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Ettore F. Bompard, Daniele Grosso

 Energy flows: from sources to sinks

 Energy services and energy consumption
 Global energy figures
 Energy trade and energy security
 Issues with the current energy paradigm
o The “energy trilemma”
o Sustainability and health issues
o Socio-economic issues
o Security issues
 The need for a change of paradigm

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PHYSICAL Physical energy flows, related to the main items of the energy balance
(production, import/export, transformation and consumption)

ECONOMIC Economic impacts on the GDP of a country related to the energy mix

Environmental implications, related to the energy mix, to the contribution of

ENVIRONMENTAL fossil fuels and RES and to GHG and air pollutant emissions

Geopolitical implications, related to the composition and diversification of

GEOPOLITICAL the energy supply, to the energy import dependency and to the effects on
the energy security

Impacts on households and citizens in terms of incidence of energy

expenditures on income and health consequences related to the energy mix

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Capability of individuals or households of satisfying their needs for energy services at an 
affordable cost w.r.t. their income

Ratio between the obtained output and the amount of energy needed for getting
EFFICIENCY it. Enhance energy efficiency means to obtain the same output (e.g. a given
service) using less energy

Capability of meeting the current needs without compromising the ability of future 
generations to meet their own needs, in particular – w.r.t. the environment – without 
SUSTAINABILITY modifying the natural cycles more than the natural resilience allows, and without 
impoverish the natural resources that has to be shared with future generations

Capability of ensuring the availability of energy, according to its different typologies and 
end uses, in the needed quantity, where it is requested, in a short‐, mid‐ and long‐term 
SECURITY time horizon with fair and sustainable prices to match the individual, national or global 

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Primary Commodities Secondary Commodities Solids
Anthracite Gas coke Natural Gas
Coking coal Patent fuel
Other bituminous coal
Brown coal briquettes
Sub-bituminous coal Coal tar Renewables
Lignite Manufactured gases Nuclear
Natural gas Coke oven gas Electricity
Crude oil Gas works gas Heat
Natural gas liquids Blast furnace gas
Other hydrocarbons Other recovered gases
Hydro Refinery feedstocks
Additives and oxygenates (excluding biofuel portion)
Refinery gas
 Energy commodities can be
Solar thermal and PV Ethane classified in
Tide, wave, ocean Liquefied petroleum gases (LPG)
Ambient heat (heat pumps) Naphtha
Primary solid biofuels Aviation gasoline
 Primary: extracted or
Charcoal Motor gasoline (excluding biofuel portion) captured directly from
Pure and blended biogasoline Gasoline-type jet fuel
Pure and blended biodiesels Kerosene-type jet fuel (excluding biofuel portion) natural resources
Pure and blended bio jet kerosene Other kerosene
Industrial waste (non-renewable)
Gas oil and diesel oil (excluding biofuel portion)
Fuel oil
 Secondary: coming from the
Renewable and non-renweable municipal waste White spirit and special boiling point industrial spirits transformation of primary
Non-renewable waste Lubricants
Nuclear heat Paraffin waxes energy commodities
Petroleum coke

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 Coking coal: coal with a quality that allows the production of a coke suitable to support a blast furnace charge.
 Natural Gas Liquids: liquid or liquefied hydrocarbons produced in the manufacture, purification and stabilization
of natural gas. Their characteristics vary, ranging from those of ethane, butane and propane to heavy oils.
NGL’s are either distilled with crude oil in refineries, blended with refined petroleum products or used directly
 Charcoal: lightweight black carbon residue produced by strongly heating wood in minimal oxygen to remove all
water and volatile constituents
 Gas coke: by-product of hard coal used for the production of town gas in gas works
 Patent fuel: composition fuel manufactured from hard coal fines with the addition of a binding agent
 Brown coal briquettes: compressed blocks, manufactured by pressing these dried brown coal particles
 Coal tar: by-product of bituminous coal, containing a tar-like substance called bitumen, or asphalt
 Manufactured gas: combustible gaseous mixtures (as carbureted water gas or producer gas) made from coal or
coke for use as a fuel, illuminant, or raw material for synthesis
 Coke oven gas: by-product of the manufacture of coke oven coke for the production of iron and steel
 Gas works gas: all types of gas produced in public utility or private plants, like gas produced by carbonisation,
by total gasification, by cracking of natural gas, and by reforming and simple mixing of gases and/or air
 Blast furnace gas: produced during the combustion of coke in blast furnaces in the iron and steel industry;
mainly used as a fuel partly within the plant and partly in other steel industry processes
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 Refinery feedstock: product or combination of products derived from crude oil and destined for further
processing other than blending in the refining industry. It is transformed into one or more components and/or
finished products
 Additives: non-hydrocarbon substances added to or blended with a product to modify its properties, f.i. to
improve its combustion characteristics
 Refinery gas: gas obtained during distillation of crude oil or treatment of oil products (e.g. cracking) in refineries.
It consists mainly of hydrogen, methane, ethane and olefins
 White spirit: refined distillate intermediates with a distillation in the naphtha/kerosene range
 Paraffin waxes: saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons; are residues extracted when dewaxing lubricant oils. they are
colourless, odourless and translucent, with a melting point >45 °C
 Petroleum coke: black solid residue, obtained mainly by cracking and carbonising of petroleum derived
feedstocks, vacuum bottoms, tar and pitches. It consists mainly of carbon (90-95%) and has a low ash content.
It is used as a feedstock in coke ovens for the steel industry, for heating purposes, for electrode manufacture
and for production of chemicals

