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- When a person can work productively and

Cycle 1, Semester 1
fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his
or her community
Module 1:
STAYING MENTALLY HEALTHY IN Mental or Psychological Resilience

THE NEW NORMAL - Defined as the process of adapting well in the

face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or
significant sources of stress
With no breaks in the semester, school felt like a non-stop, - Resilience
brain-sucking machine. - Anna Kitrell, student at Louisiana - Involves bouncing back from difficult
State University
experiences, it can also involve profound
The ongoing Covid-19 and the threat of monkeypox threatens growth
our mental health and ramps up our anxiety levels—putting us - Involves behaviors, thoughts, and actions
on high alert. that anyone can learn and develop
- Being resilient doesn’t mean you won’t
Sharing on how may the monkeypox affect us in terms of experience difficulty or distress
psychological effect - The road to resilience involves
- Overthinking, stress, anxiousness may steer into other considerable emotional distress
mental issues - Resilience isn’t a personality trait
- Triggers conscious people, especially the people - Certain factors might make individuals
conscious of their looks and health
more resilient but it is not a personality
- Depends on the personality of the person. It may take
a huge toll on extroverted people since they thrive in trait
socializing, but the introverted ones may benefit as Sharing:
they love boundaries and personal space - Resilience is being comfortable in the uncomfy
- Most vulnerable: marginalized sector due to lack of - Pattern: severe depression -> recovered ->
access to health care relapsed -> recovered = resilience (bounce back)
- Pile up along with personal issues and the other crises:
existential, political, health, economic
- Some may still be hopeful in the face of adversity (Tools for building psychological resilience)
Other things that might be the cause of stress: Self Compassion
- Heavy workload
- Upcoming exams - You can’t pour from an empty cup
- Very limited down time - With self-compassion, we give ourselves the
- Transitioning to new environment
same kindness and care we’d give to a good
- Face-to-face to the new normal/online classes
- Online to limited face-to-face friend. We become an inner ally rather than an
- Difficult subjects inner enemy (Neff and Germer, 2018)
- Treat yourself as you would treat a good friend.
MENTAL HEALTH (Kristin Neff)
Sharing: How do you treat a friend who failed you?
Definition according to World Health Org - With understanding and kindness
- Communicate. Do not invalidate pain
- It is the state of well-being in which the
- Give space to process each other’s emotions
individual realizes his or her own abilities, and
can cope with the normal stresses of life… - Mistakes are normal but it shouldn’t be tolerated
- Stop romanticizing resilience - toxic positivity.
Definition according to Galderisi et al., 2015 “Ganyan lang prob? May mas mabigat pa jan.”
- They went to you cause they needed help,
not hearing them out may result in self-
isolation later on. Have a sense of
Sharing: How do you treat yourself when you fail?
- We tend to be unforgiving of ourselves
- We overthink of the what ifs, should’ves,
could’ve beens as if we reached the end of
- Inconsistent to others and yourself
- Heal at your own pace
- Seek help if your coping mechanism is self-
destruction or self-harm
Slow breathing triggers some areas of the brain that
involves arousal and wakefulness
ELEMENTS OF SELF COMPASSION - Doing breathing exercises when anxious may help
you relieve anxiety
1. Self-Kindness

- embrace yourself with kindness, warmth and Self-Care

- taking care of ourselves, so that we will be in a
2. Common Humanity better position to take care of others. (Raphailia,
- acknowledging that we are all flawed “works in
progress” Sharing: what are your self care?
- We become what we eat. To live a healthy
3. Mindfulness lifestyle is inexpensive
- focusing on the present moment - Depression can be related to your diet, sleep,
coffee intake
Sharing: what is mindfulness? - Exercise - stimulates immune system and help
- Be mindful of your surroundings, people, their release more chemicals:
emotions - Endorphin - natural pain killer
- Knowing your own triggers, how you cater and - Dopamine
prevent them next time - Serotonin
- Act not react. Act based on intention not intuition
- Grounding yourself into that moment, watching
your thoughts and just letting it pass by. Training SELF-CARE ESSENTIALS
the mind to be still and at peace with the thoughts,
no force, let it all happen 1. Take care of your body
- 4-7-8 breathing technique
- Being able to regulate emotions - Eat healthy
- Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? - Exercise regularly
- Get enough sleep
- Get a warm bath
Breathing Patterns/Techniques - Try mindfulness apps
- Basic self-care will keep your immune system
strong and your emotional reserves full
- Revenge Bedtime Procrastination - describes
the decision to sacrifice sleep for leisure time that
is driven by a daily schedule lacking in free time.
(Valle, 2021)

2. Acknowledge your emotions

- It’s okay to feel fearful, anxious or stressed now.

