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Problem Solving Techniques Need and benefits of using SQC Techniques


Need and benefits of

using SQC Techniques

All must be aware of the often quoted famous saying

of H.G.Wells that “Statstical thinking will one day
be as nessary for effective citizenship as the ability
to read and write”.

This was well understood by USA. They use very

effectively statistical system in all aspects of life,
particularly in commercial area.

Today, SQC system is considered to be the most

essential requirement for industry, whether it is
manufacturing or service. Dr W A Shewhart, Dr W
E Deming, Dr J M Juran, Dr Taguchi and Dr K Ishikawa
insist upon the effective use of this system to achieve
excellence in quality. Knowledge and practice of
SQC system is therefore equally important for Quality
Circle functions and Quality Improvement Team
Problem Solving Techniques Need and benefits of using SQC Techniques

Use of SQC methods Along with these tools, facilitators and workers must
also be trained in the following basic concepts for
These techniques started as a sporadic use in Japan. efficient functioning of Quality Circles.
After the Second World War, JUSE with the help of
Mr. W.E.Deming and Dr. J.M.Juran carried out a. The concept of quality.
intensive propagation and brought them to regular b. Principles and implementation concerning
use in the industries. Dr K. Ishikawa who worked ‘management and improvement’.
with them divided statistical methods into three
c. Statistical way of thinking.
2. Intermediate Statistical Methods consisting of:
1. Elementary Statistical Methods (7-tools) consisting
i. Theory of sample surveys.
i) Check-sheet (for data collection) ii. Statistical sampling inspection
ii) Stratification iii. Various methods of making statistical estimates
and tests.
iii) Graph and Control Chart
iv. Methods of utilising sensory tests.
iv) Pareto Chart
v. Methods of design of experiments.
v) Cause and Effect Diagram
vi) Histogram These methods are taught to engineers and quality
vii) Scatter Diagram control personnel effectively in Japan.

He considers them as seven indispensable tools to be 3. Advanced Statistical Methods constitute a big
used by everyone i.e. Company list but the most important ones are:
Managing Directors, Company
Directors, Middle Management, i. Advanced methods of design of experiments
Foremen and line workers. It ii. Multivariate analysis.
can be used anywhere.
ii. Various methods of operation research.
According to him 95% of all the
problems in a company can be
They are used by technicians and engineers for
solved by these tools. In Japan
optimization of processes and securing reduction in
these tools are used
effectively by top management to line workers.
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Problem Solving Techniques Need and benefits of using SQC Techniques

The use of all these three methods with computers The late Prof. P.C. Mahalanobis, founder Director of
wherever necessary, is reported to have played an Indian Statistical Institute, foresaw long ago the role
important role in the quality development in Japanese of statistics in national development when he said,
industry.(A Blackbelt under Six Sigma need to know “Statistics is the key technology of this century”.
all these methods) Keeping in mind what is stated by Prof. Mahalanobis
and Dr. K Ishikawa, we strongly advocate knowledge
Statistical methods and technological advance and effective use of basic elementary statistical
methods. After careful analysis, we have separated
The use of statistical methods including the most
graphs and control charts as two separate tools and
sophisticated methods has become deeply rooted in
added to that two more tools viz. Flow diagram and
Japan. However, one must not forget the utility of
Brainstorming. We call them Problem Solving
simple seven tools. Unless a person masters these
Techniques. It is absolutely necessary that everyone
seven tools he cannot use the more sophisticated
from the Chairman, Managing Director to grassroots
ones. As Dr K Ishikawa says “It was due to the use
level employees should learn and effectively make
of this that the quality level has risen, reliability
use of the ten problem solving tools. We are listing
has risen, and cost has fallen. The key has been
below the tools along with their use.
the dogged use of process analysis and quality
analysis without fanfare for a long period of time.
Overview of the 10 Tools
This has brought about improvement in technology.
Some contend that engineering technology
No. Name of Tool Purpose/use
enhances technology and management technology
maintains it. I do not subscribe to that claim. I
1. Flow Diagram To enable understanding of
cannot see any difference between engineering
the process/flow and
technology and management technology. The so-
locate a problem.
called control technique is part of proper
technique. One must utilize all the technology at
2. Brainstorming For generation of ideas in
his disposal to strive towards advancing quality
problem listing; listing of
and efficiency. After the Second World War,
causes in problem analysis
Japan imported many new technologies from the
and for finding solutions.
West. Nowadays, Japan can export her
technologies to the West as well. This is in large
3. Data Collection To understand the
measure a result of the introduction of statistical
magnitude of the problem
quality control and the use of statistical analysis,
and understand the
process analysis and quality analysis.”
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Problem Solving Techniques Need and benefits of using SQC Techniques

problem. It is the 8. Scatter Diagram For examining relationship

foundation for statistical between two variables;
analysis. nature and strength of
relationship between
4. Graphs Presentation of large process factors and product
amount of data in a quality. In a way, it is
cohesive manner in the also a cause and effect
pictorial form to enable approach between two
better understanding of the variables.
data and the problem and
also to comprehend the 9. Histogram For study of process
trend at a glance. variation and assess
process capability. This is
5. Stratification To segregate data an off-line quality control
according to contributing method.
sources (Suppliers,
machines, operators etc.). 10. Control Charts For maintaining running
control on a process. It is
6. Cause & Effect To map out all probable a tool for on-line quality
Diagram causes and relate the
logical linking of causes to Procedures to be followed by Quality Circles in
the problem to help narrow making use of these techniques.
down to the cause or
causes. For nearly two decades we are
observing the case studies presented
7. Pareto Chart For identification/selection by Quality Circles in our various
of major problem or area conventions. While explaining the
for improvement or procedure here the deficiencies
control; to differentiate observed in them are taken into account.
between vital and trivial
problems. Quality Circles meet regularly and periodically. The
meeting is normally once a week for one hour.
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Problem Solving Techniques Need and benefits of using SQC Techniques

The following steps outline the procedure along with Step 2 - Selection of the Problem
The ideal way to select a problem is based on data.
Step 1 - Identification of Problems This is the approach senior managers are expected
to follow when they work in Quality Improvement
The identification of the problem is to be done by Team. There are many problems encountered in this
using structured method of‘ Brainstorming’ technique. method when workers take it up. In fact many of
This technique is to be used for also finding out the them have yet to learn what is data, how to collect
causes for a problem, finding solution(s) and possible and make use of it.
“resistance to the solutions” and how to overcome
those. This is an important technique and generally So ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ classification and rating methods
the members, Facilitators and the organisation pay are suggested for them.
not much attention to this technique. If well carried
“A” Category Problem
out, a group of five or six members can identify
more than hundred problems at any time. With Minimum involvement of other department in solving
more members, the problems identified could be them
much more.
“B” Category Problem
The brain is to be raked repeatedly at the various
stages of problem solving to improve the logical Involvement of other departments is a necessity
thinking and also to bring out the creative ability of
“C” Category Problem
each one.
Management sanction may be needed in implementing
After identification of the problems next step is the solution
selection of a problem for finding solution. A logical
step at this stage is discussing with the Facilitator Once the listing is done the selection process starts.
and the department about the list of problems We want Quality Circle to take up ‘A’ category
prepared. problem.

