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Energy xxx (2017) 1e13

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Addressing fuel recycling in solid oxide fuel cell systems fed by

alternative fuels
M. Rokni
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institution of Thermal Energy Systems, Copenhagen, Denmark

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: An innovative study on anode recirculation in solid oxide fuel cell systems with alternative fuels is
Received 31 October 2016 carried out and investigated. Alternative fuels under study are ammonia, pure hydrogen, methanol,
Received in revised form ethanol, DME and biogas from biomass gasification. It is shown that the amount of anode off-fuel
6 March 2017
recirculation depends strongly on type of the fuel used in the system. Anode recycling combined with
Accepted 14 March 2017
fuel cell utilization factors have an important impact on plant efficiency, which will be analysed here. The
Available online xxx
current study may provide an in-depth understanding of reasons for using anode off-fuel recycling and
its effect on plant efficiency. For example, it is founded that anode recirculation is not needed when the
plant is fed by ammonia. Further, it is founded that when the system is fed by pure hydrogen then anode
Fuel cell recirculation should be about 20% of the off-fuel if fuel cell utilization factor is 80%. Furthermore, it is
Alternative fuels founded that for the case with methanol, ethanol and DME then at high utilization factors, low anode
Anode recirculation recirculation is recommended while at low utilization factors, high anode recirculation is recommended.
Methanol If the plant is fed by biogas from biomass gasification then for each utilization factor, there exist an
Ethanol optimum anode recirculation at which plant efficiency maximizes.
Ammonia © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction deployed technologies. Therefore, SOFC plants have been the sub-
ject of many studies since the beginning of 90s. For example [2]
With an ever increasing demand for more efficient power pro- showed that electrical efficacy of a hybrid plant consisting SOFC,
duction and distribution, some main research and development for gas turbine and steam turbine may reach about 70% which is
the electricity production is identified as efficiency enchantments encouraging to further investigate on such plants.
and pollutant reduction, especially carbon dioxide among others. Numerous studies on SOFC based systems have been considered
Alternative fuels have also been recognized as potential element in in the literature among them SOFCegas turbines hybrid systems
decreasing emissions locally such final at end users. have extensively studied, for example the study of [3] shows that
Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) are recognized as one of the most plant efficiency reaches about 60% at full lad while its part-load
promising types of fuel cells, particularly in terms of energy pro- (until 50%) efficiencies are also above 50%. In the study of [4], the
duction. Besides pure hydrogen they can be fed variety of fuels such net efficiency of a SOFC plant was calculated to be about 28e29%
as Natural Gas (NG), ethanol, Di Methyl Ether (DME), methanol and when it is fed by biogas from biomass gasification. A study on
syngas from gasification of biomass or municipal waste. They are biogas (assumed to be available in the gas grid without providing
expected to produce clean electrical energy at high conversion rates the source) fuelled SOFC micro-CPH in Ref. [5] showed that an
with low noise and low pollutant emissions [1]. They can tolerate overall CHP efficiency of about 80% is achievable for single-family
sulfur compounds at concentrations higher than those tolerated by detached dwellings. In another study carried out in Ref. [6], it
other types of fuel cells. Additionally, unlike in most fuel cells, was concluded that a SOFC plant fed by biogas from organic wastes
carbon monoxide can be used as a fuel in SOFCs. Due to the above- may reaches electrical efficiencies of about 34% at approximately
mentioned advantages, SOFCs are considered to be a strong 55% utilization factor. Biogas from wastewater treatment facilities
candidate for either hybrid systems or integration into currently was used in the study of [7] to estimate electrical efficiency of a
SOFC plant. The study showed that plant efficiency would be about
41% if the utilization factor was selected to be 65%. A study on
syngas from municipal waste gasification carried out in Ref. [8]
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0360-5442/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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2 M. Rokni / Energy xxx (2017) 1e13