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Energy Services
Needs (e.g. space heating and cooling, cooking, lighting, industrial process heat, mobility of
passengers and goods, …) that require the use energy commodities (primary or secondary) in ad
hoc end-use technologies (e.g. stoves, heat pumps, air conditioners, lamps, industrial ovens, cars,
trains, ships, aircrafts, ...) to be satisfied

Energy System

Production Transmission Transformation

Final Uses
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TPES: Total Primary Energy Supply. Inland demand of primary energy of a country

+ - +/-
Internal production Net import Bunkers Stock changes

TFC: Total Final Consumption. Sum of consumption by the different end-use sectors

+ + +
Industry Residential Commerce & Services Transport

+ +
Agriculture Other non-energy uses
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3 times

Annual consumption
Annual electricity consumption of a car: 28.7 GJ
of a household: 9.7 GJ

11 times
World annual TPES:
576.1 EJ
EU annual TPES:
66.9 EJ
2017 Data. Source: IEA Statistics
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Size1 Population2 Energy Consumption2 Energy Consumption per capita  GDP PPP2 GDP PPP/Capita 


km2 %  pu M  %  pu Quadrillion Btu %  pu Mbtu/person Billion $2010 pu $/person  pu

1 Europe 6,396,102 4 1.0 617 8 1.0 81.80 13 1.0 132.6 20,978 1.0 34,012 1.0

2 Eurasia 22,306,138 15 3.5 292 4 0.5 45.43 7 0.6 155.5 5,089 0.6 17,415 0.6

Asia, Middle East & 
3 35,580,486 24 5.6 4,337 58 7.0 278.62 44 3.4 64.2 50,906 3.4 11,736 3.4

4 Africa  27,507,346 19 4.3 1,213 16 2.0 19.84 3 0.2 16.4 5,585 0.2 4,604 0.2

5 North America  19,820,470 14 3.1 487 7 0.8 175.28 28 2.1 359.9 20,648 2.1 42,395 2.1

6 Central & South America  20,426,078 14 3.2 511 7 0.8 28.95 5 0.4 56.6 6,753 0.4 13,206 0.4

7 Antarctic 14,000,000 10 2.2 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

Total  146,036,621 100 7,458 100 629.91 100 109,959 14,744

GDP (Gross Domestic Product): the total market value of all final goods and services produced in a country in a given year, equal to the total consumer, investment and government
spending, plus the value of exports, minus the value of imports.
GDP PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) is the GDP converted to international dollars using purchasing power parity rates. An international dollar has the same purchasing power over GDP
as a U.S. dollar has in the United States. Purchasing power parities (PPPs) are the rates of currency conversion that eliminate the differences in price levels between countries.
1 Elaboration based on
2 Elaboration based on
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production 167.549 190.442 ‐ 143.639 30.461 15.195 56.539 13.513 617.338 171496.5
imports 35.644 102.662 56.858 42.995 ‐ ‐ 1.341 2.589 242.089 67252.32
exports ‐37.098 ‐102.077 ‐60.177 ‐44.313 ‐ ‐ World TPES
‐1.076 ‐2.606 ‐247.347 ‐68713
stock changes ‐3.72 ‐0.177 ‐0.167 ‐1.537 ‐ ‐ 168 000 TWh
0.009 ‐ ‐5.591 ‐1553.18
TOTAL PRIMARY ENERGY SUPPLY (TPES) 162.376 190.851 ‐3.486 140.784 30.461 15.195 56.813 13.496 606.490 168482.9
Transfers             ‐0.104 ‐9.823 11.218 ‐ ‐ ‐ 0‐ 1.291 358.6
Statistical diff.     ‐1.85 0.839 ‐0.107 ‐0.881 ‐ ‐ 0.033 0.998 ‐0.968 ‐268.9
Electricity plants    ‐72.727 ‐1.417 ‐5.727 ‐38.996 ‐30.315 ‐15.195 ‐5.156 71.087 ‐98.445 ‐27348.0
CHP plants            ‐29.624 0 ‐0.575 ‐13.993 ‐0.146 ‐ Primary Energy to
‐3.364 26.012 ‐21.69 ‐6025.5
Heat plants          
Blast furnaces
‐7.902 ‐
‐0.022 ‐0.359
‐2.552 ‐
‐0.001 ‐

