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Date :23th July 2022


Rain (1) :
Autumn (2) :

“I know you are spent and exhausted, but all I can see is someone who has been
doing their best every single day and needs some time to rest. I can see someone
who has invested in themselves to be a holistic person. I can see someone who is
unafraid of being vulnerable; someone who doesn’t want their loved ones to
worry. I can see someone who has been brave and managed their life, emotions,
and mental health. That is a lot of work. It is not nothing to do the things that
need doing daily. It is a huge something. Rest a bit, little floret. You have all the
time in the world to be who you want to be, to see the sights of the farthest ends
of the world, and to conquer achievements. No matter what anyone says, you
have time.

Your whole life is a gift though it may not seem as such in the world we live in.
How can we, as a tiny speck of dust in the universe, have any significance? Here’s
a secret: it does not matter. I am not saying this as a quack-a-doodle inspiration
offering advice column. I am saying it as someone who genuinely believes that life
is meant to be savoured and we are here to enjoy what this planet has to offer,
and if we find it in our heart to build something bigger than ourselves. These
things take time and they take effort. They also require pause and idle. So, idle
away your days, “

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