showed that plant efficiency of such integrated gasification-SOFC has not been studies elsewhere. A single study with similar con-
plant approaches about 43% with utilization factor of about 80%. ditions and prerequisites will thus reveal the importance of off-fuel
These are some examples of many that have been explored by re- recirculation on plant performance when the fuel is an alternative
searchers for utilization of waste to energy in sustainable modern fuel. The findings in the current study may help SOFC system
societies. developer on boosting their plant efficiencies when alternative
SOFC fed by different fuels have also studied by many re- fuels are used. All foundlings are new and have not been reported
searchers. In the study of [9], the net efficiency of a 2 kWel SOFC elsewhere.
plant was calculated to be about 55% when the fuel was methanol.
If DME was used as fuel, then the study of [10] showed that the 2. Plant layout and modelling methodology
plant efficiency will be about 50%. The study of [11] showed that
plant net efficiency of about 53% is achievable when the fuel of Fig. 1 displays a typical SOFC plant with natural gas and/or
SOFC was bioethanol. In Ref. [12] an ammonia fed SOFC integrating methane as fuel. A similar layout can also be seen in e.g. Refs. [1,5],
with gas turbine was studied and the results shown efficiencies and [20]. Air is compressed and preheated in a cathode preheater
close to 56%. Comparison performance of SOFC plants fed by (CP) before entering the cathode side of the fuel cell. Natural gas
alternative fuels have also been studied in Ref. [13] in which a single (and/or pure methane) is firstly reformed and then preheated in an
general modelling approach was used for the investigation. This anode preheater (AP) before entering the anode side of the fuel cell.
single modelling approach with the same simulating code was also Depending on the utilization factor, a portion of the feed fuel will
evaluated to ensure accuracy of the modelling and methodology leave the anode side without reacting inside the fuel cells. The
used in the present study as documented in Ref. [13]. remaining fuel (off-fuel) and air (off-air) is then sent to a burner for
Despite extensive studies on SOFC based power plants, in- further combustion. The off-gases after the burner is used to pre-
vestigations on anode recycle SOFC systems fed by NG is compa- heat both incoming air and fuel into the fuel cell. In order to provide
rably limited. Anode off-fuel recycling (anode gas recycle) is steam for the reformer some of the off-fuel is recycled which calls
essential in SOFC systems fed by NG in order to provide steam for for anode recirculation (or off-fuel recirculation). Even though the
the steam reforming reactions in a pre-reformer prior to the SOFC main purpose of the off-fuel recirculation is to provide steam for
cells. Exclusively all studies on anode recycling are about carbon the steam reforming but it will also improve stack efficiency since
formation and carbon deposition in the pre-reformer of a natural more fuel is reacted inside the cells and therefore more power will
gas (NG) feed SOFC stack. Most of these studies are on stack level be generated (see e.g. Ref. [19]). On the other hand, since no
and do not on investigate the effect of anode recycling on system external steam is provided to the steam reformer (during normal
level and plant performances. For example, the experimental operation) then it will be important that steam-carbon-ratio (S/C-
studies of [14] showed that the limit for O/C ratio (oxygen-carbon ratio) is approximately above 1.8 to avoid carbon deposition, which
ratio) to avoid carbon formation depends on the purity of gas. Their has a significant effect on the reformer performance and lifetime,
study showed that the limit of O/C ratio for carbon formation for see e.g. Ref. [5]. However, most of the researchers assumes the value
nickel catalyst was between 0.9 and 1.0 for Russian natural gas and of 2 to be on the safe side, such as in Refs. [5,6,21,22]. Note that it is
between 1.0 and 1.25 for Danish natural gas. If precious metal generally believed that carbon deposition can be determined by S/C
catalyst used, then the limit was between 0.5 and 0.75 irre- ratio but the experimental study of e.g. Ref. [23] shows that not only
spectively of natural gas composition. The effects of SOFC anode S/C but also the extent of equilibrium in the gas mixtures should be
recycle on catalytic diesel reforming and carbon formation was also taken into account to control the carbon deposition (O/C ratio).
studied in Ref. [15] experimentally. This study showed that anode However, as shown in the study of [24] carbon deposition is not an
recycle is more effective than reformer recycle when it comes to issue in SOFC fed by wood gas from biomass gasification.
carbon formation in the reformer (off-fuel from SOFC, not refor- However, when changing the fuel into alternative fuels such as
mate gas out of reformer). Steam recycling for internal methane ammonia, pure hydrogen, methanol and ethanol then there is no
(and/or natural gas) reforming in SOFCs to analyse the carbon problem on limiting the S/C (or O/C) ratio if a pre-reformer is used
deposition using computational fluid dynamic was used in Ref. [16]. (see e.g. the CeHeO ternary diagram in Ref. [5]). If biogas (from
This study showed also that anode recycling is need to decreases biomass gasification) is used, then there will be enough steam in
carbon formation when fuel is methane or natural gas. Electric the gas and such problem does neither exist, as discussed in
power generation of 380 W SOFC stack fed by methane with and Ref. [24]. For such alternative fuels the question will be if off-fuel
without and anode recycle was demonstrated in Ref. [17]. Their recirculation is needed or not and if it is needed then how it will
study showed that anode recycle increases stack efficiency by about effect on plant performance. This is the basis of the present study,
10% when anode recycle is used. It was reported in Ref. [18] that cell which is entirely new and not been studied elsewhere.
voltage could be improved by anode off-fuel recycle in solid oxide In this study, the thermodynamic results are obtained using the
fuel cell fed by pure methane. The study was on a cell level (not Dynamic Network Analysis (DNA) simulation tool (see, e.g. [25]),
system level) with distinguished conclusion. The study of [19] established at DTU since 1983. The program has continuously been
showed that anode recycling enables the operation of a SOFC developed to be generally applicable for different energy systems. It
stack at low fuel utilizations without sacrificing the electrical effi- includes a component library, thermodynamic state models for
ciency of the stack. The maximum electrical efficiency of 57% was fluids and standard numerical solvers for differential and algebraic
reached at 60% fuel utilization when the fraction of recycled fuel equation systems. The component library contents models for heat
was 66%. If no anode gas recycling was applied then the maximum exchangers, burners, turbo machinery, decanters, energy storages,
electrical efficiency was about 53% with about 77.5% fuel utilization. valves and controllers, among many others. Fig. 2 illustrates the
Despite many studies on anode recycling and carbon formation, calculation procedure used in the program.
studies on anode off-fuel recycling on plant efficiency are very DNA is a component-based simulation tool, meaning that the
limited and exclusively all are about natural gas (and/or methane) model is formulated by connecting components together with
fed fuel. No study on of-fuel recycling with alternative fuels is found nodes and adding operating conditions to create a system. The
in the open literature, which makes the basis of the current study. equations include mass and energy conservation for all compo-
The effect of anode recycling on plant efficiency using different nents and nodes together with the relations for the thermodynamic
types of fuels is investigated here which is completely novel and properties of the fluids in the system. The total mass balance and

Please cite this article in press as: Rokni M, Addressing fuel recycling in solid oxide fuel cell systems fed by alternative fuels, Energy (2017),
M. Rokni / Energy xxx (2017) 1e13 3

Fig. 1. General fuel cell plant with anode off-fuel recirculation. CP: Cathode Preheater, AP: Anode Preheater.

Fig. 2. Calculation procedure.

energy balance for the entire system is also included to account for applicable/used for programs dealing with system level rather than
heat loss and heat exchange between different components. The component level.
program is written in FORTRAN, and users can implement addi-
tional components and thermodynamic state models to the li-
3. Modelling
braries as well.
The main assumption within the calculations are
3.1. Modelling of SOFC

- No heat losses to the surroundings

The SOFC model proposed in a previous study [26,27] is adopted
- No resistance in the electrodes
in this investigation and has been validated with experimental data
- Constant utilization factor within all cells
on planar SOFCs. In the development of such models, one must
- Constant current density for all cells
distinguish between electrochemical modelling (to obtain cell
- Each cell is treated as a single point (eat and fluid flow is not
voltage and cell efficiency), calculation of cell and stack power (via
number of stacks and their connections) and finally the species
compositions at the cell outlet. Each of these is explained below in
In reality, there exists some heat losses to the surrounding even
though the stacks are well insulted. However, heat losses after
insulation are very small and therefore negligible, although they
can be accounted in the simulation. Resistance through the elec- 3.1.1. Electrochemical modelling
trodes depends on the selection of material and one can select the First, one needs to calculate the cell voltage of SOFC, which can
material for the electrodes so that their resistance is very small and theoretically be expressed by Nernst equation. However, in reality
minor. Utilization may slightly varies from cell to cell, sometimes there exist losses, which decreases the theoretical cell voltage.
higher and sometimes lower, and therefore the assumption of These losses are mainly activation loss (cell voltage decreases as
constant utilization factor may be eligible. The same is true for the soon as current starts drawn from the cell), ohmic loss (cell voltage
current density. The main limit of the modelling here is that the decreases when current is increased; linear dependency) and
flow dynamic in the cells is not accounted, since the focus is on the concentration loss (the current is so high that further increase in
plant level with all components. However, such technique is widely current causes drop in cell voltage significantly). These losses must
be calculated in detail, which are expressed below. The SOFC model