Electricity ‐0.54
‐0.002 ‐
4.087 ‐0.428
Gas works             ‐0.706 ‐ ‐0.12 0.254 ‐ ‐ 27 000 TWh ‐0.04 ‐ ‐0.612 ‐170.0
Coke ovens ‐4.138 ‐ ‐0.086 ‐0.001 ‐ ‐ ~16% of TPES ‐0.005 ‐ ‐4.23 ‐1175.1
Oil refineries       ‐ ‐182.111 178.099 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐4.012 ‐1114.5
Petchem. plants ‐ 1.501 ‐1.493 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 0.009 2.5
Liquefaction          ‐0.953 0.892 ‐ ‐0.73 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐0.791 ‐219.7
Other transf.         ‐0.012 0.562 ‐0.025 ‐0.999 ‐ ‐ ‐3.637 ‐0.024 ‐4.135 ‐1148.7
Energy ind. own use               ‐3.433 ‐0.357 ‐8.949 ‐13.438 ‐ ‐ ‐0.68 ‐10.182 ‐37.039 ‐10289.4
Distribution losses   ‐0.099 ‐0.317 ‐0.008 ‐1.041 ‐ ‐ ‐0.008 ‐8.082 ‐9.554 ‐2654.1
TOTAL TRANSFORMATION ‐122.59 ‐190.25 171.862 ‐72.378 ‐30.461 ‐15.2 ‐13.399 83.896 ‐188.516 ‐52369.7
Industry sector    32.571 0.065 12.208 25.7 ‐ ‐ 9.895 40.54 120.979 33608.0
Transport sector  0.04 0 110.471 4.963 116 000‐ TWh
‐ 3.987 1.51 120.972 33606.0
Other sectors      5.101 0.001 17.752 29.591 ~ 69% of‐ TPES
‐ 29.533 55.342 137.319 38147.2
Non–energy use  2.074 0.533 27.945 8.152 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 38.703 10751.7
TOTAL FINAL CONSUMPTION (TFC) 39.786 0.599 168.376 68.406 43.415 97.392 417.973 116112.9

Source: IEA Key World Energy Statistics 2019

Updated data on
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Total Value  Non‐Energy 
Energy Source Industry (%) Transport (%) Others  (%)
(Mtoe) Use(%)

Coal 950 81.9% 0.1% 5.2% 12.8%

Oil 4,035 7.3% 65.4% 16.9% 10.5%

Natural Gas 1,634 37.6% 7.3% 11.9% 43.3%

Electricity 1,964 41.9% 1.8% 0.0% 56.3%

Source :

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Indicator Unit World China India Russia U.S. EU28
Value p.u. Value p.u. Value p.u. Value p.u. Value p.u. Value p.u.
Population M pers. 7,666 1.00 1,398 0.18 1,366 0.18 144 0.02 328 0.04 447 0.06

Surface km2 134,542,704 1.00 9,600,012 0.07 3,287,259 0.02 17,098,250 0.13 9,831,510 0.07 4,383,564 0.03

GDP G$ 2010 84,165 1.00 14,318 0.17 2,717 0.03 1,445 0.02 19,975 0.24 14,765 0.17

GDP PPP G$ 2010 127207 1.00 23,035 0.18 9,247 0.07 3,738 0.03 19,975 0.16 19,850 0.16

TPES Mtoe 14486 1.00 3,389 0.24 938 0.06 773 0.05 2,212 0.15 1,574 0.11

TFC Mtoe 9,983 1.00 2,093 0.21 630 0.06 521 0.05 1,588 0.16 1,142 0.11

En. Dependency % ‐ ‐ 21.7 ‐ 38.7 ‐ ‐91.2 ‐ ‐0.9 ‐ 60.0 ‐

En. intensity with GDP PJ/G$ 7.21 1.00 9.91 1.37 14.45 2 22.38 3.1 4.64 0.64 3.7 0.51

