CE435 - Technical Report 2 - Template

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Western Institute of Technology

College of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department
Technical Report No. 2 Reaction Paper

“Be minded and prepared; always in position and ready for action”

The sudden shaking of the ground caused by the passage of seismic waves through the Earth’s
crust. These seismic waves are produced when some form of energy stored in the earth’s crust is suddenly
released, usually because of the masses of rocks straining against one another suddenly fracture and slip.
Earthquakes mostly occur often along geologic faults, narrow zones where rock masses move in relation
to one another. The major fault lines of the world are located at the fringes of the huge tectonic plate that
make up the Earth’s crust. These earthquakes are unexpected that could happen at any time. A geological
event like earthquake is no joke, the damages and effects caused by earthquakes are lethal and could take
years to recover emotionally, financially, and economically. Some effects an earthquake can cause are
ground shaking caused by the passage of seismic waves, especially surface waves near the epicenter of
the earthquake are responsible for most damages; Faulting and ground rupture is where the fault zones
move, most structure built across these zones will collapse; Landslide and ground subsidence, avalanche,
landslide, slumps, and rock slides are triggered by the ground shaking and are often more destructive than
the earthquakes; Tsunami are one of the most dangerous effects of an earthquake, these are massive
waves that can cause floods and some cases may reach up to 100 feet in height; earthquakes could also
cause fires, damage to man-made structures and spill of hazardous chemical.

Earthquakes are recorded using a seismographic network. Each seismic station in the network
measures the movement of the ground at that site. There are many different ways to measure different
aspects of an earthquake. The most common measurement of an earthquake’s size is by measuring its
magnitude. The magnitude is the measure of the size of the earthquake source and is the same number no
matter where you are or what the shaking feels like. Another aspect is the intensity, the measure of the
shaking and damage caused by the earthquake; this value changes from location to location.

Since earthquakes could happen any moment that where seismology comes in. The science of
earthquakes and studies the cause and effect from minute pulsation to the most catastrophic natural
phenomenon inside the Earth. Earthquake seismology is the best tool to study the interior of the earth.
When an earthquake or explosion occurs, part of the energy released is as elastic waves that are
transmitted through the earth. The waves are then detected and recorded by seismograms, which measure,
amplify and record the motion of the ground.

Earthquake Engineering is the science of the performance of building structures when subjected
to seismic loading. The collective effort to gather data in relation to seismic happenings, provide a
solution and create or built an environment that is safe in the event of an earthquake.

Structural Engineering provides a huge role in which involves designing and constructing
structure using additional structural evaluations and target retrofit of existing structures can be utilized to
mitigate the risk of human and economic loss from an expected earthquake at a given site due to building
collapse, loss of building contents, or economic downtime.

Civil Engineering is a profession that focuses in designing and executing structural works that
serve the general public such as dams, bridges, canals, or any infrastructure projects. In which has seven
fields such as Structural Engineering, construction Engineering and Management, Geotechnical
Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, and
Material Engineering.

The relationship between Seismology, Earthquake Engineering, Structural Engineering, and Civil
Engineering are earthquake and structures. The economy’s constant growth gives demand to improve the
structures and highways. But one of the problems is an earthquake, an unexpected and dangerous
phenomenon that could occur and cause massive damages. The Structural Engineering which is a field
under Civil Engineering would gather data and information from earthquake engineering and seismologic
studies to design and build structures that could withstand an unexpected earthquake that could happen at
any moment.

Name: Katherine Mae A. Salinas Program & Year: BSCE4-EC1

Signature: Section Code: K4SEC1
Western Institute of Technology
College of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department
Technical Report No. 2 Reaction Paper

The Philippines is one the countries that are highly prone to disaster triggered by natura disasters,
with estimation placing 60% of it’s land area and 74% of its population as exposed to numerous hazards,
including floods, cyclones, droughts, earthquakes, tsunami and landslides. Due to the location of the
country, resting above the pacific ring of fire. Driven by the Pacific’s ocean’s crust diving underneath the
continents, the results are earthquakes and tsunamis striking the Philippines with regularity.

