Trapped in A Well

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After his little boy fell into
the cold depths, Brandon Leseberg Brandon Leseberg
(front) with his
leaped in to rescue him. Now sons Louie and
Everett, along with
father and son were both stuck. the neighbors who
helped save him
By Robert Kiener and Louie.

2 reader's digest 10.2022 10.2022 reader's digest 3

As the late afternoon sun beat down on his As he clutched his terrified six-year- “Yes, Everett. Did you get some
old son in the frigid waters, he told help?” Brandon shouted back.
farm in the U.S. midwestern state of Missouri in him, “Your brother is going to have to “No, they’re not coming.”
help us.” Brandon’s heart sank. But he tried
May 2021, Brandon Leseberg finished feeding his Looking up to see Everett peering not to sound scared as he shouted up
cows and decided to call it a day. As they often down at them from the top of the well,
Brandon shouted to the boy. “Everett,
to his son, “That’s okay, honey. But you
have to go back out to the road and get
did, his two sons, Louie, 6, and Everett, 3, had you’re going to have to be a big boy someone to stop. Okay, Everett?”
tagged along with him as he worked in his north and save us. Run to the road and stand
by the mailbox until someone stops.
“Okay, Daddy,” the three-year-old
replied, then turned and dashed back
pasture, and they were also anxious to go home. Tell them we need help. And, Everett, out to the roadside.
stay off the road!” Brandon began thinking of how
On the way back to the house, the Louie screaming. Somehow Brandon Everett did as he was told. he and Louie could possibly survive
boys, rambunctious as always, ran managed to grab onto a pipe that ran But Brandon worried that there through the night if they were not res-
ahead of their father. As Brandon, a down the inside of the well, which would be few cars on the little-traveled cued soon, and what would happen
farmer and cattle producer, stopped to helped slow his descent and keep him road that ran next to the farmland. And to Everett if.… He quickly decided to
close the pasture gate, Louie paused from crushing his son. even if someone did stop, would his shut off these dark thoughts. I have to
at a water spigot atop an old well to Brandon hit the frigid water at the three-year-old son be able to explain be strong for Louie and Everett, he told
quench his thirst. Unknown to the bottom of the well. He popped his what had happened? himself.
Lesebergs, the board covering the well soaked head out and grabbed Louie, Looking up the shaft, B u t w h e n Ev e re t t
opening had, over time, grown brittle. who was panicked, and tried to stay Brandon clutched Louie, didn’t return after an-
When Louie stepped on it, it caved in. afloat in water that was too deep for who was shivering from other long ten minutes,
Brandon had just finished latching either of them to stand in. Knowing the cold water, tighter to Brandon broke down

photo,. previous spread: Tyne Morgan with US Farm Report

the gate when he turned around and they could tread ice-cold water for his chest. And he prayed. for a moment and cried.
saw only his youngest son. only so long, Brandon hoisted Louie Minutes passed like Louie immediately asked
“Where’s Louie?” he shouted to onto his chest as he wedged his own hours as Brandon con- him, “Are you crying,
Everett. legs and back against the well’s narrow tinued to arch and brace THERE WAS Dad?”
Everett, his blue eyes wide with fear,
told him, “He fell in the hole!”
walls for support, his body still partly
his shoulders and strong
legs against the brick
NO TIME TO “No, this is my happy
laugh,” Brandon told his
The 37-year-old immediately real- “All right, Dad, you can pull us out walls. Five minutes. Ten WASTE. son, hugging the boy
ized what had happened. Noooo! he now,” said the child as his father held minutes. There was no THE RISK OF even tighter.
thought. Louie can barely swim! Bran-
don raced over to the well and when he
him tightly.
If only it were that easy. Brandon
sign of Everett. Where is
he? Brandon wondered.
HYPOTHERMIA About 15 minutes after
heard Louie splashing and gurgling far knew there was no way he could climb Are we going to make it? GREW WITH Everett ran to the road
below, he immediately, instinctively, out; 20 meters is a very long way. The Finally, Everett’s face EVERY for the second time,
jumped in.
Plunging feet-first more than 20
pipe that he had grabbed onto dur-
ing his fall was too slippery to be of
appeared up top. His
v o i c e t re mb l i ng, h e
PASSING Christi and Mark McKen-
ney, neighboring farm-
meters down the 60-centimeter-wide any use. There was only one way they shouted, “Daddy, are you SECOND. ers, were driving past
brick-lined well, Brandon could hear could be saved. still down that hole?” the Leseberg farmstead

