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3 The work meets the standard

A: Focus and
described by the 3–4 markband
because the topic is clearly identified
and the research question is clearly
[Maximum stated but only partially focused. All
possible mark: 6] three strands are in this markband. It
is a weaker example of the markband
because the method described will not
yield the kind of data needed to answer
the research question or, at best, it is
unclear as to whether it will. The focus
is on the anions rather than on
calcium. There is no account of the
ionic content of the tap water. The
selected sources are relevant but only
a few are published scientific articles. It
is not in the higher markband because
the research question is not strongly
focused; it is unclear whether the
essay is about calcium ions or the
anions present in the solutions, so it is
not clear if the methodology will yield
data that can be used to answer the
research question. It is not in the lower
markband because there is a clearly
identifiable topic and research
question, as well as clear evidence of
attention to a method, although this
may not be entirely suitable.
3 The work meets the standard
B: Knowledge and
described by 3–4 markband because
the sources are relevant and provide
useful information on the topic.
[Maximum Knowledge and understanding are
possible mark: 6] evidenced by the correct use of terms
and concepts. It is a weaker example
of the markband because it is not clear
in the introduction that the sources will
support the discussion. In addition,
there is limited understanding of the
role of anions and solubility. It is not in
the higher markband because many of
the sources are superficial and do not
provide insight into any potential
underlying biological mechanisms. This
limits the candidate in being able to
demonstrate understanding. It is not in
the lower markband because some of
the sources do provide useful and
relevant biological background that
could be used to demonstrate
The work meets the standard
C: Critical thinking 3
described by the 1–3 markband
because only some suitable sources
[Maximum have been accessed and used and the
possible mark: research is barely adequate in terms of
12] how it relates to the research question.
Only some of the data collected (on
stem length) is relevant and
appropriate. Many relevant factors
including the use of controls and the
importance of solution concentrations
are ignored or treated inadequately. It
is a strong example of the markband
because the “research”, as represented
by the data collected through
experimentation, as well as the ideas
gleaned from the sources are not quite
sufficient to answer the research
question. It is not in the higher
markband because there is no
statistical analysis, processing is limited
to graphical and visual analysis, and
there is only a superficial evaluation. In
addition, the significance of the very
large error bars is not recognized or
taken into consideration in the
discussion. The discussion is limited
and there is no clear conclusion
relating to the research question (no
conclusion relating the different
sources of calcium to the growth of the
plants). It is not in the lower markband
because there is some attempt to
analyse by determining growth rates
and to discuss how these are affected
by the different solutions.
3 The work meets the standard
D: Presentation
described by the 3–4 markband
because all of the important structural
[Maximum elements (topic statement, research
possible mark: 4] question, table of contents, page
numbers, in-text references,
bibliography etc.) are present. Any
weaknesses here do not interfere with
the understanding of the essay. It is a
weaker example of the markband
because referencing style is not
consistent, placement of the
bibliography is inappropriate and the
presentation of data in graphs
especially is not completely effective.
The conclusion and discussion are
merged, and this detracts from overall
understanding of the essay. It is not in
the lower markband because there are
no obvious or significant omissions in
terms of structure and layout.
3 The work meets the standard
E: Engagement
described by the 3–4 markband
because there is evidence of decisions
made by the candidate to attempt to
ensure controlled conditions and a
[Maximum more focused research direction. Some
possible mark: 6] consideration is given to expanding the
range of dependent variables to reveal
other possible effects on growth. It is a
weaker example of the markband
because some of the choices made
were not well considered (dealing with
monovalent anions and adjusting the
concentrations to obtain some parity)
and most reflections are descriptive
rather than evaluative. It is not in the
lower markband because reflections at
each stage are articulate and consider
a range of ideas and choices made by
the candidate.
Total marks 15/34

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