ET-353, Lecture 04 (Types of Communication System)

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Communications Technology 1
Communications Technology

Lecture No.04:Types of Communication System

Engr. Faisal Iqbal


Date: December 02, 2021

Communications Technology 2
Lecture Outline

Types of communication system

Analog communication system
Digital communication system
Hybrid communication system

Communications Technology 3
Types of Communication System
1) Analog communication system
• It is designed to transmit analog information using analog
modulation schemes such as amplitude modulation and angle
2) Digital communication system
• It is designed to transmit digital information using digital
modulation schemes such as PCM, DM, DPCM etc.
3) Hybrid communication system
• It is designed to use digital modulation schemes for
transmitting sampled and quantized value of analog signals.

Communications Technology 4
Communications Technology 5
Electric signal is represented as a change in voltage over time.
The change occurs when the voltage begins at zero and increases
until it peaks. The signal then drops back down its lowest level.
In computer networks, we send information from one computer to
another. This information may be in form of data, voice, pictures
and so on. In order to transmit this information across the
network, it needs to be into electromagnetic signals. Therefore, in
computer networks information flows from one system to another
in the form of signal via transmission media.

Communications Technology 6
This signal can be in analog or digital form.
When a network card transmits data across the network, it sends
out a signal that fluctuates in voltage. The pattern that the signal
makes is called waveform.
The two types of waveform are sine waves and square waves.

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Analog Signal:-
• An analog signal is continuous wave from that changes
smoothly over time.
• Analog signal can have infinite number of values and
varies continuously with time.
• Analog signal is usually represented by sine wave.

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 Each cycle consists of a single arc above the time axis followed
by a single arc below the time axis.
 Example of analog signal is human voice. When we speak, we
use air to transmit an analog signal. Electrical signal from an
audio tape, can also be in analog form.

Basic Characteristics of Amplitude Signal:

1. Amplitude signal refers to the height of the signal.

 It is equal to the vertical distance from a given point on the
waveform to the horizontal axis.
 The maximum amplitude of a sine wave is equal to the highest
value it reaches on the vertical axis.
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 Amplitude is measured in volts, amperes or watts
depending on the type of signal. A volt is used for voltage,
ampere for current and watts for power.

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2. Period:-
 Period refers to the amount of time in which a signal
completes one cycle.
 It is measured in seconds.
 Other units used to measure period are millisecond,
microsecond, nanosecond and picoseconds.
3. Frequency:-
 It refers to the number of wave patterns completed in a
given period of time.
 To be more precise, frequency refers to number of periods in one
second or number of cycles per second.
 Frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz).
Communications Technology 11
 Other units used to express frequency are kilohertz,
megahertz, gigahertz and terahertz.
 Frequency and period are the inverse of each other.
Period is the inverse of frequency and frequency is the
inverse of period.

Communications Technology 12
4. Phase:-
 Phase describes the position of the waveform relative to time
 Phase describes the amount by which the waveform shifts
forward or backward along the time axis.
 It indicates the status of first cycle.
 Phase is measured in degrees or radians.
 A phase shift of 360 degree indicates a shift of a complete
period, a phase shift of 180 degree indicates a shift of half
period and a phase shift of 90 degree indicates a shift of a
quarter of a period.

Communications Technology 13
Advantages of an Analog Signal:
1.Best used for the transmission of Audio and Video.
2.Consumes less bandwidth than digital signals to
3.Carry the same information.
• Analog systems are readily in place around the world.
4.Analog signal is less susceptible to noise.

Communications Technology 14
Digital Signal:-
 A digital signal is a discrete form.
 It can have only a limited number of defined values such as 1
and 0.
 The transmission of a digital signal from one value to other
value is instantaneous.
 Digital signals are represented by square wave.
 In digital signals 1 is represented by having a positive voltage
and 0 is represented by having no voltage or zero voltage.
 All the signals generated by computers and other digital
devices are digital in nature.

Communications Technology 15
Basic Characteristics of Digital Signals:-
1. Bit Interval:- It is the time required to send one single bit.
2. It refers to the number of bit intervals in one second.
Therefore, bit rate is the number of bits sent in one

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 Bit rate is expressed in bits per second (bps).
 Other units used to express it rate are kbps, mbps and gbps.

Communications Technology 17
Advantages of Digital Signals:-

1. Best suited for the transmission of digital data.

2. Digital data can be easily compressed.
3. Digital information can be encrypted.
4. Equipment that uses digital signals is more common
and less expensive.
5. Provides better clarity because all signals must be
either 1s or 0s.

Communications Technology 18
Data (Information) can be analog or digital. The term analog data
refers to information that is continuous; digital data refers to
information that has discrete states. Analog data take on continuous
values. Digital data take on discrete values.

Topics discussed in this section:

Analog and Digital Data Analog and

Digital Signals
Periodic and Nonperiodic Signals
Communications Technology 19
Figure: Comparison of analog and digital signals

Communications Technology 20
In communication systems, we
commonly use periodic analog signals
and nonperiodic digital signals.

Communications Technology 21
Periodic analog signals can be classified as simple or
composite. A simple periodic analog signal, a sine wave, cannot be
decomposed into simpler signals. A composite periodic
analog signal is composed of multiple sine waves.
Topics discussed in this section:

Sine Wave Wavelength

Time and Frequency Domain Composite
Signals Bandwidth

Communications Technology 22
Figure A sine wave

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Figure: Two signals with the same phase and frequency,
but different amplitudes

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Frequency and period are the inverse of each other.

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Figure Two signals with the same amplitude and phase, but different

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Table Units of period and frequency

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The period of a signal is 100 ms. What is its frequency in

First we change 100 ms to seconds, and then we calculate
the frequency from the period (1 Hz = 10−3 kHz).

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Frequency is the rate of change with
respect to time.

Change in a short span of time

means high frequency.

Change over a long span of

time means low frequency.

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If a signal does not change at all, its
frequency is zero.
If a signal changes instantaneously, its
frequency is infinite.

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Figure Three sine waves with the same amplitude and frequency, but
different phases

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A sine wave is offset 1/6 cycle with respect to time 0. What is its
phase in degrees and radians?

We know that 1 complete cycle is 360°. Therefore, 1/6 cycle is

Communications Technology 32
Figure: Wavelength and period

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Figure: The time-domain and frequency-domain plots of a sine wave

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A complete sine wave in the time
domain can be represented by one
single spike in the frequency domain.

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Time and frequency domains

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Time and frequency domains (continued)

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Time and frequency domains (continued)

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The frequency domain is more compact and useful when

we are dealing with more than one sine wave. For
example, Next Figure shows three sine waves, each with
different amplitude and frequency. All can be
represented by three spikes in the frequency domain.

Communications Technology 39
Figure The time domain and frequency domain of three sine

Communications Technology 40
Analog Vs Digital (Advantages and
Digital CS Analog CS

Advantages: Disadvantages:
 Inexpensive  Expensive
Privacy preserved  No privacy preserved
(Data encrypt.)
 Cannot merge different
 Can merge different
 No error correction
 Error correction
Disadvantages: Advantages:
 Larger bandwidth  Smaller bandwidth
 Synchronization problem is  Synchronization problem is
relatively difficult. relatively easier.

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Any Question?

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