & BAATSS ara fg arnt aa oe: fay ofets wor ae Udie ofetace TAB 6 Ta Bor Citta EHQAd SH AUF 1) What is dumping? To sell goods in foreign country at lower price than that in own country is called Dumping. (OPIN Aeierat Ora Fa HCA amet He fea sas Dumping 4 |) What is cash transaction? If the money is paid at the time of buying or selling of any commodity then it is called cash transaction. (CAIN Bo GU faarcaa Her HCAS aH GL fae Fal RI GAA VIF Cash transaction TA 1) How will you define credit transaction? If the money is paid after a certain period of time for buying any com- modity then it is called credit transaction. (Fo! af way Sera foals a eT ses Sars QfSAPS oA, GI GIF Credit transaction 1) ae aT CAPA WM BI Ans, 31. Ans. 32. Ans. 33. Ans. 34, Ans. 35. Ans. 36. Ans. What is Direct tax? The tax which cannot be avoided by imposing on others is called Direct tax. Such as income tax, (A Fa GN BCT UG BIMITAT Ba AI CICS FAP A Ora Fa AA | GEA: GFA, VAT Beri) 1 What is Indirect tax? The tax which can be avoided by charging on others is called indirect tax, such as the tax on the selling price, VAT etc. (@ Sta Sta Utara Bog DIATE AT | COTA: FaerT Fa) What do you mean by GDP? The financial value of the products and services which are produced with- in a country’s geographical area in a certain period of time usually in a year is called GDP (Gross Domestic product) (COI fAM® AICI AAAS GF FTA Ga caoTa COTS AA TT CL BUA @ rar Beonhrs Ba UA MAS FICS GDP A 1) What do you mean by Fixed Exchange Rate? If the exchange rate of the currency is determined by the government then this exchange rate is called fixed exchange rate, (Af guia fafa aa Aaa ays Fixffae a wan a8 fafan gare fa fafa Va WT) What do you mean by LDC? The countries whose 80% population depends on agriculture more than half of the population are unemployed most of the people are the victim of malnutri- tion, illiteracy rate is high, then these countries are called the least Developed country (LDC) (@ C4 ST bo% CTs FR Fea, ordtaa TT PS aa, Are ata Fea, WRIOR Bs FA OPT GPE LDC TA |) What is Fee and customs? Fee an amount of money that one pay for professional advice or services is called fee such as license fee etc. On the other hand the taxes that must be paid to the government when goods are brought from other countries is called custom, (Comtts Bored A CAA ST HAMA GL HEAT AY PACS RA WICH A ICH | CHAT: ROTA A, STL OTT OP CATH MAT CATT SA RA & tax HPTS ATS AMIN FACS VW VIF customs VW |) ‘What do you mean by B2B and B2C relation? B2B relation refers to the business relationship between two or more com- panies (42 I Scores comaitia ate Pts Fc Bra) B2C relation refers to the relationship between a business and the con- sumer. Businesses that market towards consumers, as opposed to other business. (4B DA ASS @ aS atacwa WET HEIs Fe DTA 1) aaa AFA BE SRS aa 37. Ans. 38. Ans. 39. Ans. Ans. Ans. What do you mean by Revenue Budget? The budget in which the government income and current expenditure are presented then it is called Revenue