Left Out Parts (WInston Churchill)

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During his political career, Churchill managed to implement some acts.

His major act was the

Education Act 1944 which raised the age of the school leavers to 14 (Gov.uk: Sir Winston
Churchill). After the act was implemented, the children went to school for more years and
could acquire more knowledge.
He also had non-political achievements.̎ Churchill was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature
in 1953 for his many published works.̎ (Gov.uk: Sir Winston Churchill) This enables people
to know that although writing was not his main activity, he was talented at creating literary
It must be mentioned that in addition to the achievements, there were some failures as well.
Sir Winston Churchill was forced to resign and he went to fight on the Western front because
of the Gallipoli campaign created by him was disastrous and heavily criticised. (Gov.uk: Sir
Winston Churchill). Churchill also made Britain re-join the Gold Standard which was a
controversial decision (Gov.uk: Sir Winston Churchill), because it made the export of British
goods more expensive and less competitive. This, in turn, had a negative impact on the
British economy.
He had the opportunity to acquire an education that had good quality, although it must be
mentioned that education with good quality is not correlated with having positive grades.
Churchill became insterested in militarism at an early age and joined the Royal Cavalry in
1895 (Gov.uk: Sir Winston Churchill). He became a soldier and had many possibilities to
travel as he was serving the country.
Sir Winston Churchill was not always a member of the Conservative Party and he changed
his party affiliation twice. ̎Churchill was elected as Conservative MP for Oldham in 1900,
before defecting to the Liberal Party in 1904 and spending the next decade climbing the ranks
of the Liberal government.̎ (Gov.uk: Sir Winston Churchill)

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