Some of them may be irrelevant, some may call for Generally the number of problems in this category
a small discussion and/or clarification for finding a will be high. First categorize them into groups. The
solution and eliminating them. They have to be done. grouping can be done based on certain basis. For
Rest of the problems in the list will call for a detailied example
analysis. How it is to be done is explained in the next
i) Problems related to safety
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Problem Solving Techniques Need and benefits of using SQC Techniques

ii) Problems related to environmental pollution But we are informed by some of the organisations
iii) Problems related to working condition that it is not happening in that way. Since Quality
Circles are interested in preparing a case study for
iv) Problems related to cleanliness
presentation they do not find 'A' category problems
v) Problems causing scrap or wastage suitable for that and hence take a bigger problem for
vi) Problems causing blemishes leading to rework or finding solution. Since it suits the organisation also,
reprocess etc. they do not object to that.
Take up a group, which the team and the Facilitator
consider as important. Here too you will have a list In some cases Quality Circles do take up an 'A' category
of problems. problem for finding solution and solve the problem
in a laborious way taking lot of time.
Ideal way to select a problem will be based on data.
But generally workmen have no access to the data In a Quality Circle convention held in a reputed
and many of them are not familiar with that. Since organisation recently the CEO pointed out that almost
we need involvement of all, adopting a method, all Quality Circles have identified more than 60-80
which will involve all is better. That is why ‘Rating problems. But they have solved only two or three in
Method’ is suggested for Quality Circles. a year. He wondered that how many years it will
Using this method select a problem for finding solution. take to get rid of all the problems. He pointed out
Workmen use different basis for selection of a problem that it is not a satisfactory situation. We agree with
in some organisation. It does not matter. All what we him. The issue need to be taken seriously by the
want is that they should understand and have a department head concerned and also by the steering
systematic approach. committee.
Here we would like to mention about problems
encountered by some of the organisations in this We suggest that the steering committee and the
aspect. department heads should ensure that all minor
problems belonging to 'A' and 'B' categories are found
The reason why we are suggesting Quality Circles to soultion within a stiputlated time. Department head
take up 'A' category problem for finding solution is should take it as his responsibility to compile all the
to make them learn gradually. Normally almost all 'A' problems of department identified by the Quality
category problems can be solved by simple discussion Circles. He should ensure that besides Quality Circles
with minimum data. As we mentioned earlier 'A' others are also involved in solving the department
category problems will be maximum and also very problems. It should not be left as the responsibility
simple to find solution and all of them can be solved of Quality Circles alone.
within a year.

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Problem Solving Techniques Need and benefits of using SQC Techniques

Once a problem is selected the next step is estimating

the time needed for finding the solution i.e. how
many meetings need to be conducted for finding the
solution. For many problems workmen will be able
to arrive at a solution by just discussing it. But we
have a dual purpose. Most important is development
of people and second one is solution to the problem.
In fact, as we said earlier, the whole exercise is
undertaken to educate the persons involved. So there
is no point in rushing with the process. Another
important point is, it is found that many times when
a group carries out a systematic analysis more clarity
about the situation and better understanding of the
process results. This leads to problem prevention.

So make a Milestone chart or Gantt chart for it.

What is the difference between a Milestone Chart
and a Gantt Chart? They were made by two different
persons for guidance when a job calls for planning.
They are very useful when the planning need is
simple and straight forward. Where multiple activities
are involved CPM (Critical Path Method) or PERT
(Programme Evaluation Review Technique) is used.
Now-a-days these two are replaced by Arrow Diagram.

How to make a ‘Milestone Chart’?

Once again our observation is that this is not done

sincerely by most of the Circles. Just filling up the
format is not sufficient. Milestone chart is a planning
activity i.e. how the problem solving is to be carried
out and how much time the circle expects to spend
on each activity. It is an estimation and has to be
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Problem Solving Techniques Need and benefits of using SQC Techniques

done before the problem is taken up for solving. The the necessary corrections and over a period will be
proper way is to take a sheet of white paper and able to make a proper estimation.
write down all the steps involved in problem solving
one by one, in the order it is to be taken up and the Learning how to estimate the time needed and how
time each activity is estimated to take up. Quality to proceed is an important aspect for everyone,
Circle members should write all the steps involved more so for people who do not have money and
in problem solving one by one in a white sheet. manpower to carry out their errands. Unnecessary
delays and losses due to not planning their activities
Quality Circles have already identified the problems can be avoided only by learning this system. Our
related to their area and also have selected a problem request to the Circles and the organisations is not to
for finding solution. Next step is ‘Problem definition’ take this in a casual way and lose the benefit they
and ‘analysis of problem. These should be discussed can get.
after looking into past data, study on the shop floor,
discussions with others, both within the department Example:
and outside. The time required in terms of number Planning
of meetings etc. should be estimated. This should
Step Details Activity Time Total
be depicted in the Milestone chart. Similarly estimation involved estimated
of the number of meetings it would take for all the In number
of meeting
other activities should be depicted on the milestone
chart after proper discussion and estimation. 3. Defining the a. Discussion 1 meeting
problem b. Making 2 meetings 3
Flow Diagram
Later-on when they start proceeding with the efforts
4. Analysis of Data Collection 2 meetings 2
to solve that problem, after completion of each step problem and Discussion
before proceeding to the next step they should 5. Identification a. Brainstorming 2 meetings
compare the actual time taken with the estimated of causes b. Making C & E 2 meetings
time. They should mention in another paper step by c. Verification 1 meeting
d. Discussion 2 meetings 7
step the actual time taken and reasons for variation
wherever occurred. Along with the final Chart which and so on.
shows estimated as well as actual in two colours the
estimation process papers also have to be shown. Step 3 - Define the Problem

In the initial stage they are bound to make errors in Before carrying out the work connected to this step
the estimation. They will start learning by making note down the actual time consumed for carrying the
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Problem Solving Techniques Need and benefits of using SQC Techniques

previous step of activities. Note it down in the One important point to be remembered at this stage
register for analysis at the end. is problems have multiple causes and variations are
due to them. When an analysis is carried out it is
Even though people are from the same area it does necessary to find out all the possible causes. Such
not mean that all have a clarity about the problem an attempt will give a clarity and will help to be
selected. So it is necessary to define the problem. cautious when some other cause creeps in at a later
The best way to do is using a ‘Flow Diagram’ showing date. All causes are expressed verbally. They need
the entire process related to that area and indicating to be collected and put in an orderly manner for
the problem spot. better understanding and also to arrive at the root
Step 4 - Analysis of the Problem cause or causes.

