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Data Analysis Portfolio

In 2016, I joined IROKOtv’s efforts to redesign itself as a customer-centric company on a global scale. In
the previous years, we saw a huge uptake with subscribers in the Nigerian diaspora (United States, UK,
Canada, Germany, Italy) who were already familiar with OTT streaming products. However, we lacked
penetration in our African markets.

To understand the gap in uptake, I conducted on-the-ground research, interviewing IROKOtv customers
as well as prospective consumers to understand the qualitative data and the common attributes our
subscribers shared to develop the different use cases and prototypes from those insights and tested out
each prototype with customers via online and offline interviews. The results of these interviews guided
the third version of our Android app, which was, for the most part, a localised app designed for the
Nigerian market.

Professional Background
I’m a Data enthusiast, with good knowledge of Excel and Tableau used for developing
valuable business insight for improving decision making. I have gathered valuable
experience in my career in applying metrics and measurements techniques for monitoring
and evaluating project, products.


Table of Contents

Data Analysis Portfolio 1

Professional Background 1

Udemy Project Description 3

The Problem 4
Design 5
Findings 6
Finding 1 6
Table 1: Average Content duration per Subject 6
Table 2: Amount of Users on the Platform by Subject 7
Table 3: TOTAL Subscribers by Subject 7
Finding 2 8
Figure 2.1: Total Number of Subscribers per Subject 8
Figure 2.2: Average Rating by Skill Level 8
Figure 2.3: Average Cost by Skill Level 9
Analysis 10
Conclusions 11

Capstone Project: Video Game Trend 12

Data Design 13

Findings 14
Finding 1 15
Table 1: Total Shipped game units by Publishers with total shipped units 15
Table 2: Amount of Shipped game units by platform 15
Table 3: Top 20 most shipped Games 16
Finding 2 17
Figure 2.1: Total Game Units shipped by Year 17
Figure 2.2: Critic Score by Video Games 17
Figure 2.3: Most Shipped game by Publisher 18

Data Analysis 19

Conclusions 19

Appendix (optional) 20

Udemy Project Description
● Situation: This was a hypothetical project about Udemy, an educational tech company. The
available dataset was in csv format consisting of data on courses from Web development,
Business, Design and Music topics.

● Task: The purpose of this report was to identify opportunities on how to increase Udemy
next quarterly earnings and track the performance of courses so far in order to solve a
revenue problem. The data from the different courses had to be consolidated to a single
data set to answer the question of which courses earned the most revenue and which
earned the least revenue to identify focus areas for the company next quarter earnings.

● Action: The datasets were consolidated in google sheets for data cleaning, and the desired
formatting was applied to the necessary data and some formulas were applied to
transform some data from their original type to the desired type for further analysis. Pivot
tables were applied in the consolidated data for analysis

● Result: The result from the analysis enabled the manager to identify courses with the most
revenue and courses with the least revenue The conclusion reached from this project was
recommending more emphasis to be placed on Business Finance and Web development
subjects and other related subjects that compliments these subject because they
generated the most revenue for the company; other recommendations are more
concentration should be placed on Musical instruments and Graphic Design subjects to
explore ways to make these courses valuable to subscribers because they had the least
revenue generation courses on the platform, either by increasing the duration to ensure all
necessary scope are covered in the course or by identifying if it’s complex and needs to be
broken down into much simpler learnings for learners.


The Problem
The business was trying to solve a revenue problem at Udemy, an education Tech Company. The
head of curriculum at Udemy requests a business insight presentation of the areas of opportunities
to increase revenue and a performance track record of courses in four subject areas on the platform
(Web development, Business, Design and Music courses). In order to present the business case to the
CEO of the suggestion to charge more for Web development courses, the manager requires a report
to be sent in three weeks time on how this strategy would increase next quarterly earnings.

Data on all courses in the above subjects would be required to draw reasonable insights on the
performance of these courses and a report will be developed supported with the necessary charts.

Questions to better understand the business problem include:

● Why are these subject areas the main focus of this analysis?
● Why is revenue the problem we are trying to solve?
● What’s Udemy market share in this space compared to competitors?
● What’s Udemy value compared to competitors?
● How valuable is Udemy content compared to competitors?
● What’s the percentage of B2C users compared to B2B customers on Udemy platform?