Please cite this article in press as: Rokni M, Addressing fuel recycling in solid oxide fuel cell systems fed by alternative fuels, Energy (2017),
4 M. Rokni / Energy xxx (2017) 1e13

proposed in a previous study [26,27] is adopted in this investiga- (8).

tion. For electrochemical modelling, the operational voltage (Ecell) is     
represented by Equation (1). pH2 id i
DEconc ¼ B ln 1 þ  ln 1  d ; (8)
pH2O ias ias
Ecell ¼ ENernst  DEact  DEohm  DEconc (1)
where B is the diffusion coefficient, which is determined using a
where ENernst, DEact, DEohm, and DEconc are the Nernst ideal revers- calibration technique as
ible voltage, activation polarization, ohmic polarization, and con-   T
centration polarization, respectively. Assuming that only H2 is B ¼ 0:008039X1
H2  0:007272 (9)
electrochemically converted the Nernst equation can be written as Tref
shown in Equations (2) and (3).
Tref is the reference temperature (1023 K), and the anode
 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi limiting current is defined as
Dgf RT pH2 ;tot pO2
ENernst ¼ þ ln (2)
ne F ne F p H2 O 2F pH2 Dbin V
ias ¼ ; (10)
R T tan tan
pH2;tot ¼ pH2 þ pCO þ 4pCH4 (3)
where Van and tan are the porosity (30%) and tortuosity (2.5 mm) of
where Dg0f is the Gibbs free energy (for H2 reaction) at standard the anode, respectively. The binary diffusion coefficient is given by
temperature and pressure. The water-gas shift reaction is very fast !1:75
and therefore the assumption that H2 is the only species to be   T pref
electrochemically converted is justified [28,29]. In the above Dbin ¼  4:107x105 XH2 þ 8:704x105 ;
Tref p
equations, pH2 and pH2O are the partial pressures for H2 and H2O,
respectively. It should be noted that the steam reforming and the (11)
associated water gas shift reactions are efficiently modelled in the
which is also calibrated against the experimental data. pref is the
reference pressure (1.013 bar), and XH2 is the mass reaction rate of
The activation polarization can be evaluated using the Butler-
H2. Lastly, the current density id is directly proportional to the
eVolmer equation [30]. The activation polarization term is isolated
amount of reacting H2 according to Faraday's law (Equation (12)).
from the other polarization terms, to determine the charge transfer
coefficients and the exchange current density from the experi- 
ments by the curve fitting technique. The activation polarization is nH2 2F
id ¼ ; (12)
expressed by Equation (4). A

" # where nH2 is the molar reaction rate of H2. The area A is a physical
RT 1 id property of the cell and was 144 cm2 in this study.
DEact ¼ sinh   ;
ð0:001698T  1:254ÞF 2 13:087T  1:096x104 The SOFC model in this study aims at representing the perfor-
(4) mance of the second generation SOFC stacks developed by Topsoe
Fuel Cell A/S (TOFC) and the Fuel Cells and Solid State Chemistry
where R, T, F, and id are the universal gas constant, operating Division at Risø e DTU (Technical University of Denmark). This
temperature, Faraday constant, and current density, respectively. SOFC type is anode supported, with a Ni/YSZ1 anode, a YSZ elec-
The ohmic polarization [31] depends on the electrical conduc- trolyte, and an LSM2/YSZ cathode [33].
tivity of the electrodes as well as the ionic conductivity of the
electrolyte. This is also validated with experimental data for a cell
with a specified anode thickness (tan), electrolyte thickness (tel), and 3.1.2. Stack power and related calculations
cathode thickness (tca). The ohmic polarization is given as follows. Once the cell voltage is calculated then the stack power the
power production from the SOFCs (PSOFC) can be decided using
tan tel tca Equation (13). As shown, it depends on the amount of chemical
DEohm ¼ þ þ id ; (5) energy fed to the anode, the reversible efficiency (hrev), the voltage
san sel sca
efficiency (hv), and the fuel utilization factor (UF). It is defined in the
where tan ¼ 600 mm, tel ¼ 50 mm, and tca ¼ 10 mm. san, sel, and sca are mathematical form as.
the conductivities of the anode, electrolyte, and cathode, respec-  
tively, and may be expressed as follows. PSOFC ¼ LHVH2 n_ H2 ;in þ LHVCO n_ CO;in þ LHVCH4 n_ CH4 ;in hrev hv UF

5:760x107 0:117
san ¼ 10 5
sca ¼ exp  (6) where UF is a constant and hv is defined as follows.
T 8:617x105 T
sel ¼ 8:588x108 T 3  1:101x104 T 2 þ 0:04679T  6:54 (7) hv ¼ : (14)
The concentration polarization is dominant at high current Note that the utilization factor in SOFCs can be defined as the
densities for anode-supported SOFCs, wherein insufficient amounts amount of O2 consumed, because O2 ions are the carriers. The
of reactants are transported to the electrodes and consequently, the reversible efficiency is the maximum possible efficiency, which is
voltage is reduced significantly. As in the previous case, the con- defined as the relationship between the maximum electrical
centration polarization was validated with experimental data by
introducing the anode limiting current [32], in which the anode
porosity and tortuosity were considered among other parameters. 1
Yttria-stabilized zirconia.
The concentration polarization is modelled as shown in Equation Lanthanum strontium manganite.

