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Symbiosis Institute of Operations Management

Supply Chain Management Excellence Program (SCMExP)- Wabtec Corp.

Module: Finance for Non-Finance

Question 1: 15 Marks

Page | 1 Vishwajeet Kumar

Answer 1:

Cost Sheet for period ended 31.03.2021

Particulars Amount (Rs)
Opening stock of RM 01.04.2020 75,000
Add: Purchase of RM 68,000
Add: Direct expenses 10,000
Add: Cariage inward 2,000
Less: Closing stock of RM 31.03.2021 (95,000)
Raw Material Consumed 60,000
Add: Direct wages 40,000
Prime Cost 100,000
Add: Factory Overheads
Indirect wages 2,500
Factory rent & power 12,000
Deperciation of plant 3,000
Gross Factory Cost 117,500
Add: Opening Stock of WIP 01.04.2020 25,000
Less: Closing Stock of WIP 31.03.2021 (32,000)
Net Factory Cost 110,500
Add: Office & Admin overheads
Office rent 2,500
Cost of production 113,000

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Add: Opening stock of Finish Goods 01.04.2020 50,000
Less: Closing Stock of Finish Goods 31.03.2021 (30,000)
Cost of Goods Sold 133,000
Add: Selling & Distribution overheads
Carriage outwards 2,300
Advertising 3,200
Director fees 3,000
General charges 4,000
Repairs 1,000
Travelers commission 6,300
Cost of sales 152,800
Sales 210,000
Profit 57,200

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Question 2: 10 Marks

Answer 2:
Manufacturing Expense Calculation
50% of April 50% of May Total
1500 2250 3750
50% of May 50% of June Total
2250 1750 4000
50% of June 50% of July Total
1750 2000 3750
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Cash Budget
May – July
Particulars May June July
Opening Balance 8,000 13,750 12,250
Add : Receipts
Sales 62,000 64,000 58,000
Total [A] 70,000 77,750 70,250
Less: Payments
Purchases 36,000 38,000 33,000
Direct Wages 10,000 8,500 9,500
Manufacturing Expenses 3,750 4,000 3,750
Office Expenses 1,500 2,500 2,000
Selling Expenses 5,000 4,500 3,500
Plant Cost - - 1,600
Advance Tax - 8,000 -
Total Payments [B] 56,250 65,500 53,350

Closing Balance [A - B] 13,750 12,250 16,900

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