What is the difference between problem definition Cause and Effect Diagrams are generally made in
and problem analysis. Problem definition is explaining three different ways. Since at the beginning people
where the problem occurs and what are the involved may find it difficult to organize them as
difficulties and losses incurred in a general way. As cause, sub cause, sub-sub cause, sub-sub-sub cause
we said earlier workmen normally do not have access etc., it is better to start the learning process by
to the data. Analysis calls for data i.e. number of making Dispersion Method of Cause and Effect
times the problem ocurred, effect of the problem in Diagram, then going to Enumeration Method and finally
detail and data on the losses etc. With the help of to Production Process Classification Type Diagram.
the Facilitator they should get the data and carry out Once again our observation is that Quality Circles by
the analysis. So learning data collection and and large do not put serious effort to learn how to
categorizing them or stratifying them becomes an make a proper Cause and Effect Diagram. They
important activity here. generally prepare one with a lot of inaccuracy, which
does not help them to find the root causes.
Step 5 - Identification of causes
Step 6 - Finding out the root causes
The Cause and Effect Diagram helps in this. Since
problem is in the work area of the Quality Circle
After making the Cause and Effect Diagram Quality
they know the seriousness of it and also have an idea
Circle should discuss and arrive at what they consider
or reason for this problem. The problem is persisting,
are the root causes. This may call for collection of
either because no serious effort was put to find a
data and work spot follow up and study. This has to
solution or they were not involved. Many times the
be decided and responsibility has to be assigned
solution is eluding them and they are unable to pin
point the actual cause.
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Problem Solving Techniques Need and benefits of using SQC Techniques

Step 7 - Data Analysis the 80:20 ratio at the same time and end up in
confusion. They should restrict their efforts to one
Analysis may call for further floor exercises and follow cause contributing the highest percentage of the
up and making Histogram and/or Scatter Diagram. problem at first and then go for others later on.
However, if one or two causes are interrelated, they
Step 8 - Developing solution may be attempted at the same time.

Pareto Analysis is a very useful technique, which can Once causes are decided the next step is to find the
be used here. Generally it is very difficult to eliminate solution. While developing solution to any and every
a problem altogether. We can only minimize them problem, the Quality Circle members should use the
to a practical limit. technique called counter measure matrix or an action
plan which shows time bound and responsibility shared
For example a defect level of 6% which exists in a activity in the following format.
process is considered very high and a reduction to
2% level would be considered appreciable. Once it ACTION PLAN FOR DEVELOPING SOLUTION
is brought to 2% one may have to pay attention to
another problem that is causing 4% defect. This is a S. Root Action Respon- Target date for Results Remark
N. Causes Plan sibility Completion
continuous process. Over a period we will once again
come to the 2% level problem and efforts will be put Planned Actual
to reduce them. (In 1930s Dr. W. A. Shewhart
introduced Control Chart using 3-Sigma Control level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
to improve the efficiency to 99.73% level). It was
much appreciated. Now with the intensive The above action plan is found to be very useful in
competition and availability of advanced control involving every member of the Quality Circle and
system and excellent equipments, etc. efficiency also for proper follow-up. The QC members may not
expected is 99.99966% level (3.4 parts per million as be able to carry out every action as planned due to
defect) under six-sigma control system. many unavoidable reasons. However, the planned
date helps them as a reminder to minimise the
Generally 80% of the defects are caused by a few wastage of time.
causes - may be two, three, four in number. Pareto
Analysis helps to identify these vital causes. But it Like a problem may have multiple causes, they may
may not be possible to take all these to find solutions. have different solutions also. Generally they are
Without understanding the purpose, some of the arrived at through brainstorming, they need to be
Quality Circles try to cover all defects coming within shown in proper sequence.
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Problem Solving Techniques Need and benefits of using SQC Techniques

Step 9 - Foreseeing probable resistance Step 11 - Regular implementation

Normally, if we try a drastic change, there would be Once validity is checked and improvement observed
resistance to that change and people do not easily with data regular implementation can be done. One
accept such a change. It does not necessarily mean important activity here is incorporating the changes
that there would be a resistance to every change in the working system for validation.
that is brought about. In case a Quality Circle faces
a resistance they should mention it and what they
did to overcome that. Step 12 - Follow up review

This is an important step since the Circle has to know

In case the solution was accepted as it is, they should how the solutions are implemented or are there any
state that. It is necessary to make it clear that they further need for changes.
are aware of such resistance and as a practice they
should make a presentation at this stage to their Finally the Milestone Chart showing the planned and
department head as well as to fellow workmen in actual has to be shown with the relevant data and
their area to solicit their viewpoints and suggestions. back up documents as explained.
This would be a positive approach and beneficial to
all concerned. Mile Stone Chart based on Actual time needed.

Step 10 - Trial implementation and check At the beginning we have explained how to make a
performance Milestone Chart. The Milestone Chart showing the
planned and the actual (in two colours) should be
It is usual to try the solution arrived at on a trial shown here with the reasons for the variations at
basis, to a limited area or period and observe the this place. First data for that:
performance of the plant/machinery or system closely.
At the same time it is not necessary that every
solution needs to be implemented only on a trial
Step Details Activity Actual time Total
basis before final implementation. If there was no involved In no. of
need for such trial implementation the Circles may meeting
mention it by giving the reasons why it was not
carried out. 3. Defining the a. Discussion 1 meeting
problem b. Making 3 meetings 4
Flow Diagram
20 21
Problem Solving Techniques Steps needed to be taken before problem solving

4. Analysis of Data Collection

problems and Discussion 3 meetings 3
5. Identification of a. Brainstorming 3 meetings
causes b. Making C&E 1 meeting
c. Verification 1 meeting CHAPTER
d. Discussion 1 meeting 6
and so on


1. What are the elementary Statistical Tools

Steps needed to be
considered as indispensable by Dr. K. Ishikawa?
What are the additions to that made by the
taken before problem
2. Besides seven tools what other training to the
Quality Circles was suggested by him? Deming Wheel

3. How problems identified by the Quality Circles Before learning about problem solving technique
are categorized and from which category they we should first concentrate upon how to prevent
should choose problems for solving? Why? problems.

4. What are the twelve steps involved in problem Many ask us the question what is the difference
solving by Quality Circles? between Deming Wheel and the Problem Solving
5. Why and how a Milestone Chart or a Gantt Chart
to be used by the Circle? Deming Wheel provides a fundamental approach one
should have whenever he undertakes a task. It teaches
him a systematic way of carrying it out.

In 1930s there was no such established system. Dr.W.A.