Please cite this article in press as: Rokni M, Addressing fuel recycling in solid oxide fuel cell systems fed by alternative fuels, Energy (2017),
M. Rokni / Energy xxx (2017) 1e13 5

energy available (change in Gibbs free energy) and the LHV (lower 3.1.4. Validation
heating value) of the fuels, as shown below [34]. A comparison between the SOFC model developed here and the
  experimental data is shown in Fig. 3, in terms of current density and
Dgf cell voltage (IV curve). As seen from the figure, the model captures
hrev ¼ (15) the experimental data very well at different fuel compositions with
LHVfuel a standard error of less than 0.01 unless for 10% H2 which was 0.05.
Different stack operating temperatures were used when devel-
  oping the model. However, only the data for 750  C is shown here.
Dgf ¼ gf  gf
gf  yH2 ;in
fuel H2 O H2 2 O2 97% H2 with 3% water vapour is shown in Fig. 3. Four different cell
operating temperatures from 650  C to 800  C.
þ gf  gf  gf yCO;in
CO2 CO 2 O2

þ gf þ 2 gf  gf  2 gf yCH4 ;in 3.1.5. Additional considerations

CO2 H2 O CH4 O2 Additionally, equations for conservation of mass (with molar
(16) flows), conservation of energy, and conservation of momentum
were also included in the model. Table 1 displays the main pa-
where Dg is the average Gibbs free energy from the inlet to the rameters for the SOFC stacks used in this study. Operating tem-
outlet and y is the mole fraction. The partial pressures are assumed perature of the fuel cell is based on the experimental data
to be the average pressures between the inlet and the outlet. presented in Ref. [33]. A temperature difference of 130  Ce180  C is
  applied to avoid thermal stresses in the cells, see e.g. Ref. [26]. The
yj;out þ yj;in assumption of pressure drops is based on a simple calculation for
pj ¼ p j ¼ fH2 ; CO; CH4 ; CO2 ; H2 O; N2 g
2 heat exchangers via friction factor and Reynold number (see, e.g.
yO2 ;out þ yO2 ;in Ref. [36]). Number of cells in one stack is assumed so that each stack
pO2 ¼ pc generates about 1.2 kW. The assumption of DC/AC convertor effi-
ciency is somewhat low due to small size of the plant. Note that
stack power is set to 10.2 kW which is achieved by varying fuel inlet
mass flow. Thus plant can generate about 10 kW net powers after
3.1.3. Fuel composition auxiliary power consumption. The sensitivity analysis of these
Finally, one needs to calculate the fuel composition at outlet of values have already been widely discussed in previous publications,
the cells. The compositions at outlets is calculated using the Gibbs such as in Refs. [13,26,37] and therefore there is no need to repeat
minimization method [35]. First the unreacted fuels at outlet is them here.
decided by fuel cell utilization factor, then equilibrium at the anode
outlet temperature and pressure is assumed for H2, CO, CO2, H2O,
CH4, and N2. Finally, the Gibbs minimization method is used to 3.2. Modelling of methanator
calculate the compositions of these species at the outlet by mini-
mizing their Gibbs energy. Gibbs minimization method facilities A simple Gibbs reactor, where the total Gibbs free energy is
calculating of the composition without taking into account the minimized upon reaching chemical equilibrium, is implemented to
chemical reaction paths. The reason is that all the chemical re- calculate the gas composition at a specified temperature and
actions tends to undergo in a way that the Gibbs energy will be pressure without considering the reaction pathways [35]. The
minimum, as explained in Ref. [35]. Similar calculations can also be Gibbs free energy of a gas (which is assumed to be a mixture of k
carried out for the cathode side. perfect gases) can be written as

k h i
G_ ¼ n_ i gi0 þ RT lnðni pÞ (18)
750° C
1,1 Exp. 10% H2
Exp. 24% H2 where g0, R, and T are the specific Gibbs free energy, universal gas
Exp. 49% H2 constant, and gas temperature respectively. Each element in the
1 Exp. 73% H2 inlet gas is in balance with the outlet gas composition, implying
Exp. 97% H2
0,9 that the flow of each constituent has to be conserved. For N ele-
Model 10% H2
Voltage [V]

Model 24% H2 ments, this balance is expressed by Equation (19).

0,8 Model 49% H2
Model 73% H2
Model 97% H2 Table 1
0,7 The main SOFC parameters used in this study [13,8].

Parameter Value
Fuel utilization factor 0.8
0,5 Number of cells in stack 74
Number of stacks 8
Stack electricity production (kW) 10.2
0,4 Cathode pressure drop ratio (bar) 0.005
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2 Anode pressure drop ratio (bar) 0.001

Current density [A/cm2] Cathode inlet temperature 

Anode inlet temperature 
Outlet temperatures  (C) 780
Fig. 3. Cell voltage versus current density and a comparison between the modelling
DC/AC convertor efficiency 0.95
results and experimental data at 750  C with different fuel compositions.

Please cite this article in press as: Rokni M, Addressing fuel recycling in solid oxide fuel cell systems fed by alternative fuels, Energy (2017),
6 M. Rokni / Energy xxx (2017) 1e13

The desulfurizer unit is a simple model in which the sulfur

k X
content is removed. The compositions are re-calculated after sulfur
n_ i;in Aij ¼ n_ m;out Amj for j ¼ 1; N (19)
removal. The main parameters for the accessory components are
i¼1 m¼1
presented in Table 2. The pressure drops for all heat exchangers are
The N elements correspond to H2, O2, N2, CO, NO, CO2, steam, assumed to be 0.001 bar at the fuel side and 0.005 bar at the air
NH3, CH4, C, NO2, HCN (hydrogen cyanide) and Ar, and in the side. Because the system is designed for low-scale power, the fuel
methanation process. Amj is the number of atoms of element j (H, C, and air mass flows tend to be small, resulting in lower efficiencies of
O, and N) in each molecule of the entering compound i (H2, CH4, CO, the turbomachines. Therefore, the compressor isentropic efficiency
CO2, H2O, O2, N2, and Ar), whereas Aij is the number of atoms of and mechanical efficiency are assumed to be 0.6 and 0.95,
element j in each molecule of the leaving compound m (H2, O2, N2, respectively.
CO, NO, CO2, steam, NH3, CH4, C, NO2, HCN and Ar). The minimi-
zation of the Gibbs free energy can be mathematically formulated
by introducing a Lagrange multiplier (m) for each of the N con-
straints. After adding the constraints, the expression to be mini- 4. Results and conclusions
mized is given by
! Different alternative fuels will be used in this investigation and
k X
w the results of plant design as well as anode recirculation (fuel
f ¼ G_ tot;out þ mj n_ i;out Aij  n_ m;in Amj (20) recirculation) will be discussed for each fuel. Fuels under attention
j¼1 i¼1 m¼1
are ammonia, pure hydrogen, ethanol, methanol, DME and natural
By setting the partial derivative of this equation with respect to gas. Depending on the fuel the plant design will be altered as dis-

ni;out to zero, the function 4 can be minimized as cussed below. If needed a methanator is included into the plant
design to enhance plant performance. It shall be noted that the
vf vG_ tot;out X N performance of a methanator is different from a pre-reformer and
¼ þ mj Aij ¼ 0 for i ¼ 1; k (21a) therefore the carbon decomposition will not be sever in as in the
vni;out _
vni;out j¼1 case with natural gas. As mentioned above, studies on anode off-
fuel recycling on plant efficiency are very limited and which
  XN makes the basis of this study. Different types of fuels are used to
0gi;out þ RT ln ni;out pout þ mj Aij ¼ 0 for i ¼ 1; k (21b) investigate the effect of anode recycling on plant efficiency, which
j¼1 may provide an in-depth understanding of why anode recycle shall
Thus, a set of k equations are defined for each chemical com- be used and how it effect on plant efficiency.
pound leaving the system. Solving these equations gives the
composition leaving the methanator.

