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French adjectives list a- z pdf

French adjectives list a-z.

Hence, a puppy is ‘un chiot’ and a kitten is ‘un chaton’. The cooked bird that you eat is called ‘le poulet’. In English, the word serpent is synonymous for snake. One last note on forest animals. On this page you’ll learn the names for more than one hundred animals in French. alligator un alligatorcrocodile une crocodilefrog une grenouillelizard un
lézardsnake un serpanttoad un crapaudturtle une tortue The following list also contains some creatures which are not necessarily insects are able to be included in this category. Both are masculine. There are several words for moose. The same goes for cats. The word for moth is ‘un papillon de nuit’, which translates to ‘a butterfly of [the] night’. bat
un chauve-sourisbear un oursbeaver un castordeer un cerffox un renardhare un lièvremouse un sourisowl une chouetteracoon un raton laveurrat un ratsquirrel un écureuilwolf un loup French vocabulary for fish and sea animals tends to be a bit difficult as the words are significantly different from English. However, it is ‘un gorille’. 100 French animal
names. billy goat un boucboar un anglierbull un taureauchicken, hen une poulecown une vachedonkey un âneduck un canardewe une brebisfemale pig une truiegoat une chèvrehorse un chevallamb un agneaumare une jumentox un bœufpig un cochonpony un poneyrabbit un lapinram un bélierrooster un coqsheep un moutonturkey une dinde The
words for big game can cause a bit of confusion. The big exception is the word for monkey: ‘un singe’. The word for haddock is very different: ‘l’aiglefin’. A male cat is ‘un chat’ and a femle cat is ‘une chatte. When talking about the living animal, a rooster is ‘un coq’ and a female chicken is ‘une poule’. Pets When talking about dogs and cats it is
necessary to get the gender correct. A male dog is ‘un chien’ and a female dog is ‘une chienne’. We’ve broken this vocabulary list down into the following categories: Pets, farm animals, forest animals, sea animals, reptiles and insects. The living animal is called ‘un cochon’ (or ‘une cochonne’ in the feminine form) and the meat is called ‘le port. The
word for owl is, ‘une chouette’. Interestingly, for the word for bear, ‘un ours’, both the -r and the -s are pronounced. There is one big exception: ‘une crabe’ means a crab. The words for kangouroo and orangutan come from other languages and are thus masculine: un kangourou and orangutan. camel un chameaucheetah un guépardelephant un
éléphantgiant panda un grand pandagiraffe une girafehippopotamus un hippopotamejaguar un jaguarkangaroo un kangouroulion un lionmonkey un singeorangutan un orang-outangpanda un pandapanther une panthèrepolar bear un ours polairerhinoceros un rhinocérostiger un tigrezebra un zèbre Reptile words are almost all based on their Latin
names and thus very similar to their English equivalents. Three kids of fish that are commonly eaten have words that are close to English: ‘le thon’ (tuna), ‘le saumon’ (salmon) and ‘la truite’ (trout). Interestingly, there is no specific word for moth. There are also different words for a living pig and and pork meat. Interesting, there is no gender for
puppies and kittens. The word for butterfly is ‘un papillon’. bird un oiseaucat un chatdog un chiengold fish un poisson rougehamster un hamsterkitten un chatonparakeet une perruchepuppy un chiot For farm animals, the word for chicken can cause a bit of confusion. The word for gorilla is interesting in that with an -ille spelling, one would think that
it is feminine. For deer, a male deer is ‘un cerf’ and a female deer is ‘une biche’. Interesting, ‘C’est chouette!’ means ‘it’s nice!’ or ‘it’s neat!’. In Europe a moose is ‘un elan’ while a moose is ‘un original’ in Canada. ant une fourmibee une abeillebutterfly un papilloncaterpillar une chenillecockroach un cafardcricket un cricketdragonfly une libelluleflee
une pucefly une moucheladybug une coccinellemosquito un moustiquemoth un papillon de nuitspider une araignéeworm un ver Let’s review the French animals names! Download PDF Lesson Related lessons: Conversation starter about petsEquestrian termsDog Breeds Discover more: Sign Up For A FREE Trial French Lesson On Skype And Get
Instant Access To My French Pronunciation Crash Course. The biggest exception is the word for toad: ‘un crapaud’. The French word for snake is ‘un serpant’. catfish un poisson-chatcrab un crabedolphin un dauphineel une anguillefish un poissonjellyfish une méduselamprey une lamproielobster un homardmanatee un lamantinmussel une
mouleoctopus une pieuvreorca un orqueoyster une huîtrepenguin un manchotpike un brochetsalmon un saumonsardine une sardinesea lion un lion de merseal une phoqueshark un requinshellfish un coquillagestingray une pastenaguetrout une truitewalrus un morsewhale une baleine Words for the following list of zoo animals tend to be quite easy as
they’re very similar to English.
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