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A Strange dream

Yesterday I had the strangest dream ever. I went to bed and

everything was calm. I fell asleep and in a moment I saw my self
in a very dark place ,I could not see anything. I called if
someone could hear me but no one answered. I walked and
walked until I saw a light. I started to run towards the light but
it was getting further and further. So I decided to run faster
until I finally reached the light. Suddenly I saw my self in a
forest with birds singing and dancing. I listened to it, but then in
a moment the forest went into flames. A voice screamed so
loud that I fell down. I stood up finding my self in the dark place
and ran into the light. Again I saw my self in a strange place.
Now I was in a cup filled with coffee. I tried to get out but I
could not. Then I appeared in the dark place again and I went
into the light. Now I am in the forest again but this time a lion
was chasing me . I started to run and run as fast as I can and I
was screaming but without any voice . I kept running and
running then I found myself in a cliff. so I had to choose. Either
I get eaten by the lion or jump into the river . I decided to jump
into the river and swim. Although I know I am a great swimmer,
I could not swim. I tried and tried but it was getting harder and I
could not breath. I eventually woke up gasping for air. I thought
it was just the dream, but I actually was not breathing at all.
This is the first time it ever happened to me and I hope it does
not happen again.

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