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Due to the nature of sporting activities participants utilizing the sports experience centre and it associated
activities can incur sport related injuries. It is with great concern that we advise the following to help safeguard
individuals from sustaining any injuries however cannot be guaranteed.


It is recommended that participants follow these guidelines to reduce risk of injury:

(1) Have a good night’s rest prior to event

(2) Ensure that a proper healthy breakfast and/or lunch is consumed prior to the event (3) Wear
comfortable clothing (track-pants , polo jersey/T shirt and sneakers/running shoes etc.) (4) Bring along
extra clothing should one desire to have a change of clothes for the post-classroom session (5) Bring along
sun-block and caps for outdoor sessions
(6) Ensure to keep hydrated throughout the day’s activities by consuming sufficient water (7) Inform host
representatives of any existing injuries and/or medical conditions that may prohibit you from participating in
sporting activity.
(8) Do not consume alcohol prior to the event
(9) Be mindful of environment and its potential hazards and take necessary steps to safeguard oneself and
(10)Be mindful of fellow athletes and their competencies
(11)Be mindful of the location and type of equipment to be sure not to endanger oneself and others
(12)Follow the instructions of the coaches at all times
(13)Mutual respect for all colleagues and participants, refraining from use of derogatory terms, swearing etc
(14)Have a safe and enjoyable day !

The sports experience centre and the associated fun-sports activities are designed to create a semi-competitive

Do Have A Safe and Enjoyable Time!

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