En. intensity with GDP PPP PJ/G$ 4.77 1.00 6.16 1.29 4.25 0.89 8.65 1.81 4.64 0.97 3.1 0.65

CO2 emiss. Mt 33,622 1.00 9,876 0.29 2,310 0.07 1,640 0.05 4,745 0.14 2,994 0.09

TPES = Total Primary Energy Supply, TFC = Total Final Consumption, Source: IEA Statistics – 2019 values

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4.3 1.5 1.4 1.7 1.2

World: times times times times times

China: U.S.: EU: India: Russia:

3,389 2,212 1,574 938 773


4.8 1.3 1.4 1.8 1.2

World: times times times times times

China: U.S.: EU: India: Russia:

2,093 1,588 1,142 630 521

Values in Mtoe (1 Mtoe = 0.041868 EJ = 11.63 TWh) Source: IEA Statistics – 2019 data

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 Each country has energy needs that – to be satisfied – require the consumption of a given amount
of energy commodities (TFC)
 Consequently, the availability of the TPES is necessary

 The availability of internal energy resources is different for each country and for each commodity →
the relative weight of internal production and net import in the TPES composition can widely vary
among countries:
 Some countries (net exporters) have a large availability of one or more energy commodities
w.r.t. their internal demand → can sell a part of their energy production
 Other countries (net importers) have a scarcity of one or more energy commodities w.r.t. their
internal demand → have to buy a given amount of these commodities for ensuring the needed
The purchased energy commodities depend on the energy mix of the country → at least in the
short- and mid-term are subject to a technological lock-in related to the already made
investments in infrastructures and end-use technologies
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 Energy exporters earn money from the sell of energy commodities

 Exporting countries could be also “rentier states”: in political-sciences rentier states are states which
obtain the whole or a significant part of their revenues from the rent of indigenous resources (like oil &
gas ones) to external clients. Examples: Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Qatar, Algeria, Libya
 Export of energy commodities corresponds to significant economic values, which impact on the GDP
of the country. Examples:

Russia: Saudi Arabia:

 Energy export: 194 G$  Energy export: 130 G$
 GDP: 1680 G$  GDP: 684 G$
→ 11.5% → 19.0%

Algeria: Turkmenistan:
 Energy export: 36 G$  Energy export: 6.5 G$
 GDP: 199 G$  GDP: 42 G$
→ 18.0% → 15.4%
Source: The Observatory of Economic Complexity (2017)

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Import dependency by commodity (%) ‐ 2016
Country Region Coal Oil Gas
 Countries characterised by scarcity of
Belgium Europe 94.7% 99.8% 100.0% energy commodities have to become
importers, enhancing their energy import
Spain Europe 73.8% 99.0% 98.7% dependency
Germany Europe 49.5% 95.5% 88.6%
Netherlands Europe 91.0% 98.4% ‐32.8%
France Europe 93.4% 96.6% 99.0% 𝑇𝑃𝐸𝑆
𝐸𝑛. 𝑑𝑒𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦
United Kingdom
𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡 𝐵𝑢𝑛𝑘𝑒𝑟𝑠
Ukraine Europe 31.2% 17.9% 34.4%
Romania Europe 19.6% 67.7% 13.0%
Hungary Europe 34.1% 86.3% 78.9%
Slovakia Europe 83.2% 97.1% 92.9%
Austria Europe 95.5% 88.0% 85.8%  This creates trans-national and trans-
Israel Middle East 95.1% 97.3% 3.7% continental flows of energy commodities
Jordan Middle East 100.0% 99.2% 97.4%
Turkey Western Asia 61.0% 91.2% 98.3% between exporters and importers
Philippines Southeast Asia 57.2% 94.8% 0.0%
Thailand Southeast Asia 92.4% 61.7% 31.5%
Vietnam Southeast Asia 23.3% ‐66.8% 0.0%
Singapore Southeast Asia 100.0% 100.0% 99.6%
Pakistan South Asia 66.0% 66.5% 0.0%
Bangladesh South Asia 64.2% 80.1% 0.0% Negative values correspond to net export of the considered commodity
China Eastern Asia 6.5% 67.4% 32.9% Source: elaboration based on IEA data
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 The possibility of ensuring the flows of energy commodities between exporters and importers is related
to 2 conditions:
 Availability of energy infrastructures for transporting the commodities (oil and gas pipelines, power
lines, LNG liquefaction and regasification terminals, oil and coal ports, railways, roads, etc.) →
technological condition
 Political and commercial relationships between the buyer and the seller → geopolitical condition
 Energy supply is a key element for both importers and exporters:
 For importers: it involves economic competitiveness, also considering the relevant investments
globally made (in 2018, > 1.8 trillion USD, about 2.1% of world GDP), social aspects (in particular,
the affordability for citizens, in order to avoid “energy poverty” conditions) and environment (the type
of energy mix impacts on air quality and health of citizens)
 For exporters: because the sale of energy commodity contributes to the GDP formation → can
enhance the economic status; furthermore, it can increase their political weight in the global context

