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Communications Technolovgy 1
Communications Technology

Lecture No.21: Digital Modulation

Engr. Faisal Iqbal

Date: March 17, 2022

Communications Technolovgy 2
Lecture Outline
Modulation of digital data
What is modulation
Modulation systems
Types of modulation
Why digital modulation?
Information capacity, bits, bit rate, baud, M-ary

Communications Technolovgy 3
Why Do We Need Digital-to-Analog Conversion?

1) The medium/channel is band pass, and/or

2) Multiple users need to share the medium.

Communications Technolovgy 4
Modulation of Digital Data
Modulation –process of converting digital data or a low-pass analog to band-
pass (higher-frequency) analog signal

Digital-to-analog modulation.
Analog-to-analog modulation.

Carrier Signal – aka carrier freq. or modulated signal - high freq.

signal that acts as a basis for the information signal
 information signal is called modulating signal

bandpass channel


Communications Technolovgy 5
Modulation of Digital Data(cont.)
Digital-to-Analog – process of changing one of the characteristic
Modulation of an analog signal (typically a sinewave) based on the
information in a digital signal
 sinewave is defined by 3 characteristics (amplitude, frequency, and
phase)  digital data (binary 0 & 1) can be represented by varying any
of the three
 application: transmission of digital data over telephone wire

Types of Digital-to-Analog

Communications Technolovgy 6
 Modulation = Adding information to a carrier signal
 The sine wave on which the characteristics of the information signal are
modulated is called a carrier signal

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Communications Technolovgy 9
ANALOG MODULATION:If the variation in the
parameter of the carrier is continuous in accordance to
the input analog signal the modulation technique is
termed as analog modulation scheme
 DIGITAL MODULATION:If the variation in the parameter

of the carrier is discrete then it is termed as digital

modulation technique

Communications Technolovgy 10

Communications Technolovgy 11
 In digital modulation , an analog carrier signal is
modulated by a discrete signal

 Digital modulation can be considered as digital- to-analog

and the corresponding demodulation as analog-to-digital

 In digital communications, the modulating wave consists

of binary data and the carrier is sinusoidal wave

Communications Technolovgy 12

Communications Technolovgy 13
Digital Modulation

a. Introduction
b. Information capacity, Bits, Bit Rate, Baud,
M-ary Encoding
c. Digital Modulation Techniques

Communications Technolovgy 14
Introduction :
Analog modulation and digital modulation

Both analog and digital modulation systems use analog

carriers to transport the information signal.
In analog modulation, the information is also analog,
whereas with digital modulation, the information is
digital which could be computer generated data or
digitally encoded analog signals.

Communications Technolovgy 15
Digital modulation

 Is the transmittal of digitally modulated analog signals between two or

more points in a communications system.
 Can be propagated through Earth’s atmosphere and used in wireless
communication system - digital radio.
 Offer several outstanding advantages over traditional analog system.
• Ease of processing
• Ease of multiplexing
• Noise immunity

Communications Technolovgy 16
 Low speed voice band data comm. modems
 High speed data transmission systems
 Digital microwave & satellite comm. systems
 PCS (personal communication systems) telephone

Communications Technolovgy 17
Why digital modulation?
 The modulation of digital signals with analogue carriers allows an
improvement in signal to noise ratio as compared to analogue
modulating schemes.

Communications Technolovgy 18
Important Criteria
1. High spectral efficiency
2. High power efficiency
3. Robust to multipath
4. Low cost and ease of implementation
5. Low carrier-to-co channel interference ratio
6. Low out-of-band radiation

Communications Technolovgy 19
7. Constant or near constant envelop
8. Bandwidth Efficiency
• Ability to accommodate data within a limited bandwidth
• Tradeoff between data rate and pulse width
9. Power Efficiency
• To preserve the fidelity of the digital message at low power levels.
• Can increase noise immunity by increasing signal power

Communications Technolovgy 20
Forms of Digital Modulation

v(t )  V sin( 2ft   )



Communications Technolovgy 21
Forms of Digital Modulation

v(t )  V sin( 2ft   )

