The Importance of Multidisciplinary Teams in A Large Biomedical Research Program

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Proceedings of the 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS

San Francisco, CA, USA • September 1-5, 2004

The Importance of Multidisciplinary Teams

In a Large Biomedical Research Program
R. L. Martino
Division of Computational Bioscience, Center for Information Technology
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, Bethesda, MD, USA

teams was considered to be so important a topic that it was

Abstract—The formation of multidisciplinary teams is vital to made one of the roadmap themes. The stated motivation for
modern biomedical research. These teams are important this theme is that the scale and complexity of today’s
contributors to the advancement of scientific discovery as well biomedical research problems increasingly demands that
as the translation of those discoveries into useful clinical
practice. The issues involved in providing scientific and
scientists move beyond the confines of their own discipline
technical expertise in computational science and engineering to and explore new organizational models for team science.
support a large biomedical research program are presented. A subcommittee of the second NIH Roadmap theme,
The activities of the Division of Computational Bioscience Teams of the Future, looked at the NIH Intramural Research
(DCB) of the Center for Information Technology (CIT) at the Program (IRP) as a model for multidisciplinary and
National Institutes of Health (NIH) are highlighted. interdisciplinary research [3]. The subcommittee sent a
Professionals in this organization apply the concepts and questionnaire to all NIH Scientific Directors to determine
technologies of computer science, engineering, physical science the best practices associated with facilitating research within
and mathematics to biomedical applications, making available and among the NIH Institutes and Centers. This information
this expertise to the NIH Intramural Research Program (IRP).
The areas of application include imaging, informatics,
was synthesized to provide a description of the perceived
instrumentation, telemedicine, structural biology and barriers and the lessons learned related to multidisciplinary
mathematical analysis. Examples where collaborative research and interdisciplinary research. Although a number of
and development teams containing DCB professionals have barriers were identified, it was discovered that remarkably
worked to produce significant results are presented. These few insurmountable barriers exist. Several common lessons
examples are a chromosome microdissection instrument, a were learned including the following issues that should be
telemedicine system for radiation oncology, and a medical addressed when establishing a multidisciplinary or
image archive. interdisciplinary research team: clearly articulate the mission
of the team, carefully determine membership, provide team
Keywords— Biomedical imaging, biomedical
leadership, implement clear methods of communication,
instrumentation, collaborative research, multidisciplinary
teams, telemedicine
provide training and education, supply adequate funding,
create a positive environment, and insure appropriate review
and reward.

The formation of multidisciplinary teams is vital to II. METHODOLOGY

modern biomedical research. These teams are important A. Collaborative Research and Development
contributors to the advancement of scientific discovery as
well as the translation of those discoveries into useful Vannevar Bush formulated the linear model of
clinical practice. In order to conduct complex and large- technological development in his 1945 report entitled
scale biomedical research, the expertise of many disciplines Science – The Endless Frontier, a document that governed
are often required and combined to create a synergistic the relationship between science and the federal government
entity that can solve the problems encountered during a until the end of the Cold War [4]. The report promised that
particular scientific or clinical effort [1]. science could provide for national security, national health
During the past year, the NIH and its leadership, with and national prosperity if the scientific community received
input from recognized leaders in academia, industry, all of the required resources. In this model, science is
government, and the public, developed the NIH Roadmap assumed to drive technological innovation in a linear
[2]. This Roadmap is an integrated vision to deepen the manner with scientific advances fueling applied research,
understanding of biology, stimulate interdisciplinary then development work, and ultimately produce
research teams, and reshape clinical research to accelerate commercialization.
medical discovery and improve people’s health. The three Donald Stokes presented major limitations to this long
NIH Roadmap themes are New Pathways to Discovery, accepted linear model that are relevant to the discussion of
Research Teams of the Future, and Re-engineering the the present need for multidisciplinary teams in biomedical
Clinical Research Enterprise. In crafting this new vision for research [5]. The linear model ignored fundamental research
biomedical research, the formation of new types of research