Shewhart came out with that. It was made popular
by Dr. W. E. Deming and even though he never made
22 23
Problem Solving Techniques Steps needed to be taken before problem solving

a claim for it the method was named after him as Plan indicates that before undertaking a task one
Deming Wheel. should try to understand the objective behind doing
it and should also know the proper method for it.
If we carry out any task without proper planning we
are bound to encounter many problems in that. Do indicates learning the method and carrying out
Problems depend upon the nature of the task. the task.
Sometimes a simple job, because of no planning, may
lead to serious damage. Check indicates verifying whether our effort has
given the desired result.
Problems can be controlled or minimised by effective
use of P-D-C-A cycle or Deming’s Wheel. If problems Act indicates taking appropriate action to rectify the
persist (still), then we can take the help of problem short fall or problems found.
solving techniques.
Taking some more aspects into account, Dr K Ishikawa
Dr Deming suggested a four step formula for effective made these four steps again into six steps as follows:
functioning of any section/organisation with proper
quality control system. This was accredited to him by
the Japanese as ‘Deming Wheel’, but Dr Deming
himself however said that, it was Dr Shewhart’s idea
and that the diagram should be called as the Shewhart Decide on
cycle. the Plan
Act objectives
The PDCA cycle is as follows: Take targets
Action methods of
achieving the
objectives and targets
Carry out
Act Plan Check education and
the training
result Do the
Check Do
Check Do

Deming Circle


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Problem Solving Techniques Steps needed to be taken before problem solving

When these six steps have been followed, a seventh ii) Objective policy : Specific objectives
step is needed to ensure whether the corrective (What).
action has been worked out or not. Let us see these
steps in detail. 2. Deciding on the means of achieving objectives-
standardization of technology and
1. Decide on objectives and targets administrative techniques

Control is impossible if we do not have clearly defined Once the objectives are decided, the next step is to
objectives and targets which are stable. decide on the means of achieving these objectives.

a) Objectives are decided as a result of policy and The technical and administrative staff should formulate
they must be broken down into sub-policies, clearly a programme structure and continuously educate
spelling out what are the responsibilities and the staff. In process control we first do design
authority in each level. analysis, formulate standards and revise those
standards as we improve upon them.
b) Policies must have a proper rationale
a) Standards, particularly technical and operating,
c) Policies must be decided from an overall point of should deal with causes.
view and not to be issued in fragments.
b) How to control the key factors for control of
process must be decided. To identify these key
d) When setting policies we must decide on our
factors, we ourselves must have proper technical
knowledge concerning the process.
e) Objectives or targets should be stated clearly and c) Standardisation is carried out in order to delegate
specifically and, if possible, with concrete authorities. While authority should be delegated,
deadlines (Timeframe) and in measurable terms. not all the responsibilities could be delegated. It
should be made clear as to what is to be done
f) Policies must be divided into two steps viz, in exceptional or abnormal situations i.e.
• Who should do what (responsibility)
i) Methodology policy : Ways and means of
a c h i e v i n g • How far they can go (authority)
objectives (How). • From whom they should receive instructions
(Specialists or Superiors).
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Problem Solving Techniques Steps needed to be taken before problem solving

d) Standards should be formulated to state the 4. Do the work - Execute as per the plan of action.
objectives clearly.
5. Check the results
e) All the people who are involved should have a
say in the standardisation (as far as possible) Checking the results consists of seeing whether the
work is being carried out in line with policies,
f) "To err is human". Hence, instead of criticising instructions and objectives. All those in positions of
one for the errors, we should look into prevention authority must think carefully about where, when,
of such errors. It is not 'who did it' but 'why it what and how to check.
When controlling a work, it should be checked by
g) A standard that has not been revised is a standard the following two methods.
that is not being used could be an obvious
conclusion. a) Check the causes. Take a walk around the work
place and see whether everything is being carried
h) Standards must be properly documented. out according to policies and standards. Although
industrial processes are affected by an infinite
i) All standards must be mutually consistent. number of causes the following must be borne in
3. Carry out Education and Training
i) Only small number of causes can be pinned
All those in charge of people are responsible for down as to not operating to standards and
training them also. even these cannot be controlled 100% correctly.
ii) Because we only have a limited time, we can
Training and education within a company consists of only see a small part of the work.
the following three types.
b) Checking through results. This method consists
i) Training in a structured way. of checking whether work and processes are
proceeding well by examining the results of the
ii) On the job training of subordinates by superiors. work.
i) This concept is to be understood properly.
iii) Letting people learn for themselves by boldly Taking action with respect to the goods or
giving them full authority for their work. product based on result is an inspection
28 29
Problem Solving Techniques Steps needed to be taken before problem solving

approach. This is an action with respect to is some abnormality, something must be done
the produced product and not to check the about it. The causes must be found and eliminated
system. What we have to do is, based on the from the process to ensure that the work proceeds
result, carryout an action with respect to the smoothly. By doing this, our main aim is not to
work process, business and operations in remove the symptoms but the causes of the symptoms
control. i.e. the root causes. For this we need operation
standards. It is the job of the managers to observe
ii) We must constantly make sure as to what is
the job standards. The reason for not following
the most significant characteristic of the result
the standards is usually one of the following.
of our work through which we can check the
work. In other words, what are the critical
i) The worker lacks awareness or is careless.
points of the result that needs to be checked.
That is, establishing quality check points.
ii) Insufficient training and education in standards
iii) Results are always scattered. The number of have been given.
factors offering the results of our work are
limitless and we cannot control all of them. iii) The standards are inadequate and impossible to
When an abnormality occurs we must examine follow.
how the distribution has changed. In other
words we must make judgements and exercise While the first one is the responsibility of the operator
control on statistical basis, using statistical tools. and supervisor, the other two require action by
upper management. It is normally found out that 20
iv) In order to control a process by checking to 25% of the causes can be attributed to worker’s
through the results it is essential to clarify the carelessness. 70 to 75% to management’s lack of
history of product lots and data i.e. to stratify attention. Hence, the following precautions have to
the data carefully be taken.
v) Information must be fed back as quickly as
a) Try having workers do their job according to the
possible, accurately at the appropriate time to
standard and look carefully at what is happening.
the appropriate person.
b) Retrain the workers on the areas they need
6. Take Action
Just checking and leaving things as it is will not do
c) Institute fool proofing methods wherever possible.
any good. If the work is not going on well or there
30 31
Problem Solving Techniques Steps needed to be taken before problem solving

d) Take account of workers attitude for the task in PLAN

hand and change him if he is not suitable.
Identification of Problem
e) Revise the standards if necessary. Many of the
standards do not take into account practical Selection of Problem
f) Modify the objectives and targets. Standards are
not the only thing that need revision. Sometimes Define the Problem
objectives and targets can also be wrong. In this
case we should collect sufficient data, reconsider Analysis of the Problem
and revise them, if necessary.
Identification of causes
7. Check the results of the action taken.
Finding out the root causes
It is necessary and it is the responsibility of the
upper management for checking the effectiveness of Data Analysis
any process. Just taking action is not sufficient but
we should also check the result. Control Charts are Developing Solution
useful for this. Control can be exercised effectively
if statistical methods are used skillfully in all stages CHECK
of the process. This is statistical control. When it
is exercised with respect to quality it is called Foreseeing probable resistence
statistical quality control. Since our aim is to control
quality we should utilise SQC methods as far as Trial implementation and check performance
possible to achieve the result.
Some ask us whether that method can be used for
problem solving. It can be done but PDCA is to be Regular implementation
redefined keeping that in mind. We saw longback a
drawing combining PDCA and Juran's twelve step Follow up review
method. We are giving below PDCA with our twelve
step method:
32 33
Problem Solving Techniques Steps needed to be taken before problem solving

