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There are a lot of aspects in choosing your future profession.

Some people believe that the amount of

money you earn is the most important reason for choosing a job but I disagree with this statement. In my
opinion, the most substantial/essential fact, which you should consider during choosing your career, is what
you are keen on. Feeling this way for two reasons, which I will explore in the following essay.

First of all, nearly every job in this world could be well-paid. Your income depends on your soft skills, your
experience and your professionalism. So, choosing future job relying only on an average salary in particular
profession isn’t really objective. For instance, a private driver of royal family and an ordinary taxi driver earn
incomparably different sums of money, but in general do the same job.

Secondly, we spend more than one third of our life earning money and it’s impossible to do 8 hours per day
things that you dislike, staying happy. That’s why choosing job which is not interesting or even annoying for
you but well-paid isn’t a great idea, if you want to enjoy your life intensely. You would quickly become
demotivated and start doing your work poorly. As a result, you wouldn’t earn as much as your colleagues,
who like their occupation, and wouldn’t be happy with both your income and your profession. For example,
my aunt was studying for an engineering degree at university, but always had wanted to be connected with
art. She was unhappy and badly-paid engineer until she changed her job/it and become a photographer.
Now she is happy with her career and becomes one of the most famous photographers in my city. Her
income as a photograph much higher compared to her previous job.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that you couldn’t earn much while you are dissatisfied with your profession,
so money shouldn’t be the main reason for choosing.

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