Budget. (1 Aad AATCAA GTA ag DAS TI HAA BA OS ATF ACG A 1) What is PSI and CRF? PSI means Pre Shipment Inspection that means the inspection of quality and weight of the exported goods (SEMIS At eAtet Cae Go IP RITH FAT 1) CRF means Clean Report. Finding, A system to prevent forgery in export- ing business. (CRF 44S JAW Clean Report Finding. ami after wien cra sara att spats 1) What is VAT? A tax that is added to the price of goods and services is called value added tax. It is a indirect tax. (@ tax AN CRIM La ALA ALAS Fal VI VIS FT ALAS FA A VAT AT BA al cary sa fy Terminologies on Economy What is Bankruptcy? Financial condition in which a person or business is found legally unable to pay creditors. (94 4b adtafea org ca OS a Teh MATS OIA MEAT CH eiheAT AACA SET 1) What is Barter system? System of trading in which one good is exchanged for another without the use of money. (8 aay Gab Deg AIA Ueda DAV VI salS 17 OAT ete sey arat fara ce Fara |) What is monetary policy? A monetary policy is the process by which the government of a country controls 1, The supply of money 2. Availability of money 3. Rate of interest in order to attain a set of objectives oriented towards the growhth and stability of the economy. (Monetary policy 44 att SRT WA AI HIS GH vee SetafSe FS Atera area Faiso fog Ts oie oT we Ans. Ans. Ans. 3oes SAE TIE CHEST >. wef FATE a. Uda a19To 0. WOTa Ba Raat Fa 1) What is Fiscal policy? Fiscal policy is the process of government spending and revenue collec- tion to influence the economy. These policies affect tax rates, interest rates and government spending, in an effort to control the economy. Fiscal pol- icy is an additional method to determine public revenue and public expen- diture. (Fiscal policy 7H@NAI DI aa Wey ATA TTT BAAifors qo san sats afer | afore Rracta sels afer erica af seas QA, FEMA BA Mae HABA WA CF ASHAAS ra 1) What is the difference between banking and Finance? Finance is generally related to all types of financial, this could be account- ing, insurance and policies, whereas banking is everything that happens in a bank only. The term Banking and Finance are two very different terms but are often associated together. These two terms are often used to denote services that a bank and other financial institutions provide to its cus- tomers. (RET Aas HET ACTA UMASS shared Ae As, al ferraftear, Aor ae fafSy AS aw oica | fag aeea AeA TS TIT RSS BW Are Behe @ fey qe fey we fag ame Teas BI ssa ae aes SIT nites ofSbIy aIRTCHA CFA AAI Bea GT Ft PACS TABS BT |) What is foreign exchange reserves? Foreign exchange reserves in a strict sense are only the foreign currency deposits and bonds held by central banks and monetary authorities. However, the term in popular usage commonly includes foreign exchange and gold and IMF reserve positions (CaCare yan Fes ATS CHA Ties GENS HGS SHE SIS CAMPS BA ae Wty AAH FAT | ata, af metate Cambie fata, wf ae IMF a REIS @ TEES Wal) What is IPO? IPO is Initial public offering, This is first offering of shares to the general people from a company wishes to list on the stock exchange, (IPO 4S NM Initial public offering | ab vat araha 2s HG 4 CATES ReAA GAT PUA BIS Aletat GANAS CHACAT IAT FLAN SATA |) What is Fiscal Deficit? It is the difference between the. government's total receipts and total expenditure. (sofé *ABICAA HA AAR ACI Tay OT BCA |) SRI eaiea Be wR —_ i Ans. 10. Ans. 1. 