This is shown in the picture along with the appropriate 5. Idea generation through
tool/tools which can be used at that step. Brainstorming of Cause
and Effect diagram •
6. Identifying the cause
work /causes •
Follow up
Selection 7. Brainstorming for
problem alternative solution •
Implemen- 2
tation Action Define the 8. Choosing the solution
11 Plan problem
(Control) 3 on merits •
Do 4
Check (Collect
Analyse 9. Presentation to
Trial 10 5
Implemen- data) Ide
n management (all
6 cas tify
r o end
s participating) •
9 8 ot ti
c a fy
es 10. Implementation •
Da y sis
Deve n


11. Check Performance •
lo p


12. Monitor Control System •

We are showing below in this twelve step method

suggested for problem solving where creative/
individual thinking and where group consensus is QUESTIONS
1. What is Deming Wheel?
Individual Group
2. How many steps are there in that? What changes
were incorporated by Dr. K. Ishikawa?
1. Problem identification •
2. Problem selection • 3. Briefly explain each step including the seventh
3. Data collection •
4. Analysis •
34 35
Problem Solving Techniques Flow Diagram


Flow Diagram
What is Flow Diagram?

Flow Diagram is a graphical or a pictorial way to

depict a process. With the help of a flow diagram
we can show process sequence. It can be used to
dissect a process for better understanding and
analysing. It can also be used for replanning or
making a change.

The process may be a manufacturing process of a

product (entire or segment), a service provided,
to convey some information or a combination of
any of them.


Flow diagram is a graphical or a pictorial way to

depict a process.

With the help of a Flow diagram we can show

process sequence. Let us look at the process of
36 37
Problem Solving Techniques Flow Diagram

making coffee depicted in the form of a Flow A service provided, to convey some information


Remove the decoction Add milk and sugar to

Roast coffee seeds till after it percolates it and your coffee is
they are dark brown ready
and start cracking

Let the decoction

percolate STOP

Are the
or a combination of any of them.
NO seeds brown &
has the cracking Add boiling water on
ceased top of the coffee
Study of a process with the help of a Flow diagram
helps the team to have an insight into the potential
Fill half of the percolater
with coffee powder and
problems, bottlenecks,
Grind the seeds coarsely level properly

Often it is called an armchair journey into a process

as it helps to have a clarity of the process by
looking at the diagram without visiting the actual

It can also be used to dissect a process for better

understanding and analysis, for replanning or making
Redundant steps and rework loops. With the help
a change.
of a Flow diagram the team will have a common
and precise knowledge of the process.
The process may be a manufacturing process of a
product in its entirety or a segment of it.
Indeed, it is computer programmers who have made
Flow diagram a popular process for computer usage.

38 39
Problem Solving Techniques Flow Diagram

Since computers can function only in the way it is There are three types of Flow Diagrams viz.
programmed, system analysts use Flow diagram to
ensure that all aspects involved in the process are 1. High level Flow diagram
covered while programming.

Any step overlooked may otherwise affect its

function and the efficiency. INDENT



Flow diagram is a powerful tool which helps to do 2. Matrix Flow diagram and
a thorough analysis.







Obviously for problem solving, Quality Circles, Task
Forces, Quality Improvement Teams etc., should
make use of it.

40 41
Problem Solving Techniques Flow Diagram

3. Detailed Flow diagram Let us take one example for explaining all the
three types of Flow Diagram.
Raise Indent Place
START order
Mr. A is working in a company. He needs some
Mtrl. needed Indent Recd.
Mtrl. made materials for his work.
Mtrl. No Mtrl. recd.
Return for
database Is it OK
They have a computerized system for stock record,
it No
and he checks the computer for the materials
Send Enqrs.

Is it No Return to
OK supplier
Send Reqsn.
Qtn. No Yes
Take as stock
When he finds it inadequate or nil, he immediately
places an indent.
Put in
STOP database

Based on the indent, order is raised and material

is procured and he receives the materials.
Quality Circle members should have the knowledge
of all the three types of Flow diagrams. They all
This can be seen in the high level Flow diagram
have a distinct purpose and usefulness in problem
drawn here.
solving activities.
Matrix Flow Diagram
High level Flow Diagram

This is making the diagram of the total process in

a broad way. Here details are avoided. -TURER -TION






42 43
Problem Solving Techniques Flow Diagram

Actual procedure of material procurement is not as The path one takes depend upon the answer to
simple as that. the question mentioned in that symbol. Naturally,
there will be more than one path and each path
There are various departments and agencies is labeled according to the answer.
involved in the process. Organisations have
departmental entities hence many times in a process Terminal Symbol
it is necessary to know about the agencies involved.
It is a rounded rectangle indicating the beginning
and end of a process or Flow diagram. The words
Hence the same Flow diagram can be drawn in a
used in the Terminal symbol at the beginning is
Matrix format as shown here.
“Start” and at the end of the process the word is
“End”. (May be some other appropriate words
Now let us see a detailed Flow Diagram
could also be used.)
Detailed Flow Diagram
Document Symbol
Detailed Flow diagram uses certain symbols.
It is used to depict a document pertaining to the
What are the symbols used? process.

Activity Symbol Data Base Symbol

It is a rectangle in which a brief description of an This indicates electronically stored information which
activity involved at that step is mentioned. pertain to the process.

Flow Lines
Decision Symbol
They are basically arrow head used to indicate the
direction of the process flow, from a decision
It is a ‘diamond,’ used to depict a decision point
symbol to two or more different paths. Flow lines
from which a process branches into two or more
help you to find out the continuity not only for the
entire process flow but also the path of each
rework loop.
44 45
Problem Solving Techniques Flow Diagram

Symbols can help us to concentrate upon a particular

aspect e.g., if we want to study the activities,
look into activity symbol.
Sometimes it may not be possible that the entire
process has a Flow diagram in a single sheet.

Some areas may have to be drawn in a separate


Connector symbol which is a small circle helps to

show continuity of the process. A letter or a
number can be written in that for finding out the

People draw Flow diagrams in different ways.

Once a person is familiar with the system of making If we are interested in decision making aspect look
a Flow diagram, it is advisable and desirable to only at diamond symbol.
use standard symbols.

Why should we make a detailed Flow Diagram?

Even the process of procuring material is not as

simple as depicted in Matrix Flow Diagram. There
are many possible problems, bottlenecks in the

46 47
Problem Solving Techniques Flow Diagram

Unless and until we thoroughly plan for all 1 Raise In den t No, material not
eventualities the job may not get completed and available. Send the
it may get stuck up at any place during the process. purchase indent.

To overcome this we draw a Detailed Flow diagram Indent Recd. Is the indent in
looking into all possible obstacles. order?

Now let us go back to the original example which No, send it back for
was shown in High Level Flow diagram as well as No Return for amendment.
Is it O K
in Matrix Flow diagram. Let us now make a correc tion
Detailed Flow diagram for that.
Y es

Yes, in order. Ask

START S end Enqrs .
for quotation.

M tr l. needed
Material needed.

