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BSED Major in Math 1

My Individual Learning Log Abour The Challenges in Teaching

The challenges of teaching and learning mathematics are enormous d require urgent
intervention.The teacher must be able to modify and explanation if,despite the power it may have
for some students,it does not seem to make sense to other students.In other words,teache teachers
in secondary school must be alert,aware,and active.The lecturer should demonstrate and
understanding and in depth knowledge of lessons and maintain an ability to convey his lesson to
students.Higher education is of central importance to the economic and social development of a
country.Theres an organization which is the National Council of Teacher of Mathematics (NCTM) that
advocates high level instructions for all students.In order for effective teaching to take
place,teache teachers need to have knowledge and its provides guidance and resources for the
implementation of research informed and high quality teaching.Mathematics lecturers should have a
deeper knowledge about that topic,they needs to know and understand how students learn,general
classroom management skills,lesson planning,and students assessment.For effective teaching to take
place,lecturers need to be aware of topics that are problematic for students.

Mathematics for secondary schools they must prepared to live in a society that requires a
significant understanding and appreciation of Mathematics.Without have the necessary
knowledge,abili abilities,and applications of Mathematics managing in the real world would be
challenging.Students must be able to use their mathematical knowledge in order to solve
progressively difficult problem.Today,mathe mathematics is remains the language of invention and
comprehension of the world,as science cannot be studied without firm grounding in the subject.

Students have a variety of learning styles amd methods for acquiring knowledge.Teachers
encourage also the students to use resources such as the library,journals,intervent and other
departmental resources.Which is the teachers has an important role to play in helping all the
students realize that mathematics and the sciences are vital and relevant to their lives.The
responsibilities of the teachers are essential to advancing systemic changes in the way
mathematics instruction is imported to students.

According to Dr.Shiela Tobias,math anxiety is a failure of nerve in the face of having to do a

computation or an analysis of a problem involving numbers,geometry or mathematical
concepts.Having difficulty with mathematics will result in more anxious thoughts about
mathematics.Anxiety can have detrimental effects on learners.Math anxiety appeas to influence
fluency more strongly than accuracy.Teachers and parents must serve as role models and influence
children with their own attitudes toward math.Teachers support positive attitudes in math if they
provide encouragement,emphasize that mistakes are also part of succesful learning.

Active participation of the students has the potential to expand the students understanding
of mathematical concepts.While teachers must customized instructions so that it is
developmentally appropriate for students learning.Through the effective use of actual models and
situations using concrete materials cooperative learning and problem exploration students are able
to conceptualize and appreciate the usefulness and beauty of mathematics which will contribute to
the development of their cognitive growth.

There are three NCTM Standards,the Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School
Mathematics (1989), Professional Standards for Teaching Mathematics (1991)and Assessment
Standards for School Mathematics(1995).These three documents have served as the impetus and
framework to further develop city state and national efforts to improve school mathematics in the
United States.The purpose of those standards is to present a vision consisting of goals,with which
mathematics curricular,teaching,and assessment practices could be examined.

The purpose of the NCTM Principles and Standards for School Mathematics in April 2000,was
to previse,integrate,modify,and amend the goals of the original NCTM Standards of 1985.It
introduced a comprehensive set of goals for mathematics that is designed for all students (K-
12).Secondary mathematics teachers must develop a global perspective of the teaching and learning
of mathematics.Standards are description of what mathematics instructions should enable students
to know and do statements of what is valued for school mathematics education (NCTM 2000)

Professional development is one of the most important resources in helping to advance

effective teaching skills and techniques for the mathematics teachers.It is often used
interchangeably with other terms such as teacher training,staff development,and in service
trains.The ultimate goal of this,is the improvement of students learning.

One of the key organization that assist mathematics teachers in all aspects of mathematics
and mathematics Education is NCTM.Because it provides professional mathematics education
publication.And another important organizational resource or the Mathematics teacher is the
mathematical association of America (MAA).It addresses content area mathematics,usually on a
college level.The methodlogy is for teaching and learning secondary school mathematics are an ever
changing process based on scientific advances and societal needs.
Q1. From a secondary school perspective,describe the basic differences between process standards
and content standards,as outlined by the NCTM Principles and Standards for School Mathematics.

Answer: Content Standards is for learning specific mathematical topics while the process standards
for pedalogy and methods of teaching.

Q2. Why were the CCSS developed?Who developed them?Do they represent a national curriculum?

Answer:The CCSS developed to provide a consistent clear understanding of what students should
know when they graduate from high school to be college and career ready.It is being
created,customised,revised,piloted,and implemented in classrooms throughout the United
States.This document is not recognized as a national curriculum for Mathematics was adopted by 45
states and provided a widely accepted instructional roadmap for k-12 mathematics teacher.

Q3. Describe how a mathematics program/curriculum can support high expectation for all students.

Answer:Teacher expectations is a significant factor in student achievement and therefore

requires serious attention.Every student should experience a comprehensive mathematics
program/curriculum that supports his on his curiosit,interests,and learning.The program should also
correspond to previous educational experiences ,academic strengths,and real life interests.

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