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Review of Related Literature

Distance Learning refers to a learning delivery modality, where learning
takes place between the teacher and the learners who are geographically remote
from each other during instruction. This modality has three types: Modular
Distance Learning (MDL), Online Distance Learning (ODL), and TV/Radio-Based

Modular learning is the most popular type of Distance Learning. In the

Philippines, this learning modality is currently used by all public schools because
according to a survey conducted by the Department of Education (DepEd),
learning through printed and digital modules emerged as the most preferred
distance learning method of parents with children who are enrolled this academic
year (Bernardo, J). This is also in consideration of the learners in rural areas where
internet is not accessible for online learning.

The teacher takes the responsibility of monitoring the progress of the

learners. The learners may ask assistance from the teacher via e-mail, telephone,
text message/instant messaging among others. Where possible, the teacher shall
do home visits to learners needing remediation or assistance (Llego, n.d.). Printed
Modules will be delivered to students, parents or guardians by the teachers or
through the Local Government Officials. Since education is no longer held within
the school, parents serve as partners of teachers in education. Parents play a vital
role as home facilitators. Their primary role in modular learning is to establish a
connection and guide the child.

The use of modules encourages independent study. One of the

benefits of using modules for instruction is the acquisition of better self-study or
learning skills among students. Students engage themselves in learning the
concepts presented in the module. They develop a sense of responsibility in
accomplishing the tasks provided in the module. With little or no assistance from
others, the learners progress on their own. They are learning how to learn; they
are empowered. Other advantages of modular instruction include more choice
and self-pacing for students; more variety and flexibility for teachers and staff;
and increased adaptability of instructional materials.

Local Literature
 According to Lev Vygotsky (2000), Modular learning is a form of distance
learning that uses Self-Learning Modules (SLM) based on the Most Essential
Learning competencies (MELCS). The modules include sections on motivation and
assessment that serve as a complete guide of both teachers’ and students’
desired competencies. Teachers will monitor the learners’ progress through home
visits. The modular approach situates Filipino students to learn in the comfort of
their homes. Limited contact with teachers will place parents or guardians as the
learners’ model or the “More Knowledgeable Other” (MKO). Someone has a
better understanding or higher ability level than the learner, concerning a
particular task, process, or concept.
Human learning is a social process. Parents are partners of teachers in
education. They are ‘home facilitators,’ the ‘ tagapagdaloy ‘ means channel, but
they will not teach the subject matter. It is the teacher’s duty to teach, Dr.
Lourdes Servito,(2001). A Filipino author, cited that a module is a self contained
and independent unit of instruction with a primary focus on a few well-defined
objectives. A handout distributed during the Workshop in the Application of
Educational Technology – DECS-UNESCO referred to it as a set of learning
opportunities systematically organized around a well-defined topic containing the
elements of instruction that cover specific objectives, teaching-learning activities
and evaluation using criterion-referenced measures, Morallo,(2000). As Fe C.
Nepomuceno, (2000) cited, a module can be a short segment programme
interwoven between other forms of instruction to cover limited, specific units
rather than an entire course. Another Filipino author, classified the use of
modules, together with programmed instruction, self-learning kits and
correspondence courses, and mastery learning technique, under the self-pacing
method of instruction, Garcia,(2015). Nepomuceno described the modules in the
following statements: It focuses on a distinctive, identifiable skills or set of skills or
outcomes other than skills; It is fairly short so as to make students use their study
time efficiently; It is essentially self-teaching, even though it may encourage group
work; It blends theory and practice, and combines doing with reading and
reflecting; It provides a list of further readings or sources related to the skill being
promoted; It provides suggestions to students for participating in Modular
instruction promises a more efficient mass education by offering more effective
individual instruction at a time when a teacher is faced with a problem of
producing learning in a large group all at the same time. It is a technique of self-
instruction that involves the presentation of instructional materials to
demonstrate their skills and comprehension, Deterline, W.,(2002).It is described
that modular instruction provides the basis for a close interaction between the
learner and the subject matter, that the learner is called upon to respond actively
in the interaction with an instructional program, and that the rate at which the
interaction proceeds are governed individually by each learner’s response,
Hughes J. L.,(2005). The advantage offers to the teacher who uses the modular
approach. These are: it provides the opportunity for organizing numerous
sequences to reflect special interests of the teacher and students; it allows the
teacher to focus on the deficiencies of students in the subject matter; it serves to
eliminate the necessity of covering the subject matter already known to students.
With the use of modules, the progress of a student is assessed and the routine
aspect of instruction is reduced giving the teacher a chance to enjoy her personal
contact cycle and intensive coaching enabled most instructors to change their
practices, shift their focus from teaching to learning, and enhance their
knowledge of student learning difficulties, Gallos, M., Zagn, (2005).

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