Strategical Interaction
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Oil pipelines 1 – Crude oil

Gas pipelines
CAPTIVE 2 – Refined petroleum products

Power lines
3a – Natural gas

Oil tanker 3b – Liquefied natural gas

LNG tanker
OPEN SEA 4 – Coal
Coal tanker

Biomass tanker
5 – Electricty

OTHER Road freight transport 6 – Biomass

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Energy supply corridors are a key element that impacts on the


level of a given country. Energy security can be defined as:

The capability of ensuring the availability of energy, according to its different

typologies and end uses, in the needed quantity, where it is requested, in a short,
mid- and long-term time horizon with fair and sustainable prices to match the
individual, national or global needs

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 Internal front:
involves the availability of internal resources of primary energy
commodities and the resilience of the energy system w.r.t.
potential failures of the internal transmission/distribution
infrastructures (oil & gas pipelines, power lines, etc.) and
transformation plants (LNG terminals, power plants, refineries)
 External front:
involves the supply of energy commodities from abroad → the
level of geopolitical security of the source countries, the
security of the energy corridors (both captive or open sea)
along their routes and the impacts of the unavailability of these

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 The security of energy supply is related to
 The functioning of energy infrastructures
 The geopolitical situation
 3 kinds of threats related to energy security can be identified

Extreme natural events (floods, tsunamis, earthquakes, wildfires, etc.)

NATURAL leading to disruptions or unavailability of the infrastructures and
requiring an evaluation of their criticality status and resilience

Unintentional technical failures causing the unavailability of the

ACCIDENTAL infrastructure. More frequent than natural and intentional threats, which
are low-frequency and (for intentional threats) unpredictable

Deliberate actions (sabotages, physical and cyber attacks by antagonistic

INTENTIONAL or terroristic groups) against an infrastructure chosen as relevant target or
international geopolitical tensions impacting on the energy supply
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Assessment of Geopolitical Risk
The energy flows can thus be subject to:
 Physical risk:
the entire flow or a part of it can be lost as a
consequence of a physical
failure/unavailability of the related
 Geopolitical risk:
the entire flow or a part of it can be lost as a
consequence political tensions among
countries involved in the supply, even if the
related infrastructures are properly

Expected supply = Total energy flow – Amount at risk

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 Energy is crucial for the whole world population, from survival to welfare, for ensuring the
fulfilment of the non-physiological human needs, for improving the quality of life of people and
for ensuring the evolution of humanity and also for helping to satisfy basic needs
 However, with the current paradigm based on fossil fuels, several issues are on the table
and have to be addressed

“People need clean air to breathe, safe water to drink, healthy food to eat, energy to
produce and transport goods, and natural resources that provide the raw materials for all
these services”
(UN Environment Assembly)
“Although energy itself is not a basic human need, it is critical for the fulfilment of all
needs. Lack of access to diverse and affordable energy services means that the basic
needs of many people are not being met”
UN Secretary – WEHAB Initiative

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Energy accounts for 2/3 of global
GHG emissions

+90% of air pollution is due to

fossil fuel combustion

About 1Bn people do not have ENERGY

access to electricity TRILEMMA

High energy dependency for

many countries (e.g. Italy 76.3%)
Sustainability Security

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 The strong increase in the anthropogenic
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions w.r.t.
the pre-industrial levels has led to
atmospheric concentrations of CO2, CH4
and N2O that have not been reached in the
last 800,000 years

 Extremely high probability that this could

be the major cause of the global warming
observed since the mid of the 20th century

 The estimated contribution of

anthropogenic forcings (in
particular, GHG emissions) is
coherent with the observed warming
 Experimental data are coherent
with model results only if
anthropogenic forcings are
Source: IPCC - Climate Change 2014: Synthesis Report
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In 2018 fossil fuels accounted for Global CO2 Emissions - 2018

81.2% of the global TPES
United States
32% EU
Fossil fuels are responsible for 9% Russia
most of GHG emissions (74%) China
Total CO2 emissions (2018):
3% Japan
33.5 Gt 7% Rest of the World
(+63.4% w.r.t. 1990 value)

6 countries or areas accounted for about 68% of the overall CO2 emissions

These countries are requested to implement particular efforts in pursuing strategies for mid-/long-
term decarbonisation
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Source: IEA Key World Energy Statistics 2021

