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6/7/22, 4:54 PM Calibration of Disintegration Test Apparatus : Pharmaceutical Guidelines


Calibration of Disintegration Test Apparatus

Learn how to calibrate the Disintegration Test Apparatus in Pharmaceuticals.

A) Number of Cycles (With a constant frequency of 29 to 32) per minute:

1. Record the frequency of moving up and down of the Basket rack assembly, in a given time as shown below.
Start Time (Mins.) End Time (Mins.) Side A (Left hand side of the operator). Side B (Right hand side of the operator).
No. Of cycles No. of cycles per No. Of cycles No. Cycles per
(A) min. (B) min.
(A / 5) (B / 5)
0 5
15 20
30 35
45 50
60 65

2. Record the frequency (of moving up and down) manually with respect to time.

3. Do not stop the instrument in between the operation.

4. Measure the frequency initially and after each fifteen minutes interval from the start, for 5 minutes each.

5. Record five readings.

6. Divide the observed reading by five & note as the frequency of moving up & down per minute.

7. Perform the test for both the basket rack assembly positions (side A & side B) individually.

Acceptance criteria: The No. of cycles per minute should be within 29 to 32 throughout the period of operation.

B) Calibration for Temperature Maintenance

1. Set the temperature to 37°C.

2. Fill the beaker with water.

3. Attach the basket rack assembly & start the constant frequency of moving up & down.

4. Insert the calibrated thermometer in one of the tubes of the basket rack assembly.

5. Wait till temperature reaches between 36°C to 38°C.

6. Start recording the readings.

7. Record the temperature readings initially & after each 15 minutes interval up to 120 minutes from the start.

8. Perform the test for both the basket rack assembly positions (side A & side B) individually.

9. While performing the test, do not keep thermometer inside the basket rack assembly constantly, but insert 2 to 3 minutes prior to the measurement
to give stable reading.
Temperature (In °C)
Time (In Mins.)
Side A (Left hand side of the operator). Side B (Right hand side of the operator).
After 15
After 30
After 45
After 60
After 75
After 90
After 105
After 120
Acceptance criteria: The temperature should remain within 37 ± 1°C, throughout the operation.

C) Calibration of the Distance Traveled

1. Attach the basket rack assembly firmly.

2. Attach white paper firmly without kinks on the instrument, parallel to the path of the arm of basket rack assembly.

3. Select one point on the horizontal arm of the assembly & mark the same on the paper (pointed marker or pen can be used) when the assembly is
not moving & at its highest position.

4. Start the instrument by pressing START / STOP key & followed by pressing the respective timer key.

5. As soon as assembly reaches the lowest position, mark the same point again on the paper (while doing this activity take the time to decide the 1/2
6/7/22, 4:54 PM Calibration of Disintegration Test Apparatus : Pharmaceutical Guidelines

exact lowest position & then mark).

6. Measure the distance between two marks using a calibrated ruler.

7. Remove the paper.

8. Perform the test initially, after 60 minutes from the start & after 120 minutes from the start.

9. Perform the test for both the basket rack assembly positions (side A & side B) individually.

Acceptance criteria - Distance traveled is between 53 to 57mm.

Time in mins. Distance traveled by the basket
Side A (Left hand side of the operator) Side B (Right hand side of the operator)
After 60
After 120

Frequency: Once in a Month.

Maintenance/ Repair
When the instrument does not comply with the requirements specified above; the instrument should be labeled as “Out of Calibration” and should be
repaired/ serviced. After repairing/ servicing, calibrate the instrument before use.

United State Pharmacopeia

British Pharmacopoeia

Ankur Choudhary is India's first professional pharmaceutical blogger, author and founder of Pharmaceutical Guidelines, a widely-read
pharmaceutical blog since 2008. Sign-up for the free email updates for your daily dose of pharmaceutical tips.

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