 If the amplitude, V of the carrier is varied proportional to the information
signal, a digital modulated signal is called Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK)
 If the frequency, f of the carrier is varied proportional to the information
signal, a digital modulated signal is called Frequency Shift Keying (FSK)

Communications Technolovgy 22
If the phase, θ of the carrier is varied proportional to the
information signal, a digital modulated signal is called
Phase Shift Keying (PSK)

If both the amplitude and the phase, θ of the carrier are
varied proportional to the information signal, a digital
modulated signal is called Quadrature Amplitude
Modulation (QAM)

Communications Technolovgy 23

Communications Technolovgy 24
Block Diagram
Simplified block diagram of a digital
modulation system

Transmitter Receiver

Communications Technolovgy 25
 Precoder performs level conversion & encodes incoming data into group
of bits that modulate an analog carrier.

 Modulated carrier filtered, amplified & transmitted through transmission

medium to Rx.

 In Rx, the incoming signals filtered, amplified & applied to the

demodulator and decoder circuits which extracts the original source
information from modulated carrier.

Communications Technolovgy 26
Information Capacity, Bits,
Bit Rate, Baud, M-ary Encoding

Information capacity, Bits & Bit Rate

– Information capacity is a measure of how much information can be propagated
through a communication system and is a function of bandwidth and
transmission time.
– Represents the number of independent symbols that can be carried through a
system in a given unit of time.
– Basic digital symbol is the binary digit or bit.
– Express the information capacity as a bit rate – the number of bits transmitted
during one second (bps).

Communications Technolovgy 27
Hartley’s Law

I  Bt
I = information capacity (bps)
B = bandwidth (Hz)
t = transmission time (s)

From the equation, Information capacity is a

linear function of bandwidth and transmission
time and directly proportional to both.

Communications Technolovgy 28
Nyquist Sampling Rate

fs is equal or greater than 2fm

fs >= 2fm

fs = minimum Nyquist sample rate (Hz)

fm = maximum analog input frequency (Hz)

Communications Technolovgy 29
For the digital message 1101 1100 1010, sketch the waveform
for the following:
a. ASK
b. FSK
c. PSK
d. QAM

Communications Technolovgy 30

Communications Technolovgy 31

Determine the Nyquist sample rate for a

maximum analog input frequency 7.5 kHz.

fs >= 2fm
fs >= 2(7.5kHz) = 15kHz

Communications Technolovgy 32
M-ary Encoding
 It is often advantageous to encode at a level higher than binary where there
are more then two conditions possible.
 The number of bits necessary to produce a given number of conditions is
expressed mathematically as

N  log 2 M OR M 2 N

Where N = number of bits necessary

M = number of conditions, level or combinations
possible with N bits.
Communications Technolovgy 33
 Each symbol represents n bits, and has M signal states, where M = 2N.
 Example;
A digital signal with four possible conditions (voltage levels, frequencies,
etc) is an M-ary system with number of possible conditions, M=4.

Communications Technolovgy 34
Concept of Signal states

8 possible states

3 Bit ADC

Communications Technolovgy 35

baud 
ts ts
baud = symbol rate (symbol per second)
ts = time of one signaling element or symbol

Communications Technolovgy 36
Bit rate and baud
Bit rate refers to the rate of change of a digital
information signal, which is usually binary. (bps or b/s )
Baud, like bit rate, also a rate of change but it refers to
the rate of change of a signal on transmission medium
after encoding and modulation process.

Communications Technolovgy 37
Minimum BW

• Minimum Bandwidth refers to the minimum bandwidth

necessary to pass M-ary digitally modulated carriers.
– From the Nyquist formulation for channel capacity, fb

f b  B log 2 M
 fb  f
B    
Where fb= channel capacity (bps)
 log 2 M  N
B = minimum Nyquist bandwidth (Hz)
M = number of discrete signal or voltage levels

Where N is the number of bits encoded into each signaling element.

Communications Technolovgy 38
Digital Modulation Techniques
Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK)
Frequency Shift Keying (FSK)
Phase Shift Keying (PSK)
Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM)

Communications Technolovgy 39
 To decide which modulation method should be used , we need to
make considerations of

a) Bandwidth
b) Speed of Modulation
c) Complexity of Hardware

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Any Question?

Communications Technolovgy 41

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