Checked up the availability on Qtn . No No, ask for fresh

M tr l.
OK quotation.
da tabase database.

it No
1 Yes, material is available.
OK, then place
Y es
Send Reqsn.
Send requisition. Material made,
M tr l. made
M tr l.
Obtained Material received and
M trl. recd. Material received.
Process is over Inspected for
Inspection 2 conformity.

48 49
Problem Solving Techniques Flow Diagram

2 In the Detailed Flow diagram shown above, there

No, reject or send
are still more obstacles that can be thought of.
Is it No Return to
for repair.
OK supp lier For example, examining whether the material is
Y es really needed, who is ordering, is he authorised,
OK, take it in is there a budgetary control, is it within that limit
Take as s tock stock. etc.

Put it in database Detailed Flow Diagrams clarify or give better

Put in inform indentee. understanding of the process.
Quality Circle as a team is trying to solve problems.
Send requisition. Hence it is necessary that all the members should
Send R eq sn.
have a clear knowledge or understanding about the
Material received
Mtr l
O bta in ed
and Sir, I do not Let us draw a flow
understand that. diagram, then you
will understand.

Process is over.

START Raise Indent

Mtrl. needed Indent Recd.

Mtrl. made

Mtrl. No Mtrl. recd.

Is it OK Return for

Yes Inspection
it No
Send Enqrs.
Is it
No Return to
This under-standing can be brought to the team
Send Reqsn.
No Yes with the help of a Flow Diagram.
Mtrl. Take as stock
Flow diagram is made by members who understand
Put in
the entire process or it can be made with the

50 51
Problem Solving Techniques Flow Diagram

help of other members who have knowledge about To estimate the cost involved.
some particular area of the process.

Mr. Dass will make the flow

dia gram. He understa nds the e ntire
proces s t horoughly. He will also
tak e t he help of other m embers
who have knowledge about some
part of the process.

To find out the individual’s view or opinion about

the problem.

Reason for taking up the task

To explain the present process and the proposed


Present Proposed

Collectively, the Flow diagram can be made so

that everyone in the group can go through it step
by step for better understanding.

Such an understanding will help to carry out the

tasks such as:

Working out a strategy for the required data.

52 53
Problem Solving Techniques Flow Diagram

To work out a plan for implementing the solution. How to make use of A Flow diagram?

To provide the required training for carrying out As mentioned earlier flow diagrams are the best
the process. way to depict a process. Flow diagram can be
used for different purposes in problem solving.
To Pre-plan or Change of Process
It can be used for better understanding of the
Before carrying out a change we should carefully process. This can be used in case of a change or
study the proposal. for introducing a new process.

AH !!! NOW I

If any process is not working properly we would

always like to amend, alter, or replace. A flow
diagram drawn at this stage will help us to improve
the efficiency or to make a significant breakthrough.
A Flow diagram prepared depicting the change will
help us greatly. Dr. J.M. Juran suggests a four step approach for
such an analysis.
By this way we will have a clear idea before the
implementation about the proposed changes.

Besides the clarity about the proposed change, it

will also help to find out the possible resistance.

54 55
Problem Solving Techniques Flow Diagram

Step 1: Examine each decision making symbol. Step 2: Examining each activity symbol.
This symbol has got the shape of a diamond.



Here we examine the value of each activity related

Process flow may branch out into two or three to its cost and needs of the customer.
points depending upon the decision.
They should discuss prevention of errors by
Look here for redundant, unnecessary or incomplete improving design of activity.
Step 3: Examining each rework loop.
This Decision
symbol is

Change or elimination of any of them may help

in reducing the cost or waste. It may also lead
A team should examine the activities in the rework
to increase in productivity.
loop and identify those which could be eliminated.

56 57
Problem Solving Techniques Flow Diagram

It should use the existing information in the current organisation) is prepared by those who are not
rework loop to prevent errors from recurring. involved in actual implementation or practice.

The most important point is that different Quality

Circle members should check for different ways to I am the boss over
shorten the rework loop by streamlining the process here. I will prepare
of correction when an error occurs. the procedure

With the result, the implementators, as and when

they face a practical difficulty make a change, add
or overlook certain steps.

Step 4: Examining each Document or Data Base This may become a regular working practice. But
Symbol. when a Flow diagram is asked to be drawn this
shortcut process may not be mentioned out of
Documents and data bases are important sources of fear.
The circle should examine the mechanisms for
keeping the information up-to-date. Out-of-date
information can generate errors.


In most of the organisations, procedure for a process

area (in manufacturing as well as in serv ice

58 59
Problem Solving Techniques Flow Diagram

Obviously such diagrams which do not reflect the They may overlook certain important points due to
real situation are useless. lack of knowledge. Even the two problems
mentioned earlier can be caused by such people.

What did I

For example, a despatch section received a letter

with inadequate information. It is sent back for
Similarly, in a process, some defects are noticed
and they get rectified. Such activities are normally
to be shown under rework loop.
While making a Flow diagram we may overlook
such rework loop taking them as inevitable or as Hence, Flow diagrams have to be made by those
minor. This is also not correct. While making a who are actually involved and have the knowledge
Flow diagram we should not forget to show rework of the process.
Sometimes Flow diagrams are made by people who When to draw Flow diagrams?
are not well versed with the process.
 For defining the process flow
What if I do not know about
the process? You can tell me
about it. I will not let any one
 For defining the problem
else draw the FLOW

 For identifying the root causes

 For devising the solution

 For implementing the solution

 At the time of review/follow up.

60 61
Problem Solving Techniques Flow Diagram

How to draw a Flow diagram? Put each process in writing from the beginning

Discuss the purpose of it When you come to a decision area follow one till
you complete

For unknown areas, check up later on and complete

Ensure every branch is completed

Review it and ask other members also to review.

Decide on your expectation.

Decide the boundaries.

How to ensure accuracy?

Ensure that is about actual process and not what

is intended.

Ensure rework loops are not omitted.

Be honest about what you do

Observe actual process before drawing a Flow


62 63
Problem Solving Techniques Flow Diagram

Elicit support of other members for accuracy and Exercise 1

completeness and allow them to review it.
In a medical shop they were getting lot of customer
complaints resulting in loss of their business. Mostly
they were due to the casual attitude by the
employees towards the business. There were many
date expired medicines and some were wrongly
issued to the customers. Many of the regular
selling medicines were going out of stock due to
improper procurement system. Other medical shops
were keeping cosmetics also. However, this shop
never bothered about this aspect. The shop was
never opened on time. Trained people were leaving
the jobs and new persons were finding it difficult
to be prompt in their service.
Make a Flow Diagram and show what kind of
measures are to be taken to overcome these
Flow diagram is a graphical or pictorial depiction problems.
of a process. It can be effectively made use of
by Quality Circles to understand a process as well Exercise 2
as to make necessary changes. To be useful, a
Flow diagram should be accurate. Nova Industries Limited did not perform well in
the financial year 1997-98. Mr Ramesh Mathur,
There are three types of Flow diagrams and certain CEO, had initiated a major improvement drive for
symbols are used for making these Flow diagrams. the organisation. One of the areas selected was
Flow diagrams have many effective uses. ‘high inventory at stores’. The team headed by
Mr. L.S. Bhagwat did a thorough analysis. Many
reasons were given for the high inventory level.
Mr. Das felt that the main culprit was ‘Indent
processing time’. He remarked that purchase order
was made after 8 months from the time he sent
his indent.

