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neet: young people who are not in employment or education or training

shedquaters (shed + headquarters): a home office in the garden
peerents (peer + parents): parents who try to be like their children’s friends
moregeoisie more + bourgeoisie): consumers who strive to acquire more than others
newpeat (new + repeat): a TV episode which is shown again with extra material not
previously included
slurb (slum + repeat): suburban area with very poor housing
glocalisation (local + globalisation): when multinational companies try to respect local
customs and sensitivities
locavores (local + carnivore): people who only eat food which is produced neer to their
peer: people in the same age
slum: the poor part of the city
disorientated: when you don’t know where you are
overawed: too much to choose from
overwhelmed: when you can’t process what happened, so you start panicking
withdrawn: you are too shy to speak
preoccupied: something distracts you from where you have to focus
circumspect: in connection with your surroundings
with hindsight: to understand or realize something about an event after it happened
chromosomes: is a part of a cell in an animal or plant
genetic code: the order in which the nitrogenous bases of DNA are arranged in the molecule
physical traits: material characteristics
to pass on: to give something to someone so that they have that instead of you
supposedly/purportedly: according to what is generally assumed or believed
largely/by and large: mostly but not completely
onwards/forwards: ahead
Thus/thereby: the consequence of something
loosely/vaguely: in a way that is uncertain or unclear
ironically/paradoxically: in a seemingly absurd way
categorically/unambiguously: in a manner that is not open to more than one interpretation,
widely/extensively: in a way that covers or affects a large area
roughly/untidily: when someone does not care about whether things are neat and well
essentially/effectively: in such a manner as to achieve a desired result
resolutely/staunchly: in a very loyal and committed manner
promptly/swiftly: quickly
to originate: have a specified beginning
outlawed: made illegal, banned
legend has it that: according to the legend
opposing: in conflict or competition with someone
the story goes: it is commonly believed
to distinguish: recognize the difference between things
inscription: something written by hand
questionable: doubtful
exploit: make full use of something
to endure: suffer patiently.
plaque: is a flat piece of metal or stone with writing on it
disregard: ignore
attempt: to make an effort to achieve something
rapidly: quickly
on the contrary: something is not true and are going to say that the opposite is true.
iron hoops: a circular band of metal
prior to that: before
retrieve: regain possession of
to evolve: develop gradually
rounders: a ball game similar to baseball
prominent: famously good
patriotic: having or expressing devotion for one's country
commission: command

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