(To better understand the range of user persona of the platform, Are businesses signing up their
employees to use the platform or are people intrinsically motivated to improve their knowledge).


The datasets were in separate csv files per subject (Web development, Business, Design
and Music courses)

The datasets were consolidated in google sheets for data cleaning and manipulation, By
first cleaning out duplicates followed by taking out the blank cells to avoid any
calculation and sorting error, The next step involved ensuring the header of all columns
maintained a similar format style and ensuring the courses maintained unique subject
titles for proper analysis and sorting.

The next step involved converting the date the courses were published to generate a
valid date format excluding the time stamp information for easy sorting. Finally a formula
was applied to identify the courses that were free or paid for information extraction.

A Pivot table was drawn from this consolidated to identify the Total Number of
Subscribers for each Subject, Average Number of Subscribers per Subject, Average Price
for each Subject for all learning Levels, Average content duration per Subject, Average
Rating for each Subject for all learning Levels for data transformation to fulfil the
specified business requirement, Lookup function was applied to the reference top 20
courses data on the platform to specific criterias and categorise data.


The following insights further express the information gathered from the dataset

Image1 Tableau Visualization Dashboard of all charts.

Finding 1

Table 1: Average Content duration per Subject


Web Development 5.6

Graphic Design 3.6
Business Finance 3.6
Musical Instruments 2.9

Grand Total 4.1

The correlation of the average duration of content per subject is also an interesting find, perhaps more content translates to
detailed teachings in the courses.

Table 2: Amount of Users on the Platform by Subject


COURSE Business Finance Web Development Musical Instruments Graphic Design

PAID COURSES 1095 1069 634 567

FREE COURSES 96 134 46 35

Grand Total 1191 1203 680 602

Business Finance courses had the most paid users for its courses. Interestingly, the above Web development courses which
compared to the amount of subscribers relative to Web development proves that regardless of subscribers courses in this
subject generated the most revenue.

Table 3: TOTAL Subscribers by Subject


Web Development 7981935

Business Finance 1868711
Graphic Design 1063148
Musical Instruments 846689

Grand Total 11760483

Finding 2

Figure 2.1: Total Number of Subscribers per Subject

Indicates Web development subjects as the most subscribed courses generating over 7 million subscribers and less valuable
interest from Musical Instruments subjects.

Figure 2.2: Average Rating by Skill Level

Highlights the low ratings generated averagely from Musical Instruments subjects on all levels and most ratings received
from Expert and Intermediate level courses which could contribute more learning as to the level of users being more
professionals than new entrants.

Figure 2.3: Average Cost by Skill Level

The average cost visualization portrays value for money as the Web development and Business Finance subjects are the
most subscribed for on all levels.

SUM of

Observations from the data and visualisations indicate Business Finance and Web Development courses were
the profitable courses of the four that were analysed and Graphic Design courses are the least valuable courses
as they fetch the lowest revenue compared to other subjects.

Also, the content duration data suggests more time is probably spent in creating Web Development courses
and there's probably correlation in that with the amount of subscribers for the subject because it is the most
subscribed subject and reverse is the case for Graphic Design and Musical Instruments subjects with the least
content duration averagely. Perhaps, less time is spent in creating these courses and it doesn’t help learners
learn the skills required in successfully learning the course.

As suggested earlier more emphasis should be placed on Business Finance and Web development subjects and
other related subjects that compliments these subjects, a survey/ pool for package plan could be developed to
tie both courses together and observe how subscribers react to how they find this valuable ; also more
concentration should be placed on musical instruments subjects to explore ways to make the course valuable
to subscribers either by increasing the duration to ensure all necessary scope ae covered in the course or by
identifying if it’s complex and needs to be broken down into much simpler learnings which will also increase
duration possibly it will change the position of the rank of this course and more revenue can be gained from
the courses in this subjects.

Capstone Project: Video Game Trend
The purpose of this report is to provide insight into the video game industry by identifying the sales
trend of video games over the years and also to identify if newly developed games are doing well
according to users or the publishing companies are just profit oriented and creating games that are
not as enjoyable compared to data overtime.

Data on total shipped units of games by year would provide valuable insight on the performance and
for developing necessary charts and adequate reports.