4.1. Ammonia
3.3. Modelling of other components
The first fuel to be studied is ammonia for which the plant
The power consumption of the pumps was calculated as in
design is shown in Fig. 4a. Air is preheated in a cathode preheater
Equation (22). (CP) before entering the cathode side of the fuel cell. On the other
" # side, fuel is preheated in an anode preheater (AP) prior to the anode
myin ðpout  pin Þ side of the fuel cell. The plant efficiency and power are calculated to
Wpump ¼ (22)
h be about 51.0% and 10.2 kW respectively, with 8 stacks of 74 cells
per stack and pressure drops defined above. The fuel after the

where m, p, y and h are the mass flow, pressure, specific volume anode contains mainly of 60% steam, 25% N2 and 15% H2 (molar
(m3/kg) and efficiency of the pump, respectively. The pump effi- fraction). Some traces of CO, CO2 and NH3 can also be found as,
ciency is defined as shown below. 8.84  105, 4.12  104 and 1.26  103 respectively. Since the fuel
The power consumption of the compressors was modelled amount after the anode (off-fuel) is extremely low then having
based on the definitions of isentropic and mechanical efficiencies anode recycle will not be necessary at all in such system, see Fig. 4b.
(given values) in Equations (23) and (24). Any anode off-fuel recycling decreases pant performance as shown
in Fig. 4b.

hout;Sin  hin Decreasing SOFC utilization factor allows more fuel to be avail-
his ¼ (23)
hout  hin compressor
able in the off-fuel and therefore it might be of interest to inves-
tigate if it has any impact on plant performance. Fig. 5 shows that
" # regardless of utilization factor, no anode recycling is necessarily.
mðhout  hin Þ
hm ¼ (24)
compressor Table 2
The main parameters for the accessory components [13,26].
where h is the enthalpy. hS is the enthalpy when the entropy is
Parameter Value
constant. The subscripts in and out refer to the inlet and outlet of
the component. Compressor isentropic efficiency 0.6
Compressor mechanical efficiency 0.95
In modelling the heat exchanger, it was assumed that all energy
Fuel side heat exchangers Dp (bar) 0.001
from one side is transferred to the other side by neglecting the heat Air/Gas side heat exchangers Dp (bar) 0.005
losses. Depending on the type of heat exchanger used, both the Desulfurizer temperature (C) 200
LMTD (logarithmic mean temperature difference) and ε-NTU Fuel inlet temperature 
(C) 25
(effectiveness-number of transferred unit) methods were used (see Burner efficiency 0.97
Depleted air temperature  (C) 40
Ref. [36]).

Please cite this article in press as: Rokni M, Addressing fuel recycling in solid oxide fuel cell systems fed by alternative fuels, Energy (2017),
M. Rokni / Energy xxx (2017) 1e13 7

Efficiency [− ] & Voltage [V]

Current density [mA/cm2]
1950 0.88
1925 0.8
1900 0.72
1875 0.64
1850 0.56
1825 0.48
1800 0.4
1775 Current density 0.32
1750 Ecell 0.24
1725 ηammonia
1700 0.08
1675 0
0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004
Recycle ratio [−]

a) b)
Fig. 4. a) SOFC plant design fed by ammonia and b) effect of recycle ratio.

0.55 ejector is placed (see. e.g. Ref. [38]). Note that inserting a pump
0.5 instead of an ejector is very crucial due to high temperature of the
Ammonia (Uf = 0.8) off-fuel (780  C). A pump running on such high temperature must
be costume made and thus extremely expensive.
0.4 Ammonia (Uf = 0.7)
Efficiency [−]

The recycling ratio of an ejector cannot be regulated and de-

0.35 pends entire on the pressure difference between the ejector mail
0.3 flow (fuel) and secondary flow (off-fuel to be recycled). Neglecting
0.25 this issue the effect of off-fuel recirculation on plant efficiency is
0.2 shown in Fig. 7a. As can be seen increasing recycling decreases
0.15 plant efficiency (LHV) even though it can be found that there exist a
certain amount of recycling for which the plant efficiency is
maximum (about 12% recycle). Below this value the efficiency does
0.05 not change significantly. The reason is the interplay between fuel
0 fraction (hydrogen molar fraction into the anode), fuel mass flow
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 (to keep stack power constant at 10.2 kW) and compressor excess
Recycle ratio [−] power consumption (to keep stack temperature at 780  C in addi-
tion to the oxygen needed).
Fig. 5. Effect SOFC fuel utilization factor on plant efficiency, fed by ammonia. Decreasing the fuel utilization changes the picture completely as
demonstrated in Fig. 7b. For the case of Uf ¼ 0.7, plant efficiency
increases by increasing anode recycle. The reason is that more fuel
4.2. Pure hydrogen
will be available in the anode off-fuel when utilization factor is
decreased resulting in favour for plant efficiency by recycling. Thus
The second fuel to be studied is hydrogen for which the plant
the general conclusion is that at high utilization factors (more than
design will be the same in Fig. 4. Plant power and efficiency are
about 0.8) increasing anode recycle decreases plant efficiency while
calculated as 10.0 and 45.5% respectively. The off-fuel after the
at low utilization factors (less than about 0.8) increasing SOFC fuel
anode-exit contains mainly of 20% H2 and 80% steam (again molar
utilization will in favour for plant efficiency. This is also revealed in
basis). Traces of CO, CO2 and CH4 can also be found which are very
Fig. 8.
small to be discussed. Since the off-fuel contains of about 20%
For example plant efficiency increases significantly sharper for
hydrogen then it would be necessarily to discuss an alternative
the case with 0.6 utilization factor when anode recycle is applied,
plant design including anode recirculation as shown in Fig. 6. Fuel is
while the increase in plant efficiency is less pronounced for the case
preheated in a two steps heat exchangers; fuel preheater (FP) and
with 0.7 utilization factor with increasing anode recycle. Foe the
anode preheater (AP) and in between these heat exchangers an
case with Uf ¼ 0.7 the anode recycle needs to be about 40% to reach
same efficiency as the case with Uf ¼ 0.8 and 20% off-fuel recycle.
The anode recycle must be much more than 50% for the case with
Uf ¼ 0.6 to reach the same efficiency as in the case with Uf ¼ 0.8 and
20% off-fuel recycle.
An alternative plant design for pure hydrogen may be designed
as shown in Fig. 4a, in which fuel preheater is removed and instead
the anode preheater may also work as fuel preheater. Thus, plant
design is similar as in the case with pure ammonia. The duty of the
anode preheater (or fuel preheater) is increased and some saving in
investment cost can be achieved. The disadvantage of such design is
that pressure drop along the off-fuel will be higher than the pre-
vious case and therefore less pressure drop for the ejector between
main flow and secondary flow, which in turn makes the ejector not
be able to recycle the off-fuel as efficient as the previous case. On
Fig. 6. Plant design fed by hydrogen. the other hand, in such design, the temperature of the fuel entering

