CA&LD Assignment

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Name: Amina riaz

Roll No: 20-BSE-005

Course Title: Computer Architecture and

Logic Design

Department: Software engineering

Section: BSE 3(A)

Submitted To: Irum

The Evolution of Computers
Computers are used in almost all the places nowadays. Over the years, computers have gone
through many changes in their size, speed, appearance and technologies. The first computer was
conceived as a machine of cogs and gears but only became practical in the 1950s and 60s with the
invention of semi-conductors. In the 1970s, a hardware company called IBM emerged as the computing
leader. Computing has re-invented itself every decade  

Charles Babbage (1791-1871) designed the first automatic computing engine. He invented computers
but failed to build them. Difference Engine No. 2, built faithfully to the original drawings, consists of
8,000 parts, weighs five tons, and measures 11 feet.


the Chinese developed the Abacus which helped in counting large numbers. It was made up of a wooden
frame with rods. F-ach rod had a definite number of beads. The abacus was the first calculating device.

Napier's bones:
Napier's bones was invented by ,Iohn Napier in t6t7. lt consisted of rectangular rods made up of bone,
ivory, wood or metal. These rectangular rods had numbers written on them. Napier's bones was mainly
used for multiplication.

Pascaline calculator:
The Pascaline calculator was developed by Blaise Pascal in 't642. lt was a rectangular box. Numbers were
displayed on the rotating wheels. lt was mainly developed for accounting purposes. The first Pascaline
could handle only 5-digit numbers, but later versions were able to handle 6- and 8-digit numbers as well.

Difference engine:
The difference engine was designed by Charles Babbage in r8zz. It was designed to do mathematical
operations automatically. lt was one of the earliest automatic calculators.

Analytical engine:
The analytical engine was developed by Charles Babbage in 1837. lt was a new kind of mechanical
computer that could solve complex calculations including multiplication and division. The basic parts of
the analytical engine resembled the components of a simple computer system. lt had five units input,
output, store, mill and control.

Generations of computers
The computer has evolved from a large-sized simple calculating machine to a smaller but much more
powerful machine. There are five generations of computers. Each generation used a different

First generation computers

They used vacuum tubes. They used punch cards for input and output of data. They calculated data in
milliseconds. A They were very large in size but had small storage capacity. They were slow in speed.
They consumed a large amount of energy. Examples: ENIAC and UNIVAC. The ENIAC (Electronic
Numerical lntegrator and Calculator) was the first electronic computer developed by Eckert and j.
Mauchly in 1946.

Second generation computers:

They were smaller in size than the first generation computers. They used transistors instead of vacuum
tubes. They used punch cards and magnetic tapes for input and output of data. They were faster,
cheaper and more efficient than the first generation computers. Q They could calculate data in
microseconds. They were costly and could be used only for specific Purposes. Examples: IBM 1401, RCA
5o1, Honeyruell 2oo.

Third generation computers:

They used lntegrated Circuits (lcs) in place of transistors. An lC is also called a chip and may contain
thousands of transistors. They used keyboard for input of data and monitor for its output. They were

smaller, faster, cheaper and more efficient than the early computers. Hence, they were made available
to the general public. Examples: IBM 36o, Apple 1, lCL 19oo.
Fourth generation computers:
They are more powerful and reliable than the previous generation computers. . They use
microprocessors. Microprocessors are Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) circuits which contain many lCs
on a single chip. . They use keyboard, mouse, scanner and so on of data; and monitor, printer, speakers
and so on for its output. They have high storage capacity. . They are much smaller, faster and the
cheapest among all the generations. Examples: IBM PC, Apple Macintosh, HP 9ooo

Fifth generation computers (present-future):

The fifth generation computers are still under development. They are expected to have the following
capabilities. . Use of super large-scale integrated chips. Artificial intelligence, a technology that enables

a computer to think like humans and perform human - like tasks such as voice recognition, decision-
making, and translation between Ianguages. Ability to recognize image Robots use artificial intelligence
(At) and voice Ability to solve complex problems including decision-making and logical reasoning.

Generation Technology lnput/Output Main characteristic Examples

First (1940-1958) Vacuum tubes Punch cards  Slow in speed ENIAC, UNIVAC
 Required lot of
 Power
 Very large in
 Very expensive
Second (1959-1963) Transistors Punch cards  Smaller IBM 1401, RCA 5ol
Magnetic tapes
Smaller, faster and
 faster and
cheaper IBM 1401,
RCA 5ol
Third (rg6t+-197o) lntegrated circuits Keyboard for input  Smaller, faster IBM 360, Apple
(Chips) Monitor for and cheaper.
output .
 lncreased
storage capacity
 Available to
general public
Fourth (1971-present) Microprocessors Keyboard, mouse,  High storage IBM PC, Apple
scanner and so on macintosh
for input; monitor,
 capacity Could
process millions
printer, speakers
of instructions
and so on for
in a second
Fifth (Present-future) ArtificiaI intelligence Touchscreen, Robots
voice recognition  Use super large-
scale integrated
chips Ability to
think like
humans Ability
to recognize
image and voice

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