12. Ans. 13. Ans 14. Ans 15. Ans. What is GDP? The Gross Domestic Product or GDP is a measure of all of the services and goods produced in a country over a specific period. (GDP 7s {ary ait FRE rr aa et Bente ga 8 Cra ofa 1) What is GNP? Gross National Product is measured as GDP plus income of residents from investment made abroad minus income eared by foreigners in domestic market. (GNP 7S GDP area fart weg ora arfacea Pafrcnt IT ER AOA FETE ACA BT AH HST AA AIS HIS CITE qm) | What is National Income? National Income is the money value of all goods and services produced in acountry during a year (STS BI TAS 4 AR ASHE Cae Seonfirs Hay 6 aaa Sees Fert BA) What is Per Capita Income? The National income of a country divided by its population. Per Capita Income is often used to measure a country’s standard of living. ( ANA > BENZ CAH 1 Excise 8 custom TCS F AUCAA? Excise (il CA We Bers @ age fey yeaa Boia ePfPFS Fa | cus- tom 3A Cea UTI 6 aeiitd Baa eriGe oF 1 CIT HOTT AIG AHA Free port Tt BA? RAR A AG HATH | BAT MAC ACA SY SARIS CICA Fee FES BA AT FI CAH CAA RON CHES CHICA Fee FES BW AT 1 SIR a THA CH Free port ITI AOA COR CHS ACS ATTA Stat St AA ACA SCAT? COTS WHO G ASRS O ASTS STON Bat TA STA AT AR frrates are BRT os HET eeT A? 8 OSS WO BOT BOA FETA TIT GY | er TG TTT nde FAR | PTs TS BAAS opterncs td AAT! aA, was Rem Base BAA AVCUPS Boris Bea Acs | Ta VTRATA a SIG {CR International Exchange Rate C¥ stable Mal, 4 ACH IMF AAT Mel AAT IAT FA AUTH feraie aes sere F Fay? RAS Mes TAS AH AFA TRIAS FN, Moen aot fore ators FRA Fas GY AS RAK) AA- Teo FR Tes T TTA PA aces Dyfea ey ide . FARR we: Ae 7 ae CHES Bere A eae ET CHICA CHES TET Facer BST CHICA CHEM FPN A SPARTA SAY TM A GH A cea Bora AAS FAH Tariff At 1 A CTO eit faa sey fAaIRS za, CH OPT GED es get Fea AF 2. Tet ws: ay Tee CHCA I OS UMA Fat BA, Wes FSA SS AA ©. Bt oe: ty OEM CREA A CS OTT Ta A, SIS OTH oS TE Gents fer A? Gents Fer en HAHA SSF ers AfoerhS oa, wa MATA AAAS FH CTA AoaVt FATS ea | Gala facta afters wed for ar ia a ARON FATT Bl WABI CTteHA Bot SF? Fas Ola BePTAR:- rata eH EMI @ ay ws Ones was FA oe fe NBR (National Board of Revenve) 18 @? Fa OITA TTT TEs IT APH . fafdy ane sa 6 eraa Ba tat Weta AQT AS APB Fat BSG Fa HHSS ATA | Tax, Tariff 6 Duty 44 Was MAST BA? Tax 84 Ue | aS FAS BPS Alara Geis Bora MHS | Tariff at FT wire wania TT wire AS AAS SYS ales a FMB Fat AF 1 UR Duty 3oR Refs aes Bis ees os SAFTA #1? SAFTA2 South Asian Free Trade Area | Ota after ota 3S anfsray BAT | SAFTA 4@ Somy Ral aft afta wisy @ Sate TS afte ee aes Beneoey egory iu a SMPA THE SRST Boigh wa 24, Ans. 25. 26. 