Last August 18, 2020, a 6.6 magnitude earthquake shook the province of Masbate and the
vicinity. The earthquake had an epicenter located 7 kilometers S29° E of Cataingan, Masbate and a depth
of 21 kilometers. As of 4;00 AM, 19 August 2020, 218 aftershocks ranging from M 1.6 to M 4.4 were
recorded, 108 of which were plotted, and five were felt. People were frightened and run outdoors. Heavy
objects and furniture were overturned or toppled. Old or poorly-built structures suffer considerable
damage. Some well-built are slightly damaged. Some cracks may appear on dikes, fishpond, road
surfaces, or concrete hollow block walls. Liquefaction effects in low-lying and landslides in mountains
are observed near the epicenter. The province of Masbate is one of the seismically active regions in the
country because of the presence of active faults that include the Masbate segment of the Philippine Fault,
and potentially active faults that include Uson Fault and the Southern Masbate Fault. There are also
nearby local faults, some of which may be covered by recent deposits, and offshore active faults that
could be sources of minor to strong earthquakes. The DOST-PHIVOLCS operates and maintain a
networks of 104 seismic stations spread across the Philippines. Those data gathered from the seismic
stations are used to determine the location, magnitude and other characteristics of the earthquake
generated. The closest seismic stations to Masbate are the staff-controlled seismic stations in Masbate
City in Masbate, and Roxas City in Capiz; and remote-telemetered seismic stations inCadiz City in
Negros Occidental, Borngon in Eastern Samar, Catarman in Northern Samaar, Ormoc City in Leyte, and
Medellin in Cebu. There are augmented by the Mayon Volcano Observatory, Bulusan Volcano
Observatory, Bulusan Observatory and the Iriga Volcano Station.

Aside from monitoring earthquakes, the DOST-PHIVOLCS also provides other services such as
hazard analyses and assessment. And works hand-in-hand with other government agencies in mitigating
the damaging effects of earthquakes. The Philippine Government, through the National Disaster Risk
Reduction Management Council (NDRRMC) has formulated several memorandums, guidelines, and
protocols that call for a more efficient and effective mitigation of, preparedness for, response to, and
recover from earthquakes and tsunamis disasters. The enhance version of the NDRP for earthquake and
tsunami has been promulgated based from the formal meeting and approval of the NDRRMC on June
2015. The NDRP is a strategic plan that provides general for all the agencies and networks involved in
disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM). It necessitates the Operational Plan at the agency and
regional level, and Tactical or Contingency Plan at the Local Government Units (LGU) to fully enact the
directives and realize it objectives.

The PHIVOLCS FaultFinder is an innovative application that is capable to proximity searches to

actives faults. Anyone could easily download and use the application to determine the location of active
faults near their area, and to measure the shortest distance between an active fault the user’s current
location. The application could also be used to measure the shortest distance between an active fault and a
specific site, which is identifies by a user. While the HazardHunterPh is tool that be used to generate
indicative hazard assessment reports on the user’s specified location. It helpful as reference of property
owners, buyers, land developers, planners, and other stakeholder needing immediate hazard information
and assessment. These applications are really helpful for Civil Engineers, assessing the possible hazards
that they may encounter on their projects is a must. Conducting hazard assessment in the site location is
one of the procedure a Civil Engineer should do. Hazard assessment and mapping provides important
information to help people understand the risks of natural hazards and to help mitigate disasters. These
indicate the extent of expected risk areas, and can be combined with disaster management information
such as evacuation sites, evacuation routes and so forth.

Name: Katherine Mae A. Salinas Program & Year: BSCE4-EC1

Signature: Section Code: K4SEC1
Western Institute of Technology
College of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department
Technical Report No. 2 Reaction Paper

After trying the hazardhunterph on their site, the seismic hazards assessment shows that my
location is safe from ground rupture, earthquake-induced landslide, and tsunami; yet prone to ground
shaking; and least susceptible to liquefaction. The site also shows a volcanic hazard assessment, my
location is safe from lahar, lava flow, pyroclastic the location is outside the permanent danger zone, and
the nearest active volcano is approximately 83.6 km northwest of Kanlaon; yet my location is prone to
ashfall. The site also had Hydro-Meteorological Hazards Assessment and also shows the nearest critical
facilities available.

If I am practicing license engineer, depending on my chosen field of specialization. I can utilize

the information and learnings in my subject Earthquake Engineering in practice profession is by applying
it to the projects that I will be handling. Such as doing hazard assessments mapping on the site to prevent
and lessen the damages and loss due to an unforeseen occurrence of an earthquake.

Name: Katherine Mae A. Salinas Program & Year: BSCE4-EC1

Signature: Section Code: K4SEC1

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