Methods of Philosophizing

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METHODS OF PHILOSOPHIZING meaning in life) is by

embracing existence
1. Logic
- Existence comes first and
- Truth is based on reasoning &
essence comes second
critical thinking analysis and
- Originated with the 19th Century
construction of arguments
philosophers, Soren
- Serves as a path to freedom from
Kierkegaard & Friedrich
half-truths and deception
Nietzche, although neither used
2 Types of Reasoning the term
- 1940s & 1950s, French
● Inductive Reasoning –
existentialists – Jean-Paul
specific premises to a general
Sartre, Albert Camus, Simone
de Beauvior wrote scholarly &
● Deductive Reasoning –
fictional works that popularized
general premise to a more
existential themes (dread,
specific conclusion
boredom, alienation, the absurd,
2. Existentialism
freedom, commitment, &
- Importance of free individual
choice regardless of the power of
the people to influence and Characteristics of Existentialism
coerce our desires, beliefs, and
a. Existence before Essence – gets
its name from an insistence that
- Emphasizes individual
life is only understandable in
existence, freedom, & choice
terms of an individual’s
- View that humans define their
existence, his particular life
own meaning in life, & try to
make rational decisions despite
b. Reason is unable to deal with
existing in an irrational
the depths of life
● The reason is relatively
- Focuses on the question of
weak and imperfect,
human existence, & the feeling
(people often do not do
that there is no purpose or
the “right” thing)
explanation at the core of
● There are dark places in
life which are
- Holds that there is no God or any
“non-reason” to which
other transcendent force, the
reason scarcely
only way to counter this
penetrates, (we often
nothingness (& hence to find
commit acts which seem
to defy reason, to make - Existentialist writings bear upon
no sense) freedom
- All of these ideas either describe
some less of individuals’
freedom or some threat to it
- All existentialist of whatever sort
c. Alienation
are considered to enlarge the
- it is believed that individuals live
range of human freedom
in a fourfold condition of
- Existentialism – believes that
alienation: from God, from
individuals are entirely free and
nature, from other people, and
must take personal
from our own “true” selves
responsibility for themselves
d. “Fear and Trembling” and
(although with this responsibly
comes angst (a profound anguish
- The optimism of the 18th and 19th
or dread)
centuries gives way (after the
- Emphasizes action, freedom, &
World Wars & Holocaust) to a
decision as fundamental, & holds
feeling of pessimism, fear, &
that the only way to rise above
the essentially absurd condition
- Another kind of anxiety facing
of humanity (which is
the individuals in 20th Century
characterized by suffering and
⮚ When the philosophy of
inevitable death) is by
existentialism develops,
exercising our personal freedom
the necessity which is
& choice (a complete rejection
laid upon people to
of Determinism
make “moral” choices
3. Analytical Tradition
on their own sense of
- Any of the various philosophical
methodologies holding that clear
e. The Encounter with
& precise definition and
argumentation are vital to
- For individuals alienated from
productive philosophical
God, from nature, and other
people, and even from
▪ Phenomenology
themselves, what is left at last
– careful inspection & description of
but nothingness?
phenomena or appearance
- “Does existence ultimately have
- Scientific study of essential
any purpose”
f. Freedom
✔ Disciplinary field in
✔ Movement in the history 7. Person-centered rather than being
of philosophy concerned with social processes,
- Reality consists of objects & cultures, or traditions
events (phenomena) as they are
perceived or understood in the
human consciousness, and not of
anything independent of human Person
Has awareness of self
- Study of experience and how
Has self-determination
we experience
Is able to reach out and interact
- Studies structures of conscious
with each other
experience as experienced from
- Has dignity
a subjective or first-person
● Self-Awareness
POV, along with its
- a person having a clear
“intentionality” (the way an
perception of oneself including
experience is directed toward a
his thoughts, emotions, identity,
certain object in the world)
Characteristics of Phenomenology - goes beyond perception and
reaction to the environment – we
1. Objective – direct investigation
have deeper awareness that is
and description of phenomena as
driven by rationality or human
they are consciously experienced,
without theories about the casual
- a person is aware of both his
explanations or their objective
surroundings and himself – he
knows that he is living an
2. It seeks to understand how
experience and is an active
people construct meaning
participant in this world
3. Investigates experience as they