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Source: IEA Key World Energy Statistics 2021

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February 28th, 2022 419.28 ppm

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Russia: 0.43

EU-28: 0.13
United States: 0.22 China: 0.42

India: 0.25
Africa: 0.20

Brazil: 0.13

Australia: 0.32

World: 0.26
Source: IEA Statistics

𝐂𝐎𝟐 𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐤𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐎𝟐

𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐨𝐧 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐤𝐠⁄𝐔𝐒𝐃

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 Carbon dioxide (CO2):  Global land and ocean

by combustion of fossil fuels, surface temperature:
biomass and solid wastes +0.85 [0.65÷1.06] °C
and by chemical reactions over the period 1880-
(f.i. cement manufacturing) 2012
 Methane (CH4):  Arctic sea-ice extent:
Lead to
by coal, natural gas and oil -3.5÷4.1% per decade
industry, by organic wastes over the period 1979-
and by agriculture 2012
 Nitrous oxide (N2O):
 Global mean sea level:
by agriculture and industrial
+0.19 [0.17÷0.21] m
sector and by fossil fuels and
over the period 1901-
solid wastes combustion
 Fluorinated gases (HFC,
PFC, SF6, NF3): Source: IPCC - Climate Change 2014: Synthesis Report

by industrial processes CLIMATE CHANGES

E. F.Bompard – E-Transition, Sustainability and Economics- 39
Natural origin (f.i. wildfires and volcanoes) or output of anthropic activities:
 Sulphur oxides (SOX), especially SO2
 Nitrogen oxides (NOX)
 Particulate matter (PM), mixture of liquid droplets and particles, classified according to their
dimensions (e.g. PM2.5 → 2.5 µm, PM10 → 10 µm)
 Volatile organic compounds (VOC), hydrocarbons and chemicals with high volatility and
evaporation capability
 Carbon monoxide (CO), from incomplete combustion processes
 Ammonia (NH3)

Derive from the primary ones through reactions in the atmosphere. Among them:
 Ozone (O3), by the reaction between hydrocarbons and NOX in presence of sunlight
E. F.Bompard – E-Transition, Sustainability and Economics- 40

Global pollutant emissions from energy sector (2015)

SO2 NOx PM2.5
Mt p.u. Mt p.u. Mt p.u.
China 22 0.27 23 0.21 9 0.26
U.S. 4 0.05 13 0.12 1 0.03
EU 3 0.04 7 0.07 1 0.03
Russia 4 0.05 4 0.04 1 0.03
India 9 0.11 7 0.07 6 0.17
Middle East 4 0.05 6 0.06 1 0.03
Africa 6 0.07 6 0.06 8 0.23
Southeast Asia 4 0.05 6 0.06 3 0.09
Latin America 3 0.04 6 0.06 2 0.06
World 81 1.00 107 1.00 35 1.00
Source: IEA - WEO Energy and Air Pollution Special Report

E. F.Bompard – E-Transition, Sustainability and Economics- 41

World: 81 Mt

World: 35 Mt

World: 107 Mt

Source: IEA - WEO Energy and Air Pollution Special Report

E. F.Bompard – E-Transition, Sustainability and Economics- 42

The use of energy commodities is directly or
indirectly responsible for the majority of the
pollutant emissions:

 >99% for SO2, NOX

 >90% for CO
 >80% for PM2.5
 >60% for VOC

Air pollution leads to:

 Health
 Economic and
 Environmental effects
Source: IEA - WEO Energy and Air Pollution Special Report

Source: IEA - WEO Energy and Air Pollution Special Report

E. F.Bompard – E-Transition, Sustainability and Economics- 43

 With the exception

of ammonia, the
majority of pollutant
emissions from
human activities are
energy related

Source: IEA - WEO Energy and Air Pollution Special Report

E. F.Bompard – E-Transition, Sustainability and Economics- 44
Deaths attributed to air pollution (2012) Years of life lost attributed to air pollution (2012)

Households: heating and cooking with biomass; lighting with kerosene

Outdoors: power generation and transport sector
Source: IEA - WEO Energy and Air Pollution Special Report

Health effects:
 PM → lung cancer, chronic pulmonary and heart diseases
 Household air pollution → > 50% of premature deaths (children < 5 y.o.) due to pneumonia
 O3, NO2, SO2 → asthma, bronchial and lung disease
 Air pollution → tuberculosis, throat cancers, cataracts, low birth weight
E. F.Bompard – E-Transition, Sustainability and Economics- 45