Please cite this article in press as: Rokni M, Addressing fuel recycling in solid oxide fuel cell systems fed by alternative fuels, Energy (2017),
8 M. Rokni / Energy xxx (2017) 1e13

Efficiency [− ] & Voltage [V]

Efficiency [− ] & Voltage [V]

Current density [mA/cm2]

Current density [mA/cm2]

1950 0.8 1710 0.78
1920 0.76 1695 0.75
1890 0.72 1680 0.72
1665 Current density 0.69
1860 0.68 1650 Ecell 0.66
Current density
1830 0.64 1635 0.63
Ecell Efficiency (H2)
1800 0.6 1620 0.6
1770 Efficiency (H2 ) 0.56 1605 0.57
1740 0.52 1590 0.54
Uf = 0.8 1575 Uf = 0.7 0.51
1710 0.48 1560 0.48
1680 0.44 1545 0.45
1650 0.4 1530 0.42
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Recycle ratio [−] Recycle ratio [−]
a) b)
Fig. 7. Effect of recycling on a SOFC plant fed by hydrogen, a) Uf ¼ 0.8 and b) Uf ¼ 0.7.

4.3. Methanol, ethanol and DME

0.45 The next fuels to be considered are methanol, ethanol and DME
Plant efficiency [−]

for which the plant design will be the same in Fig. 10. A methanator
0.438 is included to reform the fuel into methane, hydrogen and carbon
0.432 monoxide which in turn are considered to be fuel for solid oxide
0.426 fuels. Then an ejector is placed prior to the methanator to mix the
0.42 fuel with off-fuel out of the anode side of the fuel cell. Two plant
0.414 configurations are considered here; one with anode preheater and
0.408 H2 Uf = 0.6
one without anode preheater. In the case of anode preheater the
0.402 H2 Uf = 0.7 fuel is preheated to a lower temperature such as 280  C which is
0.396 H2 Uf = 0.8 well above the minimum temperature (250  C) for complete
0.39 reforming of the fuel in the presence of a catalyst (see e.g. Ref. [11]).
0.384 In fact any values between 250  C and 400  C can be used without
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 altering the plant performances. Due to endothermic nature of the
Recycle ratio [−] reforming process the outlet temperature of the methanator will be
much higher than its inlet.
Fig. 8. Effect SOFC fuel utilization factor on plant efficiency, fed by hydrogen.
The reforming process within the methanator need steam which
is available after the anode side of the fuel cell, the so called off-fuel.
the anode side of the fuel cell increases with increasing recycle ratio Plant performance depends on how much off-fuel can be recycled
and at some point fuel temperature will reach to the limit and through the ejector, which in turn depends on the pressure dif-
therefore additional recycling will not be feasible. ference from the main flow to the secondary flow (injection). Both
Plant performance of such design is presented in Fig. 9. As steam and unreacted fuel in the off-fuel can thus be recycled back
shown, similar conclusion as the original design can also be drawn into the anode side of the fuel cell, see Fig. 10.
here. Plant performance increases with increasing recycle ratio at As mentioned above, steam is needed for operating the meth-
low utilization factors while at high utilization factor (e.g. Uf ¼ 0.8) anator and therefore some off-fuel shall be recycled. With respect
this is not true. In fact, at Uf ¼ 0.8 plant performance remains to the plant efficiency, recycling 20% of the anode off-fuel would be
almost constant although a maxima can be found which is around suitable when Uf ¼ 0.8. With 20% anode recycling then enough
12% recirculation. steam is available in the fuel for fuel decomposition and water gas
shift reaction (in the presence of a catalyst such as copper sup-
ported on zinc oxide) which are the essential reactions associated
with a methanator. Increasing the recycling ratio decreases plant
0.456 efficiency and the reason is that for such high utilization factor the
0.45 amount of steam is much more than the fuel in the off-fuel.
Plant efficiency [−]

Therefore, by increasing the recycling ratio more steam will be

0.438 recycled which would have negative impact on the plant perfor-
0.432 mance. Cell voltage decreases and current density increases to keep
0.42 H2 Uf = 0.6 the output power at 10.2 kW, see Fig. 11a, Fig. 12a and Fig. 13a.
0.414 H2 Uf = 0.7 However, for the case with lower utilization factor (for example
H2 Uf = 0.8 Uf ¼ 0.7) then the situation is changed. Increasing anode recycle
increases plant efficiency to a certain point as shown in Fig. 11b
though 13b. The reason is that now more fuel will be available in
the off-fuel, which would be in favour of cell performance up to a
certain amount. Further increase in recycling ratio changes the ratio
between the fuel and steam in the off-fuel and therefore it will
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 decrease cell performance. Plant efficiency is maximized when
Recycle ratio [−] anode recycle is about 43%, 41% and 43% for ethanol, methanol and
DME, respectively.
Fig. 9. Effect of anode recycle for alternative plant design for hydrogen.

Please cite this article in press as: Rokni M, Addressing fuel recycling in solid oxide fuel cell systems fed by alternative fuels, Energy (2017),
M. Rokni / Energy xxx (2017) 1e13 9

Fig. 10. Plant design fed by methanol, ethanol and DME.