27. Ans. 31. Ans. 32. Ans. Pal & GMAT Q008 FS CHOTA TG 4 PhS wR BI sae > HATS Qoob FFT 1 G-8 FCS FH FAR? G-8 84 Group of Eight 7 witenfe oF 1 Fraqe v fF ori a cad 5a PA 1 QQ UIT debe, G-7 Ris 4 CHT Tal GH BI! wv | dopa TPR AMAIA TT 4 cartha fsa ATI BI G-8 | GI 2098 ANA PRICE G-8 TSE HHA BAS Fat AeA A ATH BA G-7 | D-8 TCS SH FAA? D-8 Bf VA Developing-8 | 9¢ GF 3999 AT a AHS Aa KF Bea | aT Wa NST Gace Ze safe 1 aa AT operator, fer, areata, Sarah a, gas, Seta, Bart @ ARcRhaAT TIN? Taxpayers Identification Number, wats fears Ft? AAS PT FACS AS VALS CATA | ALBICAA vs Mal GATETCATS, PRCA AerTOCAA TT YAS A TAM BW Mae A CAH ATH A ATHICAT 1H CAH TR AGIA At Gsp yfaat 7 Generalised system of preferences 2008 AIT > foora rie 4 afar HST ANTM EU CS CAPS ASHATS d2.¢ Slt Vea OH Bist wT 1 FY USA co Sar 9 Bsa BAS BIER I fs ae catst sts AeA? We TAS I ES GA STE A, CRA Aftcena Bora aa car fafa cay ARI wits qa Trew St AIC? OURO HOT 9 TNR CAT AAAS) AHA Wo GA 6G AR As Tt AHATAR went wits Fea oF s acres ae *teeT A? >. OF RRs aE aa | Boa AE gat ATS BISCS AG Fat TAT fy aed RRS AT fF at PaCS AIA MTRAS TT 1 2. ad Teas Bored Sa TH, fy cos vaia Rate BAI Uibis aces Fh? CHR FAME ANCE ATATATS AH ARCA ATA BITS OCH ATT HT APM AAT Aeab cs US AAT ACH bb ea. CAPA TILE GIST 33. Ans. 34, 35. Ans. 36. Ans. 37. Ans. 38. Ans. 39. Ans. 40. Ans. GAIA AUcae S17 eit Onis aera AT Ba eee oft BL TI sala AASAAT ART C4, wis fits wee BANA oad , APN 2. ACHAT ©, THA DIB 8. vafStws AINA ¢. SR tas ATH | Tettonet tars erates atatt PTT PR St 7 SIPOTAITS FETT aetahse afyforAteror RO . Wats apoE eT fferara at reg Tae FH catata? Drage Benner Brsaiecns Soa SSrs TAS TH UF Go TAT fefers Berm Bre avis = wt eR at AeA Ata afaefe 1 aw fare af aw acs cae VAG Bem afsoiwe a1 GEST « Repo seg warareha wig yay Peifie et WareSE VACw St cata? A ora OS wires Hades Masa Vemma Bama at Grsata Bois antes at agha serert ce wie FATEeT AT) water BATS FART GR BA RI Fe Sey 41. Ans. 42. Ans. 43. Ans, 45. Ans. 46. 47, Ans. TeaT SAF] TE SH be Set BINS Tacs Ft GAA? Sra aes air Ghar Teg | aay Batalos Siore APCs GAIA, APT 9 Ee FORT OR FTA, WaT 6 Eee fre Pomiat ETM a ae DI CG ats I SrA BIAS 1 wad aaatercrs Said fret acacR? sf frert acHcR | Vat - >. Be fawn 2. west FI fast ©, Setaies ars FEIT 8. Tee 6 ots aoa AeA Fewrt YB sat =a w GBT, 2030 ANA ‘afey (Robbins) «4 WS BANS A? Robbins -44 3S - "Economics is the science which studies human behaviour as a relationship between ends and scarce means which have alternative uses.” adie Ads Bory a aH @ AfSqurs SACI Geapr Bisatecta Teg Ta area co PIS Bort aca WS oMiaTOATH er BR adie 1” ates Bacay CHA AT BA? GR BTA Conna ant aa crea aifse Scant eH UH, fy GID Soct Gfa ra Gale conta HUTS erica Ge Borat aes ea ae Pe IF OR Bag ass Brent AT ea coma aM Gras AeA anise SAAT AHS BA LAR GUD GANAS A | ECNEC @ ae 4 eter C#? ECNEC-«8 43% Bt Executive Committee of the National Economic Council - S47 RAF Serra | CERT TH CHT ATTA OTT STATA? TARTS GAR COTA STATA HIT CHAT TCH OAT at STS APCS FA MATS HF AY CHA FT AOS AATATTALT et HAR FAVS Al AA CAT CHA GAZ WT | CHAT Te 2 A Vlora ARP BUA ACH | OS HRT WICH AT A SATA A SA ad qa AEA fret erie? ies @ wnfts efSor fast (Bank and Fiancial Division) | ov araMfa Qods0 aw Gifts wecT ae Facercaa Det a8 Forafd ory at VAI dO 48. Ans. 49, Cea IPA BE TR faPran aes cory water BAA? APRA TATE | Were pT Tah area BET ae sia CATT 3 wy Ce Cw PRCA? Ans, CURA : ©. TSR RA STW | 50. Ans. 51. 