- gives rise to the notion of the
are lived by those experiencing
“self” which the philosophers
them, and the meaning that these
describe as the person who is
people attach to them
actively aware that he is
4. Critical truths about reality are
perceiving and experiencing
grounded in people’s lived
- also enables us to experience an
5. Consists mainly of in-depth
“inner world” that is defined by
our personal thoughts and ideas
6. The researcher and the
- we experience interiority –
informants are considered as
quality of being focused on one’s
inner life & identity – enables us us to reach out and establish
to practice creativity meaningful relationships with
- Creativity - a person can create others. 
within himself what is not yet - Man is a social being and that a
existing outside person never exists in isolation.
✔ Having an inner world - Man has the natural tendency to
allows a person to create seek out fellow human beings,
goals, dreams, or plans and the relationships established
● Self-Determination by this interaction is a vital
- the capability of persons to make component for survival.
choices & decisions based on - Our interactions with others
their own preferences, monitor, define our existence as persons.
& self-directed - We grow and develop not only
- we are persons because we act, through our thoughts and actions,
and we are aware of our actions but also through the influence of
- Freewill – enables us to do other people in our lives, and the
actions whenever we want to and individuals we meet and interact
make various alternatives. with. 
o Enables a person to act ● Dignity
willfully, control his - innate right to be values and
actions, and recognize respected. Philosophers consider
himself as the source of all humans as having an inherent
action worth or value.
- Consequence – result or effect - each person is worth the same as
of an action or condition another person in the sense that
o Philosophers believe every person is priceless, unique,
that a person acts freely unrepeatable and irreplaceable.
and with due regard for - No person is dispensable or
the consequence of his interchangeable. This is the
actions reason why separation from the
- Morality – goodness or badness people we love, and value is a
of an act difficult and painful experience.
● Externality - rooted in the nature of the human
- Capability of a person to reach being, meaning, a person has
out & interact with others and the dignity simply because of the
fact that he is human. 
- not defined by outside factors
- The realization that we are not like intelligence, beauty, skills,
alone and that there are indeed etc.
other people around us enables
- A person retains his dignity in - Human nature still has limits
spite of his actions or behavior despite being an embodied spirit.
- drives us to seek what is good. It can be said that the person is
Doing good deeds upholds and very biologically deficient being.
promotes dignity of the human o we can’t do everything
person. - Transcendence – ability to
- basis for the recognition of surpass limits
human rights o Distinguishes the human
What is in our human nature that enables person from other beings in
us to become persons? existence
Spirit - enables us to exercise thought, ● Transcendence
possess awareness, interiority, and the - Our mind is an important tool
capacity to reach out to the outside world that allows us to go beyond many
and other persons.  of our physical limits.
- Although we have these physical
limitations, we can transcend
● Embodiment them because of our spiritual
- the human body stands as the dimension.
mediator between the material
world and the spiritual world. - As human persons, we have
- Being an embodied spirit, the natural tendencies or inclinations.
person is able to encounter the - overcoming oneself or being in
world of objects (and other control even if the body reminds
personal subjects) in a manner us of certain tendencies.
that transcends the physical. 
- This feature allows him to form o the person can govern them
intimate relationship with those and ensure that they are
outside him.  exercised within the bounds
- Allows persons to attach certain of reason.
feelings or ideas not only to - Each individual carry within
people but also to objects. himself the possibility of
- physical acts are no longer purely transcending his limits by
physical acts, because the body exerting enough effort and
conveys something from a perseverance.
person’s inner world. - Philosophy gives us useful tools
to explore our limits and
How does my human nature enable me to possibilities.
explore my limits?
- To acknowledge our limitations,
identify possibilities for
development and change
ourselves for the better. 
- Opening yourself to new
experiences and ideas
- gives us the opportunity to work
toward becoming better versions
of ourselves. 

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