0-7803-8439-3/04/$20.00©2004 IEEE 5188

conducted by a researcher inspired by application The availability of the DCB professional staff allows for
considerations. The linear model also assumed a disciplinary the formation of project teams containing the combination
model of academic research not allowing for a of computational science and engineering skills needed to
multidisciplinary approach. solve multidisciplinary research problems and develop
To overcome the limitations of the linear model, Stokes unique systems. The core disciplines of the DCB staff are
presented the dynamic model shown in Figure 1. This model applied mathematics, biomedical engineering, chemistry,
shows the interactive relationship between advances in computer science, computer engineering, electronics
science and the development of technology. In this model, engineering, molecular biology, physics, and statistics. The
the basic science and technological innovation paths can DCB collaborative research and development program is
progress independently. However, each of these paths can be focused on the following activities where the expertise
influenced by the other with application inspired basic exists within this organization and a meaningful contribution
research often serving the linking role. This interactive can be made to the NIH IRP.
model of science and technology demonstrates the
importance that technology advances may have in Biomedical Imaging: Develop and apply advanced imaging
supporting new fundamental science and serves as a methods and algorithms to images of biomedical objects that
framework for conducting a multidisciplinary program. range in size from the whole body to macromolecules.
Collaborative, multidisciplinary teams serve an important Computational techniques are applied to a variety of
role in the interaction of scientific advancement and biomedical imaging modalities including electron
technology development. microscopy, light microscopy, ultrasound, Computed
Tomography (CT), Positron Emission Tomography (PET),
B. Forming Multidisciplinary Teams Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), and Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy.
The Division of Computational Bioscience (DCB) is a
research and development organization that provides Biomedical Informatics: Develop integrated methods for the
scientific and technical expertise in computational science analysis, viewing, storage, and management of microarray
and engineering to support the NIH IRP. Working with all data. Develop new tools for integrating information from
of the Institutes and the Clinical Center, DCB applies the genomic and biological knowledge bases and for the
concepts and technologies of computer science, engineering, analysis and presentation of gene annotations. Design image
physical science and mathematics to biomedical archive and clinical information systems.
applications. The areas of application include imaging,
informatics, instrumentation, telemedicine, structural Computational Methods and Algorithms, and Parallel
biology and mathematical analysis. DCB develops Computing: Develop high-performance computational
computational methods and tools for solving biomedical methods and algorithms to analyze biomedical research data
laboratory and clinical research problems and manages and model complex biological systems that may require
centralized scientific computational and communication multiple processor systems. Implement knowledge-based
systems. DCB also provides an environment to mentor data management systems that provide the environment for
computational scientists and engineers for careers in collaborative biomedical research studies.
biomedical research.
Telemedicine: Implement advanced telemedicine systems
Improved Improved using high-speed communication networks and multi-
Understanding Technology modality imaging technologies.

Biomedical Instrumentation: Design unique, real-time

biomedical signal processing and control systems as well as
Purely advanced biomedical instrumentation.
Pure Applied
Basic Research Molecular Modeling: Assemble, develop, and promote
Research and
Research computational tools and expertise for simulating molecular
systems. Collaborate in projects involving molecular
modeling and dynamics, structure prediction, and quantum
Existing Existing Mathematical and Statistical Analysis: Provide
Understanding Technology
mathematical and statistical expertise to the NIH IRP.
Fig. 1. The Dynamic Model of Science and Technology Develop and apply mathematical theories, which describe
Research and Development [5] physical, chemical and biological processes.

Three examples where collaborative research and
Microphone Audio Speakers
development teams containing DCB professionals have Audio
worked to produce significant results are presented in this S-Video
Tandberg S-Video
section. CODEC
Video Camera