52. Ans. 53. Ans. 54, Ans, 55. Ans. ST : (9) ©. SIPRPERTA (2) ©. ANcarMa YP Aad FS Gata os H ? Gas aA O-PS SPH Toes 7S ers 1 Bl: (3) BaRF Acad (3) Bere ACHE CAAT ASD : A ACES Hass BATTS rset TSS Acs SF aR aes AT croia FA, Por, Pa, ge, TID eels ByPTS Seer GTA AWA Aeertda SL BI Fat SY AUCH : A ACHE CHA ATSIC TCA GTA eae SPITS ACIS Pee SQLS ACF GIS ATH ATG ATA | CTH, afer @ fora fw, Pest, ay EFS ATH ACCA TOA AM IAT ATS | ‘onfae sft ar Brite siria aoy cold fafkara ACA Wa Aart ST Vt CTE Press wie ATK Sat, cae SOUR Gea, WAST Geeta waned aay Forth 1 DddQ ANT Tea Bee BAP SIRs seg’ aa TIT HAI SS WT Patent right #1? rr fa Fae he Or BD Pfs sara aera BLAIACs Patent right ACA | NBR #1? NBR -«4 44% Zt National Board of Revenue | SHH frwteta AeA spirits gq wa af 1 a8 afd AAeICAT TETTA FM Poets HAPs FR cats Fa STA SET Pafoy rE sea afraeen sir St? oa sree AT aRee attafos Ree GOT ra e aftega det Tale ACH a SSS TOG COT RaTR UIs ASR SAP AT 99 ANT AAT faaita mac af ior ea BT) sae BHP Ores BARS cae a CATR VA CO ATH | HOTS OS TTS CARA GET AEST ere Say aR SPIT Sey STS 1 “TDA 2000’ #1? Trade Development Agreement—2000 (@1 TDA-2000) al atcnfieta HIce neta 6 FA Gets of Cros Gate YE | ace TTS TAS 56. Ans. 57. Ans. 58. Ans, 59. Ans. 60. Ans. 61. Ans. 62. Ans. 64. Ans. 3Seg, FI AHA WT SRT >> Pa VT | AOS ASTOT SICH CPN ACTA AME YC%-ROM% AAA | DAS Bre AT WeAts ae ate adoro aT TR ae Sra AVA ATA FH? GIA YASS AS SST SASH WAG. TACT OFA | Sta VRcIA ATT — ‘Poverty and Famine : An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation.” G-8 THT CH CH? Fea, Wary, Sh, anh, aris, Zora, erret @ wat: wes awaer ara HATA BAS AAR, WIZ aie G-7 AIA *fafbo 1 encet crass frac Fcadtest AAR CHIT CHT BTA Boia? teeter corres Fafcaren Pcaeteat acy Abt Cracsra Geis 1 Bal : >. afSret aferrt Serr 2. Sees fs 0. FAT 6 Brett 8, ASS VAT BS BRAT C. I @ CTT wart ES Ft aay CHA? ware ES wat foafeete ona area Hy, ABSA Rar SEAS sora MoT St A? FST ex (Divisional chief). Al AMF (Joint chief). B44 (Deputy chief). ‘Vey ARIA ATA (Senior assistant chief). ARPA AAA (Assistant chief) wcda yey TS Ft 2 FAR ary wed rt on arora ca ea A reaR we FeW ATA ie anda WA -FTONTS Beha TT A | Eras 47 art epirs arta aft Sentire cid Fa @ Gras wera Ofes ZA Tres Sas Fa cre asi a wages yah we) attfofer Coulborn -44 4S, "Inflation is such a situation where too much money chases too few goods” Weareta afais B7 carne aces CR I eticaa Atet-ficad Al MBA VICES THATS BENS TA FRA @ HTT VST A? area : GBM @ Aeths Aaya Bria HAHA BSS MHS TAH TOIT AH | da aa. ares Ties we —_ HB WHE caeia aE Bernfis 6 Bean fafeq aaa Bid A arf Fal BW OIF Exceise duty WA! 65. VAT @t? af Ft qacaa a? Fo AI METAT VAT OI BA? Ans. VAT 20% Value Added Tax | fb 4 qacta “Cal Fa 1 VAT