64 65
Problem Solving Techniques Brainstorming

Miss Kamala said that too many people were

involved in the process. Mr. Sanjay mentioned
that item codification was not all right. Same
item was stacked under different names. He wanted
a study to be done to sort out this problem.
There were many such issues like poor quality of
the spare parts. Different make of machines for 4
same process leading to separate parts for each
one of them etc.

Make a Flow Chart for cutting down the cost taking Brainstorming
all these parts into account.
What is Brainstorming?
Exercise 3
Brainstorming is a group technique for generating
Mr.Ram Prasad is going to see the Tajmahal at Agra
new and useful ideas.
from Hyderabad after two months from now. This
is the first time he will be going out of station.
It uses a few simple rules for discussion on a
He is also not aware of reservation procedure for
subject matter that contributes to originality and
train travel. How will you guide him with the
help of a Flow Diagram, so that he can visit the
Taj and comeback without facing any problem.

Brainstorming is probably the best known technique

and most widely used for idea generation.

By shop floor personnel,


Politicians etc.

66 67
Problem Solving Techniques Brainstorming

It is used effectively and frequently at various And some are famous for creative thinking like,
stages of problem solving. T.A. Edison.
Mr. Alex Osborn of USA developed this technique
in 1950s to solve advertising and marketing

Thomas Edison

But, for effective functioning, we have to make

use of both i.e. creative as well as logical processes
(Sherlock Holmes)
Now its use has spread and become popular in
other applications including quality problem solving.

Creative ideas which come to us as hunches, show
Deptt. a new way
Logical thinking can help us to develop ideas in a
systematic way.
Creativity and logical thinking
Similarly, a complex problem may call for systematic
Some are famous for their logical approach like
approach and also imagination to understand the


68 69
Problem Solving Techniques Brainstorming

In our working we use both of these alternatively. cannot be confined to any system or controlled by
normal rules.
When we observe a problem, based on our
experience, we logically come out with the possible

Brainstorming helps to make use of creative abilities

of people in group and sometimes by individuals
themselves in an effective manner.
Such knowledge comes handy if a situation calls
for an individual to handle it alone i.e. where he
When it comes to solution, especially when normal has to come out with an idea on his own.
solutions are not effective, we come out with
imaginative ideas to find a solution. Mr. J.P. Guilford who conducted research on the
creative behavior, identified five key elements
concerning human ability to be creative.


Fluency is the capability to think of maximum

number of ideas within a given time or the rate
of flow of ideas.
This does not mean that creative ideas are
altogether different from logical thinking and It is measured by quantity.
process. It if often our approach that makes the
difference. IDEA!!! IDEA!!!

Logical thinking is a systematic one based on certain IDEA!!! IDEA!!!

rules and can be reproduced by anyone.

Creative thinking is original and is done by breaking IDEA!!! IDEA!!!

such barriers. It is thinking in a different way and

70 71
Problem Solving Techniques Brainstorming

Brain is like any other part of the body. When Thinking power of an individual either lies in his
you regularly use it functionally it improves. Regular memory, perception about a situation, creativity or
brainstorming makes creative side of the brain more imagination etc.
Flexibility is measured by the number of categories
Number of ideas start increasing session by session.
of ideas generated.


Since we look for quantity over quality in FINANCE


Brainstorming, generally, generating more ideas

within a given time is important. It is found that
more the quantity effective and useful ideas Originality
This is the ability to identify uncommon ones.
Look for how new the ideas are. Originality does
This is the ability of a mind to move from one not come in large numbers. But even one original
area to another quickly. idea can lead to a lot of benefits.
In this aspect, the process of thinking helps.
He wants to save the
Another gain is that, in a group, people think Hey! What’s
he doing?
cost of photograph;
hence trying this
divergently. method.

When we listen to others, it opens up new avenues

for our thinking. We call this hitch-hiking process.



Thinking without any barrier and away from

72 73
Problem Solving Techniques Brainstorming

conventional methods lead to originality. Getting into the habit of brainstorming helps people
to shed their fear, inhibitions and make them to
Regular brainstorming helps to bring out originality participate willingly. This is one of the aspects of
in people. development of an individual.

Awareness Above all, such willingness and drive in people

make them to try unconventional ways. Dr. Juran
This is the ability to look into the future i.e. calls it as “cutting new windows”.
beyond the immediate facts.

The problem is that the whole

When you plan something, look ahead to see what process of enquiring, sending
can the possible hurdles or resistance to the idea price list and payment for
material is done through post.
be. All this takes a very long time.

What can the need of the future be?

Methods of Brainstorming
Such awareness helps to prepare oneself or a group
to face challenges and succeed. You can get this
Brainstorming can be done in three ways viz
benefit through regular brainstorming.
a) Free Wheeling or Unstructured
b) Slip Method and
This is a willingness to contribute to achieve the
end goal without the fear of failure.
c) Round Robin or Structured Method

74 75
Problem Solving Techniques Brainstorming

Free wheeling or unstructured This is a good system as it is spontaneous, stimulates

creativity of the individual and one can easily
Here there is no hold, no bar. build his/her ideas on the ideas of others and the
continuity helps in the further thinking process.
But, there are certain disadvantages in the system.
Slow thinking persons and persons lacking confidence
may put shutters to their thinking, seeing the
enthusiasm of the strong, dominating persons in the

A department head may call his people and explain

a subject for Brainstorming and all are expected to
come out with his/her ideas on the subject. Since this is free wheeling many may speak
simultaneously and invariably confusion may prevail.
No limit in number of ideas within a time frame. Many times people tend to stray away from the
One can reel out even hundred ideas at a stroke. main point.
Free wheeling calls for a tactful and proper
handling. The leader should be a good observer
and should have the ability to moderate and to
locate those who do not contribute and encourage
them to come out with their ideas.
Slip Method

76 77
Problem Solving Techniques Brainstorming

Here, you ask the individual to put his/her ideas It is a very slow process. May be it can be done
on a slip of paper and give it for consideration. in stages i.e. collect ideas and display them. Then
This method helps involving the shy and the again for more ideas etc.

One need not write his/her name. Such anonymity

makes people to open up freely.

When a group is big and when arranging a meeting

i s d i f f i c u l t , t h CEDAC
i s s y s t e m c a n b e u s e d . (

adopts this system)

Round Robin or Structured Process

In Quality Circle activity we invariably use this

method, as development of people is the primary
aim of Quality Circle. Let us see how this is

But the drawback of such a system is more. You

cannot build ideas on other’s ideas. Hitch-hiking
process is not possible.

Some times illegible hand writing or improper

presentation leads to problem. Due to anonymities,
it is difficult to trace the originator and get things
Gather a group which is willing to work together.
If anonymity is avoided then ideas may not flow In case of Quality Circle we already have such a
in. group.

