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4, Broad, generalized ideas. These can be rapidly grasped, even Check It: Reviews writing for incorrect grammar, spelling (phonetic), capitalization, punctuation, verb tense and more. Audio Maker: Converts selected text into an audio file, and automatically downloads. ‘Talk& Type: Turns the spoken word into text TIPS WHILE READIN Decrease speed when you find the following: . An unfamiliar word not made clear by the sentence. Try to understand it from the way it’s used; then read on and return to it later. . Long and uninvolved sentence and paragraph structure. Slow down enough to enable you to untangle them and get an accurate idea of what the passage says. . Unfamiliar or abstract ideas. Look for applications or examples which will give them meaning. Demand that an idea "make sense.” Never give up until you understand, because it will be that much easier the next time. Find someone to help you if necessary. |. Detailed, technical material. This includes complicated principles, materials on which you have scant background. . Material on which you want detailed retention. The key to memory is organization and recitation, Speed should not be a consideration here. tions, abstract, Increase speed when you find the folk . Simple material with few ideas new to you, Move rapidly over the familiar. .. Unnecessary examples and illustrations. These are included to clarify ideas. If not needed, move over them rapidly. }. Detailed explanation and elaboration which you do not need. scan techniques Skip that material which is not suitable for your purpose. While the author may have thought particular information was relevant, his/her reason for writing was not necessarily the same as your reason for reading. Remember to keep your reading attack flexible. ‘not necessarily the same as your reason for reading. Remember to keep your ‘ading ntact exible, ‘Shit gears rom slstion to slecton. Use low gar when the going step shit {nto high when you get tothe south part. Remember to adjust your ate wai 3 ‘sven acl sccordng to the typeof ad you are rveling ado your purposes ia ‘eaveling it Most important, remember: You must prctice these techniques until Tenibe reading rate becomes socond nature o you ‘THE PIVOTAL WORDS. No words areas help while reading a the prepositions and conjunctions that ‘uid your mind along the pathways othe auto’ ieas. Mase these words and ‘Phrases and you wil almost immeitely become a Bete ear Here's what they fe and what they sy Additive words: "Heres more ofthe same coming wp. I's os important 3s ‘what we have lea sid” Aso futher, moreover, Farthermor, oo, esd, nation “Equlvalen words: I does what Ihave jst a,b des this 0." [As well a atthe same time, similarly, ually important ikewise “Amplification words: I wan to be sur that you understand my idea; so here's speificintce.” Forexample (eg), specifically as for instance, such as ike [Alternative words: "Sometimes tees choice termes there is” Eihevor, other than, neither otherwise ‘epediive words: "sid it ce, bt Fm going tsa it again incase you missed ite iste Ain in ther words, wo repeat, thats Ge) ‘Contrast and Change words: "So far Ve given you only ene side of he story: ‘ow ets tke aloo ate other side ‘But on the contrary, stil conversely on tbe ther and, though, despite, instead ft, however, rater than regres, nevertheless, even hough wheres a ‘pit of notwithstanding ‘Cause and effect words: “Al his has happened: now (sell you why.” Accordingly, since tha, because 50, ths, consequently, hence, therefor, fr thi ‘Qualifying words "Heres what we can expus. These a the conditions we are wring under 1 although, unos, providing, whenever ‘Concession words: "Okay! We agrec o this much” accepting the data, granted that, ofcourse [Emphasizing words Wakeup and take notice!” above all more important, idee ‘Order words: "You keep your ming on reading: Ft keep the pubes straight.” Finally, second, then, ist, nxt, last ‘Time words: "Le’'s Keep thereon stat on who sid what and especially when” Afterwards, mean, now, before, subsoquenty presently, formerly, srevowsy ter ‘Summarizing words: "We've ssid many things so fr Let's stop her and pall them togeter” for hese reason imately. in brie inconcason sum up 34/35

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