Discuss your experiences with relatives and
friends or share a laugh. (American Psychological
Association, 2020)

3. Establish a routines

- Get up, go to bed and do your work at the same

time every day.
- Frequent breaks can help you re-engage in your
- Try to create a separate workspace, although you
should reserve your sleeping area for sleeping.

4. Seek out social support

- Get and provide warm, comforting, social support

by phone text or using apps like zoom, messenger
or google meet.
- Social distancing is actually a misnomer, it is
actually physical distancing while we work hard
to stay socially connected.
- Sometimes people open up more things to friends
than families

5. Set Healthy Work Boundaries:

- Put away electronic devices and work tools at the

end of workday
- Set clear hours in the day for work
- Only choose people who can cross the line

6. Limit media consumption

- Being informed is good, but too much news and

social media can add to your anxiety
- Social media detox
7. Focus on the things you can control diminish energy
- Absenteeism - study suggests students with
- Things you have control of: thoughts feelings, chronic health conditions have more absences.
and behaviors Absenteeism, in turn is associated with lower
- While modeling good behavior and staying safe academic achievement (CDC, 2017)
yourself, recognize that you cannot control what
other people do.
- Mindfulness takes time to control and practice, if
there are ruminations about the future and past, Little Reminders💗
understand that they are sometimes hard to
control. - Give yourself some small treats like little
stretches, yoga, playing with cats, reading good
8. Find Ways to Manage Disappointment books
- Don’t be in a hurry. Take your time
- When important events don’t happen, grieve - Sometimes, we are the reason of our suffering
those losses, then reframe how you think about - Listen to your mind, sometimes suppressed
these life events. emotions and trauma may manifest in other forms
- Adjust your thought process, the things we cannot such as physical health problems
change does not automatically mean it should be - Prioritizing yourself doesn’t mean you’re selfish
given up

9. More Gratitude, Less Attitude What happens if you don’t get sleep
- Express thankfulness and appreciation as a (yt video notes)
habit for the both big and small things alike 1. Effects in the brain
- When was the last time you appreciated
somebody or expressed gratitude? - Prevents brain from being able to make new
- The Happiness Project memories
- A researd from 2003 studied 2 groups: (1) - Increase of beta amyloid
counted the blessings and (2) counted the - A toxic protein that is associated with
hassle/hurdle. Result = 1st group had a greater Alzheimer’s disease and dementia
well being - This toxic can only be washed away
- Attitude has a ripple effect, it affects other people through deep sleep at night

2. Effects on the body

MENTAL HEALTH AND LEARNING - Reproductive system:
Mental health influences learning process - Men who sleep 5-6 hrs a night have a
level of testosterone which is that of
- Managing trauma - such as what we experienced someone 10 years their senior
during Covid-19 - affects our ability to be present - Immune system
and learn (Oxford learning, 2021) - 70% reduction of natural killer cells - the
- Data and statistical inferences almost always critical anticancer-fighting immune cells
proved that health has a powerful impact on - High risk of developing forms of cancer
education. Whether it’s physical or mental, the - Cancer of the bowel, prostate,
effect is similar and noteworthy. (John Wick, breast
2021) - WHO classified any form of nighttime
- Students with inadequate sleep spend lazy day at shift work as a probable carcinogen
school - Cardiovascular system
- Sleep deprivation leads to poor concentration and - It is only during deep sleep that we receive
an effective blood pressure medication:
lower heart rate, lower blood pressure
- A sleep of less than 6hrs = 200% increase
risk of fatal heart attack or stroke
- Daylight saving time - during spring,
when people lose an hour of sleep, there’s
a 24% increase in heart attacks the
following day
- Recycle rate of a person: after 16 hours of
wakefulness mental and physiological
deterioration can be seen
- After 19-20 hours your mental capacity it
could be compared to a drunk driver
- 8 hours - time of sleep needed to repair the
damage of wakefulness
- Wakefulness - a low-level brain damage

Benefits of exercise
(notes from the yt video)
Both of these are susceptible to neurodegenerative
diseases and normal cognitive decline in aging.
- Prefrontal Cortex - critical for decision-making,
focus, attention, personality
- Hippocampus - (located deep in Temporal Lobe )
to form and retain new long-term memories for
facts and events


- Better mood, energy, memory, attention

- Immediate increase levels of neurotransmitters:
dopamine, serotonin, noradrenaline
- Improve your ability to shift and focus attention
- Improved reaction times
- @Hippocampus
- Produce brand new brain cells that
increases its volume and improve long-
term memory
- @Prefrontal cortex
- Long term-exercise = improved attention
- More workout => bigger hippocampus and
prefrontal cortex => stronger hippo and prefro =>
it would take long for diseases to have an effect

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