78 79
Problem Solving Techniques Brainstorming

Select a leader. A leader is there in Quality Allow the required incubation period for people to
Circle. He should be open minded, amiable and think and contribute.
motivating. He should have control over the group
to keep the activities on track and at the same
time must encourage flow of ideas.

Open minded Motivating

Amiable Control

Encourage for free flow of ideas in increased

quantity than quality of ideas.

Choose a meeting place where there is no Create a lively and informal atmosphere to enable
disturbance or distraction. In Quality Circle these people to open up.
minimum facilities are provided by the management.
Assign to a person in the group the task of recording
Prior intimation to the group regarding the issue the ideas as they emerge in the session. Use a
on which they are going to brainstorm is essential. flip chart, black board or OHP for this purpose.
In case such intimation is not possible due to any They should be in full view of the group so that
reason, communicate it in a manner to the group development of ideas over ideas is possible.
and make sure that the information reaches them
without any distortion.

Whenever such intimation is sent or explained in

person ensure that the statement is specific and
clear and at the same time broad enough to include
useful ideas.

Such information or personal explanation should not

create any biased ideas or opinions in the minds
of the people.

80 81
Problem Solving Techniques Brainstorming

It is better sometimes to have guests or invitees a. Ensure ideas expressed are specific and clear
who are knowledgeable on the subject. A different
way of thinking and fresh ideas help a lot, but b. They are broad enough
everyone should follow the norms set.
c. They are not biased
While brainstorming there should be neither
Did you say
criticism on an idea nor appreciation. No evaluation something about
warming up !!!
should be done at this stage.

Think in a radical way and try to contribute to

bring out maximum number of ideas. Thinking
should be unconventional, imaginative and at times
even drastically different and unusual.
You can always do a warm-up session on a neutral
Do not hesitate to hitchhike over other’s ideas. subject before taking up the main issue. But such
session should be for a maximum period of 5-10
Keep us an acceptable fast pace. minutes.

There are various ways of killing an idea. Do not

permit such things.

Everyone should contribute in turn and only one

idea at a time if one cannot think of an idea at Never allow a session to carry on to a fatigue
a given point of time he may say ‘Pass’, but will point. If you lose grip over the session, you can
always get another chance in the next round. have diversion or even have a break in the session.
Maximum time for a session could be 40-45 minutes.
Clarify, but do not explain or criticise the ideas. You can break and continue on another day.

82 83
Problem Solving Techniques Brainstorming


A little fun is healthy and will make people shed Catalysing the session
their inhibitions and get involved. Laugh with
someone but not at them. If the Brainstorming seems to slowdown, the leader
may suggest piggy backing. Piggy backing is building
To bring creativity use five W’s and one H’ (when, on other ideas.
where, why, what, who and how).



Another technique is to suggest opposites. Members

should try to give opposite suggestions to whatever
Let us understand that this is one of the best ways ideas we might have gathered about anything.
to bring about new and innovative ideas Sometimes that may lead to a good result, or
quantitatively. sometimes a combination of “for’ and “against”
suggestions can give us valuable result.
While processing the idea combine and group similar
ideas. Sometimes we can also try quick association. The
leader gives a word and the members respond as
Agree on an evaluation criteria. quickly as possible with an associated word which
might apply to the problem in some way.
For a list of problems collect data on the severity
of the problems. Let us try the word ‘Training’,

84 85
Problem Solving Techniques Brainstorming

Machine: Includes the type of machine and its

Training maintenance.
Visual Aids


Let us try the word Railway Station Method: Concerns the strategy for executing or
process of working.
Ticket Counter Rails
Rly. Station

Material: Are elements that come to the process,

The response could be for skills development; for whether they are raw materials, component, or
knowledge. partially processed materials.

Completing the Brainstorming

Material RAW

To make sure that the Brainstorming has covered


all possible causes for a given problem make a list RAW


of the general areas and then make sure the group


has examined everyone of them. Such a list would

include some of the major factors that go into the
operation such as machine, method, material, Environment: Is the working environment.
environment and operation.
86 87
Problem Solving Techniques Brainstorming

Sometimes humidity and dust can affect the process. Some difficulties and pit falls connected with

First and foremost we should remember that

brainstorming is not a replacement to data.

In a brainstorming some people may be very close

to the problem and some may not.

Operator: Is the person doing his job. Factors Sometimes when an idea comes from an outsider,
associated with the operator include, professional the insiders of the group may not give importance
training, eye sight and working skill. to it.

Shut up you fool !!!

Who is interested
in your stupid

Others like money, management, competition etc. Some people are difficult to deal within a group.

Raju is a liar I
am not going You are
to listen to He he he !!! wearing
any thing he such a
You guys
says. have no lovely shirt

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Problem Solving Techniques Brainstorming

They get off the track which disrupts the group’s Generating idea for arriving at a solution.
Predicting the possible resistance to the solution.
The leader should be firm but friendly with the
members. The leader should try to convince the
difficult members either by talking to them privately
or by direct confrontation, if need be.
When a person gets the discussion off the track,
the leaders should gently and subtly direct the
conversation back to the topic.

Hey do you know We would love to know

Mrs.Rao. But would it
who Raveena
not be better and more
Tandon got fun, if we discuss
married to !! Raveena’s affairs over a
cup of tea after the
Finding out the process to overcome the resistance.

Experience shows that difficult members usually do

two things – either they become strong supporters
of the leader or they leave the session.

Uses of brainstorming

Brainstorming can be used at various stages of

problem solving. It can be used for

Identification of problems.

Finding out the possible causes to a problem

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Problem Solving Techniques Brainstorming

3. Explain the five key elements covering human

ability to be creative?
Encourages creativity to obtain variety and new
ideas 4. What are the three ways of doing Brainstorming?
Requires discipline and structure Explain briefly unstructured method and slip
Helps to identify the problems
Helps to find out possible causes 5. How a structural method is used for Brainstorming
Helps to find out solution to such causes. and what are the important points to be taken
Helps to predict and overcome possible resistance
and solutions to them. 6. What is hitch-hiking process?
But they are not a substitute to data.
7. What are the uses of Brainstorming?
Four conceptual rules are:
• No criticism or evaluation Exercise 1
• Try not to be conventional There was a frequent break down of a machine in
• Aim for quantity a factory leading to production loss. Form a team
• Hitch-hike on others’ ideas and carry out a Brainstorming session for reducing
Four practical rules for structural approach : breakdowns. Give the required incubation period
and also carry out the warm-up session. Select a
• Contribute in turn leader after the Brainstorming is carried out.
• One idea per turn Checkup with the guidelines given for structured
• You may pass if no idea could be given in one Brainstorming to find out the areas needing
round attention for improving the situation.
• Do not explain ideas. Exercise 2

QUESTIONS India which had a prime place in the game of

Hockey is in a dismal position today. What are
1. What is Brainstorming? the things needed to be done to improve the
team performance?
2. Who developed this technique and what are
the benefits? Do a Brainstorming and list out the ideas.

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