Share of deaths from outdoor air pollution, 2017 Share of deaths from indoor air pollution, 2017

6% of global 3% of global
deaths attributed Italy 4.8% in deaths attributed Italy 0.06%
to OUTDOOR air 2017 to INDOOR air in 2017
pollution pollution

E. F.Bompard – E-Transition, Sustainability and Economics- 46


The number of deaths due to outdoor air pollution has increased in many countries
(mainly not developed/developing countries)

Outdoor air pollution deaths in 1990 vs. 2017

The global number of deaths from
outdoor air pollution has increased
Higher in 
The scatterplot shows the comparison
between the number of deaths from
outdoor air pollution in 1990 (y-axis)
and the number in 2017 (x-axis).
Higher in 
2017  Countries which lie above the line had
a higher number of deaths in 1990;
 Countries which lie below the line had
a higher number in 2017

E. F.Bompard – E-Transition, Sustainability and Economics- 47


Pollutant Health Effects 2005 2010 Deaths due to PM 2.5 in 2010 Deaths due to NO2 in 2010

Exposure of population (μg/m3) 20.1 15.8
PM 2.5 Deaths 34552 21524
Months of life lost 9.7 5.5
Exposure of population (μg/m3) 24.7 17.9
Deaths 23387 11993
Exposure of population (μg/m3) 105.1 108.2
Deaths 1707 1858

E. F.Bompard – E-Transition, Sustainability and Economics- 48

 Air pollution is particularly relevant at urban scale:
Deaths per 100,000 persons due to
household and ambient air pollution (2016)
PM Concentration in several World Urban Areas

PM Concentration (μg/m3) 





Source: WHO, Joint effect of household and ambient air pollution, 2018

PM10 PM2.5 WHO Guideline PM10 WHO Guideline PM2.5

This issue is particularly relevant for mega-cities
Source: PoliTO elaboration based on WHO Ambient Air Quality Database, 2018 located in low-/medium-income countries
E. F.Bompard – E-Transition, Sustainability and Economics- 49
 The PM (and, more in general, the air pollutant) exposure is particularly relevant in low-
/medium-income countries
 The PM exposure level in Italy is higher than the average of the European Union
Mean annual exposure ‐ Country


The World Bank, Open Data, 2017


PM2.5 (μg/m3)

50 45,53



20 16,75 16,16

10 7,41

China European Union India Italy Russian Federation United States Uzbekistan World
E. F.Bompard – E-Transition, Sustainability and Economics- 50

E. F.Bompard – E-Transition, Sustainability and Economics- 51


Source: Electrify Italy; PoliTO, MIT, Enel Foundation

Per capita final consumption Gini index

The Gini index measures the extent to which the distribution of a variable deviates from a perfectly
equal distribution (0 = perfect equal distribution; 1 = perfect unequal distribution)

E. F.Bompard – E-Transition, Sustainability and Economics- 52

 The Gini index has been developed for measuring the
distance between a country’s distribution of income among
individuals and a perfectly equal distribution
 A Lorenz curve plots the cumulative percentage of total
income received against the cumulative number of recipients,
from lowest to highest incomes.
50%  The Gini index is defined as the area (A) between the Lorentz
curve and the line of perfect equality (45° line) divided by the
total area (A+B) under the line of equality  G = A/(A+B) =
2A = 1-2B
 G is equal to 0 in case of perfect equality and 1 in case of
15% perfect inequality
 Lorentz curve and Gini index can be also used to estimate
50% the distribution of energy consumption among the
individuals of a certain country or the distribution of energy
consumption among different countries
With a perfectly equal With the unequal distribution
distribution, 50% of population described by the Lorentz curve, 50%
holds 50% of income of population holds 15% of income
E. F.Bompard – E-Transition, Sustainability and Economics- 53
 Since the Lorenz curve it is not always completely available as continuous function, but only some points of it
are available, and therefore interpolation is requested, a simple way for calculating the Gini index is to
approximate the area B under the Lorentz curve as the sum of the areas of trapezoids among the known points:

B · 𝑌 𝑌 · 𝑋 𝑋


A 0.5 0.5 · ∑ 𝑌 𝑌 · 𝑋 𝑋
Yk‐1 G
A B 0.5
Xk‐1 Xk 1 𝑌 𝑌 · 𝑋 𝑋

E. F.Bompard – E-Transition, Sustainability and Economics- 54

The availability (and affordability) of electricity is strongly related to income: electricity access is low in
poorer countries, and increases as income increases. In 2016, 940 million (13% of the world) did not
have access to electricity

Number of people without access to electricity (1990-2016)