Questions that explore the problem include:

● How can the interest/behaviour of users be measured apart from user score?
● What is the market share of the game industry like?
● How has the genre of games played by users changed over the years?


Data Design
The data was consolidated from two different databases: VGChartz database containing
major games data with a timeline from 1977 - 2020 and Metacritics containing user and
critics score, the consolidation was done in google sheets for cleaning out all blank data,
next step involved formatting all headers to a similar style. 5 pivot tables were developed
from the cleaned data the total shipped games per Game title, Average shipped per Critic
rating, Average shipped per User rating, Total Shipped games per year, Total shipped
games by Developer under each publisher. An increment formula was applied to the rank
column to identify the rank after sorting was made on the entire data with the Total
shipped column.

An extraction was made of the top 20 Best selling games during the timeline to better
identify the pattern amongst these games, all analysis was done in google sheets and all
Visualisations were developed in Tableau with a dashboard highlighting major findings
especially the data summarised into pivot tables in different charts such as Total shipped
numbers per Platform, Total Shipped Yearly, Most Shipped Games by Publishing
companies and identifying the Developers responsible for making the game.

A Count-If and Sum If function was applied to the Top 20 identified games that shipped
the most units to highlight specific information about the list such as top publishers with
the most shipped games from this list, top platforms with the most shipped games from
the same list.



Image 1 Tableau Visualization Dashboard of all charts.

Finding 1

Table 1: Total Shipped game units by Publishers Table 2: Amount of Shipped game units by
with total shipped units platform
Total Shipped Total Shipped Units Total Shipped Total Shipped
Publisher Games (million) Platform Games (million)
Nintendo 193 1123.72 PS4 553 628.86
Activision 66 200.75 PC 595 596.16
Sony Computer Wii 46 288.49
Entertainment 63 139.29
NS 162 231.67
Rockstar Games 17 138.32
3DS 196 231.14
Electronic Arts 79 113.54
XOne 307 227.31
Ubisoft 128 112.4
PS3 41 136.12
EA Sports 52 82.91
DS 15 120.83
Sony Interactive
X360 36 119.46
Entertainment 38 78.05
GB 5 110.56
Square Enix 73 74.62
NES 7 103.97
Warner Bros.
Interactive PS2 19 91.14
Entertainment 63 73.73 WiiU 67 74.58
Capcom 81 64.65 SNES 3 40.46

Bethesda Softworks 52 64.24 PSV 115 28.59

Sega 76 54.36 N64 3 23.16

Blizzard PS 10 20.69
Entertainment 14 53.82 PSP 11 18.17
Valve 3 53.74 GBA 3 16.35
Microsoft Studios 34 50.55 GEN 1 15
Microsoft Game 2600 2 12.01
Studios 13 42.9
XB 4 8.06
2K Sports 21 42.18
GC 6 5.89
Namco Bandai
PSN 1 0.09
Games 67 40.37

PUBG Corporation 1 36.6

2K Games 39 33.63 PS4 platforms have the most shipped game units
followed by PC and Wii platforms and PSN platforms had
Mojang 1 33.15
the least shipped game units.

The amount of total shipped game units illustrates how Nintendo

dominates the market share with an efficient strategy of providing
a variance of games to game lovers.

