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Comprensión de Textos en Ingles

Teacher: Rosa María Caballero Carranza

Kelly Abizai Cisneros Vazquez 2012987
Jesús Abraham Izquierdo Álvarez 1993913
Gerardo Salinas Cuevas 2001045

Abigail García Castillo 2010580

Karla Edith Fernández Estrada 2123431

• Lorenzo Hormisdas Zambrano Treviño was born on March 27, 1944 in Monterrey,
Nuevo León, has parents were Lorenzo Zambrano Hellión and Alejandra Treviño
Madero, it is important to say that Lorenzo Zambrano is an entrepreneur in the
industrial sector, he has completed various careers such as Mechanical Engineering
degree in 1966, he also completed a master's degree at Stanford University. When
he finished his studies he joined the CEMEX company. This character has held
various positions as director of companies but the most important or at least the
most notorious place is having worked at CEMEX, since this company was an
inheritance from his family, since his grandfather is the one who is credited as the
legitimate founder of the CEMEX company, the reason why we say that having worked
in that company was very important for him, is that this company has been a great
source of support and of great use to the economy of Mexico, since this company is
the third largest cement company in the world.
his paternal grandfather,
Lorenzo Hormisdas Zambrano
____________________ He enrolled at the Monterrey
__________________ _________________________
he was appointed as director of
Gutiérrez, founded Cementos
____________________ Institute of Technology
__________________ _________________________
operations of the company. Since
Portland Monterrey (1920), a
____________________ (ITESM), where he graduated
__________________ _________________________
then, he has received numerous awards
small Portland cement with a bachelor's degree in
__________________ _________________________
and recognitions: the Woodrow
producer Mechanical Engineering in
_______________ _________________________
Wilson from the Woodrow Wilson
1966. _________________________
Center for Corporate among others

Zambrano was born on

March 27, 1944, in In 1968 he joined Cemex, and
Monterrey, Nuevo León, into for 17 years he held various
wealthy family made up of executive positions, including
Lorenzo Hormisdas manager of the Torreón and
Zambrano Hellion and Monterrey plants, and director
Alejandrina Treviño Madero. of operations.
He was a member of the board of
directors of IBM, and has also served on
the international advisory board of received several international
__________________ ___________________
He died on May 12, 2014 in
Citigroup International, the Advisory awards and accolades,
__________________ ___________________
Madrid, while on a business
Board of Allianz Companies, and the including the "Woodrow
__________________ ___________________
trip with DR M Veytia of the
boards of directors of Alfa, Banamex, Wilson Award for Corporate
__________________ ___________________
Veytia & Anguiano
Femsa, Empress ICA, Televisa, and Citizenship"
__________________ ___________________
Vitro. _______________ _______________

held the position of
President of the Board of the
____________________ ___________________
Forbes magazine estimated
Tecnológico de Monterrey.
____________________ ___________________
the value of his assets at $1.8
was also a member of the
billion and ranked him 428th
Stanford Graduate School of
____________________ ___________________
among the world's richest
Business Advisory Council.
____________________ ___________________
____________________ _______________
Kelly Abizai Cisneros Vazquez: After conducting this research on the life of Lorenzo Zambrano, I consider that he was born with an innate talent
and the opportunity to execute it was recognized in the business world as a man with values and led Cementos de México to position itself as the
most important company in its sector. In just 15 years he took his grandfather's company to another level, he collaborated with more than 50
countries changing the perception of Mexicans

Gerardo Salinas Cuevas: conclusion, in this work we could see that Lorenzo Zambrano was the architect of the expansion of the most global of all
Mexican companies Cemex, the third largest cement company in the world. For 46 years Lorenzo Zambrano n worked under the banner of one of the
best-known Mexican firms on an international scale, Cementos Mexicanos (Cemex)
He was the most important person in the history of Cemex, something that caught my attention was that he did not have children or get married to be
able to dedicate his life to this company and Thanks to this he managed to place Cemex among the most important companies worldwide
Unfortunately he passed away in 2014 and the company is currently run by Fernando Angel Gonzales Olivieri.

Abigail: In conclusion, Lorenzo Zambrano was one of the businessmen with the greatest impact in the world that Mexico has had, since through business
risks and the implementation of technology for the automation of the plants that CEMEX currently has, he grew to such a degree that he is a reference in
Mexico and the entire world. Lorenzo Zambrano is also the clear example that a last name will not help you in the business world if it is not accompanied
by hard work, CEMEX has been a company that has shown itself to be resilient, intelligent and with broad criteria since it has had the flexibility and
character to develop strong actions that act in the good of the company, taking into account all those factors, political and social, at the time he knew how
to have the vision that it was necessary to expand and buy key companies, Although at the beginning this would mean going into debt to achieve it, taking
risks is important to achieve your goals and if mistakes are made we must learn from them and

KARLA My conclusion about the importance of Lorenzo Zambrano's life in the CEMEX company, Immediately after finishing his professional preparation, Zambrano joined the Mexican company that would become the most representative
and important in its sector. Much can be said about this visionary businessman, however, there is nothing better than the facts: After his leadership, Cemex became the third largest cement company in he world market.

What stays with me a lot from this research is that all y those people who knew him have the same impression of this character. His commanding personality and natural leadership were enviable for any executive of his rank. With an
impeccable image, Zambrano led through his determination, serenity and optimism; he saw his company as a son to be cared for, raised and guided every day.

Zambrano's perception of his collaborators was that of a whole moving in one direction. Teamwork and collaboration among its staff was one of the values that reinforced the company's purpose. Effective communication and readiness were
part of this strategy. One of the strategies that allowed Cemex to consolidate was Lorenzo Zambrano's ability to operate his acquisitions, without losing sight of the fact that he had to study the ups and downs of his business at all times.

After we worked in this activity on a timeline of the most important events in the life of Lorenzo Zambrano, although this person was not the creator of CEMEX, but his grandfather was the founder, this company could be said which
was an inheritance, since he took control of the company.
I can conclude that the character of Lorenzo Zambrano was one of great importance for the CEMEX company, since this person was in charge of the company during a very difficult period, which is the global economic crisis of 2007, in
this period Lorenzo Zambrano managed to move CEMEX forward, positioning it as one of the top three cement companies in the world, and CEMEX managed to enter the US market.
It must be remembered that the CEMEX company is very important for the Mexican economy, since this company has provided thousands of jobs to people who need it, in addition to the fact that this company has put the name of
Mexico on high for the great quality of their products.
Without a doubt, for CEMEX, the fact that Lorenzo Zambrano was in charge has been very good for the company, the economy of Mexico and to the mexicans

• R. (2014, 17 mayo). Lorenzo Zambrano. El economista.

BIBLIOGRAPHIES Recuperado 1 de septiembre de 2022, de

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