Number of people without access to electricity, 2016

E. F.Bompard – E-Transition, Sustainability and Economics- 55


Access to electricity vs. GDP per capita, 2016

Higher GDP: > 80% of population have 
Focus on low-
income countries access to electricity

Lower GDP: < 50% of population have 
access to electricity
E. F.Bompard – E-Transition, Sustainability and Economics- 56
Fossil fuel consumption (MWh) per capita, 2019 Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia,
Oman (high GDP per capita): highest
fossil fuels consumption per capita
Per capita fossil fuel consumption (MWh) vs GDP per capita (2017)

India and China (low GDP per capita): lower

fossil fuels consumption per capita than Italy

E. F.Bompard – E-Transition, Sustainability and Economics- 57


E. F.Bompard – E-Transition, Sustainability and Economics- 58


E. F.Bompard – E-Transition, Sustainability and Economics- 59


EU: 58.2 %

Italy: 76.3 %

2018 data

E. F.Bompard – E-Transition, Sustainability and Economics- 60

Classification of fossil reserves
The ratio between proved reserves and
 Proved reserves: current production provides a measure of the
≥ 90% probability that the resources are remaining time availability of fossil fuels
recoverable in a profitable way
 Probable reserves:
Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2020
Probability that the resources are recoverable
R/P ratio [years] (2019)
in a profitable way ranging between 50% and
90% Country Oil Gas Coal
North America 27.2 13.3 367.0
 Possible reserves:
South and Central America 143.8 46.0 152.0
Probability that the resources are recoverable
Europe 11.6 14.2 244.0
in a profitable way ranging between 10% and
50% Russia and Central Asia 27.3 75.8 338.0
Middle East 75.3 108.7 ‐
1P reserves = proved reserves Africa 41.0 62.7 57.0
Asia Pacific 16.4 26.3 77.0
2P reserves = 1P + probable reserves
World 49.9 49.8 132.0
3P reserves = 2P + possible reserves
E. F.Bompard – E-Transition, Sustainability and Economics- 61

Relevant amount of fossil reserves are located in politically unstable countries

Oil proved reserves Natural gas proved reserves Coal proved reserves

share of  trillion cubic  share of  R/P ratio 
109 barrels R/P ratio million tons share of total R/P ratio (year)
total meter total (year)
China 25.96 1.50% 18.19 8.40 4.47% 43.30 143197.00 13.33% 36.70
India 4.54 0.26% 16.11 1.30 0.69% 55.60 111052.00 10.34% 146.80
Iraq 145.02 8.37% 96.32 3.50 1.86% 336.30 ‐ ‐ ‐
Italy 0.60 0.03% 14.71 0.03 0.02% 10.90 ‐ ‐ ‐
Russian Federation 107.80 6.22% 27.61 37.40 19.88% 58.60 162166.00 15.10% 407.15
Saudi Arabia 297.53 17.17% 73.64 6.00 3.19% 53.70 ‐ ‐ ‐
US 68.76 3.97% 11.40 12.60 6.70% 13.80 248941.00 23.18% 513.59
Total Africa 125.11 7.22% 49.80 12.90 6.86% 55.70 ‐ ‐ ‐
Total Asia Pacific 45.16 2.61% 16.62 16.60 8.83% 25.40 459750.00 42.80% 78.20
Total Europe  13.63 0.79% 10.40 3.20 1.70% 14.50 137240.00 12.78% 299.08
Total Middle East 835.94 48.25% 82.56 75.80 40.30% 110.40 ‐ ‐ ‐
Total Middle East & Africa 961.05 55.48% 132.36 88.70 47.16% 166.10 16040.00 1.49% 59.59
Total World 1732.37 100.00% 53.55 188.10 100.00% 48.80 1074108.00 100.00% 139.22
BP (2020), Statistical Review of World Energy

E. F.Bompard – E-Transition, Sustainability and Economics- 62


Country risk indexes based on

the average of the 6 components
of the Worldwide Governance
Indicators (WGI) from The World
o Voice and accountability
o Political Stability and
Absence of
o Government Effectiveness
o Regulatory Quality
o Rule of Law
o Control of Corruption

0 Lower risk
100 Higher risk

2021 data
E. F.Bompard – E-Transition, Sustainability and Economics- 63


The issues related to the

energy trilemma require an
undeferrable change of
paradigm at global level, with a
transition of the energy
systems towards a strong
ENERGY reduction (and, at the end, a
TRILEMMA zeroing) of the role played by
fossil fuels, and a shift towards
a renewables-based system

Sustainability Security

E. F.Bompard – E-Transition, Sustainability and Economics- 64

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