4 reader's digest 10.2022 10.2022 reader's digest 5

when they noticed the three-year-old waste. Although Athen and the others warmed up.” He sat Louie on his knee It was about 40 minutes after he’d
alone by the side of the road, waving. didn’t know exactly how long Brandon as others carefully unwrapped the jumped into the well to save his son
They pulled over and asked if he was and Louie had been in the well, they tangled wires from his arm. Louie was that Brandon finally emerged, cold
okay. Choking back tears, he told them, were aware that the risk of hypother- shivering and terrified as Eric rushed and wet. Just as his neighbors’ strong
“My daddy’s in a hole.” mia grew with every passing second. him to his pickup, where he bundled arms reached out to grab him he col-
The couple put Everett in their After a call from Mark, Eric Duncan, him in several hoodies and turned the lapsed to the ground, exhausted by his
pickup truck and drove onto the farm, who works on Brandon’s farm, and heater up full blast. ordeal. A minute later, emergency ser-
and the boy pointed them to the well. his friend Jacob McKenney arrived to The neighbors now turned their vices arrived.
Mark immediately dialed emergency help. They tied the end of the rope into attention to Brandon. Although they Other than some nasty scratches,
services, telling the dispatcher, “This a loop and Dan tossed it down the well. could have waited for the emergency Brandon was fine. Louie, though, suf-
is Mark McKenney. I need some help. Brandon put the loop around Louie, rescue team to arrive, they didn't hesi- fered hypothermia, as well as deep
A guy fell in the well and a boy is in the but concerned that the knot holding it tate. Their friend was in trouble—of bruising from the wires that had en-
well.” Meanwhile, Christi called an- in place would come undone, he told course they had to try to get him out. tangled him. He also had a punctured
other neighbor, Dan Athen. the boy to hold on tight. Finally, Bran- But there was a problem. Brandon lung, which doctors told Brandon was
After hearing that Brandon Leseberg don shouted, “Okay, we’re ready!” was a big man, and would likely be too likely a result of the rope around his
was in trouble, 45-year-old Dan swung The neighbors started hauling up heavy to pull out of the well using just chest. Still, he was healthy enough to
into action. The farmer grabbed a Louie but were puzzled by how heavy the rope as they had done with Louie. return to school a week later.
thick 25-meter rope from his barn and the six-year-old was. Dan sensed They decided to use the foundation of While all the rescuers have been
he and his son Ryan, 13, something was wrong. the old windmill that still stood over hailed as heroes, Dan Athen isn’t hav-
sped to Lesebergs’ farm. They gave another hard the well as a hoist to help pull Brandon ing it. “We are just neighbors helping
Once there, the pair tug and suddenly some- up. They tossed down the loop at the neighbors,” he says. “It’s just what we
sprinted to the well. thing seemed to break end of the rope and Brandon tightened do.” He pauses then adds, “If there is
“ B r a n d o n ,” D a n free; after that, the men it around his torso. a hero in this story, it’s three-year-old
shouted down to Bran- easily hoisted Louie After looping their end of the rope Everett. He’s a real lifesaver.”
don, “It’s Dan Athen. up and out of the well. over the old windmill frame, Dan
We’re going to send a When he emerged, they Athen shouted to Brandon, “Can you
rope down to you.” were shocked to see that help pull yourself up by using the well’s
Brandon shouted back,
“Okay, I’ll send Louie up
THE FIVE he had wires wrapped
around his arm. They re-
“Yeah,” he yelled back. “I’m ready to
first.” Athen felt his heart NEIGHBORS alized the “extra weight” go!”
sink; he had no idea that GRABBED was because Louie had Each of the five neighbors grabbed a
little Louie was also in
the well. He imagined
THE ROPE somehow gotten entan-
gled with the well pump
portion of the rope and began pulling.
Brandon helped by gripping the well’s
how he would be feel- TIED AROUND and its wiring. pipe as best he could as he ascended
ing if his son, who was BRANDON But now he was safe. toward the circle of blue sky and sun-
now helping him, had
been trapped in similar
AND BEGAN “ You’re out, buddy!
You’re out!” said Eric.
light at the top of the well.
“Keep it going, Brandon!” the team
circumstances. PULLING. “We’ll get you in the shouted as they hoisted him up. “We
There was no time to pickup and get you got you. Hang on!”

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