Current density [mA/cm 2]

Efficieny [−] & Voltage [V]

1875 0.75 0.5448
1850 0.725 0.5444
1825 0.7 0.544

Efficiency [−]
1800 Current density 0.675 0.5436
1775 Ecell 0.65 0.5432
1750 ηethanol 0.625 0.5428
1725 Uf = 0.8 0.6 0.5424
0.542 Ethanol (Uf = 0.7)
1700 0.575 0.5416
1675 0.55 0.5412
1650 0.525 0.5408
1625 0.5 0.5404
0 0.08 0.16 0.24 0.32 0.4 0.3 0.34 0.38 0.42 0.46 0.5
Recycle ratio [−] Recycle ratio [−]
a) b)
Fig. 11. Effect of recycling on a SOFC plant fed by ethanol, a) Uf ¼ 0.8 and b) Uf ¼ 0.7.
Current density [mA/cm2]

Efficieny [−] & Voltage [V]

2010 0.725 0.507

1980 0.7 0.5055
1950 0.675
1920 0.65
Efficiency [−]

1890 Current density 0.625 0.5025

1860 Ecell 0.6 0.501
1830 ηmethanol 0.575 0.4995
1800 0.55 0.498
1770 Uf = 0.8 0.525 0.4965 Methanol (Uf = 0.7)
1740 0.5 0.495
1710 0.475 0.4935
1680 0.45 0.492
0 0.08 0.16 0.24 0.32 0.4 0.08 0.16 0.24 0.32 0.4 0.48
Recycle ratio [−] Recycle ratio [−]

a) b)
Fig. 12. Effect of recycling on a SOFC plant fed by methanol, a) Uf ¼ 0.8 and b) Uf ¼ 0.7.

As demonstrated, at high utilization factors (about 0.8) anode 70%). Further decrease in utilization, requires higher anode recy-
recycle should be kept as low as possible so that the amount of cling to compensate plant efficiency drop caused by low utilization
steam is enough for the methanator while at low utilization factors factors.
higher anode recycle is recommended. As it is displayed in Fig. 14a, for the case with Uf ¼ 0.8, plant
Again, similar conclusion as in the case with pure hydrogen can efficiency (LHV) decreases as anode recycle is increased, this is
be drawn here, low anode recirculation for high utilization factors more distinct when anode off-fuel recycling is more than about
(about 0.8) and high anode recycle for low utilization factors, see 25%. Lowering utilization factor to 0.7, then there is exist an opti-
also Fig. 14 for better comparison. Note that anode recycle is mum for which plant efficiency maximizes, see Fig. 14b.
essential for fuels with methanator, which is due to available steam
in the off-fuel required for methanation process. Thus, approxi-
mately 20% of anode recycle for high utilization factors (such as 4.4. Biogas
80%) and about 40% anode recycle for low utilization factors (about
Biogas investigated in this study has its origin from the biomass

Please cite this article in press as: Rokni M, Addressing fuel recycling in solid oxide fuel cell systems fed by alternative fuels, Energy (2017),
10 M. Rokni / Energy xxx (2017) 1e13

Current density [mA/cm2]

Efficieny [−] & Voltage [V]

1875 0.75
1850 0.72
1825 0.69 0.5055
1800 0.66 0.504

Efficiency [−]
1775 Current density 0.63 0.5025
1750 Ecell 0.6 0.501
1725 ηDME 0.57 0.4995
1700 Uf = 0.8 0.54 0.498
DME (Uf = 0.7)
1675 0.51 0.4965
1650 0.48 0.495
1625 0.45 0.4935
0 0.08 0.16 0.24 0.32 0.4 0.12 0.2 0.28 0.36 0.44 0.52
Recycle ratio [−] Recycle ratio [−]

a) b)
Fig. 13. Effect of recycling on a SOFC plant fed by DME, a) Uf ¼ 0.8 and b) Uf ¼ 0.7.

55 55
Plant LHV efficiency [%]

Plant LHV efficiency [%]

54 54
53 53
52 52
51 51
50 50
49 49
48 Methanol (Uf = 0.8) 48 Methanol (Uf = 0.7)
47 DME (Uf = 0.8) 47 DME (Uf = 0.7)
46 Ethanol (Uf = 0.8) 46 Ethanol (Uf = 0.7)
45 45
0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
Recycle ratio [−] Recycle ratio [−]
a) b)
Fig. 14. Effect of recycling on a SOFC plant fed by methanol, ethanol and DME, a) Uf ¼ 0.8 and b) Uf ¼ 0.7.

gasification considered in Ref. [37]. The composition of the biogas Decreasing utilization factor to Uf ¼ 0.6, results in higher amount of
(syngas) is assumed to be fuel available in the off-fuel after the anode side and therefore
anode fuel recirculation will be in favour and plant efficiency in-
H2 ¼ 0.2532, creases as a consequent, (see Fig. 15c). When utilization factor is 0.7
N2 ¼ 0.2877, (Uf ¼ 0.7), then plant performance does not change significantly
CO ¼ 0.1718, (because of composition of the fuel after mixing) and therefore off-
CO2 ¼ 0.1159, fuel recycling would not be necessary (see Fig. 15b).
H2O (steam) ¼ 0.1578, Again, at high utilization factor fuel recycling is not necessarily
CH4 ¼ 0.0102 and while at low utilization it is recommended, which is also demon-
Ar ¼ 0.0034, strated in Fig. 16. For the case with Uf ¼ 0.8 plant efficiency de-
creases sharply from 36.2% to 29.4% when anode off-fuel recycling
which is based on the study of [37]. Since the quality of the fuel is is increased from 0 to 20%.
substantially lower compared to the other fuels, the number of If utilization factor is decreased to 0.7, then there would be more
stacks is increased to 20 to compensate the plant performance, fuel available in the off-fuel and therefore plant efficiency increases
which otherwise this case cannot be studied throughout and in line slightly when anode recycling is increased. Such increase is small,
with other fuels. Plant design is the same as the case for methanol, from 37.4% to 37.9% when anode recycling reaches to 20%. Further
ethanol and DME, meaning that the fuel side includes a fuel pre- decrease in utilization factor results in sharper increase in plant
heater (FP), methanator and anode preheater (AP) while the cath- performance. For the case with Uf ¼ 0.6, plant efficiency increases
ode side includes a cathode preheater (CP) prior to the stack. Both from 34.3% to 36.1%, as off-fuel recycling is increases from 0 to 20%.
off-fuel and off-air are send to a burner to combust the remaining As mentioned above, the number of stacks was increased to
fuel. Again, the recycle device is placed as far away as from the fuel compensate fuel quality of the biogas and have a throughout
to allow more pressure drop, which facilitates the use of an ejector. comparison with other fuels. However, it is also possible to
As revealed in Fig. 15a, increasing off-fuel recycling decreases decrease the number of stacks to 8 as it was the case for the other
stack voltage and therefore current density must be increased to fuels mentioned above. Consequently, plant performance will
reach the imposed stack power at 10.2 kW. At such high utilization decrease from about 36% to about 33% if fuel cell utilization factor is
factor (Uf ¼ 0.8) the off-fuel after the anode side of the stack con- decreased significantly (not more than about 0.6), as seen in Fig. 17.
tains mostly of water and recycling the off-fuel results in mostly Here again, at high utilization factor (comparably when Uf ¼ 0.7),
water recirculation which has a negative impact on the cell voltage. then there is no need for off-fuel recirculation while at lower