Table 3: Top 20 most shipped Games
Rank Name Platform Publisher Developer Critic_Score User_Score Total_Shipped Year
1 Wii Sports Wii Nintendo Nintendo EAD 7.7 8 82.9 2006
Super Mario
2 Bros. NES Nintendo Nintendo EAD 10 8.2 40.24 1985
e: Global Valve
3 Offensive PC Valve Corporation 8 7.5 40 2012
Mario Kart
4 Wii Wii Nintendo Nintendo EAD 8.2 9.1 37.32 2008
5 NDS PC Corporation Corporation 8.6 4.7 36.6 2017
6 Minecraft PC Mojang Mojang AB 10 7.8 33.15 2010
Wii Sports
7 Resort Wii Nintendo Nintendo EAD 8 8.8 33.13 2009
Pokemon Red
/ Green / Blue
8 Version GB Nintendo Game Freak 9.4 8.8 31.38 1998
New Super
9 Mario Bros. DS Nintendo Nintendo EAD 9.1 8.1 30.8 2006
New Super
Mario Bros.
10 Wii Wii Nintendo Nintendo EAD 8.6 9.2 30.3 2009
Bullet Proof
11 Tetris GB Nintendo Software 9.4 8.7 30.26 1989
Call of Duty:
12 Warfare PS4 Activision Infinity Ward 8 3.3 30.13 2019
13 Duck Hunt NES Nintendo Nintendo R&D1 7.5 8.3 28.31 1985
14 Wii Play Wii Nintendo Nintendo EAD 5.9 6.5 28.02 2007
Mario Kart 8
15 Deluxe NS Nintendo Nintendo EPD 9.3 8.7 24.77 2017
16 Nintendogs DS Nintendo Nintendo EAD 8.4 8.5 23.96 2005
17 Mario Kart DS DS Nintendo Nintendo EAD 9.1 9.4 23.6 2005
Gold / Silver
18 Version GB Nintendo Game Freak 9.2 8.8 23.1 2000
Super Mario
19 World SNES Nintendo Nintendo EAD 8.5 9.3 20.61 1991
Grand Theft Rockstar
20 Auto V PS3 Games Rockstar North 9.4 8.3 20.32 2013
Out of the 20 games in this list Nintendo has 15 Games and other Publishers have 1 game each in this list, which is proof to
how well Nintendo have perfected their strategy for developing games that people enjoy.

Finding 2

Figure 2.1: Total Game Units shipped by Year

2006 saw the most shipped game units ever with Nintendo’s Wii Sports Game and New Super Mario Bros shipping over 82
million and 30.8 million respectively, other shipped games in the same year amounted to 33.6 million units.

Figure 2.2: Critic Score by Video Games

There’s hardly any reliable correlation with the Critic score, User score in relation with the most shipped game because the
games with the most scores weren’t the most shipped games in the years they were published example was “Shovel
Knights” receiving the most scores in 2014/2015

Figure 2.3: Most Shipped game by Publisher

Nintendo has the most share of the Video game market share for games published..

Data Analysis
The visualisations and data revealed several interesting insights about the Video Game industry, like
any business a mix of variables can lead a company to success as the instance of Nintendo’s overall
Shipped games numbers, Nintendo’s success were mostly obvious from 2000 - 2019 with two games
contributing to their success over the years which are Wii Sports and Super Mario Bros being the
front runners for Nintendo most shipped games, In top 20 games shipped so far Nintendo has a total
of 15 games and other publishers have 1 game individually in that list.

From Nintendo’s study it is obvious publishing a variety of games improve the chances of shipping
more games which will improve revenue because more games developed cater to a wide genre of
preference for game lovers, Activision rode on the “Call of Duty” Franchise which proves the global
love of the game was steadily increasing over the years and the audience interest was maintained
with each new release of the franchise. Same was done by Rockstar Games with their “Grand Theft
Auto” franchise but Valve, PUBG Corporation, Mojang weren’t able to replicate this strategy with
“Counter-Strike: Global Offensive”, “PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS” and “Minecraft” single
handedly gave these publishing companies their most shipped game in all of their releases.

Interestingly the most platforms with the highest shipment of games were PS4, PC and Wii with the
Microsoft XOne and Xbox platform coming in 6th and 9th position. And 2006 saw the highest shipped
games ever which was Nintendo’s “Wii Sports” and “New Super Mario Bros” with 82.9 million copies
and 30.8 million copies shipped.

Creating more games for several genres would be profitable for any publisher because the wide
catalog held by Nintendo clearly makes them ship the most games and most of those games were
developed in house by the Nintendo Team, same goes for Valve, PUBG Corporation, Mojang, Rockstar
Games the most published games by these companies were developed in house, they would have
more control over the development stage of the game because they have more informed analysis of
their customers and would be able to develop games that interest their customers more than
working with a different studio who have to learn these information which the publishers might not
be entirely open to sharing, Also development should consider the platform where the most
customers can be found which are PS4, PC, Wii for opportunity to gain revenue.


Appendix (optional)
Google Sheets Data Set for Udemy Project

Tableau Data Visualization For Udemy Project

Google Sheets Data Set for [chosen] Project

Tableau Data Visualization For [chosen] Project



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