ddd> AIGA > BNR ACS ATCA) SFA WI 66. Tax 8 Customs -44 ate oefay St? Ans. Sats word Bs eGo FA VAT tax Ole GTM @ aaily Ucaa Bia MGS FA VA S| ar Hasaa sey zfad Bore Tre a sa SIAM Fa A | RTS, ae Bad ACI AA GH ACTA STI @ sei fat zat Sree UT Soy | 67. GSP Fa Ans. GSP 4% %*f*1—Generalized System of Preferences GSP X= GATT RSA RCT CHAS CHO I ATI HHS RTH, Ul ARCA BO TTS ort SOS THIS TCs SYA CHOTA TTA 4 Reed aeoMAR TAIAS OPPRR EU WS cats aeiita crea afte oie 1 68, Met BARA CHAT (Aid Club) -93 HAP FS? Ans. soft ort ¢ af arot Heat 69. TTT TSAI Sea ommtcra AAR AT FS? Ans. ,€0,000 BI | 70. Bit RABE (Tax Holiday) 41? Ans. mr fers Face frofte saa Gon CR Pace afieord +a KS WARS CT A, ACHR Bre VEG AA 71. Cofe capt aeiics ttettiomt GSP Afaat a Fw ArT CATs? Ans, 2008 ANG > fora caTs | 72. oe ‘Dum ing) Tce St Gata? Ans. TS AA Fa GAT OH Beonhnw wah Caer ATCA fed win ok Fee alee dectrpel sri ts ek ee Wil 73. SNS atery cre se aa foe BA? Ans. 3392 FIG! 74. PSI #1? Ans, PSI -44 efeit—Pre-shipment Inspection. apres AHA Stet, Gory ARS BET STRATA ALS My eer Sats PSI AA | aT GFA MF SSH Boighar com bo 75. Ans. 76. Ans. 77, Ans, 78. Ans, 79. Ans. 81. Ans. 82. Ans. Ans. 84. Ans. aeihy orcas Seq Fh? TSI ait wea Ber ST - CAA CAPHs, I o adeTe gw, feufie AMT, Dl, TAG 6 DIGISHS HU, Fa, oy4, ABU, wegeTS FT Tort One stop service 4? fect at 9s aefSe aeid AeA Tags a BIg away fh Ret cette SH cars ge, Tr, CRC Bet AT) a TTT fort faticnrsitiod wy aa e we GT ay BA Fee 6 Tax -93 30 "14a 7 >. Fee RT CHT ora BI, A Tax Bt MHOHPTS OT BL | % Fee GH HOF AAMAS AMSA CAG Tax -4 St als Sat BWA AT! ©, Fee 4a FFA OYA WTS) CSI BLA PHBA, Tax -A PT CAA ASS COI PCA GDP ¢ GNP -93 3g WAS Sl? GNP = GDP + Net export GNP = GDP + (X -M). AIG, X = export M = import aft X=M By, GNP = GDP ag a X > M & Uta, GNP > GDP ‘arala X < M Xl GNP < GDP. ae Bela CHL MAAS tax af ICR? CAPT tax STE CAR What is the name of the institution through which Japan intends assistance in our country? It is ICA. ara arte Spey FI? wre e Was WA ais atisa cra sr fers erleaend Cy Sea BIR Fates TTS FETT BETA TA | TIN -94 Elaboration #1? Taxpayer Identification Number. atertcreta tet rages wife ra? TOM RTF | MAHA FF GHG FAS oe SA? afb 91 ore Be gee (ones FIA ATNICe foie I) 38 85. Ans. Ans. 87. Ans. 88. Ans. 89. Ans. 90. Ans. 91. Ans. Ans. 93. Ans. 94, Ans. qe 1 CAPA TE SIS 21 OBA BF LSB (dde FIG do TIAA afore aa) FEN BH GHGS GAM AST CHA PEAT ROUTE | ATO FATE CAP ARTA AT CTA OT RTS? SIA | CUD TA CA CHT ANE TET TF | TNA ATH TG VAATST CHB cara? aig f& 4 (IDA). TOA HR HT BACASS HHSO_ VAT -at GSSTA GUAT RATA? Beant oral AMAT AA SSVI AAS Turn Over 2o TF Trad PY SAIS VAT -<4 SSS SPA | ST ATTA 9@% VAT SATA FACS ACA | Bonded Warehouse #1? SSRI UETIAPS SOM aT ATA Cl BIT AMET Sal VW VI Warehouse 4H | wf AIATATS customs FTA GFE LAR THA APTA wiosta Ae wrrahecs ace | Aara C Raters SRMIPGS Ay WSCA AT ACG RTT 4 TTR AMA AAT | Order AAT ATG OMT AF Cs Fa ong Boy wiawia wafer aca BAI TTA Wary Sale Fa AS pat Fat BHR? feats NS oEpTat Fat wR At: > 15 AMS (Cannon of Ability) & | Hat AS (Cannon of