A. Biomedical Instrumentation RS-232

Router Color Video Monitor
In collaboration with scientists and engineers of the Video
National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) and Video
the NIH Office of the Director, Office of Research Services
Division of Bioengineering and Physical Science, the DCB
designed and implemented the chromosome microdissection Color Display
system. Chromosome microdissection is a technique that
physically removes a large section of DNA from a complete
chromosome, making the DNA available for further study. Keyboard
Electronic View Boxes
The smallest portion of DNA that can be isolated using this Mouse or Trackball

method comprises ten million base pairs, hundreds of

Fig. 3. Diagram of the Medical Consultation Workstation
thousands of individual genes. This facilitates the research
of diseases associated with specific chromosomal
B. Telemedicine Systems
abnormalities, which could not be resolved by classical
banding [6].
In collaboration with the medical staff of the National
The chromosome microdissection system automates a
Cancer Institute (NCI) Radiation Oncology Sciences
large portion of the dissection process resulting in higher
Program, the DCB developed the TELESYNERGY®
throughput over manual methods, higher resolution for the
Medical Consultation WorkStation (MCWS) [7,8]. The
acquisition of smaller chromosome fragments, and shorter
TELESYNERGY® System is a multi-media, medical
training periods for users. The system accomplishes these
imaging workstation, used within an electronic imaging
advances by computer control of the cutting needle and the
environment, and utilizing high-speed networking
laser targeting for ablation, laser ablation of chromosome
technologies to establish international links. A diagram of
material neighboring the segment of interest, and point and
the ISDN version of the MCWS is shown in Fig. 1.
click type user interactions instead of manual micro-
The TELESYNERGY® System allows face-to-face
manipulations on the microscope. With the ability to burn
consultation among multiple participant sites, while
away unwanted chromosome material neighboring the
transmitting simultaneous high-resolution images to all sites.
segment of interest, a scientist can obtain a smaller
It also provides a high-quality teleconferencing facility,
dissection area, reduce contamination, and eliminate the
which can transmit information and images from several
need to cut perpendicular to the chromosome. A picture of
different sources such as a document camera, video
the system needle picking up chromosome material is shown
recorder, microscope camera and personal computer display.
in Fig. 2.
In addition to standard teleconferencing, diagnostic-
quality radiology and pathology images can be transmitted
and viewed. Each of the two high-resolution monochrome
image displays function as an Electronic View Box for the
presentation of full-size (14 X 17-inch format) "electronic
films.” Utilizing these displays, users can perform organ and
lesion contouring via a shared-cursor technique, in
consultation mode, which allows clinicians to collaborate in
feature identification. The identified regions-of-interest are
viewed simultaneously and in real-time between all
participating TELESYNERGY® sites. A remote-controlled
Olympus microscope with a video camera and remote
control module allows users to manipulate and assess biopsy
specimens from a number of sites concurrently. The initial
clinical application area for TELESYNERGY® was in
support of radiation treatment planning.
Fig. 2. Picture of Needle Picking Up Dissected Chromosome Material

C. Biomedical Informatics and informatics. The chromosome microdissection system
provides new avenues of research on diseases associated
Biomedical research at the National Institutes of Health with chromosomal abnormalities. The TELESYNERGY®
(NIH) involves the acquisition, storage, communication, System is being used for clinical trials, whose outcomes
display, and analysis of large numbers of medical images may lead to innovative new treatment protocols that could
including many image modalities for both animal and improve the prognosis for future cancer patients. The Web-
human studies. NIH researchers use these medical images based medical image archive system gives NINDS
to discover biomarkers for disease states, determine the researchers and clinicians easy access to stroke MRI and CT
genetic origin of disease, evaluate the results of clinical images, as well as clinical trial data, for their research in
trials, and develop therapeutic procedures. This developing experimental stroke therapies using imaging
accumulation of many medical images for a variety of surrogate markers.
research protocols and the desire to access and analyze them
over many years generates the need for effective medical
image archive systems. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
In collaboration with the National Institute of
Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), DCB The author would like to gratefully acknowledge the
developed a Web-based medical image archive system [9]. contributions of all the members of the Division of
NINDS requires a central image repository to address Computational Bioscience of the Center for Information
questions of stroke pathophysiology and imaging Technology at the NIH including H. Cheung, C. A. Johnson,
biomarkers in stroke clinical trials by analyzing images K. M. Kempner, P. J. Munson, T. J. Pohida, J. I. Powell, P.
obtained from a large number of clinical trials conducted by J. Steinbach, and B. L. Trus.
government, academic and pharmaceutical industry
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