Please cite this article in press as: Rokni M, Addressing fuel recycling in solid oxide fuel cell systems fed by alternative fuels, Energy (2017),
M. Rokni / Energy xxx (2017) 1e13 11

705 0.8

Current density [mA/cm2]

Efficieny [−] & Voltage [V]

Current density [mA/cm2]

Efficieny [−] & Voltage [V]

1000 0.72
980 0.68 702 0.76
960 0.64 699 0.72
940 0.6 696 0.68
920 0.56 693 Current density 0.64
900 Current density 0.52 690 Ecell 0.6
880 Ecell 0.48 687 ηbiomass 0.56
860 ηbiomass 0.44 684 0.52
840 Uf = 0.8 0.4 681 0.48
820 0.36 678 Uf = 0.7 0.44
800 0.32 675 0.4
780 0.28 672 0.36
0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.2 0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.2
Recycle ratio [−] Recycle ratio [−]
a) b)

650 0.8
Current density [mA/cm 2]

Efficieny [−] & Voltage [V]

648 0.75
646 0.7
644 Current density 0.65
642 Ecell 0.6
640 ηbiomass 0.55
638 0.5
636 0.45
634 Uf = 0.6 0.4
632 0.35
630 0.3
0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.2
Recycle ratio [−]
Fig. 15. Effect of recycling on a SOFC plant fed by biogas from biomass gasification, a) Uf ¼ 0.8, b) Uf ¼ 0.7 and c) Uf ¼ 0.6.

0.384 0.328
Current density [mA/cm2]

0.376 0.324
Plant LHV efficieny [−]

0.368 0.32
0.352 0.316
0.344 0.312
0.336 0.308
0.328 0.304 ηbiomass Uf = 0.4
0.32 Biomass Uf = 0.6
0.312 0.3 ηbiomass Uf = 0.5
0.304 Biomass Uf = 0.7 0.296 ηbiomass Uf = 0.6
0.296 Biomass Uf = 0.8 0.292 ηbiomass Uf = 0.7
0.288 0.288
0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.2 0 0.16 0.32 0.48 0.64
Recycle ratio [−] Recycle ratio [−]
Fig. 16. Effect of recycling on a SOFC plant fed by biogas from biomass gasification, a)
Fig. 17. Effect of recycling on a SOFC plant fed by biogas from biomass gasification
Uf ¼ 0.8 and b) Uf ¼ 0.6.
when number of stacks is 8.

5. Conclusion
utilization factors there exist a point for which plant efficiency is
maximizes. The optimum recirculation is 65%, 45% and 20% when A new study on anode recirculation in SOFC plants with alter-
utilization factor is 0.4, 0.5 and 0.6 respectively. Note also that when native fuels is presented. Fuels under study are ammonia, pure
Uf ¼ 0.7 then plant performance decreases suddenly with any fuel hydrogen, methanol, ethanol, DME and biogas from biomass. Some
recirculation; see the line in the bottom left corner. of the founding are;
Another important point is that the optimum recirculation in-
creases when utilization factor decreases, allowing more off-fuel to - No anode recycling is needed when the plant is fed by ammonia.
be recycled to compensate fuel utilization in the stacks. The sudden - When the system is fed by pure hydrogen and utilization factor
decrease in plant performance after the optimum point is that the is 80%, then the anode recirculation should be about 20%.
mixed fuel and off-fuel consists of too much amount of nitrogen Further, plant fed by pure hydrogen has the lowest plant effi-
and steam (more than 50%), which have negative effect on stack ciency, which is due to endothermic nature of reactions inside
voltage. It should also be mentioned that practically an ejector the cells and therefore excessive air is needed to cool down the
cannot recycle more than 50% of its incoming fuel (main flow). stacks and keep their temperature at the desired level.

Please cite this article in press as: Rokni M, Addressing fuel recycling in solid oxide fuel cell systems fed by alternative fuels, Energy (2017),
12 M. Rokni / Energy xxx (2017) 1e13

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Please cite this article in press as: Rokni M, Addressing fuel recycling in solid oxide fuel cell systems fed by alternative fuels, Energy (2017),
M. Rokni / Energy xxx (2017) 1e13 13

T: Operating temperature, K tan: Anode tortuosity, m

t: Thickness, m y: specific volume, m3/kg
R: Universal gas constant, J/mol K
UF: Fuel utilization factor Subscript
V: Volume, m3
Van: Anode porosity
W: Work, W an: Anode
XH2: Mass reaction rate of H2 ca: Cathode
Y: Molar fraction el: Electrolyte
ref: Reference
Greek symbols

DEact: Activation polarization, V

DEconc: Concentration polarization, V AP: Anode pre-heater
DEoffset: Offset polarization, V CP: Cathode air pre-heater
DEohm: Ohmic polarization, V DME: Di-Methyl Ether
DTml: Logarithmic mean temperature difference, K DNA: Dynamic network analysis
ε: Effectiveness FP: Fuel Preheater
hrev: Reversible efficiency LHV: Lower heating value
hv: Voltage efficiency NG: Natural Gas
hmec: Mechanical efficiency O/C: Oxygen-Carbon ratio
hpump: Efficiency of pump S/C: Steam-Carbon ratio
s: Conductivity, S/cm SOFC: Solid oxide fuel cell

Please cite this article in press as: Rokni M, Addressing fuel recycling in solid oxide fuel cell systems fed by alternative fuels, Energy (2017),

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