Class X Bio Notebook Questions Slot 3transportation 2

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Life Processes
Slot 3(Transportation)
Notebook Questions

Q.1How does soil water move from root hair to root xylem?
Q.2What is the difference between pulmonary circulation and
systemic circulation?
Q3.Doctor measured blood pressure of patient A and wrote
120mmHg/80mmHg on his medical card. What does this mean?
Which instrument is used for measuring BP?.
Q.4 .Compare arteries, veins and capillaries in a tabular form.
Q.5. Explain double circulation. Represent the same (in humans)with
the help of a well labelled diagram .
Q.6 What are the four chambers of human heart? Write their
functions in points.
Q.7 What is the composition of blood? Explain.
Q.8 Differentiate between blood and lymph.
Q.9 Elaborate the process of transport of food in plants.
Q.10What do you understand by the terms systole and diastole?
What is the function of valves in heart?

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