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Quiz I

NAME: Valerie Reed Orlanes

EDP CODE: 62239 PE TIME: 1:30-2:30 PM

Answer the following question:

1. What is physical education for you?

-Physical Education for me means knowing the fundamentals of living a healthy lifestyle. It
imparts knowledge according to how we should stay physically fit and physically active. It gives
the idea of using ones ability for the development.

2. What is the importance of physical education to your course?

-Well, the physical education not just promote physical fitness, rather, it helps to reduce stress,
can improve moods, can provide a healthy mind, and a better self-esteem. Knowing that, I am
a future educator, probably I need to build my own self-esteem and have a positive mindset
enough, because I will definitely be handling children using my voice to impart knowledge and
nurture students. For me to do that, I should be mentally stable, I should know how to cope
up stress in order to do the job in a right and non-toxic way.

3. How will physical education help you in terms of the following:

a. Developing your physical body
-In a way of doing exercise or calisthenics, committing to a healthy diet, and getting enough
sleep are one of the facts that can develop physical body through the physical education.

b. Making Friends
-Through engaging in an activities, there are people that has the same interests as me. In
that way, I can communicate through sharing my physical activity journey or just
communicating to support team sports in an activity and such. It builds camaraderie
between people and in the long run, those people will be my friends.

c. developing values and discipline

-Physical Education also means having the values and discipline in doing the activity to have
a harmonious relationship with other people. Where in fact, it allows me to have a good
sportsmanship and even honesty, accepting what mistakes I did during sports-playing.

d. improving emotional stability

-Physical education impart knowledge that says “doing physical activity can help to stable
an emotion”. And that is what I did, I do workout a lot to improve my mood and reduce
stress, because, after doing things like that, it helps me to cope up, refreshed, and be in a
better mood.

4. How can you relate physical education to your daily activities?

-On the basis of knowing the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle, in which, it was already
taught through learning Physical Education on how important healthy living is. In fact, it allows
me to decrease the rate of possible diseases and other sickness that was cause by an
unhealthy lifestyle. Technically, I’d be able to perform exercises that can help me in my
physical body development, mental stabilization, and to be physically fit.

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