convenience) Re 0 1 PRS RIrET AG (Cannon of elasticity) aaa SEs A Fa OMT SA- TT FHA BHT IH BA | OTH Fa Al Hass Wiese care a HES A HT CATA AS HA BT TY FAG OIC FA Fa (Sales tax) Feat VAT free BW Back to Back L.C [Letter of credit] #t? ori rr carats fara cart corm mice ates Efe sare atica | Bea ag Fact cormiifice onta carrie icea MECH Letter of Credit 41 L.C an Fea ar Feeah cornit onite cormitta asta CHOTA Ay Bee BIA AT AF L.C Ctr A Bes cars Bret aa How aT a BARC S Back to Back L.C WA | A PA HS Atay FEAT @ UCAS OAT FEA BT | BENSTS ANA YTS SATA RI FS AIT? Sd¥d FI (1969 FN) 1 tettcoret ory fra fg ea ATT TEA I D1 SURETY 2 1 RATA, © 1 GTS VHA, 8 1 VHCAA THT | 1 COCs TOT OHH | WeaA SUPA TS SH ve 95. Ans, 96. Ans. 97. Ans. 98. Ans. 99. Ans. 100. Ans. 101. Ans. VAT Stora fratat Fat RR; Satgat fires gfatcn TPA? Seas <1 SaUrol Gia AG vey fafera Bors FMB RIca VAT Fidtat Pace GAR Ul CAS GAGS Soria Goa are Fa (VAT) aM fea AWS GEIS FH ACTER a RIA SHAT HSE ATA FAA Brat : AA SA, AHS Beis Tela la Seis 197 GSI sooo Brand faa FATA | GUI CURT FS doo Trata FMT aeals sea | FSA AT FACHIST FAC = (S000 - Qoo) Bitt = woo Brea | BICHe fea AT VAT Facer fears Sora VAT - Horatera Sa VAT = 000 A 3¢% - doo VIF 90% = (d¢0 - S0@) Bret = 8¢ BAT! Work emt win awe Wars ak se Brat BA Vertaqettt See ane VAT. satiate St (Smuggling) 4?) CHEN aT Fafa -Ficay SF FEI A OS @ Fa BIS Frey Ca FY (CIA fe, omfS Sor) cea Ho GMAT A ABA GSAT Smuggling CBTAIDIETIA CT Bank draft #1? OR TS SAT OT TNS AT Pere Tes GAY CHA sea Gora FRA oafsratet ad OMI Sala GOT & SOMA OMIA Fea WICH Bank draft CA | Over draft Tce Ft FAA? TCS afPgS GAT Brava SOAS Brat BIAICs STA draft AT waraa Rete TA corse Brora wae AT BCA? At Unica at agita om army see af waETA aM Reonte tame acta gaa meds aeons fafey warns caffe, TRA SEMI Fae BA SAHIN Sat oT rate Borwaccta wT gfe ai wea aac acsya WED gfe TT 1 OIeteT Faer fem Carafe loan Watas (SITS) TIT ACN FATS BA 1 Wecas AIT BPH CNA BATT Gf Brat fren 5 wats OH Fat es NL eT SETS cat Brat fren wareaa ACH FA loan AWAONY Fat HSI VW Go Brat farcry Varta ) A Fal ST? Ol Ft Tene sey ah aM OTM SETS PA aA ace Bde cacaPre acer eT Ah YAS ATR ACH OAT HST ata AAPAS At APC (Inflation or Deflation) 7A FTAA? PAR MT TCH GML ENOE T SMT A) CT AL AS Bios ergfaa OT AIA | TAPAS OT TEMAS GAAS FH ATA | ae 102. Ans. 103. Ans. 104, Ans. 105. Ans. aaa SAFI TW SA caster Ft at sat? Crh -. fa-onfirs (Bilateral) 2. Wns (Multilateral). (a) “erp >. ASF (Conditional) 3. *183F (untied 4 unconditional) (4) afacty OEPHCA «9. CHT (Soft) 2. 349 (Moderate) ©. 334 (Hard) (9) FARINA aA SEPIA > 1 4H (Project) ART 1 44 (Commodity) " (%) 3.1% (Loan) 1 SAF (Grants). PACA FS IPICAA AH ACH ACA? (%) aye ata Fier sTeahiosy faricat (a) Caras ARP AE aH (A) Fea Frere wales aealies fret (8) Ge Soares Awaies aq cant at cram Batt ‘eta eet fs 34 OE ‘pb wifacl Tete les Cla 4s carat 4 Ast fea BUTAMS cats CHB (quota) Prcoa Ged Aca MT ALTA ITT STH CHTAAB? WWIsaT 4a AAT Tet AHA STG Brey St SH? (%) we frat sat (A) SAT Tee Pat Fat (1) SATA ICH VITA (®) tacafits farina faa (8) frapt wa ora se Fat (©) BaNTETS Te Fal (& AraC TS Ro FI FAT (&) Gb ory aI Sent aiecsaa sets Bory HN? YS TF GIA AGT | be aI CHF BF St — 113. Ans. 114, Ans. 115. Ans, 116. Ans. 117. Ans. 118. Ans. 119. Ans, 120. Ans. 121. Ans. ares atcat F? vate ata FST UN e aM few jal wits . Sart ses Teo Fw. 2, SOTA BETH Tee Mficow, 0. APH FSIS Ines fico, 8. fe chat aes RE CEA AM-S-aalel TRE TTT faficoe), ¢. SRR Seat aes facoT | &. Te STH, SAT Tes ATT | 4. ARS SET aie AACS after SAAT (Balance of Trade) TTS Ft Fara? wetifes aca wer A aa wer aa om aad A UT AT ferrets rad omtiéa nest Ore 1 Stas Obi GAT Onis ca we few BT Ol VA GCM CAL | SISeifes aces SEMI @ aera - FANS HTS BAEEIS CAPT Wes | aes ToS ASS FPS ATR ST TEL PI Fei @ PTA SEMI aCe APSA H CH A HCAS STAI 9 ASH FAT HOTT At AA aA Pf Fat AT 1 ore cay MB aA eats ores Fort ae a SETI aH s Roret a ae aA Sra AcaTA cats FCAT WAS AACSHTA SHAT AH | Clearing House @ frart 44 Tacs Bl Fara? AAT SHA | frapt aa: art wa’-aa Recafet af ‘Clearing House’ Wa wifSaiae aed aor Feat 1 alte fre core arefse-aa HAC TPTLRA CA aT @ GCE Prafegeace Fert 4a GAIA a Perl Wa aS aa ate BA es at afore Gane car aie facts rats a1 eiferara TTR CHR PE Geet TH GRC TRETCRE TATA RO Gane aes fea Feafs sea ace AAS TTR worm Car Tenis sere aftr sare fica os, faire fea, as, ATC Ror VP 6 GA ACS HB aBsnh He TAA SHH ATG 1 2 HAS Grl-neATPTER Frert Wer TTT FHS VT BHAT COT TH, “Fart ea aA GatS refs at etal Care corr AME BIT SS Fa OF ¢ VfSa Bye vamicaa Retaics cata at Aacatt Fat G1” Fou TU, ATTA afeoiea wae Rey TERR vO wT AES Rey GrrhnR Fos oa ae, Be afobrce ‘ert wa’ TT BA WaT CAPA GF VB yod 134, Ans. 135. 136. Ans. 137. Ans, 138. Ans. 139, Ans. Tee AS aferTFat See SHG @ HAA HATA WAS? ARTCC FSAI ASIA QferMIFAt VAT GIG of | aa Aes Vib HATS @ Qf errata | HOTT AEN: waTetta art ST aay alerred, Daa viet IS, Det att AeA, AAAS Seat Seah, AeA Seat ‘aererrat grat Rares, fiat are ATATTTS see ACSA, BOAT Coa : argfrat 2fcere (REPZ) paar cafaaty Sfcere (KEPZ) Daa Do you know who is the introducer new economic policy? About this matter what he said? V. I. Lenin. About this policy his aforesaid speaking is such that is we must arrange things in such a way that the regular operation of the coun- try and patterns of exchange characteristics of capitalism become possi- ble. It must be so for the sake of the people. Otherwise we should do not will be able to live. Bacarra Sh? ar fie aa Bora or Ts eoerst BAS atts Boca a1 ‘Secafees afBc# Appropriation A | aed $1? Hs FH Bougete CIF Budget “17a Berl 1 Bougete “ora BE aeyaTet 1 2200 FIT Bilt aaa BEPC AAAS A TCAD Borgqyry Sear Bera Gy 1 for ashe ater area aT aca Fee Praha 1 a SOATa FAM TNT -49 ASH Bougete CHF Budget *% AAS BA AS 3909 FFT CATH ACEO CATETAGA BA 1 What is the defination of economics? From Samuelson economics is the study of those activities, that involve production and exchange among people. What's your idea about free market economy? According McGraw Hill Dictionary of modern Economics - Amode of

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